
Chapter 996: Killing Intent (Part 2)

"There is an acquired spiritual flame here." Yu Chang's spiritual consciousness quietly sounded. No matter how the second elder was teasing, he was a genuine Yin Zun, with a spiritual consciousness that exceeded that of normal cultivators by more than 30%. He would never dare to risk showing his body: "Innate spiritual flames, such as your Nanming Lihuo, are all named innate. Acquired spiritual flames are formed by chance after birth, but it is difficult to say the name. Generally, whoever discovers it should name it."

"The foundation of Tianjian Villa is definitely not weak. It can bury the acquired spiritual flame under the sect and keep it for so long. It has not yet impacted the A-level sects. How powerful are those A-level sects?"

Xu Yangyi nodded solemnly.

Don't be arrogant.

Everyone treats you well because of your qualifications, not your strength.

He has only seen the tip of the iceberg in the Seven Realms. Not to mention the seven kings who suppressed the seven star beasts, nor the two legends, just the top strength among the A-level and above can be seen from the Tianjian Villa.

Very powerful.

Worthy of being the true master of a million light years.

"Will it not hurt people?"

"No, all the acquired spiritual flames that can be placed in the sect must have been tamed. Otherwise, although the acquired spiritual treasures are not as good as the innate spiritual treasures, they are also extremely powerful. It is impossible for the sect to place a time bomb in the sect."

As soon as the voice fell, the Nanming Lihuo in his Dantian suddenly moved, and then the pale cold fire from all directions paused, rushing towards him like a tide!

"What is this?" He was stunned. The flames were extremely fast, and they were like the sea and the tide. Wherever the flames passed, the rock walls were frozen.

Yuchang was stunned in place. He had just finished talking about being tamed, and in the blink of an eye, a raging fire tide was set off, and the target was them.

"Control your innate spiritual fire!" Yu Chang was startled and calmed down immediately after the sudden change: "This is a devouring reaction! Your innate spiritual fire has been detected by it! How could this happen!"

"This kind of tamed spiritual fire will never devour, unless..."

"Unless what?" Xu Yangyi said lightly. His heart was cold.

He also had a guess, which should be similar to Yu Chang's, but he didn't want to say it.

"Unless..." Yu Chang sighed: "Someone mobilized it."

"And it's someone with a very high status in the sect, otherwise it's impossible to mobilize such a treasure."

As these words fell, the Nanming Lihuo seemed to be provoked, and it burst out from his millions of pores. If it didn't burn him, he would be like Zhu Rong descended to the world, standing in the passage with flames all over his body.

The confrontation between Hong and Cang came too suddenly, and the white frenzy from all directions directly lowered the temperature to below zero. Only where Xu Yangyi was, there was a touch of warmth.

A spiritual consciousness that had never been felt before instantly filled the place, with a strong desire, and the pale spiritual flames like a tide entered within a radius of ten meters from him, and the speed became slower and slower, almost advancing inch by inch, while Nanming Lihuo refused to give up an inch, and did not retreat in the face of the white cold tide from all directions.

He did not speak, and the cold sweat dripped on his forehead. His brain was already working rapidly: "Once a collision occurs, the fact that I have an innate spiritual treasure will be exposed immediately! This place is so close to the Great Xia Dynasty... I'm afraid they will immediately think of me!"

"The Great Xia Dynasty must be searching for people who have ascended. Although I have delayed it for a hundred years, they should still be observing me. There must be no chaos at this moment!"

What to do!

The sudden change instantly affected the life and death line, and it came too fast. Even he did not think of a good way.

The pale fire surrounded him like a poisonous snake, as if looking for the best angle to attack from. The Nanming Lihuo in the Dantian was restless and could erupt at any time and anywhere, rushing out to fight the opponent to the death.

"Use the extremely powerful spiritual consciousness to suppress it!" Yuchang shouted in his mind: "Quick! Once this thing is exposed, it will be a fatal disaster! You can't stand in the upper realm at all! Moreover, this acquired spiritual flame was suppressed by Tianjian Villa at the foot of the mountain. At this moment, the riot must have alarmed the sect!"

"The Nanming Lihuo is instinctive. As long as there is a stronger spiritual consciousness than it to suppress its instinct, the acquired spiritual flame has no target to attack, and the swallowing reaction will naturally disappear! This is the spiritual flame tamed by the sect, they will never take the initiative to attack people!"

Xu Yangyi tried to calm his breathing and stared at the spiritual flames around him, which were stronger than the Nanming Lihuo...

His spiritual consciousness has been concentrated on his chest. If there is really one, it can only be it!

One after another, the spiritual consciousness and spiritual power desperately mobilized the seeds of Chaos, but the opponent was like a stone sinking into the sea, without any news.

The pale flames around it were almost unable to bear it. It felt that... the thing in front of it was very strong. It would be very dangerous to devour it. However, as long as it was devoured, it would have the possibility of going further. Especially... the other party, as an innate spiritual fire, had no intelligence? Otherwise, it would never dare to do this.

The confrontation between ice and fire, mobilizing the seeds of Chaos again and again, after a few seconds, Xu Yangyi said with a gloomy face: "No..."

"No reaction at all."

Yu Chang was anxious, but there was nothing he could do. Looking around, he didn't know how long this passage was. Awakening this acquired spiritual flame in this terrain would simply leave Xu Yangyi no chance to survive.

