Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1372 Outside the prison is your hell


Of course Kawamatsu knew what Kozuki Hiyori wanted to end, but he did not have the ability to stop the other party. At this time, Hiyori had even summoned the Hiyori Royal Court Fans to prepare to maintain the security of Wano Country. Reason to deal with something.

Yan Mo still lent it to Jin, but Tian Yu Yu Zhan still stayed here with Kozuki Hiyori. At this time, she was standing by the window holding Tian Yu Yu Zhan, looking at the direction of the rabbit bowl with complicated eyes.

"Kawamatsu, where is Kiku no Cheng?"

"Xiaoju, he was called away by Miss Drake before. I don't know what he is doing."

"That's it, Hesong, I won't embarrass you, but don't embarrass me either. You understand what I mean, right?"

Without waiting for Kawamatsu to answer, Kozuki Hiyori had already walked towards the outside world, and figures one after another emerged from the shadows, following Kozuki Hiyori's pace. In the end, Kawamatsu let out a long sigh, and finally Followed.

The ordinary people who received the news later began to rush to the Rabbit Bowl area, and the people from the Hundred Beasts had naturally been guarding there for a long time.

On the west side of Rabbit Bowl, close to Jiuli, a hole opened in the sky, and Diancie flew out, followed closely by Manderfish.

After the defense change, the NO.1 stayed on Onigashima to take charge of the placement of the families of the Beast Fighters.

Now that they are hiding well in the reverse world, Manderfesh does not need to waste energy on them, and turns around to join the suppression work outside.

There were quite a few prisoners escaping from Tuwan this time, and it would take some effort to suppress them all.

"Your Excellency Manderfish, the passage has been prepared, you can come out.

In addition, children, please don't poke your head in the air, this is not your war. "

Seeing Meowna and Wolf jumping behind Manderfesh, Diancie raised a diamond barrier and pushed them all back, leaving only Manderfesh alone.

The door closed quickly. For those who did not have the ability to open the door, the reverse world was a mysterious world isolated from the outside world. However, in the reverse world at this time, Wolf felt as if he had seen something familiar.

"Miauna, did you see it just now, Mr. Refrigerator?"

"I think I saw it. Didn't dad say that it likes to sleep in the backyard, and it even woke up?"

Because of his living habits, Regice received such a special title, and now Mr. Refrigerator is showing off his power.

The pyramid-like arms continuously released beams of light that could freeze everything around, and ice walls rose from the ground, forming indestructible ice walls in the blink of an eye, but this ice wall left some gaps.

This is its own territory. Regice cannot freeze it without scruples like it did on Judiciary Island. Regice needs to minimize the impact of unexpected factors to avoid turning the rabbit bowl into year-round frozen soil.

The vacancy left is to hope that the prisoners can escape here, which can reduce some of the pressure of follow-up actions.

Near the gap in the ice gate, Manderfish looked at the list and shook his head: There are many people who have escaped, and there are some troublesome guys here. It seems that they need to cheer up and let these guys really run out. Wano will also be affected. "

The people of Hundred Beasts still know what level each of the prisoners in Rabbit Bowl is, and their details are recorded in Rotom's system.

Whether they are prisoners of permanent mining or people Kaido wants to recruit, they all have some abilities.

Although it does not threaten cadres, it will affect the quality of life of ordinary people, even if the reward is only a few million for pirates.

Their strength can only serve as cannon fodder in the new world, but ordinary people who have lived in peace for a long time do not have the ruthlessness they have developed in fighting.

Subtracting those who were killed in the aftermath, and excluding the prisoners that Babanuki and the others had captured, there were still a large number of people left.

Especially since Manderfesh was alone at this time, with only Diancie and two against N beside him, the enemy had a huge numerical advantage.

Of course, numbers are often useless.

There seemed to be a large number of these escaped prisoners, but most of them could be killed by Manderfish in an instant. If the terrain was suitable, Manderfish and Dianxi could work together to take down all the prisoners.

"I'll leave this door to you. I'll go inside and deal with it. I'll try to get rid of all the troublesome people. When the large forces start cleaning up, I can just arrest the people."

"Your Majesty Manderfish, you are free to do as you like. I am also a member of the Lord's creation. Just because I don't like fighting doesn't mean I can't fight. No enemy can pass through the door behind me alive."

In order to end the turmoil as soon as possible and accumulate merits, Manderfish decided to "go deep alone". With Diancie, he would not have to worry about whether anyone would escape behind him.

Gyarados' scales gradually attached to its body, and Manderfish rushed inside.

But at this time, the public billboard that was originally built in the Rabbit Bowl area cut into a new picture, and the childish face of the royalist appeared in it.

"Ahem, hello to all escaped prisoners, I am the royal emperor and the secretary of Governor Kaido. I will give you an ultimatum below.

