
Chapter 1008: Dancing Alone Under the Moon (Part 2)

However, when it is used at this moment, it feels like a fish in water. With the use of physical cultivation, it is like a tiger with wings.

This is a combat skill.

Seven Stars, Broken Dragon Platform, Tiger Roar, one move after another, like flowing clouds and water, in an instant, this space is full of tiger roars and dragons, and the world is about to fall.

At this moment, the golden lotus girls on the opposite side all moved.

Pipa, Qiang flute, guzheng, chime, rippling soul-stirring music, as the music rises, a circle of blood-colored light explodes, and endless sword light, mixed in this moonlight sound like a sea pouring down!

The majestic power is like thunder running, and the violent waves are like snow rolling up and down.

The momentum is more than ten times that of Xu Yangyi's magical power!

"Sixth sound." A sound of plucking the strings of the harp sounded leisurely in the void: "The sound of extinction."

"Boom boom!!" The girl raised a ten-foot soft red, and the sword light was sharp. Although the range was not large, Xu Yangyi felt that it was much more condensed than his overwhelming magical power.

A violent collision, infinite light rose up, hundreds and thousands of sword lights did not decrease at all, but his magical power had been completely eliminated.

"Is this the completed domain?" His eyes were red, and he didn't have time to think about it. With a wave of his hand, a long golden river surrounded the three people. Almost the next second, the sword light came, but once it entered the golden river, the speed immediately slowed down.

Just a trace.

This trace was not visible at all in the past, but now the infinite sword light, pulled into a scarlet curtain, was extremely clear.

However, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the sword light suddenly accelerated again, and the infinite devil's voice sounded in the sword light, cutting the wind.

"You dare!!" With a loud shout, the fish intestines were unsheathed, and countless black air filled the air. In this moment of hairlessness, he stabbed forward with all his strength.


Go forward without hesitation, adhering to the way of killing, with a stab, the sword light within a radius of 100 meters shook together, but... like a mantis trying to stop a chariot.

Only when you really face Yin Zun can you know what is strong. Unlike the last time with the Venerable Ji Ling, the opponent was just shocked last time, but this time, the opponent's murderous intent was overwhelming, exaggerating the bloody night.

"How dare you!" In the void, a loud shout like a god, all the sword lights gathered and condensed into a 100-meter giant sword!

The giant sword shone in the air, with thousands of talismans, as if the divine light went out to the sea, illuminating the sky, and its top was facing Xu Yangyi and the dark light.

Like a giant and an ant.

"Boom boom boom!" The golden giant sword stabbed down mercilessly, breaking everything. The beginning of the giant sword collapsed layer by layer, and endless talismans flew in the air, and the front turned into pieces of spiritual light.

The golden light shone on Xu Yangyi's body, and his whole body was golden. Facing this sword that covered the sky, he did not retreat a step, like a flying general of Longcheng, and the giant sword could not cross the line.

"Get out of the way!" In his spiritual consciousness, Yu Chang was already yelling: "You are far from being its opponent! Yin Zun is in the middle third realm! The gap between him and Yuanying is not as simple as a major realm! It is the gap between Tao and reason!"

"You and Yin Zun are qualitatively different! Maybe you can kill Jindan when you build your foundation, but Yuanying can never face Yin Zun!"

"Don't stop him! Otherwise you will be killed!"

Xu Yangyi didn't speak, but let out a long roar, and his virtual spirit body shone completely, and his thirty-six times spiritual power burst out completely, leaving no trace. Facing this sword that reaches the sky, he did not retreat but advanced, and all his spiritual power rushed up visibly.

Zhenxue Zun was slightly stunned.

What made him so persistent?

He didn't understand. It was obvious that if he took a step back, the world would be vast. He didn't want his life, so why did he have to come and die?

"An ant trying to shake a tree." He raised his hand calmly: "No matter how hard the ant tries, not a single leaf will fall off. Aren't you ridiculous?"

The next second, the sky was full of stars, reflecting endless sword light. Tens of thousands of swords were suspended in the air between heaven and earth. The gods came out of the mountains, and thousands of swords were like the sea.

"The second sound... swords are hanging in the Big Dipper." He glanced at Xu Yangyi who was trying his best below indifferently: "If you think that if you protect them, this venerable will show mercy, then you are wrong."

"This venerable has seen a lot... the great terror between life and death, I hope you can still stop these two ants before you die."


The stars are shining, thousands of swords are ringing, the sky is roaring with rolling clouds and wind, the ground is running with thunder, thousands of swords are falling from the vastness, the feeling of falling stars can even make people's hair stand on end!

Swords flashed like weaving, and Yuchang's voice was hoarse: "Get out of the way... You can't withstand this move! You are not his opponent! How many times do I have to say it! This is not as simple as a great realm..."

"Shut up!!!" Xu Yangyi was under great pressure, and veins on his forehead jumped. For the first time, he shouted at Yuchang: "If you can't even protect your own disciples, what qualifications do you have to be called a master?"

"If you can't protect the people who came with you, what responsibility can you talk about?! How can I talk about being the only ascended monk on earth! How can I talk about leading the earth to revival!"

"This is my Tao heart." He closed his eyes, held up the sky with one hand, panting like a cow. The sword of Damocles on his head really put too much pressure on him.

"Ka Ka Ka... Snap!!" As soon as the voice fell, there were bursts of wailing from his arms, and with a snap, the arm bone was instantly broken.

