
Chapter 998: Holy Spirit Refining Flame and the Myriad Changes True Mirror (I)

He didn't see that Xu Yangyi's tongue was against the pill. The spiritual power of his whole body was desperately investigating the ingredients of the pill. After ten minutes, he felt relieved to swallow it.

No poison, no magical power, this pill has nothing except the essence of the medicinal power.

Not him?

The doubts disappeared the moment the pill entered his mouth. The medicinal power turned into a warm current and spread out. The virtual spirit body was repairing his damaged body. When it touched these warm currents, it was like chicken blood. Infinite white light appeared in his muscles, bones, and blood at the same time. The warm spiritual power was like a river, nourishing his broken internal organs.

The white light flickered, but in just one or two minutes, all his wounds showed signs of healing.

Venerable Wuxiang didn't see that Xu Yangyi, who was close to coma, had his left hand placed in a crack in a stone covered with snow.

And his hand had already pinched a spell.

The fish intestines were unsealed.

As long as Venerable Wuxiang had made a slight move just now, he would be greeted by the full unsealing of the fish intestines.

Kill them all!

He has never been a gullible person.

"Ahem..." After another five minutes, Xu Yangyi opened his eyes a little weakly. As the initiator of this explosion, even if he was a virtual immortal body, he would have to rest for at least a few years. After all, an incomplete Taixu magic talisman exploded in his body. If his cultivation was almost dead, he would have died long ago.

And now, the white spiritual light in his body is getting stronger and stronger, like a dead tree coming back to life. It has not weakened at all after being warmed up. He can actually speak.

"It's okay." He put down the big stone in his heart, looked at the top of the cave passage, and breathed a sigh of relief.

On the line of life and death, sword against sword, he has no right to gamble.

So, he can only try his best.

Venerable Wuxiang stood in front of him, looking at him deeply. He was thinking about how to talk about what happened just now, but Venerable Wuxiang spoke first.

"Master, no matter what means you use, you must not use it next time!"

"Remember, you are the disciple of my alchemy master, Venerable Wuxiang. Since I have accepted you, your business is my business! There is nothing that cannot be said between master and disciple."

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered slightly, and he just nodded silently.

He did not tell the other party that he had a master before.

That master was called Gu Song. The realm of Jindan was called Zhenren.

After him, he no longer believed in the relationship between master and disciple.

Venerable Wuxiang breathed a sigh of relief and was about to say something. Suddenly, a light curtain appeared directly in front of the two of them, and the face of Wanzhong Shengjun flashed. He did not look at Venerable Wuxiang, but immediately glanced at Xu Yangyi.

"I'm glad you're okay." Wanzhong Shengjun breathed a sigh of relief. If something happened to the other party, or something happened in the sect, he would really regret it too late.

Nodding slightly to Xu Yangyi, he turned to Venerable Wuxiang and said, "Old Jiang, did it just... 'it' riot?"

"Yes." Jiang Shengping's expression also became solemn: "This is the fifth time in five hundred years... This time it is thirty years earlier than usual."

Silence, after a few seconds, Wanzhong Saint said in a deep voice: "Place Daozi and come to Wulao Peak immediately."

"Just now... an early Yangsheng with an immortal body sneaked into Tianjian Villa and was driven away by me. In addition..." He paused: "Situ Kong is missing."

Jiang Shengping's eyes moved, his white beard flew up, and he said angrily: "This bastard has the spirit-sending talisman in his hand! He can mobilize it once to protect his body! I have said not to give it to these unscrupulous people! You don't listen!! If you hurt my disciples, how can you compensate me!"

Before he finished speaking, the light curtain disappeared directly, probably because the other party didn't want to see him blowing his beard and glaring.

"Don't worry about him." Jiang Shengping turned to Xu Yangyi and said, "You take a rest first. Your master will protect you."

Xu Yangyi did not shirk. He had a hunch that the effect of meditation was very good now, because the white light in his body did not disappear, but became stronger and stronger!

I really don't know what kind of elixir it is. The medicinal power seems to be endless, like a thousand waves, one layer higher than the other.

Immersed in the world of cultivation, that elixir is definitely not an ordinary product. Soon, all the internal organs were repaired. What's even more weird... is that his spiritual power actually floated up a section!

Not much, but definitely not a small amount. About 5%, the green light flows in the entire meridian, and the spiritual power that fills it has changed from mist to something like liquid. When all the spiritual energy becomes liquid, it is time to ask the door of the saint.

And his guess is that he is now about 20% to 30% of the late Nascent Soul.

"This pill..." How long had he practiced, and how long had Yuchang observed it? After a long while, he said in a deep voice: "It's extraordinary."

He nodded silently. He didn't know how long he had practiced. Finally, he opened his eyes and bowed to Wuxiang Zun: "Master, may I ask what kind of pill this is?"

"Shengsheng Zaohua Pill." Wuxiang Zun breathed a sigh of relief and rolled his eyes at him: "When I broke through to the Grandmaster, a pill master rewarded me with ten pills in a box. Below Taixu, multiple injuries can be recovered immediately and the spiritual energy can be restored. I didn't even want to use it!"

Xu Yangyi actually smiled: "Thank you, Master."

