
Chapter 1002: God's Eye Planting Demons

Coming out of Wulao Peak, Xu Yangyi couldn't help but feel excited.

Finally... I'm leaving...

Set foot on the vast land, yes, practice must not be done behind closed doors. He has been at Tianjian Villa for two years, and he also wants to go out and have a look. Anyway, with the King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra by his side, as long as there are alchemy furnaces and heavenly materials and earthly treasures in the storage ring, what is not cultivation?

When they stepped into the cave eight months away, as the door opened, Mao Baer and Wangchen immediately felt it and walked out.

"Okay..." Mao Baer sat on the chair with a prickly look, caressing the teacup, and glanced sharply: "You can do it if you abandon your wife and children for eight months."

Wangchen's eyes were sharper, but he was looking at this bitch. Xu Yangyi could understand how much endurance he had to endure in order not to humanely destroy the dog in his absence.

"Who is the wife and who is the son?" Xu Yangyi also sat down and took a sip of spiritual tea. This feeling of sudden relaxation was really nostalgic.

"Which part do you want me to play?" Mao Baer immediately stood up on the chair, and then glanced at Wangchen vaguely: "In other words, which part do you want him to play?"

Then, before the two people could answer, he covered his face and squatted down: "You are actually having this kind of forbidden sexual relationship...Potato...I misjudged you..."

Drama queen!

It’s too much fun for yourself!

So good at acting!

The two of them were too lazy to pay attention to him. Wangchen said respectfully: "Master, where have you been recently?"

"Learn alchemy in the Alchemy Hall." Xu Yangyi's lips curled up: "I gained a little bit."

"You're addicted." Mao Baer had shaken off his grief and looked at him seriously: "You need Thunder and Lightning Dharma King Yang Yongxin now."

flutter! Wangchen almost spit out his tea when he took a sip.

Xu Yangyi was too lazy to pay attention to the dog, and glanced sharply around the two of them: "Yes, both of them have improved. I'm afraid we will go out in half a month. Starting from tomorrow, I will explain it to you every night "

Mao Baer was shy and coy: "I... really won't disturb you?"


A few seconds later, the figure of a dog screamed and flew out of Dongxuan Mansion. The people around him looked up, then lowered their heads silently and went about their business.

In the past eight months, I have seen this kind of situation a lot... so it's not surprising...

"I will follow you." A voice came from the door. Xu Yangyi glanced at it and frowned slightly: "I remember not inviting you."

Su Xingyao still has that extremely cold look, like the Guanghan Fairy who doesn't eat the fireworks of the world, and her gorgeous palace clothes are the same. Wei Wei stood up expressionlessly: "I feel that I can help you in that place. And, the voice in the dark told me that this time, I may find another piece of my personality."

Xu Yangyi did not answer, but gently moved the tea cup: "Why should I take you?"

Su Xingyao looked at him calmly, and after a few seconds, turned around and left: "It doesn't matter."

"I don't need you to take care of me. I will naturally feel where you are. You don't need to care too much about my life or death. I can't die."

"Master, are you really not taking him with you?" Wangchen asked.

"She is a big trouble, and one day she will explode." Xu Yangyi said calmly: "And this mission is very secretive. If I take her with me, the sect will think that I have revealed information, which is inconvenient."

"In about three days, the sect will issue a mission. At that time, you will start preparing. That's right."

He waved his hand, and the stone door slammed shut. A blue light flowed in front of his eyes, and a cocoon of blue light appeared again.

"It hasn't hatched yet?" He frowned.

"It's almost there." Wangchen smiled and said, "It can already hear our calls and respond to us. I'm afraid it will only happen in the next few days."


Three days later, the sect was bustling with people. At the entrance of the Merit Hall, all the monks above the Golden Elixir level, especially those at the Nascent Soul realm, were coming and going in an endless stream.

"Where did you receive the mission?" "Haha, Daxia Dynasty and Wanlinggui are one sect. The two armies are facing each other in Qinghe Grassland. What about you?" "Me? I received the mission from Level B. There is a mission near Congyun City. There are suspected traces of Taichu. I'll go take a look." "That's right. I don't know what kind of mission Daozi took on. There doesn't seem to be any Grade A missions this time, right?" "Once completed, you can enjoy the redemption of merit points in the Huasheng Pond. Time, I can’t wait to come back!”

Looking at the queue of people lining the mountain, Xu Yangyi and Ou Fangyu sat on a huge secluded rock. Ou Fangyu filled a wine gourd with wine, drinking freely and uninhibitedly.

Raising the gourd towards Xu Yangyi, he shook his head.

"The Huasheng Pond is a blessed place for physical cultivation of the sect. It is never open to the public. There is no other way to enter except through merit points." He did not take it seriously, took back the gourd, held a piece of grass in his mouth, and said with a smile: "If this time If we come back alive, it will be enough to stay in the Huasheng Pond for more than ten years."

Xu Yangyi nodded: "They are all our help?"

"That's right." Ou Fangyu suppressed his smile and said solemnly: "You and I will act separately and gather at the door. Be sure to keep the map handed over to you by the sect. The goal of our actions together is too big. The entrance must not be leaked to outsiders. Anlin City is on the border between the two countries, and mercenary groups are very popular. As long as you hire a good mercenary, the sect will not be short of funds. "

Xu Yangyi raised his brows slightly.

