
Chapter 1014: Grandmaster's Order (I)

"Fairy Lingxiufang Piaoyao." The old man's eyes twitched, and he looked cautiously at the endless spiritual swords surrounding him: "What is she doing here? And she also brought the Galaxy Sword Formation, a replica of the Protector Spiritual Treasure?"

The sword-headed fairy looked down, and when she saw the old man, her eyes became solemn. She nodded slightly: "I have something urgent to pass by at Lingxiufang. The Zhou family forgives me."

As soon as he finished speaking, the giant sword turned into a stream of light and rushed straight towards the Forbidden Spirit Mountain.

A gorgeous galaxy slowly opened behind the giant sword. The Nascent Soul monk beside him asked softly: "Senior...are you still going?"

"Go!" The old man was stunned, and then he immediately said in a deep voice: "The fourth young master has a special physique and is very popular with the ancestors. Now he died tragically outside Zhou City! Although the ancestors didn't say anything, they just asked, but too much If Xu asks, I must give him an answer."

"A Lingxiufang can't stop me. This is Kunlun, not her Santu River. There is a snake mother behind her, but ours here is the territory of the Nine Truths and Nine Difficulties Gate and the Jiehai King!"

"The whole army arrayed..."

Before he finished speaking, his voice suddenly got stuck.

Just before this sentence was finished, the third and fourth void teleportation arrays slowly opened, and two other figures came out.

One of them, with a golden Buddha wheel behind him, a magnificent cassock, and a silver Zen staff, looked like he was only in his early twenties. When he heard the name of the Buddha, the surrounding space shook.

"Master Xiao Leiyin Wuxiang!!" Before he could speak, countless people below took a deep breath and exclaimed in unison.

The old man still did not move. His state was that of Taixu, and he could already see the threshold from Taixu. He just cupped his hands and said, "Fellow Taoist Wuxiang, you came across a different plane. What do you mean?"

"Being entrusted by others is a matter of loyalty." Master Wuxiang smiled and cupped his hands: "Listen to my words, it is best to stop for the time being."

After saying that, he drifted away. Wherever he passed, lotuses grew at every step. White lotuses as big as a basin swayed in the air, forming a beautiful road to immortality.

And in the other vortex, the first person to come out was not a person.

But it is a huge monster with a radius of one kilometer.

Like a unicorn, it has a single horn and an upright eye, and its whole body seems to be enveloped in a sea of ​​fire. As soon as it appears, the temperature here rises by an unknown amount, and the grass on the ground quickly withers and turns yellow.

Like the scorching sun, shining in the sky.

The old man finally tightened his grip on the armrest.

"The River of Flowing Fire...the sacred beast of the beast-controlling path, the Protector of the Sect, the Fire-Bearing Golden-Eyed Beast...what happened here? Monks from several planes did not hesitate to travel across planes...Lingxiufang brought the Protector of the Sect's Spiritual Treasure It’s a fake, the way to control the beast summons the sect-protecting sacred beast..."

Above the huge Fire-Bearing Golden-Eyed Beast, a rugged woman wearing animal skin glanced below. When she saw the old man, her eyes shrank, she nodded slightly, and she roared towards the Forbidden Spirit Mountain without even saying hello.

All around, the buzz of discussion has already filled the space: "This is the saint of the beast control way!" "A-level sect...another level-A force! The previous Lingxiufang was also a level-A!" "It's unbelievable, what's going on here tonight? How come there are so many important figures from Grade A forces coming together!"


There was dead silence below.

Suddenly, three Yin Lords arrived, each of them was a first-class sect. Everyone had a bad feeling in their hearts. A voice reminded them: Don't go any further. You are not the one to mess with the front. and.

The old man's expression was extremely solemn. He did not look at the Forbidden Spirit Mountain, but at the ten majestic teleportation circles around him. Suddenly I felt dizzy.

Thirteen Class A sects, thirteen important figures in the sects, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to mobilize these things, why on earth are they here?

No one answered, and the remaining teleportation arrays were all opened. In a moment, a stream of spiritual light illuminated the sky, dyeing the dark Forbidden Spirit Mountain into colorful colors.

Many golden elixirs in the team had already gasped at the sight, and many people could no longer resist the uncontrollable surge of spiritual power when these Yin Lords just came out of the teleportation circle, and half-knelt on the ground tremblingly. .

There are only 5,000 people in the Seven Realms of the Saint Level. It is extremely rare to see them. It is an honor to see them. Unexpectedly, on the top of this dark mountain, more than a dozen people came in an instant!

When these horrific beings come together, it's not a privilege.

But unspeakable fear.

Why? For whom? Who has such great ability!

"Chirp!!" A Qingluan neighed, and the blue light shone thousands of meters below. The hundred-meter-long body turned into a blue light, and its tail wings raised infinite splendor. A man stood on the top of Qingluan and played the jade flute. Young Master Pianpian rushed into the valley with Yin Zun's later spiritual power.

"Master Yuxiao... Oh my god... this big devil is still alive!" "He, didn't he die three hundred years ago?" "No, no, it's not just that! You see, other people treat him There is nothing strange about his appearance! The others are all decent people! "Oh my God... Is there a martial arts leader's order? No matter what is good or evil, no one will be rejected!"

Before he finished speaking, there was a roar of laughter in the sky, and a one-armed man came out with his head held high.

He was dressed in rags, with a wine bottle hanging from his waist, a scar from a knife on his face, and his only one arm, holding a huge kitchen knife.

