
Chapter 1012: Battle Royale (I)

In the sky, Xu Yangyi's black light was desperately moving forward. The spiritual power of the Shengsheng Creation Pill was still exerting itself, and his body was almost restored to its original state.

Behind him, the red light illuminated half of the sky, like a wildfire, chasing relentlessly.

The night wind blew wildly in his ears, and Xu Yangyi's eyes were not a bit panicked. At this moment of life and death, once he got confused, there was no way back.

The more nervous he was, the more active his mind felt. Now it was safe. No one would take action within Xiahou's sphere of influence. No one wanted to be involved in the death of the fourth young master. They would not, and the Song family would not.

This was a rare buffer period. It was not until they really left Xiahou's sphere of influence that the real purpose would be revealed.

Silent pursuit, one chasing and one fleeing for thousands of miles. Along the way, countless birds were startled wherever they passed, and trees were floating like the sea. The murderous intent was dark, adding infinite solemnity to this bloody night.

One stick of incense, half an hour, one hour...

Finally, after one hour, a pitch-black mountain appeared in front of him.

It was unknown how big or how wide it was. There were no trees, only black rocks. At the same time, a calm voice lingered in his ears.

"This place is called the Forbidden Spirit Mountain."

"No one will come here, because this mountain prohibits all spiritual consciousness. Even taking over the body is impossible. As long as anyone hides in the mountain, Xiahou may not be able to find him even if he spends decades."

"And this is your burial place!!"

The last sentence, the voice suddenly rose, the atmosphere that was as depressing as the sea before the storm, shattered, and the one-hour battle royale made the nerves of the two people tense to the extreme. At this moment, a stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the storm that had been suppressed for a long time broke out!

Red clouds rolled in all directions, rushing towards Xu Yangyi like a tide. The endless sea of ​​trees below was like being blown by a strong wind, with waves of rustling and loud noises. The birds that were startled before were now completely hiding in the trees, and no sound was heard.

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered. Among all the red clouds, only the road leading to the Forbidden Spirit Mountain was left. There was no other choice. He immediately turned into a stream of light and rushed over.

Not far away, Song Ziyu's white light and a red light also rushed in here.

The thoughts of the two saints were similar. Only here could they be sure that the other party had no escape.

At this moment, a stream of light rose into the air from Jiang Lao.

Tat... The two fell to the ground together. This was a huge basin with a radius of about 10,000 meters. Black boulders stood tall like pillars supporting the sky.

Without any nonsense, Xu Yangyi's domain suddenly unfolded, and layers of black waves filled the valley. The ghost-faced monk in front of him did not even look at him, but stared at the stream of light shot by Jiang Lao.

Like the morning star, it lasts forever.

"Are you telling you that he is here?" After a few seconds, he retracted his gaze and sneered: "Do you think you still have a chance to meet him?"

Without answering, the talisman in Xu Yangyi's hand lit up silently, the fish intestines whistled out, and the spirit of the weapon turned into a swordsman and appeared beside him.

"Spiritual treasure... is this your reliance?" The night wind blew through the tattered robes of the ghost-faced monk, rustling like the wings of the death god: "Then, you can die."

The next second, the spiritual light around him was swaying like the sea, and endless green light spots appeared in the space, flying, screaming, and spinning. In a moment, a longevity tree was formed behind him.

The green leaves were fluttering, the peaches were hanging, and the red flowers were dancing. The night wind rolled up waves and dissipated in the air, beautiful and magnificent.

"Longevity Domain... Dao Palm Longevity." As the last four words fell, a magnificent force rushed out like a tidal wave, and thousands of green leaves and flowers fluttered. In the intoxicating beauty, there was an indescribable murderous aura.

At this moment, the ground full of black air, countless barbs rose up into the sky, like the roots of trees, and the barbs were arranged into a wall, blocking this palm tightly.

"Boom!" The vast spiritual power roared, and layers of roots were broken in an instant. However, when the last layer of roots collapsed, there was no trace of Xu Yangyi!

"Escape?" He sneered: "This Saint Lord will make you have no escape!"

"Longevity Heaven!"

Swish... The longevity tree fluttered, countless green leaves were like the sea, and red flowers were like tides. Then, these red flowers and green leaves transformed by the spiritual energy, with the ghost-faced monk as the center, blew up a surging tornado, covering the entire basin!

"Kill!" Xu Yangyi spoke for the first time. In the darkness, his eyes were as bright as stars.

Found it...

The possibility in the impossible!

Billions of needles, only one needle hole!

Huge root barbs rushed out from the black fog frantically, and Changshengtian's tornado swallowed everything. Almost all the barbs were shortened, and at the same time, endless black tides gushed out from the wound.

The wolf poison body, the killing field, it is a hedgehog in itself. The more wounds it suffers, the greater the toxicity! With the amazing endurance of the upper body cultivator, it is not right to fight, nor is it right not to fight.

In Bohai, he transformed the field and killed hundreds of thousands of Zhenwu world cultivators.

This is a prison of slow death!

His figure has disappeared beside a huge barb, and the spiritual light in his hand is condensed. From now on, every test, every action, has its reason to exist.

"What are you going to do?" Yuchang was also affected by his extremely solemn expression and asked in a deep voice.

Xu Yangyi did not answer, took a deep breath, and the spiritual light in his palm was like the sea, and he hit it out.