There is something in the words. The other party said before that the entrance cannot be leaked to outsiders, and then said about hiring mercenaries, that is...

If it's done, cut the grass and root it out.

"Don't let too many disciples go, one is because it's dangerous, fearing that the sect's elite will be hurt. The other is that they are afraid that someone will be careless and it will be troublesome to take action in the end?" He said with a smile.

Ou Fangyu laughed: "Daozi No. 1, why don't you pretend not to understand, you and I have come to this point, and the lives of our men are still few?"

Xu Yangyi nodded, and at this moment, he was suddenly stunned.

All around, everything began to blur, Ou Fangyu was still talking, but he couldn't hear what he said at all.

A sense of crisis like a venomous snake instantly invaded his heart.

It was more fierce than ever before, even inferior to the War of Ten Thousand Worlds and Tenggerbal's pursuit of himself. That was... a crisis of complete crushing form.

This feeling lasted only for a moment. Soon, everything in front of him was restored. He immediately asked, "Fellow Daoist Ou, do you feel anything?"

Ou Fangyu was puzzled: "What?"

Is it only directed at me...

He moved his fingers again, pointing at the seven stars. In a moment, a vague word appeared in his mind, but it was only a moment and disappeared immediately.

"Is it used for the second time in three days?" He suppressed his surprise: "There is no heavenly rank, earthly rank, only personality, so... someone wants my life."

"I feel it before it starts. It must be the level of the Venerable Saint, much stronger than my current strength."

Unable to see through the secret, he suppressed this sense of crisis in his heart. This journey was definitely not ordinary.

In a cave where he couldn't see, an old monk was lying on the top of the cave like a spider, his eyes almost bulged out, and the figure of Xu Yangyi was reflected in his pupils.

"Found you..." He licked his lips with a dry smile, and his hands quickly formed seals. After a while, a water curtain appeared in front of him.

"Greetings to the Saint." He said with great respect.

"Don't talk nonsense." The figure in the water curtain said lightly: "What do you want to see me, the Saint Lord?"

"My Saint Lord, today, Tianjian Villa is issuing a lot of sect tasks. I'm afraid... the action will be soon."

The figure was silent for a moment, and smiled: "Of course, this Saint Lord has someone mobilize the Holy Spirit Refining Flame. How could they bear it?"

"He... should have accepted a top-secret mission. Tianjian Villa must have its own teleportation array. He won't go with these mediocre people. You plant a wisp of my spiritual consciousness in him. As long as he appears, When I find an opportunity, I will definitely extract the soul and refine the spirit. "

"Yes!" The monk smiled respectfully: "Don't worry, I have practiced the magic eye planting method alone, even the saint cannot detect it. "

"Thank you for your hard work." The figure sighed: "If you hadn't only practiced this magical power, your talent would not be able to be an outer disciple in Tianjian Villa. Don't worry, after this time, this saint will transfer you back to the Song family. Amitabha. "

Xu Yangyi didn't know all this, he only knew that a kind of malice from the void was pouring in from all directions.

Like the sea and the tide, thousands of spiritual threads seemed to rush into his body irresistibly, and something was about to form in his body, but he tried his best to see, and his spiritual consciousness had been released to the widest, but there was no gain.

The sky was still the sky, and the earth was still the earth, and there was no sign of spiritual power fluctuation at all.

"Could it be that my feeling was wrong?"

He didn't quite believe it.

The nameless anxiety in his heart became stronger and stronger. At this moment, suddenly, a golden light flashed, and he heard a crisp "click" sound in his heart, as if something broke.

"Ah!!" In the cave in the distance, the spider-like old man suddenly let out a heart-wrenching scream, hugged his head frantically, and two lines of blood flowed from his eyes. He screamed: "Who! Who is it!"

"Get out... Get out! Don't be here! Don't get close to me!"

The water curtain that was about to dissipate also stopped fluctuating. The figure on it looked at the old man who suddenly went crazy in astonishment. The other party rolled desperately on the ground, screaming heart-wrenchingly, and finally stopped for more than ten minutes.

Not knowing whether he was alive or dead, bleeding from all seven orifices, lying on the ground gasping for breath.

"It seems that he has a treasure or magical power that can counter spiritual attacks." The figure said lightly: "I thought he was a physical cultivator, and the magic planting in the divine eye would definitely succeed. I was careless."

"Then... I can't leave a mark on him, but it doesn't matter. Tianjian Villa does not have the strength to build a super long-distance teleportation array. All teleportation arrays must be within 10,000 miles. This Saint... I will play with you slowly."

"Save... Save me..." The old man on the ground groaned in pain, raised a hand covered with blood and hissed.

The figure ignored him and said lightly: "But it's okay, it's also a good piece of information. Sacrifice is not terrible, what is terrible is meaningless sacrifice."

He glanced at the old man on the ground: "Buddha said, God has the virtue of loving life, I will send you a journey... Go to another world to be reborn."

The previous promise seemed like a fart. Once it lost its value, in order not to bite himself, the only thing left for the other party was death.

As the last word fell, a hand surrounded by black air suddenly stretched out from the water curtain, more than ten meters in size, covering the entire cave.

The meaning of life and death was mixed in it, like a demon, stretching out the index finger and pressing down on the old man.

Pah... blood and flesh were blurred, the old man's last groan disappeared, and the water curtain disappeared at the same time.


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