"Is it you?" His eyes seemed to shoot through the long passage to the bottom. Here, Jiang Shengping asked the other party to come.

This acting is too good, too tolerant, and... how did he see that Xu Yangyi had an innate spiritual fire?

With sufficient motivation, any innate spiritual fire is an irresistible temptation for alchemy masters who are accompanied by fire. His status is sufficient. As the second elder, he can fully mobilize the acquired spiritual fire.

Is it really him?

At the same time, underground, there was a simple secret room with talismans carved on all sides. A basin-sized scale in the center was suspended in the air without any sign of artificial carving. However, the countless talismans on this scale seemed to be made from nature. Rotating slowly, reflecting a heart-stopping light.

The floor of this secret room is made of black stone slabs. It's like gossip, but the difference is that the distance between each stone slab is extremely small, and the bottom... is not the ground at all!

But the endless abyss!

Pictures of the Four Sacred Beasts are carved around the secret room. On each picture, a chain is pulled out and submerged under the ground, as if... something is imprisoned.

Venerable Wu Xiang was sitting on one of the jade chairs. He lowered his eyes and was meditating and waiting. At this moment, a rumble sound suddenly came from the ground, like thunder, and his eyes immediately opened.

"Crash..." The chains of the Four Sacred Beasts made a sudden sound, like a gust of wind and rain. If he was still surprised just now, he immediately stood up when he heard the sound of the chains.

"What a turbulent emotion." He walked slowly: "Did you see the food?"

"Boom!!" As soon as he finished speaking, endless pale flames erupted from the cracks in the floor where the blade could only be inserted! Dye the whole room a dead white!

The four chains stretched instantly, as if there was a huge monster hanging below, and the entire floor began to tremble with a "boom, boom, boom".

Venerable Wu Xiang looked down with great solemnity, pondered for half a second, and quickly formed seals with his hands. Following his movements, streaks of cyan brilliance merged into the suspended scales in the center. As more and more rays of light merged, a mysterious talisman suddenly erupted from the scales. Immediately afterwards, a hoarse scream came from below, like a nine ghost. The pale sea of ​​​​fire suddenly burned the entire cave and swallowed everything!

The pale fire burned for more than ten seconds. When it receded, the cave was already a world of ice crystals. A palace lantern the size of a fist was suspended in the hand of Venerable Wu Xiang, emitting a little light, and was unscathed by this explosion of blue flames.

He knelt down half-kneeling, stroking the ground with his old fingers, and a cold look flashed across his face.

"It's a little colder..." The fingers passed by, and the ice cubes shattered. The ancient bricks below became cold to the touch. If it had bones, then the bones were already cold.

"If we don't find a solution, the huge Tianjian Villa... may face a crisis of breaking the chain... The sect has attacked Grade A so many times, not just to reward a Grade A fire. Unexpectedly... …It’s been less than a hundred years, and the second outbreak has come again…”

He pondered for a few seconds, then turned into a stream of light and rushed outside.

In the passage, the pale sea of ​​fire was only five meters away from Xu Yangyi. At this moment, he suddenly raised his head. At the same time, the surrounding sea of ​​​​fire shook and actually weakened by half!

But even if it weakens, it does not flinch, like eyes of fire, staring at Xu Yangyi.

Xu Yangyi didn't look at him. He was a wolf in front and a tiger in the back. At the end of the passage, a magnificent sea of ​​spiritual energy surged straight towards him.

He took a deep breath, it was the life of Wuxiang Venerable Jiang.

Master... The first master was Gu Song, and this time it was the second one. The spiritual tide didn't seem to have any malice at all, but the closer it got, the more it made his hair stand on end.

We meet on a narrow road.

Are you here to collect corpses or to do something else?

It was extremely fast and could fly tens of thousands of meters to reach him in just ten seconds. He didn't dare to think about it, and he didn't have time to think about it.

At the critical moment, he suddenly calmed down and said in a deep voice: "Senior Yuchang."

"Please say."

"If something happens to me, no matter what, my body will be saved."

There is one last trump card.

The Green Lotus Demonic Technique, Lotus Reincarnation, as long as the corpse remains for twenty minutes, he has a chance to rush out.

But if it was really Jiang Shengping, a dragnet must have been laid within the sect. Even if he rushed out, even Wangchen, Mao Baer, ​​and Su Xingyao would not be able to notify him.

Depriving yourself of your only three companions...

"If it is really you... I escaped this disaster by luck..." He stared at the figure in front of the passage, and was not in a hurry to use the card: "Tianjian Villa will no longer exist in the future."

Getting closer and closer, the figure of Jiang Shengbi became clearer and clearer. At this moment, he closed his eyes, and all his spiritual consciousness was immersed in a talisman in his heart.

This time, I peeled off the seal on its surface without any scruples, no matter how much impact I received.

The sky is filled with blue flames, fighting to the death.

The magical talisman of Nanhua Butterfly Mother!

"Boom!!!" A circle of colorful brilliance suddenly burst out from his body. It was not light... but endless talismans. Once they rushed into the air, they immediately turned into colorful butterflies in the sky. At the same time, an extremely terrifying pressure suddenly enveloped the entire Tianjian Villa!

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