
Chapter 1011: Fisherman (Part 2)

Mr. Jiang's eyes shrank. He guessed that the fourth young master would definitely die. In this case, it was impossible to let the other party live. But guessing is one thing, actually seeing is another.

Such a proud head, a descendant of Taixu, was now trampled in the sand and completely shattered. It was completely different from the arrogant appearance on the tower a few hours ago.

"You really killed him..." He still couldn't believe it, shook his head and sighed: "Let's... leave quickly. This kind of direct descendant must have the mark of Taixu on his body. Xiahou's people... I'm afraid they will be here soon to here……"

"So brave." At this moment, a cold voice came into everyone's ears. Both looked back in disbelief.

There are people...

There is actually a third party force here!

A figure, with black clothes and white hair, slowly stood up from where Wangchen and Mao Baer were unconscious: "Thanks to the inspector for your clever plan, you made us wait a little longer, and we saved a life by being a fisherman."

"Song Ziyu?" Jiang Lao looked at the figure in astonishment, and behind him, the monk wearing tattered monk clothes and wearing a ghost face.

The spiritual power was like a frenzy, sweeping across the entire place.

The Song family, the ghost-faced monk who was in charge of the investigation, and Song Ziyu came to kill him at this critical moment!

At the same time, the city behind them suddenly erupted into light that reached into the sky, and a majestic figure loomed in the magnificent light pillar with a radius of tens of thousands of meters.

The empty position is too empty!

These rays of light sprinkled in the air, forming talismans, slowly rotating, and converging into a large teleportation circle.

I'm afraid there's only one stick of incense left before it starts!

At the moment of life and death, a Yin Lord in front blocked the way, and Xiahou's army came from behind. As long as Song Ziyu stops them, they will have no way to escape.

"How did you avoid my sight?" Xu Yangyi's face was not anxious, his words were calm, but his spiritual sense was looking for any loopholes like a needle.

At times like this, you should not be in a hurry. Opportunities are often only fleeting and fleeting.

Only by seizing that moment of opportunity can we have a chance to escape from this killing situation.

"There is something called incarnation outside the body." Song Ziyu looked at Xu Yangyi with a grim smile, "You are also here today... You drove me out of Tianjian Villa like a wild dog, and now you have reached the point where you are at the end of your rope!"

"Stop talking nonsense." The monk behind him looked at Xu Yangyi. In an instant, the hair on Xu Yangyi's whole body exploded like electricity. The monk said word by word: "He can only die in the hands of our Song family."


Strong, very strong! Stronger than any of the two Yin Lords just now!

Moreover... he could feel the terrifying flesh and blood fluctuations on the monk's body.

This... is still a Yang Sage.

"Of course." Song Ziyu looked up to the sky and laughed. The great revenge would eventually be repaid. The feeling of relief in his heart was hard to express. He suddenly lowered his head and looked at Xu Yangyi, and squeezed his hands tightly on Wangchen's throat: "Self-destroying Dantian Qihai , otherwise, they will die in the next second!”

The corners of Xu Yangyi's mouth twitched, and Mr. Jiang couldn't bear it anymore. The light from behind rose into the sky, and the infinite talismans disappeared in the air. The situation is already on the verge of breaking out. He shouted angrily: "Song betrayed the sect? Assassinate Daozi! Are you crazy!! Aren't you afraid of the world-wide wanted order from Tianjian Villa?!"

"Oh?" Song Ziyu seemed to have heard the funniest joke: "If you die here, who will know that I killed him?"

Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi inserted his palm into his lower abdomen. A stream of blood filled his dantian, and the spiritual energy all over his body suddenly dispersed. He said lightly: "Are you satisfied?"

"Let him go."

Mr. Jiang was stunned, Song Ziyu's eyes suddenly flashed, and the monk was also slightly stunned.

I'm really pissed off...

" could you..." Mr. Jiang's lips were twitching, he shook his head, sighed, and opened his mouth slightly, his heartache and grief palpable. My heart hurt like a knife.

The hope of Tianjian Villa...the disciple of his own mantle...actually committed suicide under the threat of such a villain...

"How could you do this..." His voice was hoarse and choked, and he turned red quickly. Then he looked at Song Ziyu and the monk like a cannibal: "Today... none of you can leave!"

"I swear in the name of the great master of alchemy, you... will all die here today!!"

After Song Ziyu stayed for a while, he started laughing crazily.

"Hahaha... Daozi?"


My mood was like a tidal wave, and the grievances of more than a year broke out in an instant. The sharp laughter filled the sky like a night owl. He suddenly lowered his head, grinding his teeth, and looked at Xu Yangyi with wolf-like eyes: "You are nothing but a waste now! "

"How can the scum of the lower realm be comparable to the local monks of the upper realm!!"

"I can always trample you under my feet. I am the number one disciple of Tianjian Villa! The number one genius!"

He was completely indifferent to Mr. Jiang's threat. Mr. Jiang was no match for the enemy. The opportunity for them to appear was extremely good, blocking the opponent's last escape route, and the opponent would never be able to escape!

He seemed to see a beautiful prospect unfolding before his eyes.

The splendid palace, the beautiful ladies, and countless saints prostrate themselves at their feet, and he climbed to the peak of Taixu and took over the legacy of Lord Kong Kong...

All this was so real, so real that he wanted to reach out and touch it. At this moment, a thunderous roar sounded from the void, and suddenly, the pictures in all directions were shattered like glass.


Song Ziyu was suddenly startled, and cold sweat broke out all over his body. His sluggish thinking was just stunned for a moment, and then cold sweat quickly spread all over his body.


What a real fantasy!

