Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1365 One Ice Melts Three Harmonies

"What gave you the illusion that we couldn't handle this situation?"

The reality is different from what Long thought. In his opinion, almost all the existing powers of the beasts have appeared on the battlefield. A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Even Garp, who has been frozen for a long time, will be released. Cause some trouble to the beasts.

At this time, his proposal should be reasonable. He is not here to cause trouble. He just wants to snatch two people away from the prison. In terms of combat power calculation, Baishou has lost nothing.

But Shaina rejected his suggestion without much thought.

"You may not understand what I mean."

"You didn't understand what I meant. This is our territory, and our mission is to guard this place. No matter whether they are prisoners or anything else, only dead people can leave this country.

I don’t directly regard intruders like you as enemies. This is already a special situation during wartime. While you have done nothing now, if you leave, I can treat you as a passerby. Otherwise, you and the Monchi family will stay here together. alright.

After tonight, there will be many empty rooms here. "

The beasts don't care about the Straw Hats. According to the agreement between Red Hair and Kaido, after a certain period of time, the Straw Hats still insist on their own ideas, then it's time to package them up and give them to Red Hair. The people who want to get them based on their connections are still A lot of.

But it doesn't matter, the beasts can choose to let the person go, but others can't come and snatch the person, otherwise the nature of the matter will change.

Just now, Long was helping Shaina attack Sartan, so she said a few more words, otherwise Long would have been marked as an enemy now.

Things had gotten bad, but the situation was actually worse than Long thought.

"Monkey D. Long, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, you are also a person who undermines the stability of the world. From the Volunteer Army to the Revolutionary Army, you have touched the bottom line of the world government, and you are also a target that must be eliminated."

Seeing the dragon appearing here, Sartan's eyes also glowed fiercely, and a pressure suddenly fell on the dragon.


There seemed to be more people with silence skills on this occasion. After Quinn was silenced, Long also felt that his thinking was beginning to fail to keep up with the times.

The World Government does not like him. He has known this for a long time. From the day he became the leader of the revolutionary army, he and the World Government have been hostile. However, the beasts have no intention of making a deal with him and have already turned him Half of them were thrown into hostilities.

It was obvious that the two sides wanted to gain some benefits while the war was going on, but it turned out to be a situation where both sides were unhappy.

The only good news is that he doesn't have to worry about the Beast Association and the World Government joining forces to kill him first, because there is an irreconcilable feud between the Lunaria tribe and the World Government.

At the moment when Sartan's evil eye's ability turned to the dragon, the Red Lock also changed from a spear to a chain gun mode and flew towards Sartan.


Sartan stabbed down with both hands holding the crutch, and the crutch in his hand pierced the ground. He said that the dragon had to be dealt with, but Sartan was not impatient. Garp on the side had just released it, and in front of him Killing his son in front of him could easily force Garp to jump right into his arms.

This kind of thing is not in the interests of Satan, and in the eyes of the five old stars who now have comparisons, the revolutionary army is at most a scabies disease. Although they have set off so-called revolutions in various countries, the revolutionary army is not as exaggerated as the beasts. of force.

The two Five Old Stars dispatched at the same time but did not immediately capture the relatively empty Wano Country. If Wano Country's military strength was sound,

Thinking of this situation, the threat of the dragon began to decrease. After all, the most feared thing in everything was contrast.

Sartan turned his head and dodged the flying chain gun, and even stretched out his arm towards the chain.

"The temptation should end. If it continues like this, dawn will come."

The power displayed by the Red Lock is that Satan has also developed a kind of greed, which can be extended and changed at will. Based on this, it is a rare treasure, not to mention that it is also surprisingly tough.

However, Shaina had no intention of retracting or controlling the Red Lock to avoid it, and instead allowed Sartan to grab it.

Just when Sartan thought that the wrestling was about to begin, a strange force surged out from the Red Chain. The cold chain became extremely hot at this moment, attacking Sartan's limbs like a red-hot iron.

Sartan instinctively wanted to let go, but found that he could not do it at all. The power on the chain seemed to have irresistible gravity and had locked his arm on it.

