Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 268 Let the bullets fly for a while

It's not that the electric spider is ugly, but that the spider fruit has this virtue. She is still a beautiful girl, and the ghost spider in the navy looks even more ghostly after using the fruit ability.

His use of life return to manipulate the hair into six hands also has a lot to do with his fruit ability, because that is his accustomed fighting stance.

Quinn's potion hadn't worked yet, but her face wouldn't change when she transformed now, which made her barely able to accept this posture.

"That girl is capable!"

There are no strong people among the traffickers, and the fruit ability can already have a fatal impact on them. After being hit by the electrified spider webs and fluff, those traffickers fell down one after another in screams.

However, Maria is not familiar enough with abilities. It can be said that her electric spider's level is very low, so the intensity of the current released is not enough. Although those people have entered a state of paralysis, they have not lost consciousness.

But this is not a good thing. The spider web with the lightning attached is always in a state of discharge. People trapped in the spider web have no ability to resist at all and can only be beaten.

"Maria Electric Fist!"

Thunderbolt was attached to the fist, and her resentment was also mixed in it, after all, she used this gesture again.

At the same time, another trafficker ran towards Robin. He was not hit in the head, caught by the grid, or dragged into the water, but he was covered in cream.

The cream released from the palms of the milk fairies can be sprayed out directly like compressed cream. The traffickers never thought that the milk fairy like a rag doll could do this kind of thing, and after that, a sharp pain came from his crotch came.

Two hands grew out from under his legs, and they smashed at the balls indiscriminately.

The cream splashed into his eyes, which made his eyes sting, and his crotch was hit hard. For a while, he didn't know whether to cover the bottom or the top, so he rolled in front of Robin, and finally passed out from the pain.

Tezolo, who finally defeated his opponent, just got up, looking at the scene in front of him and doubting his life, he felt that his nineteen years were almost wasted.

"So strong"

The leader of the slave trader was very shocked when he saw the scene in front of him. A dozen strong adults were knocked down by a few children, and there were two capable people, which was beyond his expectation, but he did not make him afraid.

Because he still has back hands, these dozen or so people are just some members of their gang. He thinks that these people are enough to catch a few children, and more people are wary of others.

In his eyes, this is a piece of fat. In order to prevent other traffickers from targeting them, his men who are good at fighting are on guard at key parts.

"Very good, very good, two ability users, now the selling price will be even higher, come out! Catch them at all costs! It doesn't matter if they get hurt!"

These people are all bare hands or people holding ropes, while those who are on guard have deadly weapons in their hands.

If it was just an ordinary child, his goal would naturally be to catch them completely, but the strength of Yamato and others has already shown that it is impossible.

He thought that his subordinates would stand up after he gave an order, but in fact, the surrounding area was still quiet, as if nothing had happened.

"What, is there anyone else? Then call them out quickly."


The trafficker leader didn't know what to say, he didn't mean to joke with his subordinates, and when he was puzzled, several people were thrown in front of him.

A lizard came out from the shadows. It was Elizabeth who had followed Yamato and the others. It was fine if it was just a human-shaped lizard, but there were three people hanging from the long tail behind Elizabeth like candied haws.

The blood-stained face in the dark night looks like a strange shape, and the long tail hangs heavy objects and rustles on the ground, which is like the bell of hell to the leader of the trafficker.

Those people wanted to attack when they saw that the situation here was wrong, and Elizabeth who was accompanying him was to prevent this from happening.

In the face of traffickers like Yamato and the others, they were able to fight back, but in the face of Elizabeth, it was a unilateral massacre.

Then Elizabeth flicked her long tail, and those people were thrown in front of the trafficker leader.

"Miss Yamato, Master Arceus means that you should go back to wash and sleep, I will take care of things here."

They were just a few human traffickers. To Arceus, it was not as important as Dahe and them going to bed on time. He did what he had to do, so there was no need to waste time any longer.

So Elizabeth, who got the order, stood up directly and fished Jack up from the water. Although knocking the enemy into the water was a good tactic, he didn't consider the terrain.

So after solving your own enemies, you can't get up.

"What, foster father has been watching from the side, hey, big brother, remember to redeem Sister Stella, and remember to pay back the money, see you later."

Listening to Elizabeth's words, Yamato didn't insist on continuing the duel, and walked to the Siwon with Maria and others. Before leaving, he didn't forget to entrust Tezolo with some things.

Today's experience was somewhat dreamy for Tezolo, and he didn't react until Elizabeth called him.

"You should leave, I will not be responsible for your safety."

"That person escaped, won't there be any trouble?" Tezolo stood up and sorted his clothes. The guitar had been broken, but it didn't affect anything.

As long as he does his last day of work tomorrow, he will have enough money to buy Stella after receiving his salary plus the 300,000 Baileys that Daiwa sponsored him.

But he was curious why they would let the leader of the trafficker go. Just when Elizabeth turned back to talk to Yamato, the leader of the trafficker started to run away.

"Don't worry, he can't escape."

Elizabeth's left hand made a pistol pose and aimed at the leader of the trafficker. Then, with a "swoosh", a water bomb shot out from his fingertips, piercing the man's head directly.

After being pierced through the head by Elizabeth's sniper, his remaining consciousness heard the sound of water bombs.

"Father, foster father, have you seen that I did a great job?"

Yamato, who returned to the Siyuan, showed off their battles as if they were taking credit. This was their first time fighting the enemy.

"Very good, but don't be proud, you are still far behind."

A few human traffickers are already a relatively simple test for them. The combat power of these human traffickers is not too strong, but they are also quite satisfactory.

Some human traffickers can even catch pirates, and many people will buy powerful pirates. For example, Tianlong people like to buy those pirates as their own mounts.

The explosive collar on the slave's neck is a guarantee. With it, the slave can't escape or resist, and even death is a luxury.

ps: The ghost spider is a capable person, there are pictures in the comics, but the animation team just missed it

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