
Chapter 995: Killing Intention (I)

"Here." He divided the pill in the jade bottle into three parts and gave them to the two: "One pill at a time, your cultivation level can be once a week... Mao Baer, ​​do you really need it?"

Are you kidding me? Where did you get the hidden injury?

Mao Baer, ​​with his tongue hanging down and drooling, stared at the layer of precious light on the pill in amazement: "I need it, of course I don't need it! Have you forgotten that I went through life and death for you all those years? This kind of thing is excellent even for collection..."

"...Give yours to Wangchen."


Wangchen looked at the precious pill in his hand, suppressed a trace of gratitude in his eyes, and bowed his hands and said: "By the way, yesterday, Brother Chu, the message from Brother Zhao arrived."

"Oh?" Xu Yangyi was delighted and immediately picked up the paper crane in Wangchen's hand and read it.

"Brother Xu, I have come to the Vajra Sect. This is a sect that is completely devoted to physical cultivation. Where are you now? I miss you so much."

"I always feel lonely when I am alone in the upper realm. I miss the days with many friends on Earth, although... those who graduated with us may still be trapped on Earth, and most of them may have turned into dust. But I have no right to laugh at them. We came here with the hope of Earth's revival. There are only three of us. I will work hard and try my best to catch up with you. I, Chu Zhaonan, don't need your protection."

"Let's encourage each other."

"By the way, the body and meridians of a physical cultivator must be leak-free. It is not enough to just have a perfect immortal body. Do you know that? In addition, the sect master is very good to me. You don't have to worry. He I am using a very special treasure, and even using up half of the sect's power, to cut off my second spiritual root. I want to reach the heavenly spiritual root. "

"Kaiyang Immortal Body, Xuling Immortal Body, Overlord Immortal Body, Dongzhen Immortal Body, Dharma Immortal Body, Nether Ghost Body, True Immortal Body, Pofa Immortal Body, Changsheng Immortal Body, Xumi Immortal Body. These are the ten immortal bodies I know about. You are already a Xuling Immortal Body. Which one do you think I should choose?"

"The sect master also said that it would be dangerous to grow an immortal body in my realm, but I want to try it. It's just a death. Instead of being muddleheaded, it's better to be heroic and exciting. You don't need to persuade me."

"Five years later, the four sects will compete. We'll see each other then."

Xu Yangyi's heart was hot, and his hand gently stroked the paper crane without saying a word.


What they carry is a burden that ordinary people can't imagine.

One hundred thousand years ago, the two immortal planes fought a war, thousands of worlds participated, and finally perished together. The seven realms turned over and became the next generation of overlords.

He didn't hate, he really didn't hate.

Things in the world are unpredictable, long separations will eventually unite, long unites will eventually separate.

However, as earthlings, they only know that they are here, so they have the obligation to shoulder this mission.

The revival of the earth.

When they reach Taixu, legends, and even... the monster in the message left by Quetzalcoatl, who can stop the revival of the earth?

This is not some ridiculous righteousness, but what he should do for his mother, just like China's anti-Japanese war in the past, national righteousness, is it ridiculous?

Every man has his share of responsibilities.

Concentrating his thoughts, Zhao Ziqi's paper crane flew over, and as soon as he opened it, he smiled.

"Brother! I want to go home! Go home! I want to be with you!"

"This Tiangu Master is so abominable! Bixia Valley Kugu Temple, I will remember you! Little Leiyin! Brother, save me!"

"They are simply torturing me. Although they give me all kinds of tonics every day, I feel pain in my flesh, but... I am really tired! It hurts! Help! Help! SOS!"

"Heh..." He finally couldn't help laughing. Zhao Ziqi's perseverance is not as good as Chu Zhaonan, but his talent is undeniable. How could Tiangu Master let go of such a seedling?

"No more words, tell me where you are, I have packed my things, and I will stay with you from now on! I can't understand why Leiyin Temple actually has such a thing as Kugu Temple! Didn't the Tathagata Buddha accept them!"

After reading it with a smile, he thought about it and wrote back to Chu Zhaonan with his hand as a pen. When he replied to Zhao Ziqi, he didn't write his own address.

The other party needs to exercise and can no longer have a dependent mentality.

In this magnificent upper world, everyone is alone, and he really has no time to protect others.

After writing the letter, he folded it into paper cranes and released it into the sky. Xu Yangyi looked at the shadows of the two paper cranes, and suddenly felt a little sour in his heart, and then immediately hardened.

They were separated by the sky...

A ray of enlightenment suddenly broke into his heart, as if the clouds were cleared and the sun was shining, making his mind clear.

The so-called epiphany is not really sudden enlightenment, but accumulation to a certain extent, this scene touches people's hearts, and makes people feel inspired.

It is also a long-term accumulation.

"There's nothing to be proud of." He looked at the paper crane going away and said to himself lightly: "I have nothing to be proud of, it's just that my talent is superior to others."

"On Earth, Mieri's talent is so brilliant, but in the end I was ahead of him. He saw me and called me Senior Zhenjun."

