
Chapter 993: Disciple

"A big family can produce a grandmaster, and it is even possible for the top strength to produce a great grandmaster, but for the entire Seven Realms Alchemy Alliance, there are too few. Counting them at 30,000 already gives them face. Moreover, the alchemy masters from big families are often not as skilled as they are. The Seven Realms Alchemy Alliance, because of the alchemy path, all major forces need to be well-informed, and the people they train are targeted. For some elixirs, they can be as good as a great master, but for others, they can be as good as a great master. , I’m afraid it’s not as good as any craftsman.”

Xu Yangyi nodded thoughtfully.

He understood the meaning of this sentence. For example, a sect whose foundation is fire-based exercises, do you want to practice water-based elixirs? Sorry, the sect does not provide resources.

This creates a bias, with the two feet being of different lengths.

"So, with only the emblem of the Seven Realms Alchemy Alliance, everyone will think... I'm off topic, it's all your fault for messing around... No, good job! Alchemy is about breaking the casserole and getting to the bottom of it! I appreciate this spirit. "

Seeing the other party talking nonsense seriously, Xu Yangyi said with a smile: "Just now, the Venerable said, how many alchemists there are who have transcended two levels of spiritual consciousness."

"Oh, yes, that's right." Jiang Shengping scratched his head and continued: "But, there are only five thousand people above the third floor."

"Those who exceed 40%, 300 people. Those who exceed 50% will not be recorded. At the same time, Alchemy Master and Alchemy Saint will also not be recorded."

He said solemnly: "Remember, each mountain is higher than the other. If you meet someone who wears the emblem of the Alchemy Alliance and is a member of the Jia Shang family, you must not mess with such a person... Even if he is not an Alchemist, I'm afraid It’s not that far apart, behind every person is a terrifying network of power.”

"This is the case for any alchemy master. For example, if I give an order, at least seven Yin Masters are willing to draw their swords and come forward, including a Yang Sage who has passed his life."

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed slightly, and his heart beat suddenly.

He has higher aspirations than these people think.

To break into the battle for the throne three hundred years from now, one's own network of influence is absolutely indispensable. He was saying that relying on Tianjian Villa alone was not enough. Relying on Daozi's status to build friendships was slow and not very efficient. It was a long-term job.

He did not have the same foundation as others. He could only build his own network by virtue of his status as a Taoist disciple and the help of Taoist saints from other sects several times and more than a dozen times in secret realms. but now……

Daozi's identity and Danmeng's recognition are a shortcut to the south.

At the same time, my identity as a monk on Earth must be kept in reserve, and my identity as an alchemist is the best shield and cover-up.

After cultivating until now, he has arrived in a completely unfamiliar place with countless strong people. The era of great struggle is about to come. He takes one step and thinks three steps, and has awakened from his instinct.

Jiang Shengping pulled Xu Yangyi to stand up and said with a smile: "Finally, I have a few questions for you."

Xu Yangyi nodded.

This is the prelude to the apprenticeship. The other party has one last test. He knows the elegance by smelling the fragrance. How could he not know if he is as smart as him.

"I hope it's not too difficult a question." He was a little uneasy: "After all, my alchemy realm is by no means as good as his. He looks at it from top to bottom, while I look at it from bottom to top. The second elder also said before that if I Starting from the beginning, you won’t be able to teach now.”

Jiang Shengping paused and suddenly said slowly: "Last night, the west wind withered the green trees. I climbed up to the tall building alone and looked at the end of the world."

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, this is it?

The elixir spirit, who has a photographic memory, has long remembered what was written in the King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra, and immediately answered smoothly: "The road to elixir is described as being vast, and you don't know where you start, and you don't know where you will end. You can call it an elixir disciple."

Jiang Shengsheng laughed unabashedly and continued: "Everyone looked for him thousands of times, but when he suddenly looked back, he was in a dimly lit place."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi immediately continued: "This means that I already understand the way of alchemy. I thought it was far away in the horizon, but it is right in front of me. Suddenly I looked back and realized that it was all right. I have reached this point and can be called an alchemy master."

"The fourth level, I don't have the wings of a colorful phoenix, but I have a clear mind?"

"I have a thorough understanding of the way of alchemy, and I have a clear understanding of all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures. I can be called a master craftsman."

Jiang Shengping said slowly: "The green sleeves are full of fragrance, and the colorful brushes are full of flowers, which are familiar in dreams."

"Return to the original nature, practice makes perfect, skill is as great as clumsiness, great wisdom is as stupid, you can be called a master."

"I'm just chatting and joking around, no one knows I'm a true immortal."

Xu Yangyi smiled: "You have seen through the way of alchemy, you know it clearly, and you can learn from it naturally, but you are a great master?"

"Good." Jiang Shengping patted Xu Yangyi's chest: "From now on, you can be my disciple in Jiang Shengping's mantle. I swear that throughout my life, I will devote all my money to teaching Xu Feng. I will leave nothing behind. Are you willing? ?”

"Disciple is willing." Xu Yangyi half-knelt on the ground and cupped his hands and said: "Disciple Xu Feng, I would like to respect my teacher and study hard... but do I need to tell the sect leader?"

Such a wonderful atmosphere was ruined. Jiang Shengsheng glared at him fiercely, but then slapped his forehead: "That's right!"

"Your qualifications are really immersed in Alchemy. He has to fall out with me!"

"Besides...this old boy has no successor!"

His little eyes suddenly widened: "No! This must not be the case! I must accept you first! But..."

His heart hurt like a knife, and it became heavy again. He glanced at Xu Yangyi and remained silent.

Nature plays tricks on people.

