
Chapter 1013: Battle Royale (Part 2)

Practice is not just about having a high level of cultivation to have the upper hand.

For example, if Xu Yangyi had not been wise and had not seen Xiaoqing and Fahai at the end of Danxia Palace, he would not have lived until now.

For example, if they had not seen through Andre's disguise and found the true history of the earth, when the master came, they would not have known that there was a feathered serpent to save their lives.

For example, in the war of all realms, if he had not been quick-witted, he would not have understood the meaning of Xu Fangyuan's silence, nor would he have been able to take the step that caused the turning point of the war of all realms.

Now, at this time, here. Because of the general situation, because of the mentality of the ghost-faced monk, the terrain, and the characteristics of his own domain, this impossible possibility was completed.

The ghost-faced monk seemed to understand all of this. Facing the silent sword, he did not block it at all. The sword light fell on him, like a mud cow into the sea. He looked at the sky and said slowly: "From now on, you are not a junior."

"You are an opponent."

"When facing an opponent, I always plow the fields and sweep the holes, and I will never show any mercy."

"It's a pity to kill you... I really applaud your brilliant idea, but... you have to die."

After saying these words, the Longevity Tree behind him swayed violently, and this Yang Sheng became completely solemn.

There is also the most critical layer...

Song Ziyu is also struggling to support Jiang Lao's offensive. If Jiang Lao comes, I am afraid I will really fall here today!

Now, it's time to fight!

"Eternal Green Never Night Sky." He raised his hands, and in an instant, the flowers of the Longevity Tree bloomed and withered, and a sky-high green light rushed into the air, forming a cloud cave with a radius of hundreds of meters, stirring up the wind and clouds in all directions.

Far away, there was a golden army on the ground, with a big flag on it, and a "Zhou" character written in a flamboyant style was clearly visible. An old man sitting cross-legged in the void, like a dried corpse, opened his dim eyes and pointed gently in the direction of the Forbidden Spirit Mountain.

Suddenly, thousands of troops rushed over.

In another valley, three magic weapons gathered in front of Song Ziyu, resisting the attack of Old Jiang. These three magic weapons were a stroke, a painting, and an inkstone, which were so magical that even Yin Zun couldn't get in.

However, despite this, facing the bombardment of Old Jiang on the opposite side, all directions were like a furnace of heaven and earth, and the curtain formed by the three magic weapons had already cracked.

"Why haven't you killed that guy yet!" Song Ziyu's eyes turned red with anxiety, and he gritted his teeth: "Is he so hard to kill?!"

"I can only hold out for an incense stick of time at most! If, if the Censor can't kill him, I can't leave here at all!"

Opposite him, Jiang Lao didn't look kind at all. Today, he was going to clean up the mess. Ten thousand fires surged, ten thousand spirits turned into silk, and the Ten Thousand Transformations True Mirror had been urged to the extreme, but the light film that had cracks on it was unexpectedly unbroken!

"The Song family gave you the three treasures of the jade vein luck. They really think highly of you." After about five minutes, Jiang Lao's magical power suddenly withdrew and sneered: "But what's the point of giving you a waste like this?"

"Jiang Lao! Why do you need to?" Song Ziyu saw that the other party stopped and immediately said: "Tianjian Villa treats you well, and my Song family treats you even better! Xu Feng is dead! Why are you still stubborn!"

"Dead?" Jiang Lao sneered and glanced at the sky-high light column rising in the distance: "Your Yang Sheng, the domain is fully unlocked, which means that he has been made helpless by my disciple. I really don't know where you get the confidence."

He turned his head and looked at Song Ziyu coldly: "Even if he dies, I want you to be buried with him!"

"Just you..."

"Just me!" Jiang Lao was like a demon at this moment, saying word by word: "What do you think...what did I just hit the sky? ”

“At that time, you all thought that I told Xu Feng that I was here, right?”

Song Ziyu was stunned, but he was not stupid. The next second, he blurted out, exclaiming: “Could it be…”

“That’s right.” Jiang Lao put his hands in his sleeves, and smiled with bloodthirstiness: “One arrow piercing the clouds, thousands of troops come to meet.”

“What I just shot… is the Grandmaster Order.”

“You can’t imagine… the Grandmaster Order that is said to kill anyone who sees it, you saw it today.”

“I’ll show you what will happen if you plot against the Grandmaster of the Dan League! I don’t believe that one Yin Zun can’t kill that Yang Sheng, seven, eight! More than a dozen, I don’t believe he won’t die! !”


In the basin, as the green light column shot up into the sky, the Longevity Tree turned into light spots all over the sky, forming a tornado and rushing into the air.

Between heaven and earth, a curtain of green Milky Way hung upside down, and after a few seconds, it was completely sucked into the air.

The ghost-faced monk was covered in golden light, as if bathing in the sun, floating in the air, rising higher and higher, completely out of Xu Yangyi's territory, raising his right hand high, chanting Buddhist music.

"Stars blow down."

"Boom!!!" The whole sky was roaring, and in the cloud cave that had been rendered blue, endless meteors were madly venting towards the ground.

Xu Yangyi's face was extremely solemn.

It was still too far away...

Although he had trapped the opponent with his quick wit, the opponent broke all the laws with one force, and the gap in realm could not be crossed.

At the beginning, the opponent might have asked something from him, but now the opponent didn't want to, and really regarded him as an opponent, wanting a decisive kill, wanting absolute.

