
Chapter 1007: Dancing Alone Under the Moon (I)

"What?" Jiang Lao's eyes were stern: "You...fell out with that fourth young master?"

"More or less." Xu Yangyi said lightly.

Silence, after a few seconds, Jiang Lao snorted coldly: "I have also heard of the fourth young master of the Zhou family. It is said that he is the fourth son of the direct lineage. He is very scheming, but his talent is not good. It is said that he is only in the late stage of foundation building, and I don't know why he has reached the golden elixir. I heard that he does things without leaving room for maneuver. If so, we really have to leave."

Wang Chen was stunned: "Master, your status can't suppress him?"

Jiang Lao sighed: "In other places, he can only bow to me, but...this is Zhoucheng."

This is Zhoucheng, one sentence, no one spoke again.

No one said nonsense, everyone got on the car, the talisman was attached to the head of the puppet mechanical beast, and the deer-shaped mechanical beast pulling the car had a golden light in its eyes, and rushed towards the exit of the city at lightning speed.

Dededede... The crisp sound of hooves resounded in the ears, as if walking on flat ground. Lifting the curtains on both sides, you can see the tall buildings outside, but no one was in the mood. It was as if a big stone was pressing on their hearts. As the carriage ran, the feeling of the coming storm became stronger and stronger.

The noisy voices could not cover it up. This was not the five senses, but a sixth sense in the dark, as if... an invisible death god was chasing them, whistling out from the crowded and prosperous ancient capital, filling the back.

"Huh..." Jiang Lao breathed a sigh of relief: "He really dared..."

"You also felt it?" Xu Yangyi, who was meditating, opened his eyes and said in a deep voice.

Jiang Lao nodded silently. The carriages rumbled, the horses neighed, and the pedestrians on the road wanted to bring knives. It was obviously a peaceful scene, but it made people feel cold in their hearts.

He made a spell with both hands, and three talismans flew out, all attached to the mechanical beast. Suddenly, a cloud of auspiciousness rose under the mechanical beast's feet, and the speed was twice as fast.

However, the solemn and murderous feeling that followed him like a shadow and made his heart tighten, never disappeared like a dark cloud.

Like a shadow standing behind a person.

"Soon..." The gate to the city has appeared at the door, and ten doorways have appeared. The expressions of everyone in the car have become serious.

Not leaving...

Getting closer!

The black death god stood behind him, forming the reflection of the devil. The sickle in his hand that harvested life has been opened, and the tattered black cloak has been raised. Countless ghosts and black crows are about to roar out.

From the moment they stepped out of the city gate.

"Lawless..." Jiang Lao closed his eyes, his forehead veins jumping, and he didn't take a Yin Zun seriously at all. Such a straightforward slap was not only a slap in the face of Tianjian Villa, but also a slap in the face of the Central Dan League!

As if sensing their arrival, the gate at the exit of the city had been lowered long ago, and the group of carriages rushed out with a whoosh.

Outside the city, the stars were hanging upside down, and the moonlight was dim. However, the night when the moon should be bright and the magpies should fly south was completely silent, with no birds singing and no insects chirping.

This road should also be busy, but now there is no car at all. It was as if they had made way for the passage to hell.

The carriage instantly burst out at the maximum speed, turning into a stream of light and rushing straight into the wild.

At this moment, seven figures flew out from the tall city wall behind! Seven swords came out of Tianshan!

Here they come!

In the car, Wang Chen had silently drawn his long sword and gently lifted the curtain. The seven figures behind did not hide at all, but did not take action, but chased the carriage and sped all the way.

Two magnificent spiritual powers filled the air like gods, twin stars shone, and the six Yuanying Great Perfection auras around them, plus an imperceptible golden elixir aura, made the space behind them fluctuate wildly.

Yin Zun!

Two Yin Zun in the middle stage!

