Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 265 Don't reveal the false wealth

"Master Arceus, don't you care about them?"

"People will grow up. At this age, they should also have their own judgment. If there is no danger, don't interfere."

There seemed to be no one else around Yamato and the others, but more than one gaze was watching them. If Tezolo really had any thoughts, then his end would be very miserable.

He is not the Golden Emperor who has cultivated the fruit to awaken after being blackened, just an ordinary person. Such a person doesn't even need Olga or Elizabeth to do it. He can't even beat the current Yamato, Kaido's one finger Still very rich.

They are not puppets, and it is impossible for them to grow up under the control of others. If they do not have their own values ​​of right and wrong, they will be easily abducted by others.

Arceus just made sure that the general direction would not grow crooked, and the rest was up to them.

"It's probably like this. In short, I need money very much. Well, it's really time to go to rest now. Children, you should go back early. The Shampoo at night is not safe even in area 33."

Speaking of putting the money in the piano case into his own pocket, every penny means that he is one step closer to Stella, and they have been in love with each other for nearly three years.

Yamato's 5,000 Baileys brought him closer and closer to his goal, and it would be enough to work for more than a month.

"Brother, how much money do you need? She won't be bought by others."

"It's still 300,000 Pele, but don't worry, I'll save enough money next month."

He has been working hard to make money because he is worried about that kind of thing. Although Stella has stayed here for almost three years, he is not sure if something unexpected will happen.

"You're lying, you're obviously worried too."

"If you are a child, don't worry about this kind of thing. Go back early. By the way, what about your adults? How dare you let your children stay here alone?"

After leaving the Ferris wheel, Olga has been following them more than 20 meters away. There were a lot of people around just now. Tezzolo thought their parents were also inside, but now that everyone has left, they are still here.

It is impossible for a child who can take out 5,000 Baileys to be from an ordinary family, and it is obviously unreasonable to have no one around him.

"Little girl, your money won't be stolen like I used to? It's not good."

"That's not it, it's all my own pocket money, but if it's 300,000 Baileys..." Yamato took out his wallet, which looked like a pink lucky egg from the outside, and even the wallet was the same as the lucky egg. The same roundness, this is because the inside is stuffed.

After opening it, it seemed to be a stack of egg rolls, but it was rolled up Baileys, ten sheets rolled together, and there were about 1 million Baileys stuffed inside.

"Here, I lent you 300,000 Pele, remember to return it to me next month."

Because she thought it was right to do so, so she did it. Under the influence of Chang Pan's power, she thought that the other party was not lying, that he was short of money, and she had a lot of money. There is nothing wrong with a very important thing.

And what she said was borrowing, not giving. She didn't think she should subsidize him unconditionally, she just wanted to help him avoid accidents.

As for whether Tezuolo would renege on the debt, and how to pay back the money if she wanted to, she didn't think about it.

This is undoubtedly a windfall for Tezolo, but after a short period of joy, a cold sweat broke out from his forehead, and after taking Yamato's money, he pressed her wallet back.

He really couldn't refuse the money. Although Stella hadn't been bought in the past, the longer this kind of thing was delayed, the more hidden dangers would become.

But he used to be a thief, he knew very well how chaotic Shambord was, how many people were looking for the target in the seemingly stable environment.

Although the sky is getting darker now, and there are fewer people in Soap Bubble Park, it is unknown whether there are peeping eyes around.

"Didn't your adults tell you the truth about not revealing your wealth?"

"I've said it before, but it's just a little pocket money, not a lot of money."

One sentence blocked all the words that Tezuolo said later, and the money she had worked so hard to save for a month was actually just pocket money with her.

The gap between people seems to be too huge, which makes him a little frustrated, and at the same time, he yearns for money more.

"Okay, go and redeem that big sister of yours. Remember to return the money to me next month, or you will be miserable."

"I'll definitely return the money to you, but...forget it, where do you guys live, I'll take you back, and it will be troublesome if it's later."

"No, there's someone next to you. Hey, where's the person? Maria, Robin, Jack, have any of you seen Sister Olga?"

"She didn't come with me from the beginning, and Master Arceus doesn't seem to come either." Jack and Maria didn't notice this, but Robin saw it, and those people from Fruit of Beasts left quietly not long ago.

"Let me see you off, where do you live?"

"On a boat outside Mangrove No. 30."

"Master Arceus, is this really okay?"

Arceus was the only one who could call Olga away, and those people from Beast Fruit were also transferred by him, the purpose was to test their handling of emergencies.

Kaido had meant that for a long time, but Kaido wanted to let them experience it directly on the battlefield, so he never implemented it.

So far they have only experienced ordinary training, and now the situation in Chambord is just right.

"Are those people still following?"

"Following, the identity has been found out, it is a group of local human traffickers in the Chambord Islands."

"Then let them practice their hands. It's time to see blood, but don't be careless. You and Elizabeth follow to avoid being discovered."


Tezolo sent Yamato and the others back to Mangrove No. 30, and Olga's vision made her and Elizabeth follow behind the group almost invisible, and the group of traffickers farther away.

Their targets are Yamato and Maria. Robin is just an ordinary human girl. As for Jack, although he is a murloc, he doesn't look like a murloc so outsiders can't see it.

And Yamato and Maria are outstanding in appearance, and the rare items with long horns on their heads naturally attracted the attention of those traffickers.

Although they are relatively rampant, they are not so rampant that they directly kidnap people in front of everyone, so they have been waiting from daytime until now, just to find an opportunity.

Those who followed them left one after another, and now there is only one Tezolo left, this is an opportunity for them.

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