
Chapter 1000: Holy Spirit Refining Flame and the Myriad Changes Mirror (Part 3)

Xu Yangyi nodded. If the former one is just shocking and the ultimate in alchemy, the name of the latter one is too empty.

"On the first day, you should not study too much. Next, I will give you a spiritual plant, and you will deal with it accordingly. How long..." He twirled his beard and rolled his eyes: "One month."

"One month?" Xu Yangyi frowned slightly.

"What kind of expression are you looking at! If you can't become familiar with these techniques under my guidance in a month, how can I be called a great master?" Before he could be surprised, Mr. Jiang had already patted the chair and was full of energy. Pointing to the ground: "Now! Practice!"

A spiritual plant similar to that of the Third Heaven flew in front of Xu Yangyi. It looked similar on the outside, but it didn't have that starry feeling inside.

"Nightless Heaven." Mr. Jiang said with a smile: "It is very similar to the Third Heaven, and many people admit it wrong. The treatment methods are exactly the same, but... it is just a medicine introduction to the Nascent Soul Dzogchen realm."

Meeting an alchemist is not scary.

It’s not scary to meet a somewhat neurotic alchemist.

The scary thing is that this neurotic alchemist is also an activist! No time is given for mental construction!

What's even more terrifying is...this old man is still his master...

Looking at the ten-meter alchemy furnace thrown by Mr. Jiang from the storage ring, he sighed. If he said no, I'm afraid the alchemy furnace would hit him in the face... right there.

Jiang Lao's eyes widened: "Are you still not happy?"

"I'd love to, you're mistaken."

"That's good, I will give you some guidance." Mr. Jiang snorted: "Let's get started."

Before Xu Yangyi could finish saying a good word, he turned into a stream of light and flew away.

Come gently, but walk quickly, wave your sleeves, and don't take away a single cloud.

He even flew past Xu Yangyi and brought his black hair flying. Leave no time to react.


Something seems wrong...

Xu Yangyi said after a long time: "He seemed to want to give me some advice just now?"

"It seems..." Yuchang also felt some cramps at the corners of his mouth: "Maybe we heard wrong..."

It was so unreliable. As soon as I finished giving instructions, when I turned around, no one was there.

The cave became quiet. Xu Yangyi sat in deep thought for a minute and then stood up immediately.

His spiritual consciousness stayed at the entrance of the cave. When he could no longer feel the other party's spiritual consciousness, he waited for another five minutes and came to the scales in one step.

"Is there something wrong with these scales?" Both of them looked cautious, and Yuchang asked in his mind in a deep voice.

In front of Yin Zun, once he communicates or displays his weapon spirit, he will definitely be discovered by the other party.

Again, Mr. Jiang may not have bad intentions, but Xu Yangyi didn't expect him to keep his mouth shut...

Once it is exposed, maybe one day when he is out of breath, he will shout, "Your disciple is a The dragon head is on the waist and on the chest..." Balabala.


There should be no more.

He could wait for his body to be collected.

"My Kaos seed has been in commotion since entering here." Xu Yangyi stroked the scales carefully: "The target is it."

Time is very tight, obviously we cannot come to this place often, and after Mr. Jiang leaves, he doesn't know when he will come back. Maybe he only has this chance.

It felt extremely smooth, like ice and jade, but the more I touched the center, the more something felt wrong.

"There's something on it." He pursed his lips and said, "I don't know... it feels... like some lines on the scales, but the lines are too weird."

He closed his eyes and explored with his spiritual consciousness inch by inch: "It's like... it's depicting some mountains and geography."

As soon as he finished speaking, a green light suddenly burst out from his chest. He almost never responded to his Chaos seed, but he actually responded on his own.

"Is this..." Both of them looked at his chest in astonishment: "Reacting to Quetzalcoatl's true form?"

There was no answer, and the green light shone, as if someone had written in the void and gently painted on the scales.

The green light is like a tide, converging into a point like a hair. The light passes through and is traced along the scales, and a green line follows the trend. After a while, a map I had never seen before was sketched out!

"This is... a sect?" Xu Yangyi squinted his eyes and looked at it. The painting style was very simple, but he could clearly see that it was an ancient Chinese style sect, with pavilions, pavilions, and towering ancient trees. There are even some fairy birds and animals. But they are all freehand paintings.

Ten minutes later, the green light went out, and the picture stayed on the scales, as if it would disappear at any time.

On the sect, there are five points specially drawn with a circle. And the numbers are clearly written in Chinese characters. From one to five, arranged in a messy manner.

"What on earth is this?" Yuchang observed for a long time: "Unlike Tianjian Villa, Tianjian Villa has no ancient trees at all. Unless..."

"Tianjian Villa tens of thousands of years ago?" The two of them said in unison.

Five circles, arranged in a five-pointed star shape, with a circle in the center with nothing inside.

"This picture is too abstract. Unless I encounter the exact same place and my photographic memory activates on its own, I will not know what it is." Xu Yangyi sighed and kept this picture firmly in his mind.

He had a guess in his mind.

How high is the realm of Quetzalcoatl?

He didn't know, but he knew that he was a flying immortal, which meant that his current state was higher than Dubu.

In this state, even he has the unblocked Seven Star Divine Calculation, let alone the other party.

