
Chapter 999: Holy Spirit Flame and the Myriad Changes Mirror (Part 2)

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows as he thought of the pale flames that suddenly exploded in the passage.

"Underneath, there is an acquired spiritual fire suppressed, called the Holy Spirit Refining Flame. It is the lifeblood of the entire Tianjian Villa's funds."

"However, although this place is dangerous, it is not our theme today. What I want to tell you... is that no matter how dangerous it is here, it is the best place to practice alchemy and alchemy techniques, at least in Tianjian Villa!"

"Alchemy and fire are indistinguishable. Whether it is alchemy or alchemy, they are all closely related to fire. This is the closest place to the holy flame of soul refining. Don't stop eating because of choking. Cultivation has always been about sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat." He breathed a sigh of relief. He said slowly: "Take out the Wanhua Zhenjian I gave you."

Xu Yangyi did as he was told and spread out the jade slips in front of him. This was the beginning of formal contact with Alchemy.

Jiang Shengping closed his eyes and organized his words. When he opened his eyes, his expression was extremely serious and he said in a deep voice: "Today is the first day of teaching. The disciples of my mantle must learn the true lesson of all transformations."

"This technique has nothing to do with supernatural powers, but only with spiritual consciousness. You don't have to worry about polluting your physical body. The so-called ten thousand transformations are to change your spiritual consciousness from one to ten, from ten to a hundred, from a hundred to a thousand, and finally a thousand. Thousands of threads.”

"This skill is divided into four levels. Separating ten spiritual threads is the first step... Don't think it's simple as it sounds. It's very effective. This is the silk-strengthening method that Master created uniquely. Once this method reaches the second level, it can not only be used to refine elixirs, but can also be used to kill enemies and make up for shortcomings in physical fitness."

"When you reach the 100% level, any of your spiritual threads is equivalent to a whip of spiritual consciousness. It does not hit the body, only the spiritual consciousness! When combined, it becomes one and becomes a spear of spiritual consciousness, which is indestructible. When divided, it becomes a hundred , A hundred whips dance, and you are invincible. You can attack in groups, and you can use it alone. This method is a piece of spiritual knowledge that I got by chance in my early years, and it was finally perfected after hundreds of years of research."

"More importantly, the Tisi Spirit Forging Technique can greatly temper your spiritual consciousness. For a monk, spiritual consciousness is his detection method. His third eye, such as Taixu, can easily reach millions of other people's spiritual consciousness. Meters, the Saint level has reached hundreds of thousands of meters, only then can one person guard a domain. In the Alchemy Path, the level of spiritual consciousness is the core that determines whether you can accurately control the flame, how many medicinal materials you can invest at one time, and how much medicinal materials you can focus on. "

An old man and a young man sat and stood together, and the gate of Dan Dao slowly opened in front of Xu Yangyi.

Jiang was always a man of action and would demonstrate immediately whenever he was inspired. But with a wave of his hand, hundreds of spiritual threads spread out, appearing like a hand holding an orchid, and between his thumb, middle finger and ring finger, he pinched a flower that seemed to be alive.

The flowers bloom in three colors and are about one meter in size. The outer layer is red, like fire waves rolling over the clouds, the middle layer is white, like white frost and proud snow, and the last layer is pitch black, like endless void, which arouses people's imagination.

What's even more striking is that the stamens... are actually like a galaxy, extremely bright. When the three-layered flower opens, a sea of ​​fire blooms, frost floats, and finally the endless void among ice and fire is revealed.

He has never seen such a dazzling spiritual plant.

"Grade A spiritual plant, third heaven." Mr. Jiang's voice slowly sounded: "Your first step is not to learn alchemy, but to start with the processing of heavenly materials and earthly treasures."

"You have to remember that once any monk, especially a saint-level one, comes to your door, he will find countless people. Why? Because the materials in their hands are rare, and they even only have one copy. Once it is destroyed, it will be forgotten. The saint is also in pain. A great master who often destroys elixirs is unpopular."

"So, dealing with the treasures of heaven and earth is the starting point of everything. Here you will learn how to deal with spiritual plants, minerals, and even most rare birds and animals, especially precious parts. These are my unique techniques, and there is no distinction between them. Number."

He paused and said in a deep voice: "For example, this third-level sky flower has a total of four hundred and seventy-two steps to deal with. Only the stamens are taken. Once the stamens are missed, the stamens will wither directly. It is known as the most difficult to deal with the treasures of heaven and earth, and its complexity It may even exceed some of the first-class spiritual plants. As long as you can handle it, the rest is just accumulation."

"These four hundred and seventy-two steps include Alchemy's techniques for dealing with 90% of spiritual plants and their processing methods. This is your first lesson."

The hand of the spiritual silk slowly opened, and the third layer of the sky floated in the air. Mr. Jiang's expression became solemn: "Watch it."

As soon as he finished speaking, all the spiritual threads started to move uniformly like a weeping willow in the wind.

At this moment, it seemed like hundreds of people were pulling up together.

Xu Yangyi watched attentively. A great master was demonstrating in person, and more importantly, he was demonstrating and explaining at the same time. How could ordinary people see this?

"Thousands of flowers are blowing on the willows." Mr. Jiang whispered, and all the spiritual threads were dancing like willow branches, dancing in the south of the Yangtze River in April. It doesn't look like it comes from one person at all.

"This is just one technique, Wanhua Zhenjian, which integrates fifty-two mainstream techniques of alchemy. Seven of them can only be used by great masters, sixteen can be used by masters, and other craftsmen can use them."

