
Chapter 1003: Luotian Fantasy Butterfly

Outside the bustling merit hall, Xu Yangyi's body trembled slightly, and the cold feeling just now disappeared in an instant.

"This is..." He raised his sweaty hand and looked at it. He was convinced that someone had just attacked him. You can't fake your feelings, and sometimes what you see with your eyes may not be true.

"Dad..." At this moment, a voice sounded in my heart: "Someone attacked you just now, and I helped you solve it. Did I do the right thing?"

Xu Yangyi's eyes lit up at the delicate girlish voice. I understood immediately.

The eight months of practicing the Wanhua Zhenjian are not without effect. The hexagrams can vaguely infer his personality. A saint-level existence took action against him, just in the flash of lightning. But this time, he felt it clearly.

I originally thought that the other party retreated because there was no way to continue, but it turns out... it was a phantom that appeared. And broke the opponent's magical power.

"You... have broken out of your cocoon?"

"Well!" There was joy in Phantom's voice: "Come on, come on! Dad, the jelly beans you brought last time were very good. Uncle Dog has been feeding me these past few months, one for him and one for me. It’s delicious.”

That’s how it turns out…

Xu Yang Yiqi’s teeth were grinding, I said, why hasn’t the phantom hatched yet after eating the Grand Master’s elixir?

The result is one for you and one for me!

"Be good, I'll come back to see you right away. Well, I want daddy to hold you."

"Fellow Daoist Ou, I'm in a hurry, so excuse me." He cupped his hands and turned into a black light and flew into the cave.

The cave door was closed tightly. He waved his hand and slowly opened it a crack. Suddenly two nervous voices came out: "Who dares to trespass into Daozi Cave!"

As soon as the door crack opened, thousands of colorful lights flashed, and he immediately rushed in. With a sweep of his spiritual energy, Wangchen and Mao Baer calmed down.

He ignored them and looked towards the cocoon of spiritual light in the hall.

It has already broken through the restraints set by itself and is completely visible. Layers of colorful brilliance spread out like a sea wave, with a crack in the center.

Under the light, the colorful dog and cat Baer murmured: "My careful care over the past few months has paid off..."

Stuck, stuck... As the cracks in the cocoon got bigger and bigger, the colorful light in the room became thicker and thicker. Wangchen and Mao Baer's eyes were blurred for a while, as if they were in a dream and couldn't extricate themselves.

Even Xu Yangyi had countless fantasies appearing in front of his eyes at this moment. No matter how hard he suppressed them, he couldn't suppress them at all.

At this moment, there was a bang in his mind, and infinite golden light shone, unexpectedly entering the long-lost King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra again.

The golden bamboo slips are like the sea, and he is still so small. However, at this moment, on the monster chapter of the bamboo slips, a huge tree shape unfolds again!

Evolution map of Nanhua butterfly mother!

He once saw it when the pupa evolved into the phantom state.

Any larvae of the Nanhua butterfly mother can evolve in many ways. For example, the phantom was once called the seed of Qingyun, and then it was called Dream Eater, and now it is the phantom. Now, the other side will undergo the third transformation!

Especially at this time, it is really timely.

There are two more levels on the tree map, and the top is the monster he once saw in his dream. Thousands of phoenix feathers, unicorn horns, and peacock wings can close the heaven and earth when closed, and fight dragons when opened. He also knows that the current phantom is still too far away from the level of Nanhua Butterfly Mother, so...the last two transformations are the top priority!

Now, the graphics of the third level of transformation have emerged.

Luotian fantasy butterfly.

