
Chapter 997: Killing Intent (Part 3)

Daxia Dynasty, Xiahou Mansion, Xiahou who was sitting at his desk suddenly raised his head and looked at Tianjian Villa in disbelief.

Not only him, but tens of thousands of kilometers away, pairs of ancient eyes opened and they all gasped.

"This... is Taixu?" "I have never felt Taixu before. Could it be that someone in Tianjian Villa has been promoted to Taixu?" "What a terrifying power... this person must be at the level of Five Kings and Two Queens!"

Tianjian Villa, Sect Master's Mansion, the Ten Thousand Level Saint Lord suddenly opened his eyes, and instantly turned into a stream of light and flew outside.

There was a huge crowd outside. He did not adjust the order, but looked at everything in front of him in shock.

The earth trembled crazily, like a small earthquake, but in the world of monks, natural disasters are not as good as a monk's magical power. With the blessing of the sect-protecting formation, earthquakes are simply impossible to happen.

"This is..." He was stunned for three seconds, and eight heavenly dragons exploded behind him. Eight golden figures surrounded him, and their spiritual consciousness was like water, spreading hundreds of thousands of meters.

At the same time, among the eight heavenly dragons, a man with extremely big ears and eyes, with a divine light hundreds of meters away, set up an arbor and scanned the entire sect.

Ten seconds later, he finally stopped. His face was calm, with surging murderous intent in his calmness. He turned his hand and swept towards Ando Kuni in the air.

"How dare you cause trouble in our Tianjian Villa? How dare you look down on the descendants of Feixian?"

"A young Yang Sage actually dares to be so arrogant in front of me. Are you tired of living?"

The sound was like thunder, and the blood energy like an oven actually shook countless stones on the ground to slowly rise and fall heavily. Then...Skyrim collapsed.

With Yang Sheng's palm and Yinluo's palm, the sky exploded and rippled like water waves. Then, a figure wearing a skinny monk's robe suddenly appeared in the air. Hei Shenchen couldn't see his face clearly, and he swiped his palm from the sky.

boom! ! !

The power of the two Yang Saints collided, and an infinite violent storm arose, rolling up a sandstorm all over the ground. Wan Zhongshengjun's eyes turned cold: "What a thief."

As soon as the Tianling Cap was slapped, there was a sound of gold and iron horses, the sound of Buddhists within hundreds of thousands of meters, the sky was filled with flowers, and a thousand-meter-large phantom appeared in the distance behind him.

"Overlord Immortal Body?" A long laugh came from the monk: "I have heard for a long time that Master Wan has magical powers. When I saw him today, he was indeed worthy of his name."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a peach tree standing high in the sky, with thousands of green leaves swaying, cranes flying above it, deer running among it, and an old man who looked like a longevity star smiling at him.

Immortal body!

Immortal body versus Immortal body, Wan Zhong Shengjun failed to defeat the opponent with one palm. The shadow of the peach tree began to slowly disappear, and a sentence was left with a sneer: "In this troubled year, Wan Zongzhu still swept the snow in front of him and stopped taking charge. It’s good for others to have frost on their tiles.”

Wan Zhong Shengjun still wanted to take action, but the other party had already drifted away.


After a moment, the Wan Zhong Shengjun said coldly: "Which sect elder is guarding the sect today?"

"Come to Wulao Peak to see me immediately!"

"In addition, everyone in the entire sect is prohibited from going out. Violators will be executed!"

At the same time, at the end of the sky, a black shadow cut through the sky, flew tens of thousands of meters like a sharp sword, and finally stopped.

There was a cliff where he landed, and there was thick fog below. He glanced at it and immediately flew down.

Ten seconds later, under the white mist, he finally stopped on an altar.

"Welcome to Senior Ghost-faced Monk." A Nascent Soul monk stood up immediately. His voice was old and his face was haggard. At this moment, he didn't care about his appearance at all and said in a trembling voice: "How is it?"

"Is he...dead?"

The ghost-faced monk's whole body was shrouded in a layer of black light, and his appearance could not be seen clearly. He said lightly: "No."

"No?" The old man Yuanying paused, then knelt down slumped: "How is it possible..."

"The riot of spiritual fire the day after tomorrow was enough to refine him to death in the passage. I... this junior only activated it after knowing that he had entered the Six Yang Aperture. How could he still be alive!"

"Situ Kong, I have long said that your method will not work." The ghost-faced monk sat cross-legged in the air leisurely, looking at Situ Kong, the former master of Tianjian Villa who had almost turned gray overnight, and sneered: "This thing is the acquired spiritual fire. Unless it encounters an innate spirit treasure, it would be difficult for it to attack the opponent. But now it makes him alert. "

Situ Kong was trembling all over, his hands and feet were on the ground shaking like a stroke. During this period, whenever he practiced, he would immediately see the palm of that day.

It's too scary... This palm broke his Taoist heart and has become his nightmare.

", you still agree to the junior's activation..." He lowered his head and spoke hoarsely, with even a choke in his voice: "I know...I just know...I know I can't kill him! He is a devil. , this talisman was passed to me by the sect leader when he saw my meritorious service that day. I can use this acquired spiritual fire once in times of crisis..."

"Now they can find out it's me... There are only three or four people in the sect who have the soul-removing talisman... I, I can't go back... What should I do!!"

