
Chapter 994: No Leakage Meridians

As soon as he returned to the cave, he said to Wangchen: "Wangchen, go to the library immediately and get all the books on elixirs from the Seven Realms."

Wangchen agreed and flew away. Within a quarter of an hour, he brought over two jade slips.

Xu Yangyi put the jade slip between his eyebrows, and a lot of information rushed into his mind. Tianjian Villa has a great master, and the information on alchemy here must be very complete.

Countless prescriptions flew into his mind, and it took him half a day to read them all, but he found nothing.

Just before, he had a guess about the earth.

Putting down the jade slip, he picked up another one. This one was a lost elixir recipe. Either the heavenly materials and earthly treasures in it could not be found, or the elixir recipe was incomplete.

Finally, he found what he was looking for in this jade slip.


Recipe: Rootless Jiuqushui (extinct) Seven-clawed Agave...

it is as expected.

He breathed a sigh of relief. His spiritual consciousness began to be exactly the same as everyone else's. It was only because he took the Panacea Pill that he had such an increase. This pill recipe is not difficult to find on the earth. There is no reason that it is more powerful in the Dandao than on the earth. It is powerful and cannot be found in the upper world that is far more valued than the earth.

There is only one reason.


Each lower realm has its own specialty products, such as Bodhi seeds, and rootless Jiuqu water is actually a specialty of the earth.

The Seven Realms are very secretive about the earth, and the Zhenwu Realm is very secretive. They have not really understood the earth. Stargazer obviously does not know how to make elixirs. Its focus is not placed on the rootless Jiuqu Water that he thinks is "small". This leads to The lost panacea.

He continued to read.

The panacea is not over yet, there is actually another elixir on top of the panacea!

Heavenly elixir!

The effect of the panacea is increased by half, and the main ingredient of the formula is Wugen Jiuqu water.

"It's a pity." He sighed: "We can't return to Earth now. The Seven Realms have completely closed the passage to Earth. Only when we reach a higher level in the future can we return to Earth."

"At least Taixu is qualified to return to his hometown."

Putting down the jade slips, he finally took out the two jade bottles given by Venerable Wu Xiang and looked at them.

The first jade bottle was covered with tattered red paper. The red paper was about the size of a thumb. No one could tell that it was the work of a great master.

"Master is too slovenly." He opened the jade bottle with a smile, and suddenly, a mist rose.

It was visible to the naked eye, and it turned into a burly monster. It roared, and the entire cave was buzzing.

"This is the Grand Master's elixir..." He poured out a golden elixir the size of his little fingertip, but did not eat it. Instead, he closed his eyes and used his spiritual sense to comprehend it carefully.

It is covered with circles of red lines, as if the blue sea is rising, and it is extremely magnificent.

Just by holding it, an extremely rich spiritual energy came out from the palm of his hand and rushed straight into his limbs and bones. At this moment, he seemed to hear the cheers of extreme relief from his muscles and bones.

"Elixirs for physical cultivation." He felt warm in his heart and continued to observe.

The spiritual consciousness penetrates into the inside of the elixir, and it is like a universe inside, with countless talismans entangled together, but it does not make people feel chaotic at all, but densely packed and orderly. This feeling is extremely difficult to describe, and you cannot know it without observing it with your own eyes.

He used his spiritual sense to analyze the talismans bit by bit, but just after analyzing a few, he felt a huge headache.

"This elixir is actually more complicated than the Qiankun Talisman left by Marquis Wu." After a moment, he opened his eyes, frowned and murmured to himself: "All the techniques are composed of Talismans, and their essence is different from the Talismans. The deeper the understanding, the deeper the understanding of the technique. I haven't reached this point yet. The Void Spirit Immortal Body and the Eternal Alchemy King will definitely have a lot to think about in the future. Instead of grinding their guns in the battle, it is better to get it done. "

After pondering for a moment, he closed his eyes again, and this time, a hazy outline gradually emerged in his mind.

Nanhua Butterfly Mother’s talisman!

For reference, just refer to the top talisman, and then look from top to bottom, that is the top level.

As soon as this talisman appeared in the heart, the entire cave suddenly trembled slightly. A kind of terrifying pressure came from the invisible. Just the feeling was enough to make people shudder.

Danger, danger!

A voice in his heart screamed desperately. He gritted his teeth, suppressed the discomfort, and very carefully used his spiritual consciousness to peel off the covering on the surface of the talisman bit by bit.

It was so huge that his own spiritual consciousness stood in front of it, like a giant and a baby, suspended in his spiritual world, like a god-like existence.

Just when his spiritual consciousness came into contact with the talisman, the entire talisman erupted into a burst of golden light. Xu Yangyi suddenly opened his eyes, and blood was already flowing from his seven orifices.

"The butterfly mother's remaining power is so great." He held his chest and gasped for a few seconds before wiping off the blood and sighing regretfully.

The realm was so high that even at the moment of contact, the talisman was in a magnificent light, and he didn't even see the shape of the talisman clearly.

At first, it was in a dream that Nanhua Butterfly Mother used it, so that he could remember the whole picture clearly. Now he observes it by himself, and it exists in his own spiritual consciousness. The backlash is basically inevitable.

For example, Butterfly Mother is Lu Bu now, and he is Cheng Pu. Fang Tian's painted halberd can be held in Wen Hou's hand, but can Cheng Pu hold it?