"Seeking death!" The ghost-faced monk roared, and the punch that was supposed to cut through the wind and waves actually collapsed with the roar. What followed was a fist wind like a landslide and tsunami, and in the blink of an eye, another barb fell to the ground.

On the ground, the black mist is getting thicker and thicker.

The ghost-faced monk narrowed his eyes. There was still no one behind the barbs. These damn barbs seemed to be endless. Wherever his fists rushed, they had been intercepted several times, making it extremely difficult for Nascent Soul to dodge the blow. , became a hope to escape.

Especially, the opponent is a top Nascent Soul like Xu Yangyi.

At this moment, his eyes suddenly tightened, and two whirlpools formed out of thin air around his body. This was a sign that the other party's spiritual power had arrived and was piercing his body-protecting spiritual light.

"It's a small trick." He narrowed his eyes, but suddenly, his protective spiritual light flashed, and suddenly turned into a red light, and the layers shattered!

"Dong dong!" There were two muffled sounds, and these two magical powers actually hit him!

How can it be!

The ghost-faced monk was unscathed, but his expression was full of shock.

In the later stage of Yang Sheng, he surpassed the opponent by one big realm and three small realms! Moreover, the breakthrough from the lower four realms to the middle three realms has a completely different meaning! No matter how talented he is, once he encounters the early stage of Yang Sheng, he should be unable to fight back!

He raised his hand in astonishment and touched his shoulder. He was hit here just now. He didn't even believe it was real.

There was obviously no feeling on his shoulder - Xu Yangyi's blow could not cause any harm to him, but there was a burning feeling.

That's the shame.

As a late-stage Yang Sage, he was actually hit in the physical body by a late-stage Nascent Soul. Both of them were both physical practitioners, and they were competing for the control of the immortal body and the condensation of spiritual power. Now... he was the one who was hit first. ?

"No!" His heart beat suddenly: "This is..."

In the body, the operation of spiritual power became obscured, and a vague black energy filled the meridians.

"Poison?" The ghost-faced monk's pupils shrank: "The Nascent Soul realm...a poison that can act on the Saint realm?"

For the first time, a bad premonition arose in my heart. I patted my head, and the longevity tree behind me swayed gently, but...

The black energy is still there!

"This is impossible..." His voice was shocked for the first time: "What kind of poison is this? What realm is this? What is its essence? Why... why can it affect Yang Sheng?!"

At this moment, seven or eight fist winds suddenly appeared four or five meters around his body. Without the protection of the body-protecting spiritual energy, these fist winds all fell on the ghost-faced monk.

He did not react, but looked around in shock. There were many barbs lying on the ground, and more were spreading.

Looking at the black air on the ground again, he suddenly understood something.

The other party... found the door to leave here!

Yang Sheng and Forbidden Spirit are two major elements, and the other party has no way of escaping. This is a door to life and death. I am afraid there is no key to this door. However, the other party actually used everything he had to create a key! And he broke open this door of life and death!

What a talent!

What a monster!

" did you do it..." He shook his head and opened his mouth slightly. This extremely fantasy scene happened in front of his eyes. Even he was in a state of confusion at this moment.

He understood that the opponent's domain contained highly toxic substances, which were not obvious at first. However, as these barbs fell, the poison became more and more intense!

And the other party is the damn Void Spirit Immortal Physique Dacheng! There is almost no trace of his spiritual power! Whether it's moving or making moves, he can't see it at all!

What really got him into this quagmire were these barbs and the Forbidden Spirit Mountain.

Here... spiritual consciousness cannot be used, which means that the monks are forced to close the "third eye," and can only rely on their eyes and spiritual power fluctuations to capture. Originally, this place is endless, but what about these endless barbs?

This is peek-a-boo…

The hide-and-seek between life and death.

The opponent is hiding behind these barbs. With his ethereal immortal body, he comes and goes without a trace. He can't even feel his punches! I am actually in a completely passive situation!

What's even more frightening is that he no longer dares to move these barbs! Because he was not sure how violent the poison would be after such a sea of ​​barbs fell down!

Unable to fight or retreat, he...the majestic Yang Sheng was actually in this basin, where the time and place were completely reversed, and the opponent formed a perfect prison!

He looked at the top of his head in astonishment. Under the moonlight, he was in the center of the barb. He felt... in all directions, there was a huge spider web. That tiny Nascent Soul was the web-weaving spider. He turned out to be the yellow spider in the web. bird.

The moonlight was like a wash, but it couldn't wash away the feeling of shock and shock in his heart.

" did you do that..." Behind a barb, Yuchang listened to Xu Yangyi's analysis with the same shock. It could no longer describe its feelings.

At the critical moment, between life and death, he actually turned his hand into a cloud and trapped a Yang Sage. This kind of quick wit is too shocking.

"If it were another place or another situation, I wouldn't be able to do it." Xu Yangyi breathed a long sigh of relief, quietly sticking out half of his head, and silently glanced at the silent ghost-faced monk: "The most important thing is Yes, Senior Yuchang, think about the fields we have encountered."

"Without exception, they are all transformed by spiritual energy. Only my domain is the real thing."

"The God-killing poison requires injury to exert its effects, so it must be real. That's why..." He held the fish intestine tightly and stabbed it out with a sword.

Silent and invisible, no fluctuations can be felt at all.

"So, this is the most perfect protective color."

The invisible sword approached the ghost-faced monk in an instant. At this moment, the other party sighed faintly: "I really... underestimated you."

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