
Chapter 1010: Fisherman (I)

"Plop, plop..." All the monks around him knelt down one by one, trembling all over. Mr. Jiang was like this. He couldn't believe it. He gasped and looked at Xu Yangyi. He didn't know what this was. Give him the terror of his soul.

"How could it be..." The Fourth Young Master was covered in cold sweat, his vest was instantly wet, and the protective jade plaque seemed to have no effect. The heart-crushing horror made him crawl on the ground.

how so? how so! !

why why why! !

You clearly saw it right in front of you, but what was the other person taking out? What treasure? How could he actually be frightened by the protective magic weapon Taixu gave him? !

A glistening yellow moon projected out from the turbulent black clouds, but the next second, the three Yin Lords all gasped and stared at the sky like dumbfounded chickens.

"The Dao Ancestor is on top..." Venerable Ningxue took a few steps back tremblingly, his face turned pale.

That's not the moon.

Those are eyes...

The eyes of some creature stared at them from behind layers of dark clouds.

The protection of the gods... The protection entrusted to him by Quetzalcoatl at the Tianjian Villa ancestral hall was only once in a lifetime, and there was no way to escape from the great void.

It is also his strongest card, the last card.

Because of it, he dared to stand here with confidence.

"Rumble..." Starting from where Xu Yangyi was standing, layers of air waves burst out, and endless spider web patterns covered the ground. Then the ground with a radius of one kilometer was completely shattered, and the crushed boulders slowly rose up. Up in the air.

Layers of shock waves were sprayed out from there crazily, and with a muffled sound, a blue light beam shot into the sky. The huge eye in the sky seemed to blink: "Those who are protected by me, Quetzalcoatl... …What do you want?”

The fourth young master's body suddenly shrank.

An extremely terrifying feeling eroded his heart, Quetzalcoatl... the true name of God! It is impossible for a god to let too many people hear his name. Once heard, it is a choice between life and death.

And if the opponent turns over this card in this impossible situation, it will kill them!

"No... no, I can't die here! Although my talents are not as good as those of my eldest brother, second brother and third sister, my character is definitely stronger than them. My thinking is also extremely thorough. No... no!"

He wanted to move, but under this terrifying pressure, he was like a mosquito crushed by his fingers, unable to move at all.

"I want...please kill them." Xu Yangyi's words sent chills down everyone's spine.

Lord Netherblood's eyes were red. He wanted to speak, pray, beg, and threaten.

However, he opened his mouth, but no words came out.


It was the overwhelming terror of facing the unknown. The invisible god of death grabbed their hearts and deprived them of their ability to speak. He was so scared that he could not speak a word.

"Everyone?" the voice in the air said calmly, as if Yin Zun had no influence on him.

"My enemy." Xu Yangyi thought for a moment and looked at the Fourth Young Master coldly without saying a word.

However, the fourth young master read a thousand words from the other party's eyes.

Everything happens because of myself...

Everything is his. If he had a choice, he would never stop these people in Zhoucheng! I will never embarrass this person!

He is the devil...the devil of murder.

"except him."

The following sentence will directly send the fourth young master to death row.

"No... no!!" The fourth young master was stunned, and suddenly his heart broke through. He didn't know where the courage came from, and he suddenly raised his head and shouted: "Your Excellency Quetzalcoatl! I am willing to serve you! The whole family Everyone is willing! I, I am willing to make a great ambition to spread your glory to every corner of the seven realms in my lifetime!

"Please accept my offering, I will be your loyal slave! Behind me, there is the power of Taixu, and my grandfather is one of the seven realms of Taixu! With my help, your name will definitely resound throughout the seven realms! I am far away Much stronger than this waste that ascends from the lower world!”

He pointed at Xu Yangyi, but his fingers were trembling.

His actions aroused everyone's thoughts of struggling for survival. In an instant, Venerable Netherblood raised his head as if he had received a shot of cardiotonic, and kowtowed several times, his voice hoarse to the point of screaming: " This Supreme Immortal, please believe me! Only then can I spread your name to the Seven Realms! I am the noble Yin Master! I have a lot of gold elixirs that are willing to be used by you!"

"Can't believe him!!" Before he finished speaking, a sharp voice sounded from the other side. Lord Kong Wu didn't look like a Yin Lord at the moment, and he gasped: "He is not as strong as me! I am willing to show my ambition." Swear! Do it now! Even if you ask me to sacrifice my life, I will not hesitate!"

"I am your most loyal slave!"

The Fourth Young Master was stunned.

In normal times, although these people are equal to him, they will still consider his words.

Now, between life and death, who cares whose descendant you are, seven people are fighting for a slim chance of survival, who doesn't want to survive?

