
Chapter 1016: Grandmaster's Order (Part 3)

"Is the farce over?" Jiang Lao raised his hand: "Then let's end it."

"Say goodbye to the world of the living."

Swish, the hand gently waved down, and in an instant, endless murderous aura permeated every saint.

These murderous auras were so real, so real that they almost became real.

"Clang..." With a light sound, Zhang the Butcher's finger slid across the blade of the kitchen knife: "It's been decades..."

"Today, I broke the precepts again."

Before the voice fell, the kitchen knife turned into a sky full of scars. At the same time, thirteen spiritual energies burst out from all directions.

The facial muscles of the ghost-faced monk trembled, and there was despair in his pupils.

No... It's not like that, this script must be wrong! I am one of the thirty Yang Saints of the Seven Realms! There is no way I can die here!

I have practiced for hundreds of years and have been on the battlefield of the Seven Realms. How can I die here!

I don't want to die! I still have plenty of time, I want to live!

"Ahhhhh!!!" His screams and shouts were instantly drowned in the spiritual light.

A battle without suspense.

In just one stick of incense, the entire body of the ghost-faced monk disappeared, leaving only a bloody head.

There was still disbelief in his eyes, staring at the sky, which was the only place he could escape. He had an extremely strong obsession to survive and died with his eyes open.

Surrounded by the scars of countless magical powers, in mid-air, Butcher Zhang picked up the wine pot and drank a sip of wine, and spat: "Yang Sheng is trouble, but..."

He paused, looked at Old Jiang, and smiled: "Old Jiang, we killed a Yang Sheng, which is a strategic resource. There will be a lot of trouble in the future."

"Are you still afraid of trouble?" Yu Xiao Daojun sneered: "The sects chasing you and me can fill up the whole world. A Yang Sheng who wants to kill the Grandmaster, even if the five kings and two queens come in person, can't save him."

Others did not speak, but looked at Old Jiang with a smile.

Gratitude and hatred, in the long years of cultivation, are no longer too important. Rather than being beneficiaries and profiteers, they are a network of interests.

Having cleared up such a big trouble for Mr. Jiang, of course he needs some "small", "unimportant", "symbol of friendship" rewards or promises.

"Haha..." Mr. Jiang laughed dryly, and his answer was extremely simple and crude.

A jade pill bottle flew into the air, and as soon as the stopper was opened, dozens of star-like pills rushed into the starry sky. It actually caused the stars in the sky to echo.

Silence, the brilliance of this starry sky made everyone present's eyes light up, and then they were intoxicated.

"Washing the sea of ​​stars!?" "You... have improved again?!" "When can you refine the sea of ​​stars?"

More than a dozen voices sounded at the same time, and Xu Yangyi keenly saw that many people's eyes were red.

This is the temptation of the side door.

Under the heavy pressure of Taixu, the Seven Realms strictly prohibit all internal consumption. Of course, murdering a grandmaster must be punished, but the key is...

Do they dare to confront?

Once confronted, it will involve the death of the fourth young master. This risk is too great, and they must not go to the legal side.

Unexpectedly, the last time Jiang Lao made a move, even this little trouble was wiped out.

Hua Jian Shengjun looked at these pills with red eyes, and his voice was a little hoarse: "If you can refine them... the pills I talked about last time, that's enough... I... I finally have a chance to see Taixu..."

"Xixinghai..." Zhang the Butcher, who was a little direct just now, now had red eyes. He looked for a long time and finally fell on Jiang Lao, flashing with endless desire.

"Xixinghai... the most difficult pill to refine below Danzun! Once refined, it means that this person has the qualifications to impact Danzun within two hundred years. If you reach Danzun... even in the huge Dan League, you will be an elder!" Lang Tianxie looked at this pill obsessively, not at the pill itself, but at the person behind it.

"The Dan Sheng of the Dan League... but the one from Guanghan Palace, the Dan League absolutely forbids to attack the Grand Master..." "Grand Master, Dan Zun, the difference between the two words, is a world of difference. No one dares to ask Dan Zun to do anything, because they refine... the elixir of Taixu Realm."

A series of obsessed murmurs can't help but sound, once you get close to a Dan Zun... Taixu is not hopeless!

This is the strength of the Grand Master.

Is Yang Sheng strong?

He is strong, so that Yin Zun and several others are definitely not opponents. However, under the desire of the thirteen Venerable Saints, he is not strong.

Except for the Grand Master of the side sect, no one else has the power to drive the thirteen Venerable Saints, among whom there are several peerless villains to work for them.

Dare not disobey the Grand Master's order!

"Oh, look at my memory." After a few seconds, a barbell-like laugh sounded.

The sturdy woman from the Beast Taming Sect laughed and bowed to Jiang Lao: "Congratulations, Jiang Lao finally found a disciple. Congratulations."

Xu Yangyi looked at the woman in astonishment, and had a new understanding of the thickness of the skin of the old cultivators.

Why didn't you think of congratulations just now? Now you think of a disciple?

Before she finished speaking, a stream of light flew in front of Xu Yangyi. The woman turned her head and looked at him with a kind look in her eyes: "This girl gives you. A little gift, take it."