"It was completely extinct in the world three hundred thousand years ago. It is a descendant of the ancient mythical beast 'Swallowing God'. It is a fully formed Luotian fantasy butterfly with a body length of several thousand meters. It travels through fantasy dreams and uses various precious heavenly weapons to It feeds on the treasures of the earth. It goes through three stages of life: larvae, adults, and dormant insects, and reaches full maturity. "

"It is said that the Luotian Fantasy Butterfly is not the pinnacle of swallowing gods. Only one out of tens of thousands of Luotian Fantasy Butterflies can enter the cultivation world. It is a top spiritual pet, but it is extremely difficult to cultivate. It may not be found among tens of thousands. There is a person who can cultivate it to a high level, and it is also a rare treasure for physical cultivation. It can greatly weaken the illusion of the high-level Luotian Fantasy Butterfly."

Looking at the words recorded in the King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra, he also understood that the Nanhua Butterfly Mother probably had not even gone so far as to swallow the gods. From this step on, Phantom Spirit... oh, no, it should be called Luotian Phantom Butterfly now, has entered a stage of development.

Dreams, natural treasures, or elixirs can all provide nutrients to the other party. Let the opponent persist until the stage of adult and dormant insects.

The golden light gradually disappeared, and the vision became clear again. The cocoon had been more than half broken, and the two butterfly wings composed of spiritual light inside had stood up.

Different from before, which was a pure blue color, this time, it is a colorful color.

Rustling... In the silence, the light shines brightly, and the colorful brilliance soars into the sky, and then...

A huge spiritual butterfly suddenly flew into Xu Yangyi's face, shouting happily: "Dad, hold it, Daddy will hold it."

"Facehugger?!" Mao Baer's body was covered with dog hair, and he said solemnly: "Wangchen, separate these two people immediately! Potato is in danger!"

After eight months of painful experience, Wangchen was unmoved and said calmly: "Oh?"

"That's right! Listen to me! This is a facehugger. It comes from the black water embryo, and then it will enter the human body, use the human body as nutrition, and finally evolve into a chest breaker. But this chest breaker is not the end. In a few hours, it will evolve into a terrifying creature!"

"Alien." Wangchen sneered: "It's rare that you can remember such an ancient movie and use it so naturally."

Mao Baer said embarrassedly: "So you have also seen it..."

It felt very boring to Wangchen who couldn't be fooled by his solemn appearance.

Xu Yangyi hugged the big butterfly affectionately, and Luotian Huandie flew down excitedly. Xu Yangyi threw it a pill, and suddenly remembered something, glared at Mao Baer fiercely, and before he could say anything, Luotian Huandie flew in front of Mao Baer holding the pill.

"Uncle Dog, you eat it too."

"It's better if you add the word "force" in front of your uncle." Wangchen advised viciously.

"Don't lead the child astray!" Mao Baer transferred Xu Yangyi's anger to Wang Chen, smiling like a wolf grandmother seeing Little Red Riding Hood: "Then I will..."

Suddenly seeing Xu Yangyi's face, he coughed dryly: "...Then I will give it to you, you eat it, be good."

Looking at the big butterfly grunting and chewing the pill, Xu Yangyi thought for a while: "You will have to go through multiple forms in the future. It is not convenient to change the name for each form. How about I give you a name?"

"Ninety-five-two-seven!" Mao Baer said immediately.

"Get lost." Xu Yangyi waved his hand and said to the big butterfly with a smile: "I used to have a pet named Green Line. How about you call it Red Line?"

Wang Chen immediately lost confidence in his master's naming skills.

But this did not hinder Hong Xian's happiness. She nodded desperately: "I am so powerful now! I feel that I can help you."

"As long as I am on you, I can see through many illusions. In addition, I can be your substitute! As long as you put some personal items on me, no one can see it!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes lit up. If he didn't pay enough attention to the first talent, the second talent would be really useful.

"Very good." He patted Hong Xian's head: "Go and rest. Ten days later, leave with me."

He glanced at Mao Baer: "Also, you must not give your things to Uncle Goubi... No, Uncle Gou shared them, what's yours is yours. Don't be fooled."

"Hey! Potato! What did you say just now? Don't think I didn't hear it! You did say it! And Wangchen! If it weren't for your sinister suggestion, how could the upright Potato say such dirty words!"

