Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 264 Tezzolo

Binks' wine, the classic song on the sea, this song has been spread all over the sea when Roger was a newcomer.

Whether it is a sailor or a pirate, people sailing on the sea will hum a sentence or two, and there are not a few people in the Beast Pirates who can sing this song.

The track's creator is unknown, but the song's legacy has been around for a long time.

However, there are very few sailors or pirates here, even if he sings well, it is difficult to resonate with people, so the money he gets is not a lot.

Yamato gave him a banknote with a face value of 5,000 Baileys, which was almost his biggest gain today. Although Yamato knew that he should give some change, it was the smallest banknote in her body.

At least some 100 Bailey coins, she didn't think it would be appropriate to take them out.

There are very few places in Wano that need her to spend money. Except for clearing the inventory for Kojiro when collecting bottle caps last time, her small treasury has basically not been touched.

The amount accumulated so far is that many people will never earn it back in their lifetime, so 5,000 Baileys are just change for her.

The singer didn't stop, but bowed to her, which he often did to see how proficient his movements were.

The sky is getting darker and darker. Although the lighting equipment in Soap Bubble Park has been turned on, there are fewer and fewer people in the park. The people in front of the singer stop and go, and now the people listening to him are gradually leaving. Only Yamato and the others sat in front.

"Little sister, do you like listening to my singing?"

"It sounds great. You sing very well, even better than Uncle Quinn."

"It sounds good. It's really a good evaluation. But I'm sorry little sister, today's performance is over. If you want to hear it, you can only come back tomorrow."

It stands to reason that a person who is as big as this kind of benefactor should sing for a while longer, but he still has work during the day, and if he is absent from work, his salary will be deducted. In order to prepare for tomorrow's work, he must rest.

However, he looked at his old watch again, and found that it was still early, and the income he could earn from working hard for a day was only about 10,000 Baileys. It was inappropriate to end it directly with such a benefactor.

"It's a special performance for you guys. Is there any song you want to hear?"

He needs money very much. If Dahe is happy, it would be best to give him more rewards. He didn't think anything wrong. Although he needed money urgently, and there was a child with a huge sum of money in front of him, he chose to use labor. in exchange for money.

This is the promise he and others made. His name is Gilder Tezzolo, that is, the Golden Emperor who will control a lot of money in the world in the future, but now he is still a young man working hard for his ideal.

"You can sing whichever piece you are best at."

"The best. That should be this song."

After adjusting the strings of the guitar, Tezolo sang the song he was most familiar with, but Yamato’s expression was a bit wrong. The power of Viridian allowed her to communicate freely with Pokémon, but the power it brought was far more than that .

Under the influence of Chang Pan's power, she is more sensitive to other people's emotions, and singing is a link that can convey emotions, and she heard something different from it.

"Big brother, you seem to have something on your mind. Are you thinking of someone?"

During his singing days, many people gave him money, but there are only a handful of people like Yamato who listened to the end and said that he sang well.

But there is only one person who can hear his thoughts - Stella, which is also the root of his desperate efforts to make money.

"That's a long story, do you want to hear it?"

Yamato's act of listening to his thoughts seemed to touch his heart. This is the second time he has told others about his experience, but the listeners are a group of children.

19 years ago, he was born in an unhappy family. His father was a gambler and his mother was an alcoholic. One was addicted to gambling and the other was addicted to alcohol.

Alcoholic and gambler, such a family is naturally very poor, because of poverty he was excluded by friends of the same age, one day he passed by a mobile opera house, the singing in it attracted him, and being able to enter the venue to watch the performance became his initial dream .

He wanted to go to the show, and he wanted to be as noticeable as the stars on the stage.

When he was 12 years old, his father, who was addicted to gambling, died of an illness. Although his father was a good gambler, he was also the main source of income for the family, which made the already poor family even worse.

After that, his mother continued to drink heavily and hated Tezolo's singing, and later banned him from singing. In this environment, 12-year-old Tezolo fled the home.

But at the age of 12, he couldn't support himself at all, so he started stealing. He met a lot of people through the stolen money. After that, he thought he had made friends.

Naturally, he couldn't learn well with a group of cheating friends, and like his father, he was also infected with the bad habit of gambling.

Nine times out of ten bets, he loses, and the one time he wins is likely to be given by someone else fishing. Tezolo, who has fallen into the abyss of gambling, has almost followed his father's old path.

When he was sixteen years old, he lost everything in the casino, and the human trafficking has always existed here, so he was caught by the human traffickers in the casino and planned to sell him.

At this time, all the friends in his mind abandoned him one after another, and no one cared about his life. He knew what would happen if he was captured by human traffickers, so he resisted desperately.

Although he was beaten up, he finally escaped. In a panic, he didn't look at the road at all, and ran directly to the human trafficking shop, where he met the salvation of his life - Stella.

It was a woman who was captured as a slave. Although she was treated as a commodity in an iron cage, she did not give up her desire for life.

Although they were separated by an iron cage, they chatted happily. Tezolo sang a song to Stella, and he was praised by others for the first time.

From then on, he was determined to give Stella freedom back, so he started to make money desperately.

During the day he would work in the shipyard in Chambord because the wages there were the highest, and at night he would come here to sing, but he never did anything illegal.

This is an agreement between him and Stella, he will use legal means to make money.

Stella is a very expensive "commodity" in the human trafficking shop, which is both a good thing and a bad thing for Tezolo.

The high price made him not have to worry about Stella being easily bought, but relatively, it was very difficult to save enough money.

For nearly three years, he worked day and night without sleep and food, saving every Bailey in food and money, and now he is very close to his goal.

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