
Chapter 1005: Strong

"Why?" Wang Chen stepped forward and asked. As a disciple, he had to take the lead in such matters.

"Why?" An old man raised his head, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world, and glared at Wang Chen: "Because this is Zhoucheng."

"If you must have a reason. Then..." Another old man paused, his face was like a puppet without a trace of change: "The person who gave the order is the fourth young master of the Zhou family."

Wang Chen was about to say something, Xu Yangyi waved his hand and said lightly: "Can I not go?"

"Hehe..." This time, the two old men looked at each other and finally laughed: "Daoyou, in Zhoucheng, I'm afraid you can't say no."

"No matter who you are, here, it is your blessing that the fourth young master likes you. You have no choice but to go."


Extremely strong.

Although the words were calm, every word was not to be refused. Even if there was a thought of resistance in the heart, it must be suppressed.

As soon as the voice fell, the curtain in the carriage was lifted, and an old man walked out.

Old Jiang glanced at the two coldly, and they were slightly stunned. They probably didn't expect there was another Yin Zun, but they didn't bow their heads at all, just nodded calmly to show that they had seen him.

If it was normal, Old Jiang would be able to slap them to death with a flip of his hand, but in Zhoucheng, his face just twitched slightly, but he didn't say anything.

In front of the Zhou family, even the door dog is better than the seventh-rank official.

"Look carefully, what is this." Old Jiang sneered, "I don't know that the rules of the Zhou family have reached this point."

The two took a closer look and found that there was an emblem on Old Jiang's chest, and a pill on it exuded a purple glow, as if it were real.

Before they opened their mouths, the people around them who saw this scene suddenly exclaimed, "Grandmaster!" "Grandmaster of Alchemy! Alchemy League certification emblem!" "It's worth it... I didn't sleep tonight and rushed on the road, and I actually met a grandmaster in person!"

The sudden boiling voices made the two Yuanying stunned, and they didn't expect that this Yin Zun was actually a grandmaster of alchemy!

They were concerned about Yin Zun's identity, but they were not afraid in Zhoucheng.

But the grandmaster is different.

Any grandmaster must have a terrifying force behind him, which is really an arrow piercing the clouds, and thousands of troops come to meet him.

"So... it's the grandmaster in person." The two looked at each other and said in a deep voice: "Junior pays homage to the grandmaster."

"Is this the rule of the Zhou family?" Jiang Lao snorted coldly, not daring to let out the breath of Yin Zun, and coldly flicked his sleeves: "Yuanying doesn't kneel when seeing the saint, the Zhou family really has a big rule."

The eyes of the two old Yuanying flashed. Is this a counterattack to their attitude of forcing the three people to drink water just now?

But here, they can't kneel. There are so many people watching. Once they kneel, their knees can't stand up straight. The fourth young master will never tolerate his appointed guards kneeling to others.

"Kneel down." Jiang Lao didn't care about these at all. He was more powerful than the two and said coldly: "The realm of the saint can't scare you, and you are not afraid of the grandmaster. You are really brave!"

Cold sweat dripped from the heads of the two in an instant. There were more and more people around. In the dilemma, a Yuanying finally bent his noble knees and said reluctantly: "Junior..."

"I don't know which sect's grandmaster it is." At this moment, a voice came from the tower: "It's like walking on flat ground to come to my Zhoucheng. The guards appointed by the ancestors also look down on you. You are really brave."

A young man has stood up on the tower.

He is not tall, but no one around him dares to stand upright.

He has an ordinary face and no momentum, but behind him, countless imperial guards guard him and several large flags are flying. There are also thousands of silver-armored city guards, and the bow-shaped magic weapons in their hands have been aimed at the three people.

He is the only king on the city wall.

"Tianjian Villa." Jiang Lao said indifferently.

"Didn't you just ask, the Zhou family is really a big rule?" The man opened his folding fan, and the wind blew his black hair wildly, and he slowly said: "Then I'll tell you."

"In Zhoucheng, the Zhou family is the rule."

"People in the Zhou family never kneel to outsiders."

"That's what my fourth young master said." He swept a circle of people with cold eyes, and said word by word: "Is it clear enough?"

Jiang Lao's face was calm, but Xu Yangyi saw that the other party's fists were clenched and crackling.


Slap in the face in public.

Who do you think you are? In my Zhou family, everyone below Taixu is an ant.

For the sake of two slaves, even Tianjian Villa is ignored. Not to mention Xu Yangyi and others who are not elders. He didn't even look at them.

"You." The fourth young master pointed at Xu Yangyi with his fan: "Come here."

In full view of the crowd, all the people entering the city were watching this scene. The fan pointed at Xu Yangyi from a distance, as if pointing at a pig in a pigsty: It, this pig should be killed.

A sense of humiliation instantly filled his heart. This is the upper realm... Not enough strength, not enough reputation, not worthy of dignity.

His face was calm, so calm that it was scary: "Me?"

"You don't need to report your name, and you don't need to show off here. If you don't come..." He glanced around, and suddenly, all the silver-armored guards tightened their bows and made a clicking sound.

"The fourth young master is really grand." Old Jiang said sinisterly: "A disciple of Yin Zun, the number one Taoist of Tianjian Villa, actually ordered people around."

Before he could say anything, Xu Yangyi had already raised one hand, indicating that there was no need to say anything, and stood up and walked over.

