Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1373 With your IQ, it’s normal that you can’t understand me.

Many members of the Hundred Beasts have obsessions, and this obsession is probably related to Kaido.

Yamato is obsessed with beating up Kaido, Jack wants to be Kaido's true right-hand man, and Maria simply wants to be Kaido's woman. After all, Kaido is the idol of most members of the Beasts Pirates.

From a certain point of view, Kaido is very simple and doesn't care about things like birth and blood. He only cares about whether a person is strong enough.

This resulted in Yamato and the others working in the same direction - becoming stronger, although they had different goals.

The age gap between the new generations of beasts is still quite large. Ulti and Peggywan came late and are young. With the same efforts, even if they work very hard, it will be difficult to catch up with those in front of them who work equally hard.

Only after the person in front gradually reaches his upper limit can the gap between the two sides be shortened.

Yamato already has enough strength to protect one side on his own, Jack has been promoted to disaster through training in battle, and Maria, even if she is not as good as the two of them, is not too embarrassed and still catches up to the forefront.

The feathery fabric behind her was fluttering in the wind, and on her back, the dark N0.2 was very conspicuous.

"There are still a few strong ones. It seems that you also gained something in the Rabbit Bowl."

Maria licked her lips and took the weapon behind her in her hand. In the original timeline, the front of her weapon had an esper who ate the pug artificial fruit, so that weird human-faced weapon appeared. .

In today's world where inferior fruits are being eliminated, Maria's weapons are not that weird, they are just ordinary blunt weapons. This is also a special style of painting among the beasts.

Strong men who use blunt weapons are no less powerful than those who use sharp weapons.

"You bastard woman, what have you done to my companions?!"

"Isn't it obvious? Of course they are executing the escapees. You have missed your last chance. Not only them, but you who are full of vulgar words will also end up with the same fate.

Do you need me to explain the meaning of this word to you? After all, you can only curse with the word "asshole", so it must be difficult for you to understand what I am saying. "

Maria's level of sarcasm is much higher than that of Yamato and Jack. At least she doesn't need to rely on an external brain to help her analyze opinions. Likewise, her grades in cultural classes are also the highest.

They were one of the few students who didn't give Quinn a headache when he first started taking the class.

"What stupid things are you talking about, you idiot spider woman? I won't let you continue to attack my companions. You want to kill me. Let's see if you can afford the price!"

Kidd would definitely not agree with the enemy's ridicule, but in his subconscious, he seemed to want to prove that his cultural level was not that low, so he changed his vocabulary.

"Haha, you are really a tough-talking man, but the more I look at you, the more annoying you become."

"What a coincidence, so do I, Magnetic Bull!"

Kidd clapped his hands, and the metal weapons gathered together to form the shape of several bulls, and they rushed towards Maria. However, before these metal bulls even came to Maria, they lost their momentum and stopped. in mid-air.

Countless threads wrapped around the metal bull, consuming all their kinetic energy during the pulling.

"Spider silk. When is it?"

"You seem to have forgotten one thing. This is our territory, and this is one of the main channels for escaping to the outside world. I am waiting for you, so isn't it reasonable for me to set up defenses here?"

Looking at the spider threads on Maria's lower body, Kidd seemed to realize something, and quickly gave instructions to his few remaining crew members:

"You guys, be careful of the spider silk under your feet! This woman's spider silk can discharge electricity!"

"Got it, Captain Kidd!"

The initial discharge had already killed most of the people. With the previous lessons learned, these people became cautious after standing up, and even swung the wooden sticks they had just obtained forward, as if they wanted to interrupt those people. Spider silk.

"He is really a good captain who cares about his subordinates~ Unfortunately, this is of no use at all."

"What do you mean?!"

"Why do you think you will be electrocuted only if you touch the spider silk? Only spiders can be safe within the spider web."

Maria didn't explain anything to Kidd. Although his remaining men were cautious, disaster befell them as they entered an area.

As they took their first steps on the land, electricity struck their bodies.


"Captain Kidd,!"

The sound of electric current sounded one after another, and Kidd's remaining men fell down one by one. However, during this process, Maria stood motionless, as if all this had nothing to do with her.

"Hey, it's so pitiful. There is only one of your subordinates left now. It seems that being too strong is not a good thing. This will make their death more painful."

Only Kira and Kid are left in the Kidd Pirates, and all the rest of their men died under Maria's current. The only difference is that some people can survive the current for a few seconds longer.

"Trap. Damn it!!"

Kidd was so stunned that he controlled his magnetic demon to crash into Maria regardless. He had just let his men escape and stopped Maria himself, but this promise was like Quinn's moral integrity. It disappeared in an instant.

The cries and cries of his companions still echoed in his mind. If Moria were here, he might be able to understand Kidd's emotions perfectly.

"No, no, no, if they didn't run away, they wouldn't have died there. As long as they stood there, they wouldn't be attacked by lightning. It was your captain's order that led them to death~"

Maria playfully taunted Kidd. The battlefield she created was more than just spider webs. Compared to other cadres who advocated more recklessness, Maria's combat mode gradually moved closer to Quinn's as it developed.

