Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 269 Money and Status, Power and Truth

The next day, Tezolo was working in the shipyard with excitement. Although his face was bruised, he was still enthusiastic. Even the workers around him didn't know why he was so happy.

However, those people were not very familiar with Tezolo. His previous experience made him understand that money can buy friends, but money can also lose friends, and he is working hard to save money.

He never goes to social gatherings or gatherings among his co-workers, so naturally he has no relationship with his co-workers.

In the evening, he got his wages from the boss as he wished, and immediately ran to Mangrove No. 1, where the population auction is located and the population market is also located.

In the cage, a blond woman with a metal collar on her neck is looking into the distance. She is Stella, Tezolo's biggest spiritual support, and she is also waiting for Tezolo.

Tezolo's time is tight because he wants to make money, but he will come here to visit Stella every few days, tell him what he has seen and heard these days, and talk to Stella.

"Stella! I've saved enough money!"

Tezolo, who ran over, couldn't wait to tell Stella about his achievements before he could catch his breath.

"Tomorrow, I will set you free as soon as this place opens tomorrow!"

"What did you do with your face?" Stella was also very excited to hear that Tezolo had saved enough money, but she was more concerned about why Tezolo was injured.

"It's okay, I had a fight with a human trafficker, and I met a very interesting girl, let me tell you."

Tezzolo told Stella about his encounter with Yamato, but he omitted the danger he encountered, and then he quietly opened his bulging clothes, revealing Bailey hidden inside.

6 million Baileys, this is the price of Stella, and it is also the result of three years of hard work by Tezolo. He does heavy work. Even if he wants to save money, he must protect his body. If he When it falls down, it's really over.

So he also had some expenses in the past three years, but most of them were saved in this way.

"That's a good girl, I have to thank her well in the future."

"Well, let's go to the West Sea after paying back the money, I heard there is an island there"

The lights of the human shop were shining on it, while Stella and Tezolo stayed up all night thinking about the future, but when the next day came, the boss here was late.

Today is the day when the auction will be held. He went there to prepare some things. When he just came back here, Tezolo ran to him directly.

"I want to buy her!"

There were some bloodshot eyes in Tezuolo's eyes, and he pointed at Stella with slightly trembling fingers, his tone full of excitement, and then handed the six million to that person.

"Have you really saved enough money?"

The owner of the sales shop looked at Tezolo in disbelief, he didn't expect that this person could save enough money, he often chatted with Stella at the door of his shop, he naturally knew the existence of this person.

He thought that Tezolo was just a dick who only knew delusions, but he didn't expect him to do it.

"It's a pity, if you had come a few days earlier, you wouldn't have had so many troubles, arrest him!" The boss who accepted the money suddenly turned his face and ordered his subordinates to arrest Tezolo.

"what are you doing?!"

"What are you doing? You stole my money, of course I'm going to arrest you."

"What nonsense are you talking about! That's the money I saved for three years, you bastard!"

Tezolo wanted to rush up angrily, but he was no match for the two bodyguards there, and was directly pressed to the ground.

The reason just now was for the people next to him. Although this is an illegal area, he still needs to explain some reasons for arresting people as a boss, otherwise the business will not be able to continue.

Then he squatted down and said to Tezolo: "Of course I know that you have saved money for three years. I dare to do this for a person like you who has no money and no power. Unfortunately, if you had been half a month earlier, I would have given you money. The person sold it to you, but she has already been booked by the Tianlong people."

Stella is a very special commodity here, and six million Baileys can buy a woman who is as beautiful and talented as her.

He put Stella outside and set such a price because he didn't want her to be bought easily. This was his advertisement, which made outsiders think that he had many high-end goods.

Ordinary people can't afford this kind of money, and those who can afford it won't be willing to be taken advantage of. I didn't expect to meet such an outlier as Tezolo.

As he said, if he usually sells Stella to him, he still has to be honest, but not long ago, a servant of the Tianlongren came to make an appointment for Stella, and said that he would come to pick it up next month. goods.

That Tianlongren has a hobby of taking away the goods himself, and he has no time to come here now, so he has nothing to do, he can't disobey the Tianlongren.

As for why Tezolo was arrested, because he was reluctant to part with the six million Baileys.

"Bastard! You bastard!"

Tezzolo struggled to get up, but he couldn't resist the strength of the two men at all.

"Stop resisting, kid, who told you not to be a world noble? Accept your fate, kid."

If you have more money, if your status is higher, your power will be stronger.

The scene of yesterday came to his mind, whether it was Yamato's free and easy handing out hundreds of thousands of Baileys, or his ability to defeat the enemy with a single stick, he could not forget it.

Money, power, status, he longed for something that didn't belong to him, but now he couldn't do anything about it.

"Put the collar on him." Hearing this, his subordinates took out an explosive collar and planned to put it around Tezolo's neck. Tezolo tried to resist, but it was useless.


"Tezolo! What are you doing?!" Stella in the iron cage didn't understand why this happened, but the shackles of the cage made her powerless, and she didn't even know that she had been booked.

"Let me let him go!!"

At this moment, a crisp roar came from one side, and Yamato looked at this place with an angry face.

Today is the day when the auction starts, and Yamato and the others naturally came here, and then happened to see this scene.

Naturally, he wouldn't listen to what a child said, but the Beasts and the Beasts looked like they had a large number of people, so of course they couldn't treat Tezolo the same way.

But he was able to open up the population market in Hongshu No. 1. Of course, he has his own influence behind him, and he has no intention of being afraid.

"What? What does it have to do with you if I catch the thief myself? Don't meddle in your own business, kid."

"He's not a thief! His money is still part of what I borrowed!"

"You said you borrowed it, so it's yours? Did you write your name on the money?" The boss of the population market looked disdainful. He didn't plan to spit out the money he got, but Yamato's answer surprised him.

"I wrote it! If you don't believe me, take out the money, there are thirty sheets with my name written on it!"

In order to show the ownership of his new year's money, Dahe asked Tutu Dog to mark it. It can be said that it is a unique pattern. The boss of the population market did not expect to have such a hand, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

But he suddenly came up with a question, what is there to explain between him and a kid?

"Whether he is a thief or not doesn't matter to you, but I have the final say here. Go home quickly."

The quarrel here has caused many security guards in the human trafficking market to come out. They are not those human traffickers. Their sophisticated armor and weapons are hard to deal with at first glance. Facing these people, Dahe feels that he may not be an opponent.

"Father, can you help me?"

"You can help others within your ability, but what you want to do now is beyond your ability, then you are causing trouble for others, unless you have a reasonable reason, otherwise I will not help you. "

Yamato is a little naive, he doesn't mind Yamato being a good person, but he must have a degree, and he can't unconditionally damage the interests of his relatives and friends for others.

"Well, he owes me 300,000 yuan, so if he is taken away, no one will be able to pay back the money."

"The reason is mediocre but barely qualified, Shaina, bring her back."

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