The road is not long, and wherever you go, the crowds naturally separate. "Poor" could be vaguely heard. "Who asked him to offend the Fourth Young Master?" "In Zhoucheng, disobeying the Zhou family is a crime." "Hey... he is young and impulsive. This is the first time that the Fourth Young Master invites him. , It’s already a show of respect. He should have gone there long ago.”

Although there was no insulting word, those glances were like a branding iron stamped on Xu Yangyi's body.

However, his expression remained calm.

But the killing intent surging in his heart has boiled into a river and condensed into a sea.

Entering the city tower, he took three steps and one sentry post, and five steps and one sentry post. Soon, he came to the main hall of the city tower. Several golden elixir peaks were standing on the left and right. In the middle was a soft Arhat bed. The four young masters were peeling a grape leisurely, lazily. Looked at him lazily.

There are no seats.

"You ascended from the Feiliu Sea." The fourth young master glanced at the information and said, "I'll ask you a few questions. If you answer them correctly, and I'm in a good mood, you can leave intact. I don't care if you offend the Zhou family. . I’m also telling you..."

He flicked a piece of grape skin into the fruit plate: "In my Zhou family, here are the rules. If I want you to come, you have to come. You can leave only when I let you go."

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, tried his best to adjust the murderous intention in his heart, and tried to make his voice sound calm: "Fourth Young Master cares about this very much?"

"Presumptuous!" Before he could finish speaking, a commander with a silver helmet behind Fourth Young Master shouted angrily: "Four Young Masters didn't ask, how dare you answer casually! The way of Tianjian Villa is so unruly!"

"Why don't you kneel down and admit your mistake to Fourth Young Master?" An old woman said coldly: "Otherwise, if you break your legs, seal off your spiritual energy and throw you into the beast's cave, your life will be worse than death."

Xu Yangyi didn't speak, but looked at the Fourth Young Master who didn't even look at him.

"He is a man of character." Unexpectedly, the fourth young master was not very angry. He waved his hand and sneered: "Tianjian Villa is not far from here. We have many intersections. Forget it, I will give him face for the time being. Who can let me?" Where are the descendants of Feixian?"

Finally, he took his first look at Xu Yangyi: "Good luck."

"Now, answer my question."

Xu Yangyi lowered his gaze to cover up the coldness in his eyes: "Yes."

"Okay, first question, tell me the geography, power, realm, and celebrities of Fei Liuhai, word for word." The Fourth Young Master's expression suddenly turned cold, almost from the gap between his teeth. A few words: "If you say one wrong word, I will cut off one of your fingers."

"Also, I would like to remind you, don't think that we don't have Fei Liuhai's information, so don't be too smart."

Xu Yangyi's mind was racing, and it turned out that it was indeed aimed at him. The other party must not have information about Fei Liuhai, otherwise he would have been exposed at the Ascension Platform. And his information was written down from a stargazer. He has a photographic memory, so there will be no mistakes.

No matter what kind of hatred, the current situation is stronger than others, and the only word of death is the strong point.

He spoke slowly, sometimes thinking about it. It took a full hour before he almost finished speaking, but the fourth young master was not at all impatient.

Sure enough, after finishing speaking, the fourth young master did not confirm much. Instead, he buried his head in deep thought.

He sneered in his heart, this was looking for contradictions in his geography, power, and celebrity, but this answer was his trump card, and there was no way he could remember it wrong.

"Yes. It's just too clear." After a while, the fourth young master raised his head and stroked a jade slip with his fingers: "It's so clear that it's like reciting it day and night. You that right?"

He looked directly into Xu Yangyi's eyes, and Xu Yangyi looked at him without fear. They looked at each other for several seconds, as if they were looking into their souls. The fourth young master finally looked away.

"second question."

As soon as he patted the jade slip, a real person's figure appeared, and that figure was none other than himself!

Before coming to the Seven Realms, everyone used the stargazer's magical power to disguise himself, but what appears now is his true face.

"Do you know him?"

"I haven't seen it." Xu Yangyi answered very naturally.

"you sure?"


Fourth Young Master smiled: "What a coincidence."

"Perhaps you don't know that there is another plane that has been sleeping for a long time on the Feiliuhai's ascension path. The two ascension paths are the same. And people from that plane are prohibited from ascension."

"Both have the surname Xu, are on the same path, and both are physical practitioners..." He waved impatiently.

"The general is here!" Hearing the fragrance and knowing the elegance, the man in the silver helmet behind him immediately cupped his hands and said.

"Break off one of his fingers, seal his spiritual energy, and not allow him to heal on his own!" Fourth Young Master sneered: "You are trying to be clever in front of me, and you will be fined if you don't drink the toast. Then don't blame me for being ruthless."


In an instant, all the golden elixirs around him, as well as the three Nascent Souls behind the young master, all took a step forward, filled with murderous intent.

In contrast, Xu Yangyi's spiritual energy burst out, overwhelming the entire audience like a demon!

This spiritual energy was so strong that the three Nascent Souls behind the young master all exclaimed and immediately stood in front of the young master.

"They are all geniuses..." The young master patted him gently with a fan, and the two Nascent Souls quietly moved out of the way. A crazy eye looked directly at Xu Yangyi from the gap: "Break off his ten fingers."

"I want to see who dares to take action in Zhoucheng!"

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