"What a big move..." Jiang Lao gritted his teeth: "They are waiting, and they dare not kill them within Zhoucheng. Otherwise, who would dare to come to Zhoucheng for trade? They will take action after leaving Zhoucheng for a thousand miles. No one in Zhoucheng should know about the fourth young master's move."

"Wait a minute, I will try to stop them, you..." He sighed: "Leave immediately, go as far as you can, and return to Tianjian Villa immediately, the mission...cancel."

At this moment, there was a "snatch" sound in front, and the mechanical beast stopped suddenly.

"Hua La La!" The spiritual energy was like a tide, and the murderous intent swept across the fields, rolling up the fallen leaves, and the wind was howling. This spiritual chariot that could block the late Yuanying for an hour stopped completely.

With a loud bang, the four walls of the car collapsed, and the three people and the dog were completely exposed in the wild.

The bright moon was hanging high, the stars were dim, and even the moonlight was tinged with a touch of bright red.


Seven people, proudly floating behind them, seven snow-white long swords, even suppressed the bright moonlight, shocking and frightening.

"You just leave when you say so. You really don't take me seriously." The fourth young master stood behind the two leaders and said calmly: "Did I tell you that you can leave?"

"What do you want?" Old Jiang stood up and pointed at the emblem on his chest: "All the grandmasters of the Dan League are on record. Aren't you afraid of the Dan League? Killing a grandmaster, don't you worry that the Dan League will join forces to resist in the future? Even old man Xiahou probably doesn't want to do this, right?"

"Dan League?" The leading black shadow was stunned for a moment, turned his head away unhappily: "Fourth young master, you never told me that there is a Dan League grandmaster here."

"Yes, your Zhou family is not afraid of the Dan League, but I and others must never turn against the Dan League." Another leading black shadow also said faintly.

"Mr. Sun, you are responsible for keeping an eye on this great master." Here, the Fourth Young Master is not as domineering as Zhou Cheng at all. He understands the word "power" very well, and he cupped his hands and said: "But the others... don't leave any of them behind!"

"Except for the tallest one, kill them all. This won't embarrass you, right?"

"If anything happens, my Fourth Young Master will take care of it, and the Zhou family will fight for you! To be honest, I suspect that he is the person our ancestors wanted. He must not leave today! This news must not be leaked!"

The two of them didn't speak again, but looked at each other, and the two realms suddenly opened.

One of them had an extremely strange domain. This space seemed to be cut into countless golden squares by golden lines, each one several meters long and wide, and everyone was placed in separate squares and immediately separated.

"Space domain!?" Mr. Jiang took a breath and looked at the man in astonishment: "You... Venerable Kongwu? The first disciple of the Nine Truths and Nine Difficulties Sect of the previous generation! Later, he fell into the devil's way and killed all the contemporary halls. The Lord has rebelled against Christianity, the Nine Truths and Nine Difficulties Sect has offered a reward of 50 million high-grade spiritual jade, but they have not been able to find you, and Xiahou... the Zhou family is actually harboring a wanted criminal!"

"Don't worry, you won't remember it afterwards." The figure seemed to smile: "I am alone in the ignorance of the world, what apostasy, it is really ridiculous."

Another person, a purple field spread out under his feet, thousands of illusions swayed, and exploded crazily from the divided golden space field. In an instant, the place was divided into countless battlefields.

Mr. Jiang has been completely separated from other people.

The two of them are different from those Nascent Souls. They are not guards and have never cooperated. But as soon as Fang took action, he immediately saw the difference from the others.

Their cooperation... turned out to be more terrifying and strict than the Fourth Young Master's guards.

"Venerable Netherblood...kill the Seven Great Bing sects to refine the Netherblood Divine Pill, and offer a bounty of 10 million high-grade spiritual jade...Fourth Young are so bold!! How dare you accept a desperado! Mr. Jiang laughed angrily: "This is the Zhou family. It's ridiculous to be so shameless under the glory."

