
Chapter 1015: Grandmaster's Order (Part 2)

Mr. Jiang did not look at the others, but stared at the ghost-faced monk. However, the strange thing is that when those monks who were sitting cross-legged on giant beasts or stepping on flying swords, whose spiritual power was not in the late-stage saint stage, but at least in the mid-stage stage, saw him coming, the scene that originally smelled of gunpowder suddenly became warm. open.

"Mr. Jiang, I haven't seen you for many years. You are getting stronger and stronger." "Mr. Jiang, I have never seen you use the Grand Master Order. What happened today? You are so willing." "Yes, I am still worried. There is no chance to repay the favor. This opportunity has finally come. Tell me, who are you going to kill? Is it this Yang Sheng? I’ve called you so many times and you didn’t come. I thought I couldn’t see you anymore.”

The holy killing ground.

As streaks of brilliance fell, the figure of the ghost-faced monk with his hands raised, daring not to move, emerged from the moonlit ground.

Xu Yangyi was right in front of him, looking into his eyes. However, the situation was completely reversed at this moment. Thirteen pointed his magic weapon at his vest, and he did not dare to move at all.

"A dog relies on the power of a man..." He looked at Xu Yangyi with a hoarse voice and said.

Xu Yangyi looked at him with a sneer, and answered silently with his lips: "I just want to use my power to bully others."

Mr. Jiang, who is not tall, walks among a group of saints, but he is like a group of stars over the moon. However, there are as many as five thousand saints, but they have become planets here, and Mr. Jiang, the one with the lowest cultivation level, is the moon.

Mr. Jiang raised his hands in all directions: "Today, my disciples were forced by the Kunlun Song family in the ruins and wanted to kill them and me here. As you all know, most of my body has already been buried in the ground. I'm afraid there is no hope for Taixu. It took a hundred years to find a Yibo disciple, how dare Song Jiaan bully me like this!"

Song Ziyu was hit to the ground by Mr. Jiang, and his face was covered with blood. Hearing these words, he struggled to stand up, but was stepped down by Xu Yangyi in front of him.

"Are you afraid?" Xu Yangyi squatted down, looked at Song Ziyu who was writhing like a maggot with indifference, and crushed her with his feet mercilessly: "Why weren't you afraid when you were chasing me?"

"Why weren't you afraid when you made things difficult for me at Tianjian Villa?"

"Are you scared now?" He straightened up, and the long shadow of the moonlight enveloped Song Ziyu. His feet were like nails on the maggot's head, and he sneered: "It's too late."

"Bastard..." Song Ziyu's eyes turned red, and he neighed weakly like a defeated dog: "Bastard!!"

However, the cry of the loser is never heard.

The ghost-faced monk turned around, his expression extremely gloomy. On the horizon, a surging spiritual power completely locked the space. He just glanced at it and couldn't help but gasp.

Zhang Tufu, Yuxiao Daojun, Lang Tianxie, Huajian Shengjun... any of them are famous saints.

Not good, very bad! A harsh voice in his heart kept screaming, run, run now! Otherwise, you won’t be able to leave!

However, he couldn't run at all.

The natal magic weapon of the thirteen saints is the Sword of Damocles, nailing him here.

Taking a deep breath, he stared at Mr. Jiang: "Song Ziyu deserves death... I will hand him over to you."

Song Ziyu's pupils suddenly widened, and he wanted to jump out of Xu Yangyi's feet like needles, but he couldn't do it at all. He could only say hoarsely: "Ghost-faced monk... you, you are a worshiper of the Song family! And I am the Song family's Yu Zimai... …”

His wailing was unheard by the whole audience. Mr. Jiang looked deeply at the ghost-faced monk, with his hands in his sleeves. After a few seconds, he suddenly smiled and asked two words that made the ghost-faced monk's heart beat with fear.

"And you?"

Such a faint look made the ghost-faced monk's heart beat wildly.

Killing intent.

Extremely strong killing intent.

Unabashedly, so nakedly, in his investigation data, the second elder of Tianjian Villa definitely did not have this kind of personality, and he had never seen this side.

"I naturally take the first step. I didn't see or hear anything about today's events. I can swear a great oath from my heart." Unknowingly, the apparently calm atmosphere filled his heart. Trembling, he said hoarsely.

Mr. Jiang smiled.

He smiled happily and said faintly: "You have a damn good idea."

"You all must die."

Just as the last word fell, the ghost-faced monk screamed and turned into a stream of light and soared into the sky. However, just as he flew up, several sneers came at the same time, "Come and leave as you please?" "Fellow Taoist, could you? Are you an actor? "Haha... you can only make mistakes once if you are naive. The price is death." "You still think you can get out?" !”

Rumble... The colorful magical powers suddenly appeared in the sky, and the entire sky of the Forbidden Spirit Mountain sank downwards. The thirteen saints' simultaneous attacks were so powerful that they actually swatted a dignified Yang Saint out of the air like a fly. Come down!

"You!!!" The ghost-faced monk exclaimed, staring at Mr. Jiang, his chest rising and falling rapidly.

A kind of great terror between life and death, a state of mind called panic, climbed up his heart like a poisonous snake, gnawing at his heart.

Will really die...

Mr. Jiang's extremely cold eyes told him that this time, he had stepped on the reverse scale of a great alchemy master!

The dragon's reverse scale will kill anyone who touches it!

With overwhelming spiritual power and dozens of saint-level magical powers, he roared angrily and fell to the ground like an arrow. At the same time, he shouted: "Don't you dare to kill me!!"

