Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 240 The Destroyed Refuge Ship

The culture of the giant race is very special. Due to the strategy planned by Carmelite and the world government, there are many giant lieutenant generals in the navy.

But the Giant Pirates of the Giant Clan also have a good reputation in the giant country. There are only two or three giants in the Giant Country. No matter whether they are born in Elbaf or not, they have heard the legends of those giants.

For example, Waterfallbeard Yoruru is known as the hero of the giant race, and Charlotte Lingling suffered from food-eating attacks when she was a child, which led to the death of this old giant, and made her an existence that all giants hate.

Bucky can abduct five young giant mercenaries. As long as the conditions are right, it is not difficult to abduct a few giants, but this requires an introduction, and Sauro at this time can be the introduction.

According to the original plot line, if he chose to leave at the beginning of the Demon Slaughter Order, he might still have a chance, but because of Robin he gave up that slight chance.

With these scholars in his hands, he didn't think Sauro would do anything, and no one could make any small moves under his nose.

With the help of Robin Fruit's ability, the books in the Tree of Omniscience were quickly collected.

Sauro also became the biggest porter. Several scholars made a large package with items such as table pieces left in the tree, and put a large number of books in it.

"Don't talk too much, don't ask, just follow us, as long as you don't run around, you won't be discovered." Olga took the lead out of the tree of omniscience, her own illusion blocked the vision of the outside world.

"Master Arceus, the defense is left to you, but where are we going?"

"The west side is the refuge ship, and the east side is the navy's fleet. Just withdraw from the north side." As he spoke, he moved the guard he created. Under the cover of the guard barrier, no shell can hurt this place.

From time to time, the shells that fell on the barrier exploded, but to the people inside the barrier, it was just a firework.

"Hey, hey, big fool, hurry up and follow, you almost escaped from the phantom, okay?"

The scholars of O'Hara were only shocked that Arceus could protect one side from the artillery fire, but they were far less affected than Sauro. Sauro knew very well what the Demon Slaying Order meant for the navy.

From decades ago to the present, the Demon Slaying Order has been activated three times. Lockes, Barrett, and O'Hara are the targets of the three Demon Slaying Orders.

Even monsters like Barrett couldn't get out of the firepower of the Demon Slaying Order, so Arceus' actions made him stunned.

Arceus blocks the fire, Olga interferes with vision, and the shells clean up their tracks when they're gone.

Shortly after they left, the Tree of Omniscience fell to the ground under bombardment.

The wood was completely blown into powder by the later shells before it was completely ignited, and the library of the Tree of Omniscience, which had stood for hundreds of years, was destroyed here.

Seeing the collapse of the big tree, many scholars shed tears from the corners of their eyes. It was the place where they had struggled for half their lives. Even if all the materials were taken away, the memories of the past had disappeared.

After reaching the coast, they all flew up under the influence of electromagnetic force. After the initial shock, they also looked towards O'Hara below.

The bustling is gone, and the ruins are everywhere. This holy place of history has become history today.

"Mom.. O'Hara is gone"

The mother and daughter who had been separated for six years reunited again, but their homeland disappeared.

"It's okay, mom will be with you from now on"

"It's okay Robin, it's a blessing in misfortune to be able to get out of there safely, come on, like I said before, laugh, hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee"

Sauro comforted Robin, after all, this is his new friend these days, and his devilish laughter also attracted Yamato's attention.

"Father, are the giants so strange?" Sauro's laughter was much more magical than Kaido's, which made Yamato a little puzzled when he saw the giants for the first time.

"That's just an example, but don't imitate that strange laughter, and don't imitate your father's laughter, I really don't know how they all laugh out those movements."

Although demonic, Sauro's laughter eased the emotions of the scholars. Except for Robin, the expressions of ordinary people have changed a lot. It is worth mentioning that they did not take away the historical text, only rubbings.

After all, the historical text will not be damaged whether it is bombed or burned, and those agents have previously confirmed the existence of the historical text.

In the subsequent screening by the Navy, it would be strange if this piece of historical text disappeared.

After rising to a certain height, they drove towards the hidden place of the ship. Sauro was still comforting O'Hara's people with his devilish laughter, but soon he couldn't laugh anymore.

It was clear from the sky that the refuge ship was sailing far away, but the next moment, the refuge ship exploded.

The artillery fire below never stopped, but the scholars of O'Hara were all silent.

Some of them are lonely, but there are also many people who have relatives,

Under the bombardment of heavy artillery, the refuge ship disappeared on the sea surface. It was impossible for ordinary people to survive such a violent explosion.

"Why... isn't that an evacuation ship!?"

"Navy... are those navies crazy! Didn't those agents already screen everyone!"

Sauro's expression gradually became dull. The reason for killing the scholar and destroying O'Hara was that they had committed a felony, but there were only civilians on the refuge ship, and they didn't let anyone go.

"This is the justice of the navy?" At this moment, he fell into deep self-doubt. Arresting criminals and maintaining the peace of the sea are undoubtedly the correct actions, but at this moment, these are completely different from the navy in his heart.

On the warship of the Demon Slaying Order, the navies on the four warships didn't understand what happened. It was the refuge ship prepared for civilians ordered by the world government, and it sank just like that.

"what happened?"

"Looks like the shelling from Lieutenant Admiral Sakalski's ship."

On a warship, Kuzan's sunglasses reflected the flames of the refuge ship, and the expression on his face was full of disbelief.

Because Sauro was not close to the coast, no navy found that Sauro was here.

It's not that there are no insiders, but all the insiders died under the bombing just now.

Kuzan did not leave the warship without finding Sauro Kuzan. Now Kuzan is still a hot-tempered young brother and disappeared directly on the ship.


"Lieutenant General Kuzan! Where are you going!"

The shouts of the soldiers did not keep Kuzan, there was only one ice flower left on the deck, and Kuzan's figure had already appeared on Sakasky's ship.

"Sakaski, what are you bastard doing!"

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