Ten days later, night.

The moon was high in the sky, and the moon and stars were sparse. In the Dongxuan Mansion, Xu Yangyi was already wearing a dark green robe, a jade crown on his head, and a jade belt around his waist, turning into a handsome young man.

Wangchen was naturally his follower, and Mao Baer directly turned into a pet dog, letting Wangchen hold him with gnashing teeth.

"Let's go." He looked at the sky and said.

The group walked out of the cave, under the moonlight, there was no sound, and they quickly came to the Five Elders Peak.

The sect leader and Jiang Lao were already waiting there, and when they saw the two of them and the dog, they nodded with satisfaction.

"Master will go with you." Jiang Lao had his hands in his sleeves. He didn't need to stay in the Dan Hall. Today he also changed into a gorgeous outfit. If you didn't know the details, you would think he was a rich man.

"Any trial is based on five years. We still have a lot of time, so don't rush." ​​He said slowly: "Travel thousands of miles and read thousands of books. There is no rush to refine the Holy Spirit Flame. Opportunities are rare. Take a look at the outside world. Accumulating knowledge is the way to practice."

Xu Yangyi suddenly became worried about this team.

A brainless roar... no, a brainless dog.

A spirit pet fooled by a brainless dog.

A Jindan-level disciple and an unreliable master.

No matter how you look at it, you will be worried!

Suppressing the thoughts in his heart, he bowed to everyone and led the team to step into the portal.

"Wait for good news." A few seconds after they left, the sect master bowed and said slowly.


The time in front of him changed, and the scenery was hazy. About five or six seconds later, Xu Yangyi opened his eyes.

The moonlight was still the same, and the starlight was as bright as a wash. They had appeared beside a bluestone-paved road. There were three or four big trees in front of them, just blocking them.

Because of the cultivation civilization, the roads in the Seven Realms are very smooth. This road is obviously an official road, and at least a dozen carriages can run side by side on it.

In the distance behind him, he could vaguely see the shadows of the Jianfeng Mountains in Tianjian Villa. The distance of thousands of miles was enough to change the landforms, and the same was true in the Seven Realms.

Just in the distance ahead, a towering city stood at the end. The night sky was brightly lit, and a fleet of vehicles loaded with goods gathered here from all over the country with the joy of harvest. Even at night, the road was filled with the sound of horse bells and endless laughter.

Outside the giant city, a layer of light golden shield covered the entire city like a bowl, and a talisman flashed from time to time. Countless soldiers on the city wall wore silver helmets and bright armor. Dozens of huge spheres emitting white spiritual light were suspended outside the city. He had seen it when he ascended. This was some kind of defense device.

"This exit is in Hanshui County of the Great Xia Dynasty. This is the capital of Hanshui County, Zhoucheng." Several people were reluctant to walk into the luxury carriage that was several meters long and wide, and stood on the car and looked into the distance. Old Jiang in the car smiled and spoke.

"Zhoucheng?" Wang Chen took on the responsibility of a horseman. It was called a horse, but it was actually just a puppet similar to a horse. As long as a magic talisman was attached, it would not be a problem to travel a thousand miles a day. Since the cultivation civilization can be called civilization, it has already affected both cultivators and mortals.

"Remember, you must not cause trouble here. You must not provoke the Zhou family who wears the family emblem. There is a reason why the sect has designated this place as the location for the teleportation array." Old Jiang's voice became solemn: "The Great Xia Dynasty... A-level forces, because they have two great Taixu, you must remember."

"The first one is Shen Chenyang, the leader of the Taiyi sect, who is in the early stage of Taixu."

"The second one... is the owner of the entire Hanshui County, Zhou Wufang, a first-rank official named Xiahou. He is in the middle stage of Taixu."

"The entire Zhoucheng is named after his family name. This is where he shelters. Anyone who dares to take action here will die!"

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