With his appearance, the people below were instantly quiet. After a second of silence, it exploded!

"Butcher Zhang!! He is Butcher Zhang who single-handedly destroyed a lower-level force in Xu Kunlun!" "He is not dead!? Isn't he on the wanted list of the Seven Realms!?" "The Class A wanted list of Xu Kunlun! Jiuzhen Jiu Nanmen personally distributed it! The King of Jie Hai called for arrest, but he hasn’t been caught yet!”

The exclamation shocked Baili, but nothing else, because... this person is also too empty!

The old man finally stood up.

Unparalleled murderer...

If Daojun Yuxiao is both good and evil, then this person is a walking killing machine, and more importantly...

He is not afraid of himself!

Butcher Zhang had just come out, and when he heard a scream and was about to rush inside, he suddenly turned his eyes, let out a light sigh, and looked at the line of thousands of people below, as well as the rock-like figure in the center.

Two empty and too empty spiritual powers circulated quietly in the air, silently testing. After a few seconds, Zhang Butcher opened his big mouth full of yellow teeth and smiled: "I thought there was a bunch of stuffing for buns, but unexpectedly there was a lump. Hard bones.”

"Forget it, I have something urgent to do today, so I won't argue with you."

Before he finished speaking, with a smile that filled the sky, Butcher Zhang stepped on the blood cloud and rushed towards the Forbidden Spirit Mountain.

It’s Forbidden Spirit Mountain again!

Everyone's curiosity reached its peak at this moment.

What's going on here? Who could make the arrogant Yin Lord Zhang Tufu put down his evil thoughts and focus on the same place ahead? This is so weird!

Streams of light rushed past, from shock at the beginning to numbness at the end.

Yin Zun... all Yin Zun!

And, at least mid-term and above!

Although from the first few people, they expected that there might be Yin Zun here, but guessing and confirming, these are two different states.

Yin Zun, who had heard of it or not heard of it, all aimed at the Forbidden Spirit Mountain. Until the last vortex opened, the people below all exclaimed. This time, Nascent Soul was half-kneeling on the ground.

The old man, with cramps in the corners of his eyes, stepped out of the carriage for the first time and looked solemnly into the air.

Right there, a magnificent spiritual power of flesh and blood burst out. This physical spiritual energy was so strong that even the stones on the ground quietly rose into the air.

Yang Sheng!

Not the Thirteen Yin Lords...

They are twelve Yin Sages... and one Yang Sage!

A figure slowly walked out of the teleportation circle.

This is an old man, clothed in cloth and linen shoes, with a bald head and long beard, leading a child of five or six years old. He looked like an old farmer, but when he stepped out, the space beneath his feet shattered layer by layer!

Without any spiritual power mobilization, it is just the power of the physical body.

The world is unbearable!

"Holy Lord Huajian..." The old man below took a deep breath and immediately raised his hands and said, "Fellow Taoist, wait a moment."

The Holy Lord Huajian glanced at him slowly: "Could it be that you want to stop me?"

"No, no, no." The old man immediately waved his hand: "I just want to ask, the Xiahou Zhou family of the Great Xia Dynasty came here to pursue the murderer, and so many saints suddenly appeared. What happened?"

He couldn't fully recognize the Yin Sages, but he was already familiar with the Yang Sages, who only had thirty people. Similarly, the other party must be more aware of Taixu, which only had thirty people.

Hearing the word "Zhou family", Huajian Shengjun finally gave the old man a solemn look, arched his hands in the direction of Zhou City, and then said meaningfully: "I and others are also acting under orders, so they must come... The debt I owe, Sooner or later..."

The old man's heart was beating wildly. Who could order thirteen saints to come at once? Could it be that there is still too much in front of me?

"I don't know..."

Before he could finish speaking, the Holy Lord Huajian turned into a stream of light and disappeared, leaving behind a sentence: "Have you ever heard of the Great Master's Order of the Dan Alliance?"

All teleportation arrays have slowly dissipated. In front of the Forbidden Spirit Mountain, there were people kneeling on the ground. After a long time, a Nascent Soul monk calmed down and stood up. He panted slightly and said, "Manager, then...are we...still going?"

"Go to hell!!" The old man snorted coldly and turned around: "Go back to the city... Now go over there and you want to face the thirteen saints at once? You are seeking death!"

"Then the fourth young master..."

"It can't be the Grand Master of Alchemy." The old man shook his head: "Even the Fourth Young Master will never be stupid enough to kill the Grand Master."

Little did he know that with a single thought, the real murderer would be at large. Moreover, now the murderer was just looking at the ghost-faced monk in front of him.

Behind the ghost-faced monk, thirteen top saints each offered their own magic weapon, aiming at his heart from a distance. On the other side, a ray of light rushed up, and Mr. Jiang was already holding the half-dead Song Ziyu's neck, coming in the air.

Mr. Jiang stared at him intently, and scanned his body several times with his spiritual sense. He felt that there was no injury. Then he breathed a sigh of relief. He threw it in the air, Song Ziyu screamed, and it crashed into Xu Yangyi's face like a stone. Among the rocks.

Suddenly, a cry like a killing pig resounded throughout the basin.

"Do you have the support of the Song family?" Jiang Lao walked up in the void, gritting his teeth: "I will show you today whether the Song family dares to touch me!"

"Fourth Young Master takes action, I have nothing to say, someone else is a descendant of Taixu, but you... you, an ant-like thing, dare to take action against my master and disciple!"

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