Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 226 Quinn is asking for assistance

In a sense, Yamato's childhood has become very rich now, and Kaido will always take her to play various games, but it is a bit exhausting.

Otherwise, the normal training is also the same intensity, which makes the tricks a lot more.

But what she doesn't know is that some projects are even set up for her by Arceus, such as the battle royale activity on Ghost Island. Her goal is to successfully break out from the top of the building to the downstairs under the siege of more than a hundred pirates. .

Fighting is inevitable, and all the pirates put on masks and put on uniforms.

They have to listen to Kaido's orders, but they are very scruples about this kind of action that requires hands-on actions. If Yamato holds grudges, it's nothing now, but it won't be so in ten years.

So these pirates are now all dressed up like gangsters, leaving only two eyes, and then chasing and intercepting Yamato and the others according to Kaido's request.

At the same time, the fighting in the open sea did not stop. Today, when the pirates are fighting each other, the navy naturally has its own big movement. They did not intervene in the fighting among the pirates in the new world, but let this behavior go.

Now the focus of their actions is on the four seas and Paradise.

Among the new pirates, there is a mixed bag of good and evil, some who really go to sea for adventure, and some who simply take advantage of the opportunity to do evil, which adds a lot of burden to the navy of the world.

And on the Great Channel, the Demon Slaughter Order was activated. This time, the purpose was not to destroy a certain island, but to capture a person—Douglas Barrett.

After Roger's death, Barrett lost his target, and he who was still challenging some powerful people turned into aimless destruction. This kind of aimless destruction caused far greater harm than ordinary pirates. In order to capture Barrett, the Demon Slaughter Order was finally launched.

In the New World, the teams of Jhin, Quinn, Olga and Zeraora also began to join forces.

The route they set out on was a semicircle, and after a few months of sailing, they mostly completed their goals, leaving only the last island, which was also their expected meeting place.

However, when Jhin's ship arrived here, the sound of shells exploding could still be heard on the island, and it seemed that the battle was not over yet.

"what happened?"

"I don't know, Brother Jin. According to the plan, Brother Quinn should be in charge here. We received news three days ago that the Brachiosaurus has arrived near here."

"That trash is really holding back, call him to see what's going on."


After a burst of calls from the phone bug, Quinn's voice rang.

"Hey, Jhin? Have you finally arrived, pervert?"

"I'm already a whole day ahead of the expected time, but you guy, can't you even log in in three days?"

Jhin's Pterosaur had already seen the Brachiosaurus on the sea, so he came to this conclusion. In the past battles, they each encountered difficult opponents. Most of the occupants of these islands belonged to the Golden Lion. Remnant.

At any rate, he is a legendary great pirate, and he is not weak to get the cadre status under the Golden Lion. The longest battle, Jin Yao, took more than a month, but Quinn couldn't even land in three days. Unexpectedly.

Among the four teams, Quinn's progress should have been the smoothest. After all, he carried a weapon such as a plague bomb on board. He studied the secretion of smelly mud and the poisonous gas of double bombs every day. Rather, it is making weapons.

Quinn usually has no chance to use the plague bomb. After all, it does not distinguish between enemy and friend, and using that weapon on its own territory is asking for trouble for itself.

But the islands occupied by other pirates are different, and the life of one's own people is still much more important than that of the enemy.

"Having a little trouble."

"Where's your plague bomb?"

Jhin understands Quinn's character. Although there are many restrictions on the use of plague bombs, Quinn will definitely use the weapons he researched when facing an island that cannot be attacked for a long time. After all, he has always been proud of those things.

"It's not about the plague bombs. There is no way to land on that island. You will know when you come here. There are some things that need to be said in person."

Then the Brachiosaurus and the Pterosaur met in the sea area. Looking at the situation on board Quinn, Jhin's expression turned uneasy.

The ship was quite tidy, and there were not many wounded, and those wounded were old wounds. It was obvious that Quinn hadn't launched an effective attack in the past few days.

"what are you waiting for?"

"There was a problem with the people on that island. After a brief contact, those people retreated to the island, and the island was full of virus-causing gases, and most people couldn't get on it.

As long as the protective clothing is broken, those things will invade the human body. In the beginning, I broke a lot of hands because of this. "

It wasn't that Quinn hadn't landed before, but he was beaten back after landing. There was nothing wrong with him. His body was transformed and filled with a special antidote, which could be detoxified at any time, but he didn't have the ability to defeat an island alone.

The amount of antidote he carries is limited, and there is no way for everyone to use it.

Those people on the island had better protection measures than them, and his plague bombs had to touch the body to take effect. In this case, he had nothing to do.

"Who are the people on the island?"

"Baidu Barolomei, formerly the cadre of the Golden Lion, offered a bounty of 670 million Baileys, a superhuman ability user of fungus fruit, that island has been turned into an island where toxins gather by him.

Those toxins are changing all the time, there is no way to make a large amount of antidote, only the universal antidote made by Taotaoguo is more effective, but the quantity I bring is not much, how many do you have on board? "

"I didn't bring much, just a dozen people. Is that guy very strong?"

"Better than me. If I could get rid of him, I would have landed on the island long ago. I mean, when Zeraola and Olga come over, the antidote is enough for the few of us. Just get rid of Barolomei first." , this island is ours."

Quinn didn't do nothing in the three days, at least he found out the identity and ability of the enemy.

"Then what are you doing firing?"

"Daily bombing, and the toxins on the island are very afraid of high temperatures. The explosion of the shells can temporarily clear an area, but it will spread again soon. He seems to have cultivated many poisonous plants, and those plants have been releasing poisonous spores.

And the humidity on the island is very high, I tried to use incendiary bombs, but they were quickly extinguished”

After several attempts, Quinn came to the conclusion that his Brachiosaurus had nothing to do with this kind of thing. He, who studied the plague bomb, knew very well that the number of people in this case is a burden.

The island can only be occupied if Barolomew is dealt with first, so he confronts the opponent while waiting for his reinforcements to arrive.

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