He shouted loudly, his body rushed up again, his eyes were red and he shouted: "The Seven Realms clearly stipulate that Taichu is the first enemy, and internal strife is strictly prohibited at the Saint level! Do you want to be arrested by the five kings and two queens!? "

No one answered, his chance of survival, the slightest hint of threat, was so slim. The only people who responded to him were magical powers.

"Destroy me!!" With a bang, his beard and hair were flying, his longevity was burning, and pale flames were swirling all over his body. The big tree behind him withered silently, and he slapped the sky with all his strength.

However, it was exactly the same as before. As soon as he took action, more than a dozen magical powers immediately blocked the entire space. At this moment, his eyes flashed, he shouted loudly, and the Immortal Tree collapsed.

Shouyuan burned so fast that he seemed unaware. If he couldn't rush out in one breath, there would be no future.

The sand, the immortal tree shook, and the storm of spiritual light and green leaves swept across the entire place. It was so powerful that before the Yuan Dynasty, a spiritual energy tornado was actually formed, connecting the sky and the earth. The ghost-faced monk in the tornado is like a desperate gambler.

This tornado was extremely strong, and all the Yin Lords from all directions stared blankly: "Self-destruction of the immortal body?"

No one expected such determination.

"The ultimate move of Immortal Immortal Body... Xumi Immortality!" The magical powers of the Yin Lords were broken, and the ghost-faced monk's eyes burst out with blazing light. It was his obsession with life and survival. He didn't want to die here.

At the same time, he turned into a stream of cyan light and rushed towards the gap with a crazy smile.

he's gone……

Song Ziyu, who was on the ground, looked at all this with eyes like blood. His eyes were so focused that he forgot about Xu Yangyi's foot stepping on his head.

He is really gone...

How dare he leave! !

As the only son of Yu Zimai, he is still here, but he is about to leave! ?

He knew that he couldn't survive, but a wave of resentment rushed into his heart.

If you weren't too useless, you had to wait and see, how could you have killed the game today!

He is a swordsman, I am a fish, it's all your's all your fault! You... this useless piece of trash!

"His in Baihui..." A hoarse voice came out of his mouth, and then, at Xu Yangyi's feet, he screamed like crazy: "The weakness of this move is in Baihui..." ! The node of aura! ”

Xu Yangyi looked at him in astonishment.

I never thought that a person could be so irresponsible.

I have never thought that... after cultivating to the Nascent Soul, there would be people who would push everything on others and drag others to die with them if they want to die.

As these words fell, there was an extremely angry roar in the sky, and the ghost-faced monk spat out a mouthful of blood. He looked at Song Ziyu with tears in his eyes, gritted his teeth, and said a sentence from between his teeth: "After we go back, I’ll kill you all!”

"What a scene of dog eating dog." At the same time, sneers from all directions resounded again, "Haha, the thirteen saints... If you let you go, it will be a joke in the world." "Mr. Jiang has spoken, I want your life, you will not survive. Five o'clock." "Go back? The prerequisite is that you can go back."

The erupting spiritual tide far exceeded the previous surge, like a colorful sun exploding in the sky. Xu Yangyi turned his head, the entire Forbidden Spirit Mountain roared, and countless peaks collapsed.

With a scream, the ghost-faced monk fell to the ground with a plop like a goose shot by an arrow.

However... as soon as he landed, what he heard was sharp ridicule that made him extremely harsh.

"Hehehehe... Hahaha!!" Song Ziyu didn't know where the strength came from, and frantically broke away from Xu Yangyi's feet. He actually stood up. He didn't even have time to wipe the footprints on his face. He smiled wildly and pointed at the ghost-faced monk: "Waste! Waste!! You have served the Song family in vain! You have been serving me for so many years, but you can’t even run away, let alone save me!”

"If you run away from the battlefield, you will die even if you go back! Hahaha!!"

Everyone looked at the ugliest scene of human nature with cold eyes.

Faced with the big decision of life and death, Song Ziyu was like a clown on the stage, performing hard. The play was called The Ugliness of Human Nature. He acted very well, but unfortunately, there was no applause.

The ghost-faced monk didn't speak, and stared blankly at the dense spiritual energy blockade in the sky. The killing move had already been made, and he had no chance.

"Aren't you very strong! Aren't you Yang Sheng! Hahaha! Aren't you just like Reservoir Dog... uh... you..."

In the crazy collapse of Song Ziyu's humanity, the ghost-faced monk suddenly set off a huge frenzy, and a green wind blade swept across the air. With a thud, a huge scar appeared from Song Ziyu's left shoulder to right hip.

Song Ziyu's eyes were blurred, he looked at the scars on his chest in shock, and said in a trembling voice: "You... kill me?"

" kill me..."

He thought about countless ways to survive, including countless scenarios of being tortured to death by Xu Feng, but he never expected that when he threw the ghost-faced monk to survive, the other party would actually kill him.

How ironic.

The ghost-faced monk stared at the sky blankly, and clenched his right hand suddenly. In an instant, a green spiritual energy burst out from Song Ziyu's seven orifices and pores, and he fell to the ground without saying a word.

With a plop, the night was so clear that Song Ziyu trembled like a cramp. The ghost-faced monk was trembling all over, surrounded by enemies. The only person he knew was killed by him. After killing the other person, what was left was endless ice.

The ice in my heart is so cold that it can bite my bones.

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