"Kill them!!" The fourth young master ignored them at all and let out a long laugh. The two Yin Lords slowly walked out of the shadows, shrunk into inches, and were in front of the four of them in an instant.

Venerable Kongwu versus Mr. Jiang. Lord Netherblood versus the other three. Four Nascent Souls gathered in the air, forming an unbreakable breakout net.

The kill is complete.

"Don't resist." Lord Netherblood stood proudly in the air and calmly looked at the three people below: "I'll give you a pleasure."

"Born in chaos, dead in bliss."

boom! ! As soon as he finished speaking, all the space around the three people emitted infinite golden light. After the golden light, they were already in a luxurious palace.

There are hundreds of golden lotuses hanging in the air in front of them, and hundreds of girls wearing tulle above them, standing still on the lotuses like stone sculptures. Suddenly, a slight sound of drums and harps came from the void.

Jingle bells...the girl's hands and feet are all wearing jade rings. When the sound is heard, she dances quietly, and her frown and smile are captivating. Every movement and silence can make people's most primitive desires explode.

"The Heavenly Demon Dance of Bliss...enjoy it." The voice of Lord Netherblood came from the void, neither sad nor happy.

In an instant, the drumbeats were like a violent storm, and the dancing postures of hundreds of girls became more and more attractive. The fragrant breeze was blowing and the eyes were flowing. Xu Yangyi shouted loudly, and the killing field suddenly expanded under his feet!

When he competed against the Lord of Zhuyue Palace, he had not yet understood the complete field of killing, yet he was able to compete on a par with the opponent, and still win by a narrow margin. This is a quality issue in the field. But now, the field under his feet cannot stretch for a hundred meters!

"Huh?" In the void, Lord Netherblood's voice was slightly stunned, and then he sneered: "A domain can only be built after countless battles. It seems that your Nascent Soul has been working behind closed doors since then. Your domain looks like The level is not low, but the method of use is so primitive, today... you can't get out. "

"Tianmo Bayin."

As this voice fell, the sound of drums and harps, and the sounds of thousands of musical instruments sounded at the same time, perfectly matching the girl's dancing posture. In an instant, the power of secretly inspiring people suddenly increased tenfold! Next to Wangchen, Mao Baer's eyes were already red, and he walked up slowly and uncontrollably.

At the same time, hundreds of girls smiled coquettishly, and different musical instruments appeared in their hands. One girl, with a smile on her face and infinite spring in her eyes, looked at Wangchen leisurely, waved her pipa, and made an earth-shattering sound.

"Qiang!!" If thousands of swords roar together, thousands of swords dance together, there is a silent thunder.

A magnificent sword light, a ten-meter-wide crescent moon, suddenly slashed towards Wangchen's head.

"You are looking for death!!" Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and without any hesitation, punched out.

The fist broke through the mountains and rivers, and a series of sonic booms sounded in the void. The void burst layer by layer, and the wind of the fist rushed straight into the crescent moon like a dragon, bringing up wind and waves on both sides.

One side is only ten meters wide, and the other side is majestic. The two are connected like a knife cutting tofu. The crescent moon only dims slightly, directly cutting through the fist wind and moving forward indomitably.

Xu Yangyi's pupils shrank.

Since Liu Mingyang came out of the realm, this was the first time that he encountered the power of the legal cultivator that was far superior to the physical cultivator. His own spiritual power was actually irresistible.

With a loud shout, the body reacted almost instinctively. The shadow of the fist was like a mountain, and the entire space seemed to be collapsed. The legs were as bright as a knife, and the force was blasted out like a mountain.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Countless spiritual powers collided with the light of the sword, and finally, the crescent moon dissipated when it entered a hundred meters beside the two of them.

He did not stop, and suddenly realized that in his desperation, he actually used the Hundred Solutions of Heaven. A magical power that has been forgotten for many years, but is remembered by muscles.

The most superficial magical power.

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