Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 239: Huahua Fruit and the Kingdom of Giants

On the one hand, he looks down on the power of ancient weapons. Whether it is creating creatures comparable to ancient weapons or his own force, there are many ways to replace that kind of thing.

And when it comes to the whereabouts of ancient weapons, Arceus may be much clearer than these historians, accurate to the name.

"Old man, don't think about what you have and what you don't have. Don't you think your injuries are more fatal?"

Arceus' answer exceeded Cropa's expectations. It was the first time he heard that someone looked down on the power of ancient weapons. While he was still thinking about this sentence, Olga poked him on the shoulder.

Although Spandain missed his shot, it still hit his body. The good news is that the main blood vessels and organs were not injured. The bad news is that the bullet remained in the body, and the wound was still bleeding.

Under the influence of Assier, Olga respected scholars more. It wasn't in these years that O'Hara became a sacred place for archaeology, even in Alkemi's time.

She still doesn't want these scholars to choose to die here. In fact, Keluoba doesn't want all of these people to die here. They have just explored some historical facts. The huge kingdom is just a shadow, and the truth of the historical text has not yet been cracked. .

Discovering history with one's own hands is what every historian wants to do. The world government has forced them to a dead end. If they want to preserve these materials, the pirates in front of them have become the only ones they can rely on.

He just hoped to get a reason to make himself feel better. After all, the question at that time was meaningless at all, and the other party could tell lies.

It's just that Arceus' words made him a little confused, and Olga's poke incidentally touched his wound, and the pain from the wound also relieved him.

"I understand, but if you have anything to do in the future, please come to me and don't embarrass those young people."

"Those things are not in the slightest embarrassment for you, ship doctor, treat his wound."

"Here we come, right away!"

Although the Beast Pirates did bring the ship's doctor, the ship's doctor was also carrying the materials as a labor force at this time. After hearing the order, he dropped the materials in his hand and ran over.

But Keluoba was even more excited after seeing the ship doctor's actions.

"No, I'm fine, I can hold on, hurry up and rescue those materials!"

It seemed to him a huge waste for a labor force who was carrying materials to treat his injury, and a lot of blood flowed out of the wound in a panic.

"Doctor, take a good rest, I'll do these things."

Seeing Keluoba's appearance, Robin grabbed him, and then crossed his hands to activate his own fruit ability, and one arm appeared on the bookshelf, transporting the books down like a relay.

Superman, Huahuaguo, can grow a part of his limbs on any tangible object

In this respect, her efficiency alone is comparable to that of dozens of people, but what happened next was also different from what she thought. In the past, she was always regarded as a monster by the people on the island because of her fruit ability.

These scholars also have to bear some responsibility for this matter. It’s fine if ordinary residents don’t know about Devil Fruits, but it’s impossible for these scholars to have never heard of Devil Fruits. However, no scholar took the initiative to explain this to the residents on the island. thing.

Robin's ability in the West Sea can cause fear in others, but for these pirates in the new world, ability users are already commonplace. Not only are they not afraid, but they are even very happy and envious.

"What a beautiful little girl, your ability is really convenient."

"The little ghosts in the West Sea all have devil fruits, so why don't I have such luck."

For the pirates, one ability means more possibilities. The power of each limb summoned by Huahuaguo is equal to that of the main body. Giving a person with strong body skills to eat Huahuaguo is not a good thing for him. Enhancement is geometrically multiplied.

On the handrail of the stairs on one side, Yamato slid down like a slide.

"Is this your fruit ability, it looks very interesting."

"Don't you all feel terrible?"

"There's nothing to be afraid of, isn't it the fruit ability, but the other abilities I've seen are turned into animals, but it seems good if you can turn into yourself."

If she can create a self, then she can let the clone replace herself and train with Kaido, and then do other things by herself.

Yamato has a very familiar personality, grabbing Robin and asking questions, but now Robin rarely communicates with her peers. After all, the children on the island regard her as a monster, and I don’t know what to say for a while. .

And Arceus looked at Sauro, those scholars have already done it, and now there is this giant in front of him.

"Sauro, what's your decision?"

"Why do you know my name"

"Haguvar D Sauro, your name has been placed on the bounty order by the navy, so what is your plan?"

". Originally, I wanted to go back to my own country, but judging by your appearance, you shouldn't let me leave like this. I don't worry about Robin and the others leaving with you pirates.

If you can accept my identity as a former navy, then I will leave with you. "

Ever since he knew that Kuzan and Sakaski had participated in this demon-slaying order, he knew that his strength would definitely not be able to break out.

"But... can you really leave here in front of the navy?"

He has been staying in the depths of the island and has not shown much, and the navy at sea has not found him.

According to the original timeline, he only exposed his target when he was trying to escape with Robin, which attracted his former friend Kuzan, and it is the same now. With his size, as long as he gets close to the edge of the island, he will definitely be discovered by the navy. Time is bound to be a big battle.

It may not be a good result for these scholars to leave with these pirates, but at least they will not die under the artillery fire immediately.

Originally, he was not interested in the blank hundred years, but now the strong reaction of the world government has also made him curious. He wants to follow these scholars to see what is it that makes the world government not hesitate to destroy an island.

If his entourage leads to their exposure.

"That's not something you have to consider. It just so happens that we lack a giant family."

His goal is not Sauro, his character makes it impossible for him to be a pirate, his goal is the giant country behind him.

If you contact the kingdom of giants, there may be people who want to go to sea. This kind of thing is not uncommon in the giant family. As long as you don't join the BIG MOM pirate group, the giants will not care about what other giants do.

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