God actually has such a person, with top-notch cultivation qualifications and equally top-notch qualifications in side sects. This... let him do what he should do!

Give it to the sect?

Bullshit! He finally waited for a disciple with such high talent! Now it is close to 39%. If he really practices his secret technique, his spiritual awareness will definitely rise! These secret techniques are the essence of the grandmaster's life, and even the true disciples cannot see them.

Only the disciples can have it. How can he let go of a super genius who may be 44% or 45% in the future?

But not?

He could not forget how excited everyone was when the third elder brought back the last information when the five people discussed Xu Yangyi's identity.

Unless he is a Dan Zun, his life span will not be too long, because he has spent too much time studying Dan Dao and has no time to practice. He... can't revitalize the sect for three thousand years.

But the other party has a slight chance of doing it.

"Taixu..." He sighed, looking at the rock wall above his head with a very tangled look.

Taixu, the dream of many cultivators?

In addition, it is rumored everywhere that the Kongxu Zun is about to fall, so he... dare not want this person.

Three hundred years of Yuanying, who knows if he will be qualified to embark on the road of hegemony in three hundred years?

Xu Yangyi was so smart that he turned the bodhi seed around in his mind and immediately understood the other party's thoughts.

"Maybe the master doesn't know yet." He smiled and said, "My method is quite special. Refining the elixir is practicing."

This sentence made Jiang Shengping's face light up suddenly, and he turned around suddenly: "Really!?"

For this disciple, he was really worried about gains and losses.

"I dare not deceive my master."

"Okay, okay... okay!!" Jiang Shengping said okay three times in a row, and without hesitation, he threw a jade slip into Xu Yangyi's hands: "This thing is the essence of my life, and it does not conflict with physical cultivation. In fact, any physical cultivator will exercise spiritual consciousness. Spiritual consciousness, magical powers and magic weapons are a major weakness of physical cultivation."

"No physical cultivator has ever embarked on the path of alchemy. You... are the first."

"I will not give you the fire control stuff. You need to use spiritual energy to mobilize it, which will hinder your spiritual body from being impure. But you must learn this magical power well."

Xu Yangyi took it and took a look. The jade slip did not dissipate any spiritual energy. It looked very ordinary, but the whole jade slip was very slippery, and it was obviously often played with by others.

This is the old man's painstaking work.

"The True Mirror of All Changes?"

"Don't let anyone else see it, otherwise... you might be in danger of being killed." Jiang Shengping said solemnly: "After you make sure you have written it down, come back to me and I will explain it to you bit by bit. In addition, your mission is coming. You can't hide from it. As a Taoist, strength is one part, and merit is another part. With strength and merit, you can convince the people below forever."

Then, he said casually: "Build a good relationship with the Seventh Princess. She has a good background and can often get some good things. She can also... sell some good things."

Xu Yangyi nodded, knowing the meaning of the fragrance. If his alchemy level goes up, this is a good place to sell stolen goods... no, auction.

I'm really old... I will speak my mind if I'm not careful.

"Your mission this time, your master has already thought of it for you." Jiang Shengping said with a smile: "Travel thousands of miles and read thousands of books. The way of alchemy requires going out. Taking this opportunity, I will take you to a place as your first mission. I guarantee that the work will be great."

The sect master also said so...

Xu Yangyi pursed his lips. In fact, he didn't like this kind of easy but rewarding mission. What he wanted was to refine the real gold. If he wanted to be the baby of the sect, why should he show his edge?

"Don't worry, it will definitely be a perfect improvement for your alchemy." As if he saw his thoughts, Jiang Shengping said with a hint: "Remember, any mission sent by the sect to the Taoist should never be underestimated. I don't know what mission the sect master has arranged for you, but he still has to give me face. This mission, your master will arrange it for you."

"For the next two years, you will practice in the Liuyang acupoints. After two years, I will personally take you to experience it."

Feeling the other party's intentions, Xu Yangyi bowed and answered yes.

"Then I will gladly accept your gift." Finally, he took the gift box from Xu Yangyi and waved his hand: "A little return gift. How can a master not give his disciple a little gift?"

A jade bottle flew into Xu Yangyi's hands. He paused and said: "Although the elder gave it, I dare not refuse it, but... I would like to ask for some elixirs for spirit beasts."

He briefly described the situation of Huanling, of course omitting the part about Nanhua Butterfly Mother. Venerable Wuxiang lowered his head and did not speak.

"If Master feels embarrassed... I can exchange this for..."

"Bullshit!" Before he finished speaking, the old man's beard blew up: "I am not such a stingy person!"

"I was just thinking about which elixir is the best! The one I give you is naturally the best!"

"Take it." He waved his hand, and another jade bottle flew into Xu Yangyi's hand, and glared at him: "Let people know that the elixir I, the Wuxiang Venerable, gave was actually returned. Do I have any shame? As a disciple, you can ask me for anything you want! Master has nothing else here, but there are plenty of elixirs at the Grandmaster level! Not to mention a spirit beast, if you bring back a spirit beast sect, your master can afford it!"

Xu Yangyi felt a little warm in his heart, and finally clasped his fists and left.

Touching the hot elixir in the storage ring, and the Wanhua Zhenjian that condensed the life-long efforts of a Yinzun of the Dan Dao, he felt for the first time that maybe... the upper realm is not bad.

Except for the beginning Venerable Ji Ling, Venerable Han Xue, the young master with an ambiguous meaning, the Saintly Lord Wan Zhong, and Venerable Wu Xiang, they all sincerely regarded him as a seed and a successor to cultivate. Although the journey is long and the heart is long, at least now his heart is slightly warmed.

"He treats me like this, and I treat him like this." He took a deep breath and turned into a black light and flew towards his cave.

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