Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 242 According to the practice, the kid on the boat must be taken seriously

When boarding the ship, these people set foot on the Shadow Fox and the Shiyuan respectively, with the purpose of figuring out how to translate some ancient texts. It is more credible to hold these things in their own hands.

He doesn't mind letting these people continue to study history, anyway, the main text of history is what they are looking for, but he also can't let them make small moves secretly.

It is the easiest way to ask a group separately. He will not kill a donkey without hesitation, provided that the other party has not deceived himself.

"The opportunity is given to you, if you don't grasp it, you will have to bear the consequences."

"Understood, I will cooperate with you"

The start of the Demon Slaughter Order made Keluba doubt the world government, and the destruction of the refuge ship made him completely give up on the world government.

After all, they turned the refuge ship into a ship in distress. The only survivors on O'Hara were actually pirates, and now they are no different from pirates in terms of law.

This process did not last long. These scholars have studied the historical texts for a long time. They think they are perfect, but in fact they have been monitored by the world government long ago.

It didn't take much time to translate the general content, and there was no difference compared with the previous translation, and Olga didn't see any major flaws.

There is a certain commonality between Alkemi's writing and ancient writing. With the translation of these professional terms, Olga and Assier can almost translate things in terms of grammar.

This behavior allowed them to gain a certain amount of trust from the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

But Olvia still has a problem.

"Your Excellency, your people are too rough, this will destroy the ruins."

She was referring to the previous behavior of Olga's subordinates who planned to directly blow up the door. If they continued to explore the ruins like this in the future, it would not be exploration at all, but destruction.

"Professionals are definitely not as good as you, but all of you are now on the death list of the world government, and now you are all dead, and your reputation in the industry is too great, as long as you appear in the crowd, you may be exposed .”

He is familiar with this kind of situation, Shaina and Jhin are also in the same situation, but they have essential differences, Shaina and Jhin are strong enough, and their strength can avoid a lot of trouble.

And these people are just scholars, letting them go out is to make trouble for themselves.

If they abide by the regulations, they can live on the sky island with good food and drink. There are only a few dozen people in total, which is not bad, but if someone really wants to cause trouble, he can only make them disappear.

"That. I'm not on the wanted list. They won't care about a child. You can take me with you when you're archaeological."

Nicole Robin on the side expressed her opinion. Although she is only eight years old, she is also a historian certified by O'Hara. Except for those scholars, she is not weaker than anyone in terms of historical research.

No contact with Kuzan, Nicole Robin, an 8-year-old child, has not attracted the attention of the world government, and the title of Devil's Son does not exist at all.

And her proposal made some sense. The secret rooms of some relics can't be found by ordinary people. They know the whereabouts of the three pieces of the historical text of the road signs, but they don't know which relic the fourth piece is in.

It is still necessary to have a professional, and the only Robin who belongs to "free body" has become the only suitable candidate.

"Little ghost, if you act with us, you will be treated as a pirate."

"Yeah, the navy doesn't care about that, you have to think clearly."

The pirate on the side "threatened" Robin, the customs of the Beast Pirates, the adults who brought it back can ignore it, but the children must pay attention to it.

According to the statistics of the old people in the group, the children brought back by the Hundred Beasts Pirates are not too simple.

Yamato, the captain's own daughter, and the adopted daughter of Arceus.

Olga, one of the three plagues, a major cadre.

Instantly, cadre reserve.

Jack-Murloc, Mandelfish's little brother.

Black Maria, the daughter of fellow Kaido.

Although Nicole Robin has not shown too much talent, but she is also a fruit ability user, a historian, who knows if she will be favored.

"I'm not afraid of this."

The residents of O'Hara are afraid of her. The navy destroyed O'Hara, but these pirates made her feel more comfortable. After all, this was her first contact with pirates, and she didn't see the other side of them.

The first impression is very important to people, and the same is true for those O'Hara scholars. The first impression is that these pirates are carrying books. Compared with the navy that destroys documents, they inevitably think that these pirates are better.

Even more so after being taken away from O'Hara by them and witnessing everything.

"Hey, Robin, just stay with your mother and study archeology, don't think about becoming a pirate!"

Only Sauro has some opinions on this, he doesn't want to watch Robin go to the road of pirates.

"Hey! That's not what you big man said when you were drinking last night!"

"That's right! And look at your own reward order! 100 million Baileys! The first time the reward is 100 million, you are the "big pirate"!"

The navy didn't know where Sauro went, so they issued a reward order for him. The identity of the giant family + lieutenant general of the headquarters made him offer a reward of 100 million Baileys for the first time.

Although the value of Bailey has started to depreciate now, a starting price of 100 million is still a very high reward. Nicole Olvia's reward has been revoked, because in the eyes of the world government, she is already a dead person.

No bones were found in the ruins of O'Hara, but it's normal that nothing remains after such a heavy shelling, and they didn't find anything except the piece of historical text.

Before the O'Hara incident, Sauro could confidently say that pirates are hopeless villains, and the navy is the only justice, but now he can't say that.

"Pirate. It's too dangerous. Robin is too young." Sauro just hemmed and hawed out such a sentence in the end. There was no conclusion on this matter in the end. Those things were too far away. Now they Haven't entered the windless zone yet.

In a certain branch of the West Sea, the navy's warships temporarily returned here after the end of the Demon Slaughter Order, and Kuzan immediately found Warring States and complained to him about the incident.

"Kuzan, there's no need to pursue this matter any further."

"Why?! That guy Sakaski attacked the refuge ship of civilians!"

"I know, but he has already reported the news to Marshal Kong himself. This matter has been sent to Wulaoxing long ago. The world government has no objection to this. There is no need to pursue what has happened, understand? "

"I see."

From this day on, the Navy lost a passionate young man and gained a lazy vice admiral

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