However, the next second, three arms came to meet. The Asura phase has been fully opened. This sword faces his Tao heart, his persistence, his responsibility, and everything about him.

No matter whether he could stop it or not, he had to try his best to have no regrets.

He clearly remembered a sentence that the fourth young master said, that he had to live no matter what.

He was betting that the other party would never kill him.

If the other party dared, he would not listen to the fourth young master's command.

This is Zhoucheng, the Zhou family is more important than the sky. This is also Zhoucheng, they dare not disobey orders.

This is the ray of hope in the rain of swords.

Yuchang did not speak again, he understood, at the same time, took a deep breath, closed his eyes and stopped looking at the rain of swords.

"What you said... I understand..."

"But... you forgot... the other party is a peerless murderer who sacrificed seven sects with blood, he... even if he doesn't kill you, you..."

Before the voice fell, thousands of swords rained down.

Asura, who usually swept everything, held up the giant sword of the sky, and the immortal sword cut Asura, but he could not stop the rain of swords.

"Puff!!" A ray of sword light pierced his shoulder blade directly, almost piercing his heart, and penetrated his body.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, the lung lobe was injured, and the body's energy recovered rapidly, but... there was no time at all, the overwhelming sea of ​​spiritual light swords poured down.

Swish... The next sword pierced through his thigh, bringing up a bloody rain. Although the strength of the physical cultivator was unbreakable, in front of the opponent, in front of Yin Zun, who had surpassed a major realm and entered the middle third realm from the lower fourth realm, he was as thin as paper.

"Swish, swish, swish!" At this moment, an endless rain of swords fell from the top of his head. He stood alone in the sword rain. There was a clanging sound on the ground, and countless spider web patterns spread.

Not to mention him, the fourth young master, and several Yuanying around him were stunned.


This word permeated everyone's mind. At this moment, they inexplicably thought of a poem.

But if the flying general of Longcheng is here, the Hu horse will not be allowed to cross the Yinshan Mountains.

The sword rain in the sky was completely eclipsed by this arrogant figure.   After a few seconds, the sword rain stopped.

Hualala... The giant sword held by three hands had long since disappeared. It only approached ten meters before being crushed by the giant sword. At this moment, the giant sword finally ran out of spiritual power with this sound, and turned into spiritual light and scattered all over the sky.

In the sky, the Dark Blood Venerable was stunned.

His hands trembled slightly. At this moment, he actually felt uneasy.

Didn't move a step...

The opponent really didn't move a step during the sword rain just now!

And... he actually caught his own attack!

The scene was dead silent. Around this blood man, endless spiritual swords were inserted into the ground, as high as half a person, like a monument of tribute. With a slight tremor, they all turned into spiritual light and flew away.

The blood and spiritual energy were the same color, which was particularly dazzling in this lonely night.

On the ground, five meters away from them, there were dense sword holes, deep and bottomless.

"Actually... there really is such a person?" Venerable Mingxue took a deep breath. As a Yin Venerable, he didn't know why he had awe for a Nascent Soul. This shouldn't be right, this is wrong... He knew it was wrong, but now it happened!

"Just now... I left his location. As long as he left one step, his injuries would be ten times more serious... He, he actually didn't leave?" He stood up in astonishment, looking at this bloody man, and suddenly an idea came to his mind.

Kill him!

If this person is not killed, there will be endless troubles!

"What are you going to do." At this moment, a cold voice sounded, and the fourth young master stared at him: "This is the order of the ancestor, how dare you order Kang Taixu?"

Like a basin of cold water poured over his head, Venerable Mingxue suddenly became clear-headed. He didn't know what happened, and his mind was a little agitated just now.

"You are only the fourth young master, and you are not qualified to give orders to a Yin Zun." He snorted coldly, looked at Xu Yangyi, and tried his best to suppress the fluctuations in his heart: "Get out."

The voice was very loud, like thunder, but for some reason, it gave people a sense of emptiness and uncertainty.

No answer.

A few seconds later, Xu Yangyi raised his hand, his left hand was already broken, and took out a pill and ate it.

"Hehe..." A faint sneer came from him, a bloody man, sneered softly under the moonlight. This scene made the fourth young master and the four Yuanying retreat a step.

They also gave me the feeling of the Dark Blood Venerable just now.


Let them be afraid.

This kind of momentum of the leader of the pack of wolves is not something that sheep can have.

"Hahahaha!" A few seconds later, Xu Yangyi laughed up to the sky, laughing wildly, laughing wantonly, laughing bloody, laughing thoroughly.

"You..." His voice was not loud, but it was a world apart from the Dark Blood Venerable just now, as if it resounded through people's hearts.

He pointed at the Dark Blood Venerable, then pointed at his chest: "Don't dare to kill me."

"Your Dao heart is not as strong as mine."

"I said I would not retreat, so I would not retreat. You said to kill, but I dare not kill."

He looked at the void calmly and said calmly: "Coward."


These two words fell into the ears of the Dark Blood Venerable, and his heart was instantly furious.

His face was calm, very calm.

As an old monster who has practiced for more than a thousand years, he rarely gets angry, but now, for some reason, this situation, this kind of heroic spirit of "I laugh at the sky with my sword", really aroused his killing intent.

"A mere Nascent Soul, like a maggot, dares to be presumptuous to the saint." His voice was also calm, but it was so calm that it made people's hair and beards shiver: "The punishment of cutting off the tongue."

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