“Greed has to pay a price, you people have never learned your lesson.

Your dirty blood is not worthy of touching it. "


Sartan crossed his arm with one hand, and the arm that was holding the Red Lock just now was separated from his body in an instant. Although Sartan's arm can still regenerate, the bare sleeves said everything.

Watching his broken arm turn into ashes, Sartan realized that this mysterious weapon held a huge secret that far exceeded his knowledge. Kaido went out to fight, and 80% of his cadres went out with the army, but this is the country of Wano, It still caused him trouble.

"Do you really think so? Facts have proved that the destruction of your clan is inevitable. You who are sitting on the treasure land without knowing it have no idea how much you have missed."

Since just now, Sartan has not moved his position. The spider legs under Sartan are now deeply pierced into the ground, as if he has been sensing something.

The Five Old Stars came here with another goal. While subverting the beasts behind them, they could directly dig out Pluto who was buried deep in the country of Wano. In the past few years, they felt that everything was under their control. It's also a good thing that threatening weapons remain sealed.

The World Government has an absolute advantage in combat power. The World Government can control the sea with or without Pluto.

Later, the country of Wano became Kaido's territory, and they couldn't take action by force. If Kaido took control of Pluto in the process, it would bring trouble to themselves.

Now, the situation has changed again, and the world government needs a more powerful force to fill its vacancies.

Hundreds of beasts went out in large numbers, and this was an opportunity in their eyes.

"Treasure land? Are you referring to the so-called ancient weapons? We don't dig them out, just because a stable base camp will be more profitable for us. If you want to rely on that thing to turn the tide of the war, you are just wishful thinking."

Shaina looked up at the sky, where a bright ice flower was blooming in the sky.

Satan is stalling for time, and Scheina is stalling for time too, but they are waiting for different things. This ice flower not only means that the follow-up forces are ready, but also means that people around the quarry should evacuate. , now has reached a safe location.

At the same time, outside the Rabbit Bowl, Regice, who had been dormant for a long time and had been acting as a mobile air conditioner and biological refrigerator, had woken up.

With the quarry as the center and connected to Regice, a no-man's land was formed. In this area, all the forces belonging to the beasts had evacuated.

Then the towering ice wall began to continue to rise, surrounding everything inside.

It is never an enemy that restricts the beasts in Wano, but their own people. Only when the place is vacated can they truly let go.

Giratina was in the open world, and other than him, no one else could accurately target everyone, otherwise it would be much easier to move the battlefield.

It was at this time that Regice shot his own signal into the sky.

Behind Regice, the slow-starting Regichicas also completed his warm-up and was looking at Regice's situation.

[It seems that there is no need for me to take action. The humans who follow Him have done quite well and have not lost His face. 】

The differences in race also bring about completely different ideas. In the eyes of Sartan and Maz, after they have reached this level, it is impossible for the beasts to hide any more combat power. The only reason why they have not appeared yet is Absent or caught up in something else.

Even Yamato, the successor, has come to the most dangerous battlefield, and the remaining combat power is probably planning something more dangerous.

The impact of this incident on them may be very terrifying, but they do not have time to think about this unknown problem. Taking the opportunity to complete the matter in front of them is the top priority.

But the truth is that they were only half right.

As the God-level Pokémon with the lowest favorability towards humans, he is unwilling to do anything unless he has no choice or a direct order from Arceus.

The impact of the incident was basically controlled within the confines of the prison, so Regichkas did not take action directly, but took precautions before it happened.

Before Sartain understood what the signal flare meant, he felt the temperature in the quarry drop instantly, and a wave of white frost was spreading around Yamato.

"Have you finally withdrawn? I won't be polite about what happens after that, the eternally frozen prison!"

The Rabbit Bowl Quarry was split into two in an instant, and a cover made of ice covered most of the quarry. Garp, Long, and Maz were all locked in by this nearly transparent cover.

As the ice sheet formed, temperatures in Rabbit Bowl began to plummet.

Some of the navy prisoners, as well as people with ordinary physiques like Nami and Usopp, were frozen by the cold wave in an instant, and then turned into ice sculptures like Garp before.

