Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 243: Yamato's New Friend

The Shadow Fox and the Shiyuan have entered the windless zone, and the power of the outer ship drives the two ships to sail slowly on the sea surface. The sea kings living below completely ignore them due to the bottom of the ship.

Sauro didn't find it strange. Passing through the windless belt is a probabilistic thing. If you are lucky enough, it is not surprising that you can't meet Sea Kings.

Although the inlaid sea stone can evade Neptunes has been discovered by Vegapunk, but Sauro is not clear about the details of this technology.

Most of the lieutenant generals of the giants are like this, and there are more than a few races of the giants, but basically only the giants join the navy, and what is valued is only their force.

Warring States wanted to explain to Kuzan, but he couldn't tell the difference without saying anything to Saurodo.

Moreover, the external Hailou Stone is still a relatively tight resource. Today, the world government still has not been able to establish a stable trading channel from Kaido, and can only buy Hailou Stone from the black market.

He didn't say no deal, and he didn't say what he wanted, just like when ordering food, he asked what to eat casually, but after ordering, he said no, because of this, the captain of the CP0 team was almost bald.

On the Shadow Fox, several scholars were secretly looking at Elizabeth, Elizabeth in her original form.

"This is... a basilisk lizard, right!"

"That's right, it's the basilisk lizard, a species that was completely extinct more than a hundred years ago. It's unexpected that there are still alive."

These are two historians who study paleontology. The definition of extinction in this world is the disappearance of most of the sea. After all, there is a unique environment like Taikoo Island, and some unique species are also very common on it.

The closed island environment makes the evolution of animals very strange.

Although she has the ability to avoid service with thousands of faces, sometimes Elizabeth still likes to bask in the sun with the appearance of the main body, and then she found a few scholars watching it in the corner, so she directly changed back to the appearance of avoiding services with thousands of faces.

"What are you doing?"

"It's great to be able to talk! Can you ask me, as a basilisk lizard, what kind of living habits do you have, and what does it feel like to run on the water?"

Elizabeth, who can deform and talk, didn't scare them, but aroused a strong curiosity. For a person who studies paleontology, meeting a living ancient creature that can talk is simply a godsend opportunity.

So when Olga came here again, she saw a few scholars serving Elizabeth with tea and water.

"What are you guys doing?"


There are many Taikoo islands on the great route, but there are not many in the four seas. It is not uncommon to fight dinosaurs in the New World, but the most people in these four seas study dinosaur fossils.

They are scholars, not fighters. After meeting Elizabeth, in order to get relevant information from her mouth, they turned into a dog-licking mode.

Listening to Elizabeth's explanation, Olga suddenly felt that it was not surprising that these scholars were approached by the world government. After all, they were too daring.

On the other hand, Yamato also made her new friend - Nicole Robin.

Robin is much more mature than his peers, because he was born earlier, so he is more than two years older than Yamato.

One was feared and hated by his peers since he was a child, and the other was a natural acquaintance, just a little bit away from a social terrorist. It is not surprising that these two people get acquainted.

Although there are many children in Wano Country, neither Kaido nor Arceus intends to let her grow up with that group of people. The only peers around her are Maria and Jack, and a table of mahjong is not enough.

Of course, it will be different if you add lucky eggs.

"Is your horn real?"

"Of course it's true, isn't it strange?"

"Is no one afraid of you?"

At first she thought that Yamato's horns were just a special headgear hairpin, but she didn't expect it to be real.

"Afraid? How is it possible? Everyone is very friendly."

It is not so much friendship as awe. This is the biggest difference between whether there are parents around or not. When Robin was two years old, Nicole Olvia began to explore the text of history and put her in foster care with relatives.

Although it was okay at the beginning, after a long time, she was regarded as a drag, and the ordinary residents of O'Hara couldn't understand the ideals of those scholars.

Children will be xenophobic. If a person is too tall, too thin, or too weak, he will be discriminated against as long as he is different from the group. For example, Robin who ate Huahua fruit will do this without an adult giving his head. Intensified.

But Yamato is different. Both Kaido and Arceus are on Onigashima. Although Kaido is safer when he is not drunk, he is more ruthless to Yamato.

But his own education and other people's education are two different concepts, no pirate can't think about targeting his captain's daughter.

When I returned to Onijima, I was not in such a hurry as before. About a month later, the Siwon and the Shadow Fox returned to the waters near Wano Country.

After passing through the submerged port, the two ships reappeared in the inland sea of ​​Wano country, and a large shadow in the distant sky was approaching Wano country. Kaido in the form of a blue dragon was surrounded by flame clouds. He was dragged back directly.

"That. That's a dragon?!"

"It's not a dragon. These two ships belong to the Beasts Pirates, and that is the captain of the Beasts Pirates, "Beasts" Kaido, who is now a great pirate in the New World."

Looking at Kaido in the sky, Sauro explained his identity to the scholars around him. These scholars are very good at historical topics, but they are not good at topics that have nothing to do with history.

"Those dragging behind him are... clouds?"

"It's not a cloud, it's an empty island. That empty island will be your residence in the future. You should have heard of the empty island, right?"

A group of scholars looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally looked at Keluoba. The topic of Sky Island was not within the scope of their research, and as the curator of the Omniscient Tree Library, Keluoba was also the most knowledgeable in all aspects.

"I've seen some descriptions about Sky Island in the literature, but this is the first time I've seen it, let alone someone who can drag Sky Island."

Sauro was even less shocked. There has always been a legend about dragging the island among the giants, about the legend of Oz, the country of Yun, more than 400 years ago.

The ancient giants several times larger than ordinary giants, the devil Oz, people who dragged the countries or islands they liked directly back to their territories.

The cause of death was that he didn't wear clothes when attacking the country of ice and snow, and finally froze to death in the cold sea.

"Olga, you arrange these scholars and the big man."

"Understood, you can rest assured."

Then Arceus left here, and the empty island has been dragged back, but where and how to place it has to be re-planned.

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