"Your good practice is a thank you to me." Wuxiang Zun waved his sleeves, wrapped Xu Yangyi, and shot straight down.

"How long have I practiced?" Xu Yangyi asked in a deep voice in his spiritual consciousness.

"One hour..." Yuchang sighed: "Little guy, this old man is good to you. Maybe it's not him, otherwise the expression reaction can't be so real."

"I know that on earth, the master-disciple feud between you and Mr. Gu Song is raging, and there is always a hurdle in your heart. However, not everyone is Gu Song. However, I am not telling you to entrust your heart to me. he……"

"I understand." Xu Yangyi said calmly: "This is my cause and effect, or as the saying goes, a distance can tell a horse's power, and time can tell a person's heart. He is very good to me now, but can I treat him as a real master? Look, let’s take a look.”

After a pause, he said firmly: "It's not him."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." Xu Yangyi said firmly: "Believe people don't doubt, doubt people don't believe. In addition, if it was him, he couldn't still stay in the sect, he must have flown far away. Where can I go with the innate spiritual fire? He is still a pill Dao Grand Master. Finally, it is impossible for a Yin Master to use such a precious elixir to save me."

"Then do you have any idea?"

Xu Yangyi was silent for a moment, then quietly replied: "Yes."

"Situ Kong is Song Ziyu's man. Although he is gone, his foundation has not fallen. He is the person who wants me to die the most. I slapped him in the face in front of the entire clan. He will not Give it up and let it go."

"Only his people would use this roundabout method to take my life, because they can't do it within the sect. If the real master wanted to do it, I wouldn't be able to come out alive today."

Yuchang said sincerely: "If you cut the grass without eradicating the roots, there will be endless troubles."

"I do think so." Xu Yangyi sneered: "Senior, it's not like he didn't see how fast he ran that day."

"But that's okay."

"Next time I meet him, I'll get my money back with interest!"

Presumably, it's actually not a difficult job. As long as you look at who benefits in the end and who your enemy is, it will be clear at a glance.

Fortunately, he only had one enemy in the upper world. No matter how ruthless Lord Ji Ling was, he had no intention of killing him that day.

Only Song Ziyu has it.

Yin Zun was extremely fast, and after about twenty seconds, the two of them had arrived at a closed door.

I don’t know how deep the ground is here anymore. The surrounding walls are full of cracks and the inside is covered with snow. The passage here has become huge, becoming another cave of three to four hundred meters, and the door of the same size is standing across the two people. before.

Jiang Shengsheng spat out a small silver seal with a solemn expression. The small seal burst out with a ray of brilliance and shot into the crack of the door. In an instant, the ordinary stone door flashed with brilliance, and finally... formed into the shape of a snake.

Xu Yangyi's eyes moved slightly.

This snake is different from the others, with four wings behind it. I only heard Jiang Shengsheng say: "This seal is the leader's seal, one yin and one yang. Only when the two are combined into one can the next sect leader be appointed."

As soon as the door opened, he wrapped himself in Xu Yangyi and flew in.

The two of them were so insignificant to the several-hundred-meter-long gate. After entering, they saw only a ground made of stone slabs. The four sacred beasts pulled four chains deep under the stone slabs, and a seat was placed behind it.

Just as he entered, Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly flashed, and in the center, a scale was suspended. He only glanced at it, and the seed of Chaos in his chest jumped suddenly.

"This is..." Before he could speak, Yuchang had already gasped: "The scales of Quetzalcoatl?"

Xu Yangyi followed and walked in, seemingly motionless, but his spiritual consciousness lingered on the scale.

That's right...

Really the scales of Quetzalcoatl!

Although I don’t know how long it has been, the pressure has almost dissipated, but the feeling of arrogance is exactly the same as the real body seen in the Tower of Babel!

"What? Are you interested in this scale?" Mr. Jiang sat on the jade chair and asked with a smile.

"It's a little strange." Xu Yangyi said calmly.

"Don't say you are weird, we are weird too." Mr. Jiang stamped his feet on the ground: "This place was established almost at the same time as Tianjian Villa. It was even here when Tianjian Villa was first established."

There was a trace of nostalgia in his eyes: "This scale is also here."

"We don't know what this scale is. We only know that...its owner should be very powerful, at least in the late Taixu stage."

He did not dwell too much on this issue. This was not the purpose of asking Xu Yangyi to come: "You should know that this sect is a mercenary sect, and what do mercenaries lack most?"

He raised three fingers: "Three things."

"Strong man, magic weapon, elixir."

"Only three mercenary sects with complete capabilities are the top sects. Among the top sects, Tianlang Yao Dao is such a sect. And Tianjian Villa established the sect based on physical cultivation, Yang Sheng needs to improve in combat. .so……"

He paused and said, "One-quarter of Tianjian Villa's funds for magic weapons and elixirs come from mission remuneration, one-quarter comes from various industries, and the other two-quarters all come from Liuyangqiao's elixir hall. "

Xu Yangyi nodded, this information is not difficult to find.

"But..." Mr. Jiang lowered his voice, looked into his eyes and said, "What if I told you that there is a terrible monster underneath?"

" suppressed by this scale in front of you?"

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