In addition to her unbroken haki and taijutsu, she also began to study science. The members of the Kidd Pirates just died under the attack of Step Voltage.

In the era of electrification, high-voltage wires are a common thing. Due to various natural factors and equipment failures, wires suspended in the air may break.

When the potential of the high-voltage line is the same as that of the live conductor, the current will flow from the conductor's landing point to the earth.

Centered on the landing point of the conductor on the ground, a potential distribution area is formed.

Maria used spider silk instead of high-voltage wires to create her own electric field. In this area, running with long strides would cause trouble. When she injected powerful electric energy into the spider silk, those who seemed safe were The area becomes a dead place.

They were not dead at first, after all, the location of the electric shock was still some distance away from the fatal area, but the strong current paralyzed their legs, and when they fell to the ground, their death came.

Their physique was stronger than that of ordinary humans and the few seconds before they fell to the ground were just enough for them to let out a wail.

"So, it is you who gave the order to escape and facilitated their death. You should be able to understand my explanation, right? Children in Wano Country can understand it."

"Kid, don't listen to that woman's nonsense. It's not your fault! She is shaking your heart!"

More of Maria's spider webs were lurking in the periphery, where she would not be electrocuted by taking a step. Kira got up again and shouted Kidd's name, trying to bring back his clear consciousness.

Seeing Kidd's lack of reaction, Kira thought he was really blaming himself and unable to extricate himself.


"I know, I can't understand a word this woman said, what nonsense, in short, just kill her!

Kira, protect yourself, don't die! "

Everything is afraid of average. In terms of various strange skills, knowledge points and education levels in the pirate world, once averaged, it will be dragged down to an outrageous level.

Although Quinn has no moral integrity and is shameless, it is undeniable that he is indeed a group of people who are at the forefront of the world in science and technology, and he understands basic tool subjects very well.

Moreover, the Beast Family has a great cause and can bring a good educational environment to the new generation. In addition, Zeraora is also a player who relies on magnetic fields to fight. Maria has more applications of electricity.

But Kidd and Kira

They don't need to be average. The cultural level of these two people is that of street gangsters. Apart from being literate, they are basically on the same level as illiterate people.

Kidd had also studied some of his abilities, but he really couldn't understand Maria's words.

A burst of magnetic force emitted from Kidd's hand, and the metals scattered around were condensed together by Kidd again, even the metal objects on his dead companions were no exception.

An arm larger than that of the Magnet Demon appeared on his mechanical arm, forming a big hand. After the big hand opened violently, there was even an invisible shield in front of it.

"Magnetic shock!! No matter what you say, my ability is much stronger than that of you guys in the zoo!"

Due to the countless animal-type ability users, the term zoo has long appeared in the ocean. The main people who promote this term are the enemies of the beasts.

The beasts themselves don't care much about this title, because it is a word stained with blood. The beasts use their own abilities to add a bit of terror to this common noun.

"Scythe rotation·Sonic cutting!"

At the same time as Kidd waved his fist, the two blades on Kira's arms rotated at high speed, creating an afterimage that looked like a sickle. When Kidd swung his giant metal fist, they slashed at Maria in front of him. .


The bulge of the weapon in Maria's hand caught Kira's rotating weapon, but her arm felt a tingling sensation. Kira's cutting was not simply cutting the enemy with the weapon, but using the weapon to chop out the enemy. Sonic attacks where enemies ignore them.

At the same time, Kidd's huge metal fist also hit Maria. As expected, the fist was blocked by the barrier generated when it was one foot away from Maria, but Kidd smiled.

"Succeeded, gifted with magnetism!"

Kidd's ability was transmitted to Maria through the metal, and an invisible force was transmitted to Maria through the guarded barrier.

"Kira, get out of the way! Give·Magnetic Crash!"

This is the power after the awakening of the Magnetic Fruit. He can not only use magnetism himself, but also give magnetism to other objects or people. Kidd has indeed mastered this power, but he is very unskilled in using it and consumes his physical strength. Also unusually large.

He would only use this trick when he had a narrow escape. When he was captured, he had no chance at all and was killed directly.

Now he finally had the opportunity. After the magnetism was given to Maria, Maria herself turned into a giant magnet, and the metal objects around her flew towards Maria uncontrollably.

"It's not over yet!"

Not all the metal was sucked in. There was still some metal that was still under Kidd's control. With a burst of metal collisions, a giant barrel with a style that was obviously inconsistent with the previous one appeared in Kidd's direction. in hand.

"Electromagnetic gun!"

The magnetic force in the muzzle gathered, and powerful energy began to condense.

Boom! Boom!

Purple energy condensed into the muzzle, and a terrifying beam of light blasted out of Kidd's cannon hole. This became the attack he regretted most in his life.

"The power looks good, but I don't want to forcefully replace it with Volt and search for enemies."