At the same time, several streams of light flew over, all of which were jade boxes, some of which were opened. Although Xu Yangyi didn't recognize the things inside, he could feel the surging spiritual power in them!

All of them were at least Class B treasures!

"Thank you, seniors." He bowed respectfully and said: "But, no merit, no reward."

It's hard to get things, how to repay favors, look at the ghost-faced monk who was killed by thirteen saints tonight, we can get a glimpse of the situation.

"Just take it if I tell you to, why are you talking so much nonsense!" Jiang Lao snorted unsatisfiedly: "Do you think it's free? Let me tell you, when you inherit my legacy, I will also be dead, they will pester you!"

"Hahaha." Yuxiao Daojun laughed up to the sky: "The word pester is used well, but, Jiang Lao, you also know that it is too difficult for all cultivators to find an alchemist who is completely in line with their spiritual power and understands their intentions. There are only so many grandmasters, how can they be enough?"

"Yes, we finally found you, do you still want to run away?" Huajian Saint Jun smiled with a face like old tree bark: "But today is unfortunate, I left in a hurry and didn't bring anything. I will make up for it next time."

Xu Yangyi thanked sincerely and accepted it.

The painting style is not right...

After coming to the upper realm, I have collected a lot of jade boxes...

"Since the matter is settled, we will go ahead." Huajian Shengjun bowed to Jiang Lao respectfully. This time he did not come in vain. Jiang Lao actually touched the threshold of Dan Zun. He had too much confidence in him.

"I will go back first." "Jiang Lao, if there is anything in the future, I will be on standby at any time."

"Everyone, take care." Jiang Lao smiled and bowed. In a moment, thirteen spiritual lights filled the sky and flew in all directions.

It's over...

Xu Yangyi only breathed a sigh of relief now.

This bloody night is finally over.

From entering Zhoucheng, to the fourth young master showing off his power, to escaping on a moonlit night, to the appearance of the fisherman...

It was an extremely tiring night, but he had a lot of gains.

It's not about those jade boxes, this is a small path, and the big path is...

He touched the threshold of domain construction!

In the valley, the ghost-faced monk was trapped. This is a typical example of domain construction!

Countless wonderful ideas in his mind, like opening up the Ren and Du meridians, spread from the bottom of his heart. His own moves, strengths, magical powers, characteristics, personality... all of them were doing the most rigorous calculations under the impetus of the Bodhi seeds. He could feel that if he experienced the life-and-death battle at the airport again, he would definitely be able to build a domain.

At that time, it was the time for his unique tactics to appear, and it was also the time to... knock on the gate of Yangsheng.

"Thank you, Master." He bowed sincerely.

For Jiang Lao, this comrade-in-arms and master who fought side by side, he finally had some sense of identity.

"Please don't be polite." Jiang Lao grinned: "Now is not the time to talk about this. We must leave here immediately. Zhoucheng should be fine recently, but someone will definitely connect us with the death of the fourth young master. It's just a matter of time. We can't go through big cities anymore. We have to go through small cities."

Xu Yangyi nodded, and suddenly his eyes flashed.

Song Ziyu is not dead yet.

He lay on the ground with cramps, his pupils were already dilated, and he was not far from death.

"In cultivation, there is only one mistake." Xu Yangyi slowly pulled out the fish intestines: "So, any cultivator is walking on thin ice."

"Because, if you make a mistake, the price is your life."

"You should understand." He blew a mouthful of the fish intestines gently: "I understand it very deeply... But you don't have a chance."

"Swish!" The long sword pierced into Song Ziyu's heart. His limbs bounced up like a fish, moved once, and then never moved again.

Xu Yangyi felt the pulse and found that he was indeed dead.

His heart was finally relaxed, otherwise, a poisonous snake was spying on him in the dark, and that feeling would never be happy.

He was about to leave, but he saw Song Ziyu's injury light up. With a touch of his spiritual consciousness, it was the other party's storage ring.

The ghost-faced monk's storage ring had long disappeared in the chaos, and no one knew who took it away. But with Song Ziyu's, it was better than nothing.

"Let's go." Jiang Lao ignored him. Song Ziyu was specially left for Xu Yangyi. This kind of cultivator who has high ambitions and thin lives, but is extremely annoying and venomous, always feels unhappy if he doesn't kill him himself.

With a wave of his hand, an extremely ordinary mechanical beast car appeared in front of him. With a flick of his sleeves, Mao Baer and Wang Chen were all rolled into the car, and two pills were delivered to their mouths.

Xu Yangyi also got on the car. Just after getting on, he found that there was a space talisman in the car. A small beast car actually had hundreds of square meters inside, divided into several rooms.

After a night of bloody battle, everyone needed to rest. The car was quite quiet. Jiang Lao pressed the talisman on the pulling wooden ox, turned into a stream of light, and flew towards Anlin City.

No one saw that not long after they left, Song Ziyu's stiff body suddenly moved his fingers.

At the same time, endless black fog emerged from all directions. A cold voice suddenly resounded in the air.

"I was wondering who had such a strong obsession to summon me..."

"It turned out to be you, a dead person..."

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