
Chapter 1006: Danger lurks on every side

"Follow the order!"

As soon as he finished speaking, two of the three figures had turned into two streams of light and landed in front of Xu Yangyi.

But despite this, their faces were solemn and terrifying. They could be the bodyguards of the Fourth Young Master without any mediocrity. But now... they only felt that they were in front of a lion suppressing its rage. As long as they were really angry, they were no match.

After looking at each other, a Nascent Soul suddenly took action, without leaving the field. Thousands of sword lights transformed into his hands, and he struck them head on.

"Boom!!" The magical power took action, thousands of knives flew, and the spiritual energy cut through the void. In an instant, it was like a mountain of knives approaching.

"Hundred Refining Divine Art." Another Nascent Soul clasped his hands together, and when he opened them again, a magnificent sea of ​​talismans suddenly erupted, turning into a pair of shackles, locking Xu Yangyi's limbs with lightning speed.

The two seemed to have been working together for a long time, and their cooperation was close. Almost as soon as the shackles locked him, the sword light erupted like a sea.

"Brush!!" A circle of white ripples instantly appeared in the air in all directions. Xu Yangyi's eyes tightened and he shouted loudly. His spiritual power exploded, and the shackles on his body shattered inch by inch.

Thousands of rays of light were coming from the sword head-on. In this moment that was not allowed to happen, he put his hands upward and clasped them together.

The shock wave-like sword light stopped for an instant, and the opponent's hand was clamped tightly where his hands came together!


No matter whether you go slower or faster, you can't do it. Only when your vision and spiritual power are at their peak can you catch the real killing move in the shadow of swords in the sky.

The main hall is only thirty meters wide and fifteen meters long. It is very frustrating for the Nascent Soul monks who often travel ten thousand meters. The more able they are to integrate their magical powers in this environment, the higher their spiritual power will be. No one wanted the outside world to know what was happening here, so the three of them had perfect control over their magical powers. Even the palace lantern at the door didn't flicker.

A heavy weight seems light, a great skill seems clumsy.

In the silent exchange of blows, Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed. Now that he has taken action, he will never hold back!

"Explode." He gritted his teeth.

The previous humiliation seemed to explode with this word. At the same time, the monk who used the shackles magical power screamed, and a blood flower suddenly bloomed from his chest.

"When!?" He flew away like a lone crane. He didn't even see the opponent take action!

"The Void Spirit Immortal Body has been completed! Hidden spiritual power! As he raised his hand, he pointed at you." The fourth young master's eyes lit up, he unfolded his folding fan and laughed: "Good skills, Lao Ba, If you weren't here, you would have been seriously injured just now."

However, before he finished speaking, something happened again on the field. Xu Yangyi's right foot had already been swept away with a leg whip. With the power of physical cultivation, as soon as he made the move, a violent wind blew up in the whole room, and a ray of moonlight was like water, slashing straight at Lao Ba in the shape of a sickle.

Lao Ba's pupils suddenly shrank, fighting silently, his hands opened and closed again, and a green umbrella slowly unfolded. But when the sword passed by the shadow of his leg, the tables and chairs in the hall were split into two halves, and then they were chopped on the Qingluo umbrella, and a burst of brilliance erupted. With a scream, Lao Ba hit the pillar behind him.

At the same time, Xu Yangyi changed his palms into grasping, and suddenly grabbed the arms of the Nascent Soul in front of him. He exerted force on his hands, and with a loud bang, the Nascent Soul was actually lifted above his head and thrown to the ground with all his strength.

"Kalala..." Spider web patterns spread one after another, and the monk spit out a mouthful of blood. He subconsciously wanted to defend himself, but saw that the other party did not move him at all. After being stunned for a second, a terrifying thought flashed through his mind.

He... wants to take action against Fourth Young Master! ?

He's crazy? !

As long as the four young masters are touched, the one far away in the capital of Great Xia only needs to give an order, and he will die without a place to die!

This terrifying thought made him wake up instantly. He immediately looked up and breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Yangyi's terrifying spiritual power was as deep as the sea, overwhelming everyone in the audience. With the sound of thumping, they fell to their knees one after another. Even the silver-armored commander who started clamoring to break his fingers couldn't breathe. He could only kneel on the ground in cold sweat, shivering.

The last Nascent Soul, with his robes and beard flying in the air, stood in front of the four young masters as if facing a formidable enemy, staring at Xu Yangyi.

Xu Yangyi looked at him coldly, neither stepping forward nor stepping back.

A folding fan slapped on the shoulder of the Yuanying monk, and the monk hissed: "Young master, you can't... This person is too strong! He is too dangerous! Your identity must not put you in danger!"

"What are you talking about?" The Fourth Young Master's folding fan was printed on his face. Knowing that the golden elixir was in its early stage, the monk did not dare to resist at all. He could only grit his teeth and retreat, looking at Xu Yangyi like a wolf.

"It seems that I recognized the wrong person." The fourth young master said with a smile: "You can go."

Still not moving, Xu Yangyi looked like a stone sculpture, but the expression on his face was dim and unclear.

"Don't be so shameless." The fourth young master's voice became colder: "As long as I don't show up for another incense stick, all those who control the strings will take action immediately. Even if Yin Zun is fine, everyone around you will die. !”


The fourth young master said this and said nothing again. The two looked at each other. After a few seconds, Xu Yangyi withdrew his spiritual energy, looked at him deeply, and turned around to leave.

Not long after he left, the Fourth Young Master sat down on the Arhat's bed. No one saw him. His vest was already soaked through, and even his legs were shaking violently now.

The ground was in a mess, and the golden elixirs who had stood proudly in the hall were now wailing. The more he looked, the angrier he became, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Get up..."