The other party most likely possesses a magical power similar to the Catholic Great Precognition Technique, and it is countless times more accurate than him. Otherwise, it would be impossible to leave a piece of spiritual consciousness waiting for him in the ancestral hall of Tianjian Villa.

"This picture... may have been left to me by Quetzalcoatl." He said calmly.

Other than this explanation, no other explanation makes sense.

"Maybe he saw my figure in the foreknowledge and knew that I would come here, so he left it." He sighed and turned the scales around.

Although the scales could not move, they could rotate. They had always been facing them before, and he wanted to see if there was anything behind them.

However, just when the situation was reversed, both of them gasped.


There is an obvious blood stain on it, which is deeper than the black scales and has not faded for tens of thousands of years!

"The blood of Quetzalcoatl?" Yuchang said in shock: "God's blood?"

"But...why is it on the back?!"

The two exchanged glances in their spiritual consciousness, and both of them thought of the only possibility.


Only when you are injured can your back be stained with blood. But who can do it!

"Who could hurt him? Could it be... was it pulled out of his body forcibly? Otherwise, how could there be blood on his back!" Yuchang said in disbelief.

Even Tengebal, the two legends, always shy away from each other when they see each other.

At this moment, the two people connected again and said in unison: "Dragon King Temple!"

The two pairs of eyes met, and each read affirmation in the other's eyes.

That's right...

Only it could be it, it could be that monster that looked like a fairy, that could do this. Completely defeat Quetzalcoatl, who had no flying immortals tens of thousands of years ago. And pulled off the scale.

"Then, this scale was not placed here by Quetzalcoatl." Xu Yangyi looked around solemnly: "This should be placed here by that existence. If I defeat such an opponent, I will definitely leave a souvenir. "

The cave is still the cave.

The two of them felt a little chilly in their hearts.

The universe is vast and the Milky Way is vast, but they have only uncovered a corner.

As powerful as Quetzalcoatl, he has been defeated before, and he lost so miserably. The strongest monk the earth has ever seen was defeated by a monk from another plane.

Among the strong, there is a strong one, and every mountain is higher than the other.

"It's really... exciting..."

He is now certain that the story Quetzalcoatl wants to tell him is not over yet.

Even... it’s just begun!

There are countless mountains in the universe, and they have just learned how to climb mountains and are about to head towards the first one.

"Let's practice first." After a long time, he suppressed the uneasiness in his heart and never looked at the scales again.

"Aren't you curious?" Yuchang smiled.

Xu Yangyi shook his head: "It's a lie to say that I'm not curious... I'm a flying immortal... Such a monster can actually be defeated. But I know better that these things are not my extravagant hopes, and I can't live too high. All I can do now is to work hard. Cultivation, adapt to this seven realms, adapt to its laws."

"Then you can think about the future."

"Now, I can't even talk about the fight for the throne three hundred years from now."

Yuchang nodded and watched Xu Yangyi walk to the flower with joy. He admired this kind of person, taking one step at a time and only looking at his feet. You can look into the distance, but you can't dwell on it, let alone daydream about it. This will mess up your pace and your state of mind.

A visionary will never reach the top, no matter how outstanding his talent is.

Only a man of action can make a thousand miles by taking small steps. The one who laughs last must be such a person.

The cave became quiet, and Xu Yangyi just recalled every trick of Mr. Jiang, and began to concoct the Nightless Sky bit by bit.

Meditate for half a month, act for half a month, and meditate for another half month. Before you know it, five or six months have passed like this.

And Mr. Jiang, who claimed to give him guidance, never came back...

But you can’t protest! He estimated the alchemy furnace before protesting. It should be at least ten thousand kilograms if not tens of thousands kilograms. He measured his own strength, then touched his face and estimated the shadow area on his face. He chose not to use it in a hurry. Tolerate.

This is called showing weakness to the enemy... no, hiding one's strength and biding one's time.

Time passed by day by day, and he didn't know how many months had passed. He could already untie the seven petals. At this moment, a curtain of light suddenly flashed in the sky.

"How's it going?" Mr. Jiang's face showed a hint of fatigue. He glanced at the night sky in the sky. He suddenly felt angry and evil in his heart: "You bastard! It took eight months to untie seven pieces." ! How do I usually teach you!"

In a word, the two looked at each other in silence.

How do I usually teach you?

This sentence is worth pondering.

A few seconds later, Mr. Jiang coughed awkwardly: "Well, please stop what you are doing first."

"Yes." Xu Yangyi stopped what he was doing with some reluctance. He had already found a way for the eighth piece, but unfortunately...

"Wait a minute." On the light screen, Mr. Jiang's eyes suddenly lit up: "You...don't be too busy collecting your power yet."

Xu Yangyi did as he was told, and saw a steady stream of spiritual light flowing from his body, and the spiritual energy from all directions formed a small cyclone. Every time he dissected the petals, they expanded and contracted with his breathing.

"There is actually a skill that allows you to practice while refining alchemy..." Mr. Jiang took a breath: "If there is such a skill... there are thousands of alchemy monks in the world, why worry that no one will step into Taixu."

"Let's not talk about this first. Come to Wulao Peak immediately."

"What's the matter?" Xu Yangyi asked with a slight frown.

"The sect's special order." Jiang Lao said in a deep voice: "Remember, talk less and listen more. The sect master will not issue a special order unless it affects the sect's major changes."


Double~ Instantly reached more than 30~~ It hurts, please assist~~

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