Subconsciously, his hands immediately pinched Wangchen's throat. At the same time, thousands of meters around him shook, and endless flames burst out from the ground!

Like a dragon, like a unicorn, like a flaming phoenix, heaven and earth are transformed, and heaven and earth are furnaces. Among the layers of flames, Mr. Jiang has slowly risen in the flames, just like Zhu Rong's reincarnation.

"The domain...the furnace of heaven and earth, everything cannot be refined." His hair and beard were all fluttering, and his robes were dancing without the wind. He was really angry. His disciples in his robes and bowls burned themselves into the sea of ​​energy in front of him. Tianjian Villa would be revitalized for thousands of years in the future. His hopes were destroyed in one moment, and his murderous intention was determined in his heart.

However, the sudden change was so fast that no one thought that just as the flames filled the fields, a figure rushed towards him like lightning, as fast as thunder!

"Boom!!" The figure broke through the firelight. Song Ziyu's pupils suddenly widened and he looked at the figure in disbelief: "You...why..."

Why is there still spiritual power? !

Xu Yangyi.

His whole body was covered with the fire of heaven and earth, but his spiritual power was not lost at all, and it went straight towards him.

"Get out!!!" There was an angry shout in the void, and a magnificent punch struck, boom! ! There was an earth-shaking loud noise, Xu Yangyi was still three hundred meters away from Song Ziyu, and he didn't see him take action at all. In front of Song Ziyu, a thousand-meter frenzy suddenly exploded, and the layers of the ground quickly collapsed and turned into powder in the terrifying shock wave.

Song Ziyu was still dull.

In the shock wave of this mud and strong wind, his clothes were flying, and he looked at the 100-meter wall of mud suddenly rising in front of him in shock. He couldn't figure out why he had obviously held it in his hand and had already destroyed the sea of ​​​​qi. The opponent can suddenly kill a bloody path, why does he still have spiritual power!

"He is a Void Spirit Immortal! You can't see the trajectory of his moves at all! You idiot!!" The monk's voice was filled with infinite rage. For just a moment... the moment when Song Ziyu was stunned just now, the other party found the only one. Opportunity is like hundreds of millions of needles stuck in the ground, but Xu Yangyi's thread has found the only pinhole that can pass through.

This keen insight...this terrifying fighting instinct...he didn't dare to think about it. However, as a disciple of the Song family, Song Ziyu, in this situation, was still thinking about why the other party still had spiritual power!

It must be some kind of magical power that diverts the sea of ​​qi!

"Today... you will die!" The monk took a deep breath and slapped Xu Yangyi with all his strength. He had a hunch that if this man did not die, the Song family might have a very difficult enemy in the future.

The spiritual light is like a tide, controlling life and death. When the palm is raised, the sky is filled with green leaves. The moment the palm falls, the ground is covered with red light.

Immortal body, the vision of immortality!

Xu Yangyi didn't care.

There's still a hundred meters left... Song Ziyu stared at him blankly, his body already instinctively making defensive moves, but his mind didn't react at all, and he didn't have the time to intercept this palm.

"Just let me... trust you completely once."

His eyes flashed suddenly, and he moved faster, turning into a black rainbow and rushing straight to where the palm fell.

Fifty meters...thirty meters!

The red cloud giant palm was under the head cover. The moment Xu Yangyi rushed in front of Song Ziyu, it would be completely enveloped in this palm. At this moment, a black pill flew out, and thousands of silver lights erupted in the sky. A silver tide filled with murderous intent turned into thousands of meters of anemones, blooming silently in mid-air.

"Dansha?!" The monk gasped, and the majestic giant palm suddenly disappeared, retracting and releasing it freely.

And just these few seconds... bought Xu Yangyi the final time!

kill! !

In Song Ziyu's eyes, the opponent's fist seemed to be moving. From all directions, an extremely powerful spiritual power rushed toward him crazily. He exclaimed, subconsciously letting go of the hand holding Wangchen's throat, and quickly kneading with both hands.'s too late.

The speed of physical training was so fast, as fast as a bolt of lightning. When a jade plaque had just enveloped his body, Xu Yangyi's figure had already grabbed Wangchen and Mao Baer, ​​and shouted: "Let's go!!!"

On the other side, Mr. Jiang's eyes flashed, and he and Xu Yangyi immediately turned into two parties and left.

One left and one right, one black and one red, two rays of light left left and right. The monk looked at this scene calmly. Song Ziyu did not dare to get close.

Although he was calm, the murderous intention hidden in the rage was so strong that it became real.

Behind him, the endless talismans in Zhoucheng condensed into a sea, and the illusory figure finally began to solidify.

"Do you know?" the monk said calmly. With a move of his hand, Song Ziyu flew in front of him. He pinched the other person's chin without looking at him. His voice was like a murderous devil: "If it's someone else, do it." For doing such a useless thing, I would have killed him a thousand times."

"Give you a chance."

"Hang on to Jiang Shengsheng and wait until I catch that kid. If you are still alive, I will come to save you."

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure gradually faded, and then turned into endless green leaves, rushing towards Xu Yangyi's direction as fast as lightning.

Song Ziyu almost collapsed on the spot. How could he not understand what the other party meant? Logically speaking, Nascent Soul cannot catch up with Lord Yin, but...if Jiang Lao finds out that he is the one chasing after him, he will definitely stop and kill him!

Gritting his teeth, he bit the bullet and chased in the direction of Mr. Jiang.

Just as they flew tens of thousands of meters away, a god-like voice suddenly sounded in Zhoucheng: "Check!!"

"Who dares to use force in our city thousands of miles away and kill the four young masters! Find it out for me! Kill without mercy!!"

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