Each meteor was only about ten meters long and wide. It fell with a bang, flattening the mountains on all sides, shaking the ground. He took a breath of cold air, and the Asura phase was used suddenly. All the magical powers gathered around him and condensed into a blue light circle.

"So you are here." The ghost-faced monk glanced down: "But... it doesn't matter."

"Boom!!" A meteor hit the light circle directly, and Xu Yangyi's spiritual consciousness and body shook violently. The feeling that his body was about to be shaken apart immediately appeared, and blood immediately flowed out of his seven orifices.

However... this is just the beginning.

In the pupils, endless meteors fell crazily.

"Master hasn't killed Song Ziyu yet?" The real life and death line has come, and he can no longer calm down in his heart. The feeling of anxiety is like a fire burning his heart. This terrifying magical power, he can only support ten seconds at most.

Suddenly, at this moment, the starlight in the sky flashed, and all stopped at once.

"This is..." The ghost-faced monk took a breath and looked in a direction in astonishment: "Which Taoist friend?"

"Are you sure you want to wade into this muddy water?"

No one answered. However, around the Forbidden Spirit Mountain, thirteen void cracks are slowly opening. They are only a few thousand meters away from them.

Each crack is a regular circle, and the cracks are covered with extremely mysterious talismans. Countless black clouds are circling and twisting around them. Let these thirteen cracks be filled with endless terrifying spiritual energy.

"Is this... a super long-distance teleportation array?" The ghost-faced monk looked around in shock. Someone is coming... and at all costs, crossing thousands of mountains and rivers to come immediately, and...

The spiritual energy in these thirteen super long-distance teleportation arrays is not weaker than the middle stage of Yin Zun!

There is even one... He feels that it is almost the same as himself!

Twelve Yin Zuns, one Yang Sheng...

Even he feels his lips are dry. There are a total of five thousand Yin Zuns and thirty Yang Shengs in the Seven Realms. Now... so many people have come here at once! What the hell is going on!

Dingdang... Dingdang... A pleasant sound came from his hand. He looked down and saw that a thin silver chain had been tied to his hand at some point, and the other end of the silver chain was in a teleportation array.

"This is... the Ten Thousand Beasts Soul-Calming Chain of Lang Tianxie, the Saint of the Beast Taming Dao of Liuhuo River?" He looked at his hand in disbelief, and then looked at the teleportation array blankly, and the speed of his words slowed down a little: "She... specially came from Liuhuo River and took the ultra-long-distance teleportation array?"

"Just to tie me up?"

This conclusion was too absurd, and his heart was in a mess, so messy that it couldn't be worse. He glanced at Xu Yangyi, although he didn't know why, but he felt that all this was related to this person.

"Go to hell!" Subconsciously, he raised his left hand, and thousands of green lights condensed in his palm, transformed into a magnificent talisman, turned around and slapped it.

However... at the moment of slapping, he stopped.

A drop of cold sweat silently dripped down his forehead. Facing Xu Yangyi, he raised his hands tremblingly.

Just behind him, in the thirteen teleportation arrays, a raging tide suddenly rose. It was a storm of spiritual power, a raging tide of rage condensed by the thirteen Yin Zun Yang Shengs.

In this frenzy, thirteen magic weapons, swords, paintings, tripods, needles... flashed with spiritual light, all aimed at the back of the ghost-faced monk.

Life magic weapon!

As long as he dared to make a move, not only would he not be able to hurt Xu Yangyi, but he would be torn into pieces by the thirteen reinforcements!

"You actually..." His red eyes stared at the green shield below, so small, just one more second... just one second! He could kill the other party, but... now everything is too late.

"How can you... actually let so many saints help you!!"

He said this sentence in despair and hoarseness, and then he didn't say a word.

No one knew that at this moment, just outside the Forbidden Spirit Mountain, an army of thousands of people had completely surrounded this place. The place was packed with people.

A huge Zhou-shaped flag represented their identities. Occasionally, some monks passing by did not even dare to look at it and flew away immediately.

"Search." The old man sitting cross-legged in the void gave an order, and thousands of people all rushed into the mountain.

However, at this moment, the void around him hummed, and the old man was slightly stunned: "Which Taoist friend is it?"

He looked up, and at this glance, he immediately took a breath of cold air.

Thirteen huge ultra-long-distance teleportation arrays were slowly condensing in the void, and thirteen powerful spiritual powers shook the sky and made it wail.

What on earth is going on?

He stared at the sky blankly, and his first reaction was exactly the same as the ghost-faced monk. How many saints are there in the seven realms? Thirteen suddenly appeared here! Is this going to be a big deal!

Suddenly, a bright light appeared in the teleportation array, and thirteen magic weapons emitting terrifying spiritual power rushed out with a bang.

With the breath of the void, with the fatigue of the transmission, but without hesitation, as if they were willing to kill to the death as long as they were ordered.

Subconsciously, the old man's spiritual power immediately condensed, but found that...

These terrifying magic weapons actually pointed in the same direction?

At this moment, the light in the transmission array was bright, and the first person had walked out.

That was not a person...

But a giant sword, about a hundred meters long and more than ten meters wide. At the top of the giant sword, a woman with clothes whiter than snow, surrounded by hundreds of flying swords, carrying the black air of the void, like a white dragon out of the sea, whistling out of one of the transmission arrays.

Ten thousand swords came out of the vastness, free and easy in the sea of ​​clouds.

Behind the woman, there were two rows of people kneeling, all half-kneeling on the ground, with military discipline in full force, and the woman stood proudly on the sword, her demeanor like a fairy from Guanghan descending to earth.

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