It was extremely regretful that he gave up the opportunity to study the unique talisman of Nanhua Butterfly Mother. He had to eat one bite at a time and walk step by step on the road. He picked up the elixir and swallowed it in one gulp.

Instantly, a warm stream of heat rushed down from the throat, so fierce that it was like drinking a mouthful of strong liquor. After a circle in the dantian, it suddenly rushed towards the limbs and bones like a volcanic eruption, and the flames raged all over the body.

Obviously fierce, but extremely gentle, this is the technique of the grandmaster level. Tai Chi rotates, hard and soft.

With his spiritual consciousness looking inside his body, he suddenly found that these heat flows gathered in one place after another, and they were rapidly decreasing.

"What is this?" In astonishment, the spiritual consciousness moved closer, and after looking for a full thirty minutes, he finally found... These places were actually hidden injuries!

He had experienced too many dangerous battles, Danxia Palace, Kaiyun Realm, Jerusalem, Tower of Babel, the War of Ten Thousand Worlds... These had left many scars in his meridians, but these scars were very small, and he had used his spiritual consciousness to look inside so many times, but he couldn't find them at all.

Now, they were found by this pill.

To use an analogy, the meridians of the human body are the channels through which spiritual energy flows. These small scars may not seem big, but they are like a gap in this channel.

Every time the spiritual energy is running, a little leaks here and there, adding up... I am afraid that the loss is as much as 10%!

This is something that practitioners cannot tolerate. This 10%... may be a hundred years for Yin Zun Yang Sheng, and hundreds of years for Taixu!

"I thought I didn't have such scars in my body..." He looked inside his body in astonishment and counted them. Two hundred! It was simply a balloon with air leaking. Now, it has been nursed bit by bit by the warm medicine. The wounds have obvious signs of contraction. I am afraid that after taking two or three pills, his meridians will be the first to be "leak-free".

It turns out that it is not that there is no, but that it cannot be seen. It is like a pinhole on a balloon. It leaks desperately, but it is extremely difficult to find.

"This is the way of alchemy..." He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, felt the warm spiritual energy in his body, and looked forward to future practice. The shortcomings were made up little by little. He suddenly felt that he had really wasted too much in the past.

"There is nothing to be underestimated on the road of cultivation."

After three hours of meditation, the power of the medicine was absorbed. His eyes were like stars. He took a deep breath and the Eternal Pill King flowed suddenly.


It was like a big river rushing through his body without any obstruction.

Those small wounds in the meridians gave off a slight numbness. He knew that the wounds in the meridians were new and it was not suitable for cultivation, but he still couldn't help it and swallowed and exhaled spiritual power freely.

In an instant, the first thing that lit up in the dantian was the Nanming Lihuo, which turned into thousands of waves of fire and ran quickly. In just a moment, the Eternal Pill King was instantly ignited!

"It's a little faster than before. This is because the meridians are not fully repaired!" A touch of joy flashed in his eyes, and then he took a breath suddenly.

Any cultivation method is ultimately a method of breathing.

Spitting and taking.

Absorbing spiritual energy is to receive. But unlike before, this time, the golden apple lit up for the second time after absorbing it. In the past, it had been silently increasing spiritual energy, but this time, it actually shone with infinite golden light, as if it had returned to Eden, and it and the Nanming Lihuo occupied the left and right sides of the dantian respectively, one side lit up, and the other side extinguished, like the sun rising and the moon setting, reflecting each other.

"Boom!!!" The whole cave suddenly buzzed, and a half-meter cyclone appeared beside him!

"What's wrong?" "Woof! Yangyu, you disturbed my practice! What crime should you be punished for!"

A man and a dog rushed out immediately, and Yuchang also floated out, looking at Xu Yangyi in astonishment.

"This..." Yuchang was stunned, and said in a lost voice: "Daozu?!"

Around Xu Yangyi, a vortex of spiritual energy light spots formed a cyclone, refusing all foreign objects to enter, nourishing him.

Cheerful, like a fish swimming in the galaxy. As Xu Yangyi absorbed it in one breath, it rushed into his body without any rejection.

There was a burst of pain in the meridians, and he regretfully let go of this practice.

The "leakage" has not been completely "filled", so it is not advisable to rush.

"What is Daozu?" He smiled with his eyes open.

"That day, when Zhang Daozu practiced the Dragon and Tiger Heavenly Art, this kind of scene appeared." Yu Chang breathed a sigh of relief: "Except for him, Taigong Wang has also appeared. No other cultivators in the Unreturning Realm have ever had such signs!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered slightly.

First, the meridians of these two people have no flaws, and there is no leakage at all. How much they absorb and how much they circulate, how terrible is this?

Second... How strong are these two people! In such a big battle, the meridians are not damaged. Even if he does it again, he will never be able to do it!

"No, there are three more..." He stood up and stared at the top of the cave, his face a little solemn: "A great master in the Seventh Realm can easily take out such a pill, which shows that... people at the level of the Seventh Realm Saint almost all have leak-free meridians."

"Plus such a rich spiritual energy, no wonder they practice so fast."

"No wonder... they can rule the heavens and the worlds."

The more you know, the more you will be in awe of the word practice.

However, awe is awe, but you must face the challenges head-on.

Only then can you practice.


After ascending, I feel that I have written a lot. I am very satisfied with the current rhythm and plot, and I have also found the humorous elements that have died...

In this case! How about two more monthly tickets on the 15th!

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