"I'm not boasting. If I hadn't studied this fragmentary scripture, Master Yuanling would be nothing. I half-studied and half-practiced, and it was only considered a success fifty years ago. On the day you came, Xi Xinghai was known as the elixir. The most powerful elixir under your command, Master Yuan Ling, could have made it a hundred years ago, but the one I made that day is a whole level more powerful than that old immortal medicine!"

As he demonstrated, the eyes of the old man, who was covered in black and gray and looked slovenly, had burst out with a confident light. Like a dancer immersed in his own stage, the number of spiritual threads increased from hundreds to thousands. I have worked for thousands of people, and I am very organized, handling the medicinal materials without any disorder, and my skills are extremely advanced.

"Any great master has a unique way of handling medicinal materials, but as clever as my Wanhua Zhenjian, your master, I dare to assure you that under the Alchemy Lord, not to mention the seven realms, Xu Kunlun is the only one." !”

He stood up proudly, his short body turned out to be as majestic as a mountain in the process. The colors of the third heaven are ever-changing, but just like Sun Wukong in the hands of Tathagata Buddha, he cannot escape from Wuzhi Mountain no matter what.

In an instant, the fire rose, lingering around a meter of flowers, sometimes turning into a red bird, sometimes soaring into a green dragon. The beauty of the figure is beyond description. The dexterity of his hands is beyond words.

In Xu Yangyi's eyes, Jiang Shengping's hand had turned into a phantom that filled the sky.

Sometimes there was snow falling all over the sky, or a black tide surging, and for a moment, it was impossible to see what technique he used. He can only use photographic memory.

These techniques are all introduced in Wanhua Zhenjian.

The time is silent, one person is immersed in doing it, and the other is obsessed with watching. I don't know how long it took, but with the sound of sand, Mr. Jiang suddenly raised his head and shouted: "Oops!"

"How long have I been cooking this?!"

Xu Yangyi also woke up from this addiction. The flower was completely in full bloom. The three layers did not overlap. After so long, it was just allowed to open. And inside, a starburst burst out, beautiful and beautiful.

This kind of beauty is different from the practice. It is a different kind of beauty, but it makes people fascinated.

He calculated in his mind, cupped his hands and said: "Two hours."

Jiang Lao slapped his forehead, the sacred feeling in his body disappeared, and sighed: "Did the sect leader let me go over to discuss it?"

...I forgot about it. Do you still remember this?

He felt itchy in his heart. For some reason, he wanted to see what this flower would look like after being cooked. The magic of nature's creation made his heart beat faster, as if he knew for the first time that humans could still practice cultivation.

The shocking feeling of facing the avenue will never be forgotten.

"Do you know how powerful your master is?" The old man snorted and stood up reluctantly. He waved his hand casually, and in an instant, all the spiritual threads circled quickly, condensed into a spear, and suddenly stabbed Xu Yangyi between the eyebrows.

He almost instinctively wanted to fight back, even though it was the gathering of spiritual threads, but before the tip of the spear reached, the void in front of him was shattered layer by layer. He took a breath of cold air. The spiritual threads that were just processing medicinal materials were condensed to such an extent. power!

"Dang!" Yu Guang unsheathed and swung the tip of the gun. Vibrations came from the sword. His body hadn't felt it yet, but his mind suddenly went numb, as if a big hand was going deep into his mind and stirring the brain.

The pain was so severe that he almost couldn't help but cry out in pain. However, before he could speak, the pain had quietly gone away and turned into little spiritual lights dissipating in the air.

"Any alchemy master, I count myself lucky. The path of others is much more miserable than that of ordinary monks." Mr. Jiang sighed, and said with some emotion: "Once you find that 20% of your talent is unclaimed, most of them will be killed by everyone. He is supported by a big force and cannot step out of the gate for the rest of his life. He is no different from a puppet."

"Therefore, all alchemy masters will not only practice alchemy. Any alchemy must be a treasure that integrates offense and defense, such as my Ten Thousand Transformations Treasure Mirror, such as Master Yuanling's Living Man's Sutra. Usually, they practice The medicine elixir technique is a magical power in wartime. Your master, I am not a junior elixir disciple with no ability to restrain a chicken."

Of course you are not.

Xu Yangyi curled his lips secretly, "How can you, who can smash a tens of thousands of kilograms of pill furnace into the face of the sect leader, have no power to restrain a chicken?"

Of course, this is a slander... The so-called slander means saying no, but being honest in the heart...

For example, he was listening to Mr. Jiang talking very honestly and sincerely.

Seeing Xu Yangyi's attitude, the lecturer must be pleased to have such a listener. Mr. Jiang smiled and said: "Your baby is still very young. I heard that there are two realms in the Alchemy Sage, but only a few people can achieve it since ancient times."

"What realm?" Xu Yangyi couldn't help but ask.

Jiang Lao laughed, then winked: "What do you think?"

...I don't want to guess...

Xu Yangyi's face turned dark, and his character was quite calm. The master thought he had become more serious just now, but he didn't expect that he was still off-line from time to time.

Seeing Xu Yangyi's somewhat embarrassed expression, Mr. Jiang coughed dryly and said as seriously as possible: "I don't know."

"have no idea?"

"Yes... all the classics record that there should be this realm, but they are not specific about it. However, they all explain the signs of this realm."

He looked deeply at Xu Yangyi: "The previous level... uses planes to make elixirs."

"The entire galaxy and sea are all in the alchemy furnace. Plane alchemy, the entire plane is condensed into a pill. It is said that... it can make people take one step too far."

"The second level..." Even Mr. Jiang's voice was full of awe at this moment: "Create something out of nothing..."

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