Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 227 Combo Skill, Sunshine Flame

On the watchtower on the island, Barolomé also used a telescope to see the situation on the sea. The meeting of two ships flying the flag of the Beast Pirates was not good news for him, after all, it meant that the enemy's reinforcements.

"Dadecas and Courant haven't responded yet?"

"No, Barolomew. They have cut off contact with us since the battle started. It seems that they don't plan to support us anymore."

"This group of bastards, Captain Skee made trouble as soon as something happened."

The Golden Lion has been able to cross the sea for so many years, of course there are many loyal subordinates under him, and Barolome is one of them.

Even after receiving the news that the Golden Lion was in prison, he still insisted on guarding the island, because this was the order that the Golden Lion gave him.

Previously, Dr. Indigo asked him to leave with them, but he also refused, because he would only obey Shiji's orders. Now that Shiji is in prison, his next task is to guard the island until the golden lion comes back again. Appear.

So he rejected Dr. Indigo's request.

But not everyone is as loyal to the Golden Lion as he is. The tree fell and the monkeys scattered. Many people under the Golden Lion joined him because they admired his strength. The Golden Lion is gone. Naturally, they will not continue to be loyal to a prisoner. .

Now Impelton still has an unbreakable myth, and no one has successfully escaped from it. In their opinion, the Golden Lion is finished.

Ever since the golden lion was imprisoned and the age of the great pirates began, there have been troubles on this island from time to time.

Those people were minor problems before, until the intervention of Whitebeard, Kaido and others, it was a big blow to the remnants of these Golden Lions.

Without the Golden Lion, none of them can suppress the other. If everyone can twist into one rope, then they still have the power to fight against outsiders. The cadres under the Golden Lion are also strong.

Although without the top combat strength of the Golden Lion, they are sufficient to handle most situations when Charlotte Lingling, Whitebeard and others do not end in person.

But the fact is that they just split into countless small gangs based on their usual relationship. Not to mention helping each other, it would be good if they didn't stab each other in the back.

Therefore, the territory of the Golden Lion was gradually divided up.

"Master Barolomew, can we still hold on? Otherwise, we should retreat first. Dr. Indigo said that was also Master Shiji's order."

"Why would Master Shiji make such a cowardly decision? Don't worry, no matter how many people there are, they can't break the poisonous miasma here. I have guarded this place for more than 20 years. This island is my home field. If you want to defeat me So easy."

In the outer sea area, Jhin and Quinn successfully waited for Zeraora and Setsu's ship a day later, but Olga's ship never arrived here.

In the end, there was only one phone call.

"I'm sorry everyone, I was entangled by the navy earlier, and I may not be able to join you in a while." Although there are relatively few naval activities in the new world, it is not completely absent.

Olga is currently being chased by a warship led by a veteran lieutenant general, and this time her phantom ability failed to shake off the opponent.

It was Elizabeth who dived and broke the opponent's rudder before she managed to escape. If only the lieutenant general had dared to try, but there was a man who could use magma on board, and she and Elizabeth were not their opponents.

"She and the lizard are missing, but it should be about the same."

"Setsu's arm is injured, she can't participate in this operation."

"Jeraola, I hurt my left hand, it doesn't affect much, I can still draw a bow."

"No, yesterday was the full moon, you can't use the moon lion now, this time you are in charge of guarding the boat."

Zeraora directly made arrangements for Setsuna, and they didn't plan to bring too many people this time, Jhin, Quinn, and Zeraora, the three of them will be in charge of the assault.

They all have the ability to fly, so they are more suitable for assault.

"By the way, Jhin, how long can the range of your move last?"

"Which trick are you talking about?"

"Master Arceus taught you the trick that can change the weather, I have fought against him before.

The high temperature of the sun and flames can kill those poisonous gas spores, but the light here is too poor, and Barolomei won't give me another chance to charge up. "

The island was shrouded in cloud most of the time, which made it take longer for Quinn to release the Sunshine Flame. Barolomé could achieve this bounty because the cadres under the Golden Lion naturally had his strength. exist.

The last time Quinn beat him up as an intelligence agent, he almost hit him with a blaze of sunshine, but with the experience and lessons from that time, it was impossible for him to give Quinn a chance to charge up.

"The clouds here are too thick, but it's no problem for you to charge up."

"That's easy, the plan is this, you go to the sky to attract his attention, and at the same time use the sunny day to change the sunlight, and I will use the sun and flames to remove the poisonous gas spores.

You are the fastest, Zeraora, take this opportunity to break through and finish him off, isn't that a problem? "

Although the antidote can detoxify, if the poisonous gas spores are not removed, the poisonous gas will always exist. Unless the person inside has been taking drugs, he will still be affected by the toxin. Anti-drug fighting is a taboo.

"That guy is a criminal with a bounty of more than 600 million. Can Zeraora do it alone? What about his other abilities besides using poison?"

"Not weak, on par with my uncle."

But as soon as he said this, not only were the people around him not nervous, but heaved a sigh of relief. Jhin even directly confirmed the feasibility of this plan, which made Quinn feel a little insulted.

At about noon, the naval guns on the three ships began to bombard the island again, and the people on the island seemed to have gotten used to it, until the appearance of the ember stone pterosaur in the sky aroused their vigilance.

"Flame Calamity Jhin, have reinforcements from all beasts arrived? It's really troublesome."

The island has strong fortifications, and simple bombardment cannot threaten them. As for those plants, they are extremely fast-growing fungi. As long as he is still alive, even if all the plants on the island are destroyed, he can give birth again in a short time. .

As Jhin flew over the island, a large number of bolides also smashed towards the ground of the island, and at the same time, the charged Quinn also majestically appeared in his field of vision.

He had also seen Quinn's Sunshine Flame before, that kind of attack would indeed temporarily dissipate the poisonous gas, and it would take some time to refill it, and if the other party took advantage of this time to log in, it would cause him a lot of trouble.

He is very clear that he has no reinforcements, and these cronies cannot suffer unnecessary losses. According to Quinn's attack last time, it will take some time for him to recharge.

So he made a plan to interrupt Quinn's power storage, but just after he appeared in Quinn's vision, his Sunshine Flame suddenly stopped charging, and hit him in a more powerful state than before.

Under a sunny day, the flames of the sun can be released with the highest power without charging. This is the combined attack of Jhin and Quinn.

Compared with Quinn bowling, although the main c is essentially Quinn, the effect is completely different.

Jhin and Quinn often quarrel on weekdays, but their cooperation is very tacit.

At the same time as Quinn's sunshine flames were emitted, Jhin's flames attached to his whole body, and the flame pterosaur rushed straight down. At the same time, Zeraora, who turned into thunder, came to him.

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