"Get out of here, Master! Are you embarrassed enough?"

"Get out! Except for my guards, everyone get out!! A bunch of trash!!"

Really get out, all the golden elixirs got out. The only uninjured Yuanying said in a deep voice: "Young Master, just let him..."

Before he finished speaking, a loud slap had already hit his face. He was startled and almost instinctively knelt down, saying in a trembling voice: "Young Master, please calm down! Young Master, please calm down!"

"Crash!" With a series of crisp sounds, the cups and plates on the Arhat's bed were all thrown to the ground with a wave of the fourth master's hand, and the valuable utensils turned into pieces on the ground. The fourth young master's face was ashen and his teeth were grinding together. The armrest held by his right hand has cracks in it.


So bold!

In the past thousand years, this is the first person who dares to take action in Zhou City and in front of the direct descendants of the Zhou family!

This is not only a slap in the face, but also a slap in the face of the Zhou family!

A mere cultivator who ascended from the lower realms... was so rampant in Zhoucheng!

"Idiot..." He looked at the three trembling Nascent Souls who were kneeling on the ground with anger, and said through his teeth: "You haven't seen it yet? Just now... that low-level person really wanted to kill me!! "

"You are a loser who can't even feel the murderous aura! If it weren't for your incompetence, how could I have been insulted by such an ascended bitch!"

"He didn't take action just now. He had been thinking about how to kill me? What would happen if he killed me? Can he leave Zhoucheng safely and wander around the world? In the end, he found that he couldn't do it, and he really couldn't do it! As long as I If he dies here, the Grand Master of Tianjian Villa will not be able to escape the blame! Everyone around him will die!"

"Because of this, he gave up. But I am sure that as long as I appear outside Zhoucheng and meet him, he will definitely kill me! The murderous intention just now... is too real... it's unbelievable You know how many people he has killed! It’s like... he walked out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood!”

After venting for a long time, he panted and sat down, closed his eyes and took several deep breaths before he calmed down. He said in a deep voice: "Notify the worshipers... They must leave the city overnight, dispatch two major worshipers, and kill all of them except Yin Zun. Don't touch him. Our ancestors said, just catch him and prove that it is him, and Focus on it three times and live.”

A Nascent Soul finally interjected: "Are you...confirmed that you are the person that the ancestors want to arrest?"

"The possibility is not small." The fourth young master finally calmed down completely. He wanted to take a sip of tea, but found that the teacup had already broken into pieces. He held the table and rattled, and said in a cold voice: "There is one last thing... I didn't ask he."

"Why does the Boundary Breaking Dharma Eye fluctuate when he comes in?"

"It might be a strange movement. Before I saw him, I thought it was possible. But when I saw him in person, I felt..." His eyes flashed: "This is definitely not a strange movement."

"It's that he has a way of covering it up. There are too many similarities. Even though it doesn't seem to be the case, I still feel that he is the person our ancestors are looking for."


After a long time, another Nascent Soul didn't dare to raise his head and said, "Then... why don't you capture him in the city?"

"Are you stupid!" A table suddenly hit the other party's head, causing bloodshed. The other party did not dare to resist with luck and spiritual power. He could only listen to the roar provoked by the fourth young master again and sprayed wantonly: "The other party has Yin Zun. ! I’m still a master of alchemy! I’m not afraid, but I’m not qualified enough and I haven’t entered the family leader rank yet. You want to cause trouble for me at this time?”

"Don't think that I say that the Great Master of Alchemy is nothing. It can only be said verbally! I can do this. They can bear this breath and go out without any trouble! But if this person is really killed, then It’s totally a big deal! Didn’t you hear clearly? That’s Yibo disciple! Do you understand the word Yibo!”

"The Zhou family can protect me, but I can't withstand this storm! My status will be destroyed to the end! Do you understand! Idiot!"

"Then...then you have to arrest him..."

"Of course, after leaving the city." The fourth young master breathed a sigh of relief: "I don't believe it, the two Yin Lords can't catch a mere Nascent Soul!"

"As long as I catch him... and confirm that he is this person, my ancestors will naturally help me carry him down. And I... trust my feelings. If you want to do it, do it thoroughly! Leave no one behind!"

Everyone stopped talking. Sometimes they felt that besides being vicious, the fourth young master really had some style in doing things. At least in their realm, they can't do this.

No one mentioned why they didn't contact anyone else. This kind of credit must be yours alone.

"Just wait..." After arranging everything, the fourth young master looked at the cold moonlight: "The night in Kunlun is six hours. Now that we have just entered the twelfth hour, the moonlight is so beautiful. Tonight... it must be a... A night you will never forget.”

Under the city gate, everyone separated. The people watching this farce entered the city when Xu Yangyi went up.

Mr. Jiang has not left. As a grand master for so many years, he has rarely been insulted like this. If he can't keep his disciples, he doesn't need to be a great master anymore.

Wang Chen, Mao Baer didn’t even leave. They can't leave this place without their friends and master.

They know that, although that person is nothing in the upper world now, he is just a Taoist disciple. However, on Earth, the opponent almost single-handedly turned the tide of the War of All Realms, transformed into a baby on the spot, fought his way onto the moon, and finally escaped from the hands of an old monster like Tengebal.

He is a legend.

A legend belonging to the earth.

It is the flag of the Earth in the Seven Realms.

They can't put down this flag and leave.

At this moment, Xu Yangyi walked down, and Wangchen and Mao Baer immediately went over to greet him. "Yangyu, are you okay?" "Master, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Xu Yangyi waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "Leave the city immediately."

"In a few more incense sticks, I'm afraid we won't be able to leave."

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