
Chapter 1001: Special Mission

He turned into a black light and rushed out of the passage quickly. When he came to the outside world after a long absence, the dazzling sunlight made him squint his eyes.

Everything in the sect was the same as before, and there were not many people outside, but... at this moment, snow was falling all over the sky.

It can also snow in the Gobi Desert, which has to be said to be a wonder of Tianjian Villa.

The air revealed a biting cold, but it was also very fresh. The cultivators who were occasionally seen were still wearing brocade clothes and jade belts, with their hairbands fluttering. Only the beautiful female cultivators would wrap themselves in fox fur, like winter plum blossoms.

He did not find anything unusual.

With this strange mood, he immediately flew to the five highest peaks. The one in the center was where the sect master was, Qingri Peak.

"Greetings, Daozi." As soon as they landed at the gate of Qingri Peak, the two foundation-building cultivators immediately bowed and said respectfully: "The sect master has ordered that if Daozi arrives, there is no need to inform him, just go in directly."

Xu Yangyi nodded. He couldn't fly here. He walked into the cave quickly. After turning two corners, a cave in the mountain that was a hundred meters in size appeared in front of him. There were three large characters on it: Sansi Mansion.

The stone door opened with a bang. Six people were already sitting inside. In addition to the sect master, the third elder, and Jiang Lao, there were two old men and a young man.

One Yangsheng and two Yinzun. The vast spiritual energy filled the entire cave, and at the same time, it was full of indescribable solemnity.

What was even more strange was that one of the Yinzun was injured, as if he didn't have time to change his clothes, and he came here immediately.

"Sit down." The sect master nodded to him. He sat down as ordered. The young man next to him smiled and bowed to him. He couldn't help but look at him more.

His face is like a jade crown, his eyebrows are like flying swords, his eyes are like bright stars, and his nose is like a hanging gallbladder. A face that is enough to make girls on Earth scream, gentle and elegant with a touch of sword-like heroic spirit, wearing a black and purple robe, a Qilin jade pendant on his waist, his long hair is tied with a purple gold crown on his head, and a long sword is across his knees, which makes him look more handsome.

"This is the third Daozi, Ou Fangyu. He just came back from training with the fourth elder, and you haven't seen him yet." Old Jiang said slowly: "There is no time to lose, please let the sect master know immediately."

The Wanzhong Saint Lord nodded. The rules of the mercenary sect are not so strict. He said without shirking: "Eight months ago, the Refining Spirit Holy Flame rioted, I'm afraid everyone knows about it."

Everyone nodded.

"Everyone knows that our Tianjian Villa has been established for tens of thousands of years, and the Six Yang Acupoint has been nurtured for tens of thousands of years. Half of the sect's funds are spent by the Dan Hall. And... the Six Yang Acupoint is also an indispensable item for refining equipment. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is one of the lifeblood of our sect."

"However, since five hundred years ago, the firepower of the Six Yang Acupoint has become weaker and weaker. In another two hundred years, the Holy Spirit Refining Flame may disappear completely!"

No one was surprised at all, not even Xu Yangyi. Since he came here, he knew that the people sitting here were the future power holders and the current power holders of Tianjian Villa, and everyone had practiced the skill of not showing their emotions.

Why did they call him, a new Taoist?

He was as clear as snow in his heart.

This is a right and an obligation.

Tianjian Villa has given him so many benefits, and now his obligations have come. Rights and obligations are always relative. If he only asks for things without giving anything in return, he will do this to the sect, and the sect will never support him with all its strength.

"Xu Daozi, what do you think?" Unexpectedly, Wanzhong Shengjun pointed him out first.

He pondered for a moment: "Has the sect not gone down to take a look?"

Old Jiang smiled bitterly: "What if I tell you that no one has ever been able to reach the center of the Holy Spirit Refining Flame?"

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows: "Even Yang Sheng can't do it?"

"No." Wanzhong Saint Lord sighed: "If this acquired spiritual fire had not been suppressed by that scale, it would have exploded long ago. It has its own will and its own cultivation. It may have been very strong before, but it is definitely not above the Nascent Soul level now. But... the closer to the center, the lower the temperature. The closest time, the sect approached 30,000 meters from the center, but... that was already the limit."

"This is a demon fire, it is like explosives buried under Tianjian Villa, but we But we must rely on it. We will not feel at ease until we understand it. "

"So, in the past five hundred years, the task of any Nascent Soul with the most points is to explore the bottom. Song Ziyu also went in, but the result... disappointed us."

Xu Yangyi pondered for a moment and asked again: "Why must the Nascent Soul go? There are many elders in the sect who are stronger than the Nascent Soul."

"Because... since three hundred years ago, for some reason, the Saint-level cultivators could not enter the bottom at all." The third elder spoke, his voice a little hoarse: "And the Nascent Souls who went there in the past three hundred years... have not come out. Song Ziyu does not count, because he can't even get into the outer periphery."

Xu Yangyi nodded and said nothing more.

No one could see that his fingers were desperately calculating behind him.

The way of heaven is unpredictable, the trajectory of the seven stars, a few seconds later, his eyes quietly lit up.

"Three talents are born."

Strange hexagram.

Three talents, heaven, earth, and personality. Heaven includes time and space, and above the heaven, there is a word Si.

Si, snake.

"Quetzalcoatl..." he said secretly in his heart.

In the ground grid, the word Wu Hui appeared.