"Talent is just the beginning. Perseverance, caution, but not timidity, great courage, great wisdom, this is how you can climb to the top and see what I want to see... the true face of the universe. The great splendor of thousands of civilizations."

"I seem to be a little impetuous recently."

Retracting his gaze, suppressing the signs of pride because of his recent treatment, he smiled and sat down. Wangchen didn't notice that Mao Baer looked at him in confusion.

This kid...why does he feel a little different from before?

Before, the other party was like a sword out of its sheath, completely pulled out, and the sword light was pressing. However, such a sword is too sharp and can easily hurt people, which will make others afraid.

But now the momentum seems to have suddenly changed, only half of it is pulled out, it is still the same sword, and the sword light is still pressing, but it produces shock, not aggression.

"Pooh." The bitch spat, very dissatisfied with this sudden change in silence, and even more dissatisfied with the other party not telling him.

Can they still be a good couple?

Turned around and practiced.

Xu Yangyi retreated in the cave for half a month. During this half month, the three of them swallowed the pill of the Wuxiang Venerable. The meridians have been repaired.

And he also gave another pill to the phantom spirit that he had hidden with a sleight of hand, but except that the phantom spirit beat a little faster, it still did not hatch.

He decided to ask the teacher, and it has been fifteen days, and he should report.

After flying out of the cave, there were still not many people outside. Tianjian Villa is actually very easy to make people bored. The Gobi Desert is endless and majestic, exciting, but as long as you look at it for a few days, you will be extremely impatient with the yellow sand.

Anyone who sees his light can't help but stop and watch. Until he flew to the side of Liuyangqiao, the two Dan children from last time saw him and immediately half-knelt on the ground and greeted him, but immediately stopped him.

"Your Excellency Daozi..." A Dan child looked a little strange: "You...why don't you come tomorrow?"

"What?" Xu Yangyi was stunned. Did the Wuxiang Venerable open the furnace again?

It's not that he hasn't practiced high-level elixirs. Although he hasn't touched it after Yuanying, it takes at least a month for him to open the furnace at the Jindan level, not to mention the Yinzun realm. The teacher just opened the furnace, and he opened the second furnace without resting?

"No..." Another Dan Tong also had a dry smile on his face: "Anyway... I'm afraid the Second Elder doesn't have time now..."

Before he finished speaking, a loud shout came from the Six Yang Acupoints: "Jiang Shengping! You have grown up! You dare to snatch my people!"

"Wan Chongshan! I remind you! You let him go!"

"I didn't ask you to drive him away! What if he is addicted to Dan Dao!" "Bullshit! Once he comes up, he is my people! You are going back on your word now, you are unworthy of being the sect master!"

"I will kill you, the shameless old man!" "I will also enforce justice for the heavens today. It's time for Tianjian Villa to change half of the sky!"

"You... you traitor!" "You tyrant!"

The roars were like thunder, and the entire Six Yang Acupoints shook desperately, and the ground shook like an earthquake. All the surrounding sect-protecting monks, at least nearly a thousand people, all looked at their noses and looked at their hearts. They were all wooden people who could not see or hear.

Xu Yangyi's lips cracked, so that's what happened...

"It seems that the second elder is not convenient today, I..."

Just when he was about to leave, suddenly, the gate of Liuyangqiao was knocked open with a bang, and a fifty-meter-high alchemy furnace with the master hanging on it was thrown out directly. Venerable Wuxiang stood at the door panting, holding the door, like a rooster that had won a miserable victory.

"Fight with me?" He wiped his hands with a grim smile: "I knew you couldn't bear to hit me!"

Then, his eyes saw Xu Yangyi, who was extremely embarrassed at the door and wanted to leave but didn't.

"Come in. What are you standing there for? Go down to the Elder Hall at the bottom to see me." He snorted, without any embarrassment, waved to Xu Yangyi, and walked in first.

"So this is what it means to smash it out with an alchemy furnace... It turns out that it's really not an adjective..." Xu Yangyi was very emotional.

"Don't worry, Daozi. This kind of thing... since the Sect Master came back to recuperate, it happens about... well, once every three or four months... In fact, the Sect Master and the Second Elder are like real brothers, and they have a very good relationship." Another Dan Tong explained guiltily.

If they have a good relationship, then use the Dan furnace to hit him?

A Dan furnace weighs tens of thousands of pounds!

He silently made up his mind that he didn't need to have a very good relationship with his master, and walked inside.

The interior seemed to have been robbed, and half of the various statues were knocked down, and the ground was completely uncovered, but it was very measured, and all the places related to alchemy were not damaged at all. I don't know how many Dan Tong guards have been numbly cleaning it all.

You are happy to fight, have you ever thought about our feelings!

"Hello, Daozi." "Greetings, Daozi." Although they were busy, when they saw him flying over, although the black light did not stop, everyone still bowed respectfully and greeted him.

It flew all the way to 400 meters below. At this moment, the surrounding walls and the ground had cracked, and flames were coming out of the walls.

These flames were very strange, all pale in color. They were clearly flames, but the temperature seemed to get lower the further down they went. By the time they reached 500 meters, the fire had already turned into ice.

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