Please seize the time to tie your hands and surrender to our nearby members. This is the only way you can save your lives."



A piece of gravel flew and the screen was smashed to pieces.

"We have all escaped, who will be captured without mercy, don't you think so, Kira?"

There are many factories in Rabbit Bowl. At this time, Kidd has used various iron tools from the factory to re-make prosthetic limbs. Facing the royalist's speech to persuade him to surrender, Kidd looked very disdainful.

"That's right. I didn't expect the opportunity to escape from prison would be so good. Those people from the World Government helped us a lot."

Kira arranged the weapons in his hands, and other members of the Kidd Pirates also echoed Kidd's words.

"Let's go, kids, grab a boat and leave here, let's continue our voyage, it's just an ice wall, how can it stop us!

Kaido will come back sooner or later! "

After saying harsh words, Kidd led his little brother towards the port, but they did not realize that they had already become prey.

Waye, who was holding a three-pronged fork as a weapon, suddenly felt something was hung up on his face. He stretched out his hand to grab it and found a few sticky spider threads. Behind them, a mature female voice also sounded.

Maria appeared at the side carrying a long-handled weapon like a steering wheel. Judging from the trajectory of the spider silk, she had been waiting here for a long time.

"The opportunity has been given to you, do you really not want to seize it?"

"Magnetic String!"

Metal products are indispensable in the process of modernization. The nearby debris was attracted to Kidd's arm by his ability, turning into a huge mechanical hand and slapping it behind him.

However, this seemingly majestic blow was blocked in the air by countless spider threads.

"Unfortunately, wrong choice."


There was a faint sound of electric current, and the next moment, the exciting electric current spread all around along the spider silk. Along with the sizzling sound of electric current and the dazzling electric light, the originally almost transparent spider silk also appeared in front of everyone.


Vale, who had just hit the spider silk, let out a scream, but it lasted only a short time.

The super strong electric current cut off his life in a very short period of time. In just a few moments, the originally large living person turned into a pitch-black scum, with only the charred traces on the ground as proof of his existence.


Seeing his men die before his eyes, Kidd's eyes widened, and then he stared forward with bloodshot eyes.

"You bastard woman. I want you to pay the price!! Magnetic Demon!"

Click, click, click

The metal objects continued to condense, and finally formed a huge scrap metal robot. Looking at Maria below, Kidd's eyes were full of anger.

"Magnetic vise!"

Two huge metal fists hit Maria from both sides. While punching, a strong magnetic force was generated between the metal fists. Kidd used the magnetism, metal weight and his own strength to attack Maria at the same time.


The invisible barrier was propped up, and Kidd punched the barrier with great force, but failed to cause any harm to Maria.

Kidd could even see Maria lighting her pipe calmly, completely ignoring him.

"Fire Strike!"

"Decapitation whirlwind!"

Hit, who looked like a zombie, opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of flames. Kira also waved the scythe in his hand and slashed at Maria's neck. But as Maria's fingers tightened, more spider threads rose out of thin air. .

Kira's blade was tangled in spider silk, and then pulled by Maria to block Hit's flames, directly tangled the two of them together.

"The internet is hot."

It was not the ability of the electric spider, but the ability of the original fruit. The flames swept up along the spider web, and Hit and Kira were immediately included in the attack range.

"Kira! Hit! Magnetic Spike Spear! What have you done, you bastard woman?!"

Countless metal weapons were fired in Maria's direction, but they were all blocked by spider webs like flying insects.

"It's so strange. You have been given the opportunity, but you chose to resist, but after the resistance failed, you said bad words to others. The little girl doesn't understand your stupid thinking."

While the spider web blocked Kidd's attack, Maria swung her fist and hit Kidd in the face, knocking the huge magnetic demon away with it.

"Who the hell are you?!"

Due to different living habits, Maria rarely appeared in the outside world and mostly stayed in Wano Country. This resulted in her reputation not being as great as Sasaki and the others who were ranked lower.

But this does not mean that her strength is not good enough.

"The little girl is not talented. Her name is Maria. She has been practicing with the goal of becoming the woman of Governor Kaido. She is just a bride-to-be."

"What a mess. After all, you are also a subordinate of that bastard Kaido, right? You guys run away first, and I will catch up after a while!"

Kidd stood up again and gave the order to retreat to his men, but he didn't notice that Maria's expression had visibly lost her smile.

She did not stop the others from escaping, but instead acquiesced to it all. But just when Kidd was about to continue fighting, she did something unexpected.

"Maria Web of Hell."

The lower body transformed into the form of a spider, with each spider leg resting on a strand of spider web. With the flash of light coming from the legs, all members of the Kidd Pirates who were trying to escape were immediately bathed in Maria's lightning.

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