"Zhongli was named Zhurong when he was in charge of fire, and Wu Hui was named Zhurong when he was in charge of fire. Because of his status as a fire official, he was named Zhurong by Emperor Ku." Yu Chang said in his mind: "Wu Hui appeared in the ground grid, which should mean the land of fire."

"Can you understand?" Xu Yangyi was a little surprised.

"Wu Hou also participated in the war of all realms, how can I not understand?" Yu Chang sneered.

Xu Yangyi nodded and looked at the third word that appeared in his mind.


But this time, the personality could not be seen clearly, and only one word could be seen in the haze. And the appearance did not look like the word Xu.

"You have not practiced well enough. Once this method is practiced to a deep level, the three grids of heaven, earth and man will all be revealed. You are calculating a big event, and the two grids of heaven and earth are so clear, and man is the most difficult to calculate. Life is given by heaven, you are calculating the sky, and it is lucky that it can appear vaguely after being unsealed."

"Only when you meet the real person, the personality will appear clearly."

Xu Yangyi regained his mind and continued to listen to the words of the sect leader.

"Eight months ago, the Fourth Elder and Ou Daozi set out at the same time to explore Anlin City. But they found a more terrifying situation..." The Sect Master took a deep breath and looked at Ou Fangyu: "Third Daozi, you have been in there, tell me."

"Yes." Ou Fangyu stood up, almost as tall as Xu Yangyi, and bowed: "For some reason, the entrance to the Holy Spirit Refining Flame below us is actually in the Shuiyunjian of Anlin City, tens of thousands of kilometers away. Anlin City is the border between the Great Xia Dynasty and the Wanling Guiyi Sect, and this time..."

He paused: "Shuiyunjian... has been completely frozen, and many monsters have appeared."

Xu Yangyi frowned again without a trace, but this tiny movement was seen by Old Jiang.

"Xu Daozi, speak freely." He said in a deep voice: "You may not understand the specifications of this meeting. This is a major meeting of the sect. Even the hall master is not qualified to participate. Only the three Daozi and the elders can join. Any decision here is closely related to the future of Tianjian Villa. And we are not a one-man show. If you have any ideas, just say it."

Xu Yangyi nodded and said carefully: "Shuiyunjian should not be in the city. Although Xu has not been in the Seven Realms for a long time, he also knows that there are many monsters in the wild. Isn't it normal for monsters to appear?"

"Other monsters are nothing..." Ou Fangyu paused and said solemnly: "And this time... it's a fire spirit."

"And it's not just the Venerable Saint Realm that can't enter. The periphery of the Refining Spirit Holy Flame has been pushed outward for a full 10,000 meters. The places that could be reached in the past can no longer be reached."

Xu Yangyi nodded, and he had another idea in his mind.

The three grids of heaven, earth and man are transformed into hexagrams. Heaven is the time left by the feathered serpent god, and earth is the land of ten thousand fires. These three... are really not related?

He had a feeling that since he entered Tianjian Villa, whether it was what Song Ziyu was looking for, what he found in the cave, the memory he saw, or the last scale, all these things were saying the same thing.

Who hurt Quetzalcoatl?

What was it suppressing? Whose cave was that?

Perhaps, there would be a clue this time.

It's not that I don't want to fantasize, but when there is a chance to solve it, time will not wait.

Any words must be measured according to the situation.

"What is the senior's speculation?" He asked quietly in his spiritual consciousness.

"Demon spirit." Yu Chang thought for a moment and said with certainty: "It is very likely that any acquired spiritual treasure can be cultivated into a human form. Once it becomes a human form, it will truly embark on the path of cultivation. Below... I am afraid it is a human-shaped karma flame that has been locked for who knows how long."

"And... it is probably very ferocious, otherwise it is impossible that no cultivators will come out. It is also impossible that it has such great magical powers to refuse the entry of the saints in the Nascent Soul Realm."

"It is protecting itself. It should have been cultivated into a human form for only a few hundred years. At the same time, once it has spiritual intelligence, it is unwilling to accept restraints, so it begins to resist the will of the sect, which leads to less and less flames."

"This is the most realistic speculation, of course, there may be other reasons. After all... acquired spiritual treasures are the essence of heaven and earth, and it is not surprising that anything appears around it."

"Acquired spiritual treasures become human?" Xu Yangyi pondered for a few seconds. At this moment, Ou Fangyu's report was nearing the end. Wanzhong Sect Master stood up, raised his hand and pressed it, and suddenly there was silence.

"Everyone." He looked around at everyone, his face full of solemnity: "This matter concerns the lifeblood of our Tianjian Villa. Starting tomorrow, the sect will issue mission orders. This mission will focus on the 100,000-mile area near Anlin City of the Great Xia Dynasty. And you..."

He took a deep look at the two Daozi, Xu Yangyi and Ou Fangyu stepped out at the same time and half-knelt on the ground: "Disciple obeys the order."

"Very good." Wanzhong Saint took a deep breath: "You two... are the core of this mission. While the sect is conducting the trial, Xu Daozi, Ou Daozi, you immediately go to Shuiyunjian, and you must see what's going on anyway. This is a special mission of the sect, and you must not leak a single bit!"

"Once completed, the sect's holy-level magic weapon, you can choose one! Even if it is a spiritual treasure embryo, I will never be stingy! Do what you say!"

"Yes!" "Disciple understands."

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