Even Von Clay was shivering because of the low temperature, and Franky felt that the gears in his body were stiffening.

"Fu Frankie is gentle and fire~, damn it, isn't there any Coke here?! Hehe, help me, can you find some Coke for the Lun family!"

Franky tried to light a fire to keep warm, but the effect was average. Although energy sources other than Coke could drive his body, the effect was far inferior.

The cold wave has not stopped, and if you look at it from a high altitude, you can see that most of the Rabbit Bowl has turned white.

"Mhahaha, have you finally used it? It seems that our eldest lady is finally going to take action without reservation!"

Quinn kept exhaling white air from his mouth. The hot air in his body would condense due to the extreme cold the moment he exhaled. At this low temperature, breathing even brought a sense of pain.

Quinn is very familiar with this move. This is Yamato's new understanding in the past few months. The seemingly transparent ice shield is actually released from her original power. As long as she can still fight, this ice shield cannot be broken. .

As for why Quinn knew so clearly

Because one of the purposes of the birth of this move is to make Quinn have no way to escape and be beaten honestly, many things will break away from his essence after birth and derive other uses.

For example, some drugs used to treat heart disease have been developed for other uses.

Items can be like this, and moves are no exception. The use of this ice shield to shut down Quinn is really a bit of a fuss. The original intention of its development was not because of Quinn, but because Yamato hoped to avoid accidentally injuring other things when attacking Kaido.

It's just that she can't hold back when launching a move of this level. After all, if she holds back, the strength won't be enough. If she doesn't clear out her own people first, she will achieve the title of Friendly Killer first.

In a sense, the development can be considered a success. After all, after cleaning up the things that can be accidentally damaged, there will be nothing that can be accidentally damaged.

By enveloping the three opponents in his own fighting space, Yamato's purpose is self-evident.

Although the responsibility for guarding the rear is distributed, Shaina, Metagross, and Robin are responsible for the brains, and Pokémon such as Regichkas serve as backup to prevent accidents, but Yamato is the first person responsible due to his identity.

Whenever something goes wrong in the Land of Wano, it's like giving Kaido a ready-made excuse. If she had any anger points, she, like Quinn, would have already filled them up.

If these three people are all in their prime, then Yamato may feel a little distressed. In that case, she may suffer a little.

But it's just a bit of suffering. When the extreme situation is reached, it's time for Zekrom and Reshiram to take action. It's just that Yamato doesn't want to see that kind of situation.

Once it was Zekrom and Reshiram's turn to take action, the essence of the incident would be no different from failure.

However, she faced Garp, who was in a weak state, and Long, who had been on his way. Except for Maz, who was in good condition, the remaining two people had a weak buff on them.

She dared to try it even during her three peak years, let alone now.

"Arrogant junior, what gave you the courage to do such a thing?!"

What Yamato did made Maz shocked and angry. The beasts had no intention of treating the dragon as an ally. From this point of view, she clearly wanted to do 1v3. Except for Quinn, people who are strong enough generally have their own dignity.

In the eyes of the Celestial Dragons who value face very much, this behavior is simply the ultimate insult.

"1V3? Who told you it was 1v3? This is 3v3!"

Zekrom, Reshiram, and Kyurem, these are three parts of the same power. Yamato failed to completely integrate them, but he found new uses for the separate powers.

With ice as the body, two ice clones exactly like Yamato appeared next to Yamato, and even Takeru got a 1:1 replica.

Then two forces, one black and one white, emerged from Yamato's body and were continuously injected into the ice clone beside him.

Not long after, Kuro Yamato, whose fingertips were surrounded by lightning, and Shiro Yamato, whose eyes were filled with flames, appeared next to Yamato.

"Come on, sisters, I'll leave those two people to you. Since they want to end it all before dawn, we'll let it stop before dawn!"

Yamato continued to fight Maz, Black Yamato approached Dragon, and White Yamato faced Garp. The slight disadvantage in numbers had been completely eliminated at this moment.

There was a little accident that caused the number of words to be reversed.

According to the theory of "There are so many tomorrows, wait for me to fill it in tomorrow!" 3k

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