"Your Excellency! Although I am Yuanying, my heart in serving you is more sincere than anyone else! Please let me serve you!" "I have practiced to Yuanying honestly and am familiar with the seven realms. I am definitely much better than this ascended monk. ! "Sir, please give me a chance!"

Before the two Yin Masters finished speaking, the four Nascent Souls were already crying and kowtowing. The corners of the eyes of the four young masters were cramping. The catastrophe was approaching, and everyone was betrayed and separated from their relatives. The chill of isolation and helplessness under the great terror filled their entire bones.

"" He pointed at the four Yuanyings with trembling fingers and said hoarsely: "You are looking for death!!"

"Fourth Young Master, when a person is about to die, it doesn't matter who survives!" A Yuanying turned his head suddenly, and roared with red eyes: "We are the dignity of Yuanying, you can order us around, and for the sake of the Zhou family, I tolerated your slapping me! you want me, a dignified Yuanying, to die for your mere Jindan!?"

The fourth young master's lips were trembling. Now only these four people agreed with him, so that the other party could see his value. Unexpectedly, in the choice of life and death, all of them turned against him, and loud slaps made his arrogant face red.

Just as there was a clamor of pleading below

The existence in the air suddenly spoke lightly: "Do you know...what is a strong person?"

Everyone was stunned.

What is the question?

Without waiting for their answer, the voice slowly said: "The so-called strong must be a generation of genius. Why can some people soar to the sky from the beginning?"

He asked himself and answered: "It's not that they are talented, but that they stand higher and see farther."

"Where the heart goes, the so-called world."

"The world in the heart of the strong is very different from that of mediocre people. It is a world of its own."

The huge eyes swept around everyone: "You, the world is too small."

As the word fell, thousands of golden lights fell from the clouds, and the people below almost screamed reflexively at the same time, but were completely swallowed by this brilliance.

One second.

In just one second, all the people in this golden light were instantly wiped out.

No trace. As if they had never been in this world.

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, strong...too strong! The clouds in the sky have slowly dissipated, just like this, the Yin Zun, who he could not resist at all, no longer exists.

He dragged his bloodstained body over, step by step, slowly and firmly. There, there was another person holding his head, trembling and lying on the ground with his butt sticking up.

Fourth Young Master.

At the beginning of all this, Xu Yangyi never thought of letting him die easily.

Just as he walked over, a ray of golden light flew over. He reached out and grabbed it reflexively. When he opened it, he saw that it was a Life Creation Pill.

"Eat it." Jiang Lao sat cross-legged in the air, panting, looking at him deeply: "It seems that we lack communication between master and disciple."

"You seem to be hiding a lot of things from me."

Xu Yangyi paused, turned his head and smiled, but he was covered in blood and looked a little bloody: "There will always be a chance."

This smile made the fourth young master on the ground feel cold all over.

It was like the smile that the devil showed before eating people.

He didn't look up, but he could feel it.

Da... The foot stepped in front of him, the ears of the head drooped moved, the veins in the temples jumped, the eyes were red, the teeth were clenched tightly, but he couldn't say a word.


Must live!

Even if he mobilized two Yin Zuns to die and four personal guards to die, as long as he is alive, there is hope.

Xu Yangyi's figure cast a long shadow in the moonlight, covering him, looking down on him. This invisible oppression and silent humiliation made him understand that only by going through this level first can he "repay" everything to the other party.


Xu Yangyi spoke hoarsely, but before he could say the second word, the fourth young master below had taken off his storage ring with both hands, held it up with both hands, and presented it with both hands.

"A little gift from the Zhou family." He didn't dare to look at the other party at all. He had never... never had such a shame. The Zhou family knelt down to an ascended monk outside Zhoucheng. He was the first.

Dare not mention himself, only dare to mention the Zhou family.

"The rest of it is not precious. The precious things are all in my private residence, but there is one thing that you will definitely be interested in." He looked straight at the ground, did not dare to look up, and said softly: "That is a combat skill."

Xu Yangyi's face was obscure against the light: "Useful?"

There is a chance!

The fourth young master took a deep breath. In a split second, his status was reversed. He suppressed all his pride and said in a more and more seductive voice, "Of course, this is a combat skill that is infinitely close to the A-level. Any physical cultivator cannot exert all his spiritual power by relying on the flesh alone. Only combat skills can fully exert the strength of physical cultivators."

"Are you done?"

The fourth young master gritted his teeth and said, "Just give me a little time... I can take my private collection over the years..."

Before he finished speaking, he stepped down heavily!

"Pah!" The fourth young master's entire head was stepped into the ground, and blood splattered like a smashed watermelon.

He was killed instantly.

His body was still twitching, as if he had not expected that this person would not care about the Zhou family at all, would not be afraid of the Zhou family's revenge at all, and would really...

really dare to kill him...

The night wind blew, bringing blood all over the ground.

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