By the end, he was almost screaming like crazy. The veins in his hands bulged and he clawed into his pale hair, like a frightened old dog.

The black energy all over the ghost-faced monk's body moved imperceptibly, he sighed, and gently stroked his head with his hand: "That's it, poor man, since you work for my Song family, you are naturally a member of my Song family. Someone will Accept you."

"Are you willing to accept this junior?" Situ Kong raised his head, his face full of surprise, and the wrinkles spread out.

The ghost-faced monk shook his head: "It's not me."

The next second, his fingers suddenly tightened, and he forcefully pulled something like a spirit body out of Situ Kong's body.

"It's the King of Hell."

Situ Kong didn't even scream, his eyes quickly turned white, but his whole face was still in disbelief.

Soul extraction...

He couldn't figure it out...

Why, why did he work so hard for the Song family, but ended up like this?

He tried to open his eyes wide, with the last words he wanted to say and disbelief, he looked at the ghost-faced monk in front of him, drooling from the corners of his mouth, shaking like a puppet.

"Hush..." The ghost-faced monk stood in front of him without joy or sadness, and raised a finger to his lips: "You are going to die, why bother others? Buddha said that sin without cause is sin, your sins are already deep enough, why add sin to sin."

"Ah, your expression... don't you understand? Can't figure it out?" He seemed to laugh and said lightly: "People... betray once, there will be a second time. You moved the Holy Spirit Refining Flame of Tianjian Villa and touched their foundation. This is a deadly feud. A dog like you, who knows when you will bite the Song family out, so this Saint Lord will send you off."

Situ Kong's lips trembled, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

The ghost-faced monk looked up at the sky, and after a long time, he suddenly smiled: "Tianjian Villa... I, the Song family alone, may not dare to touch you, but what about the other three major families in Xu Kunlun?"

"This kid's life, this Saint wants... Tianjian Villa, the Song family wants it, two-pronged approach, to ensure that it is foolproof. Hehe, let you test it, how long the acquired spiritual fire can last."

"Now, do you understand?" He pinched his hand hard and said calmly: "Amitabha."

Situ Kong's pupils suddenly widened, and with this pinch, a white light exploded, his soul let out an extremely unwilling scream, and completely disappeared in the valley.


In the passage, Wuxiang Venerable had already seen a little fire in front of him, not pale, but red. He suddenly had doubts in his heart, where did this red color come from?

He could feel two forces confronting each other, one was the thing under Tianjian Villa, and the other was this red.

But what could cause that monster to personally attack at any cost?

It has been...surviving the catastrophe for tens of thousands of years since the founding of the sect. Is there anything else that can make it so crazy?

What exactly is it?

Curiosity immediately surged up, and he moved faster. The things in front of him became clearer and clearer. However, at this moment, a flash of red color flashed, followed by a burst of colorful light like a tsunami! Rushing towards him head-on!

Light, infinite light, mixed with countless seven-colored spirit butterflies, instantly penetrated the entire passage!

In an instant, a tide of colorful butterflies came upon him. In this bottomless underground, it was dazzling in silence and gorgeous in brilliance. His pupils suddenly contracted, and in his eyes... it seemed as if a vast ocean of Taixu power appeared. His hair crown was blown away suddenly, and his clothes fluttered in this furious ocean.

"Damn it..." He gritted his teeth fiercely, and a small alchemy cauldron flew out from above his head, growing in the wind, and suddenly grew to a size of tens of meters, like a shield, with divine light flashing, blocking the entire passage.

"Ten Thousand Transformations True Mirror... Transformation God!!"

Spiritual power rushed into the small cauldron frantically, and suddenly, white light shone from the mouth of the cauldron, and smoke with the fragrance of elixir swirled out, instantly turning into layers of white deer, spirit turtles, and hundreds of rare birds and beasts forming walls, firmly protecting him in front of him.

"Boom!!!" The next second, a comet hit! A colorful color burst out, and he didn't even hum, flying backwards like a meteorite.

He was washed away for thousands of meters without any resistance, and all the pale fire around him was blown away instantly. Finally reached a critical point, all the colorful butterflies turned into colorful spiritual light and disappeared at the same time, colorful and dreamlike.

He patted the cauldron in front of him lightly, and then he found that he was covered in cold sweat. His chest was heaving violently.

It was too scary...

Such a small place, such a terrifying storm... In an instant, he was blown away for thousands of meters... Not good!

His heart jumped suddenly, and the spiritual power of the Yin Zun realm was fully opened. A stream of light rushed forward, and in a moment, he had arrived at the origin of the explosion.

Xu Yangyi was lying on the ground, without any spiritual power in his body, and blood was flowing from his pores, but his slightly trembling eyes showed that he was not dead.

The previous attack used his spiritual consciousness to completely peel off the shell of the Nanhua Butterfly Mother Talisman. His spiritual consciousness could not withstand such a high-level talisman at all. The reckless action led to the full rebound of Taixu's magical power. Not to mention a wisp of spiritual consciousness that suppressed the monster for tens of thousands of years, even if Wanzhong Saint was here, it would only be blown away like a piece of paper.

Wuxiang Zun took two steps forward, immediately took out a pill and put it in his mouth, and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

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