Electricity overflowed from Maria's body, but it was not Kidd that was locked onto it, but Kira.

Kira's retreat speed was far slower than the speed of the electric current pursuit. After being entangled by those electric currents, before he could react, he found that his position had changed out of thin air, and he had just completed the exchange with Maria.

Volt Substitution is originally a skill in the game, and its effect is to swap with the Pokémon on the bench, but this is not a battle, and Volt Substitution has different uses.

In the hands of Zeraora, he can rely on the principle of volt substitution to replace friendly forces to rescue friendly forces and help them withstand attacks that they cannot withstand.

Maria also communicated with Zeraora during the battle learning process, so she naturally learned this move, and even applied inferences to carry out a new round of development.

In her hands, this move was not for rescue, but to catch the scapegoat.

"Kira!!!! Get out of the way!!"

Kid desperately wanted to stop his attack, but it was already too late. There was no way the energy beam blasted out could be recovered. On Kira's side, when he saw Kid's face through the small hole in the mask, When attacking, he also gave up resistance.

The enemy will not act as a scapegoat honestly, so Maria will use electric current to paralyze the enemy's body when taking action. At this time, Kira cannot avoid it at all.

"It's so powerful. Kidd, you can only go forward on your own from now on."


The electromagnetic gun destroyed everything in front of it. In the end, only a broken mask of Kira fell to the ground, and Kira himself had long lost traces of his existence.

Kidd has had a close relationship with Kira since they were young, and the two are considered brothers. Kira is Kidd's earliest partner, and they have been together since they went to sea.

Now Kira is dead, or died in his own attack.


Kidd grabbed into the air as if he wanted to catch something, but Maria didn't give him a chance to remember his old friend.

"No need to remember him, you will see him soon, Maria hits hard!"


After using Kira to carry the cannon, Maria had already arrived near Kidd. The weapon was wrapped with Haki. With a powerful swing, the metal wrapped around Kidd's body was directly shattered. .

Although she is a woman, Maria still has unimaginable strange power in her body. Kidd's exquisite weapon made of scrap metal was immediately smashed to pieces.

Maria's attack continued unabated, hitting the side of Kidd's broken arm. With a muffled groan, Kidd's body immediately flew backwards.

"Magnetism! Magnetism!"

Kidd has not given up yet. At this time, he has forgotten his goals or dreams, and only Maria is left in his eyes.

Kidd kept waving his arms, but the metal around him didn't move at all as Kidd thought.

Even the metal that flew towards Maria stopped moving after she changed positions.

"How on earth is this possible?!"

The current Maria should obviously be a huge source of magnetism, but none of these metal weapons were attracted by this power.

"It's just electric degaussing. It's a pity that my ability seems to be superior to yours. If this is your awakening, you are really powerless. Do you have any last words?"

If Kidd had met a numbered person with other attributes, even if he had met Drake, who also had an electric attribute, he wouldn't have been so frustrated.

The essence of Drake's battle is to defeat the opponent from the front. As long as he can kill the enemy from the front with pure force, then skill is not important.

Maria was different. Not only did she use electricity more, she was also good at mental attacks and setting traps. Watching her companions die in front of her one by one, Kidd's heart was severely hurt all the time.

Moreover, Kidd's ability happens to be the Magnetic Fruit. There is no hierarchy or restraint chain between this fruit and the electric spider's ability. However, due to the difference in users, it ultimately led to the current result.

If Yamato learned Kaido's moves and Jack learned Kaido's recklessness, then Maria learned Kaido's bad taste.

"My last words are that I haven't lost yet, I must kill you."


The front end of the spider silk was imbued with domineering energy, and the spear formed by countless spider silks had already pierced Kidd's chest. Before Kidd could finish his words, it had already pierced Kidd's heart.

"I'm not interested in this kind of last words. Just stay on this land forever as dry bones."


The surrounding spider threads began to electrify, and apart from the broken weapons and blackened marks, Maria was soon the only one left in the area.

In 1522 AD, Eustace Kidd, one of the most evil generation, died in the country of Wano. None of the members of the Kidd Pirates survived, becoming the second group to be destroyed after the Flame Tank Pirates. The supernova of the extremely evil generation.

"New prey seems to have arrived again."

Through the vibration of the spider silk, Maria noticed the situation in the distance, and immediately walked into the distance with her weapon. In the other direction, other escapees also encountered their own crisis.


Along with a burst of strange laughter, white ghosts whizzed past, and countless decadent prisoners appeared on the ground.

"People like me shouldn't live in this world."

"I'm just a humble groundhog. I should always hide in a dark corner of the mine. It's better to go back. What's the point of escaping from prison?"

The specter of negativity continues to demotivate people, and it even works wonders on some people.

"We found the ghost girl! Come with me and kill her!"

At this time, someone discovered Perona who was controlling the negative ghost, and immediately hit her with a pickaxe, but the attack only caused ripples in Perona's body.

Reincarnated malaise, owing 800

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