
Chapter 1017: Lian Chen appears again

Song Ziyu's body did not move. The black mist condensed in the air, and then a trace of it was revealed. After a moment, he sneered: "Obviously, his physique is not that good, but he still chooses to go the way of Yang Sheng. Idiots like this, it's better to die."

Just when the black mist was about to stretch out, suddenly, the entire black mist trembled, and then crazily poured into his body.

"This is..." Hei Wu paused for a moment, with a sneer in his voice: "It smells so familiar..."

The black mist finally retreated completely, and he glanced at Song Ziyu with pity: "Forget it, I will wake up your collapsed spiritual consciousness and give you another minute of life."

A black light fell into the center of Song Ziyu's eyebrows. A few seconds later, the already dead Song Ziyu coughed several times, blood gushed out from his seven orifices, and his first words were, hoarse: "I...hate!!"

He vaguely remembered that before his mind collapsed, he called out to all creatures that could give him power and made countless wishes. In the end, something seemed to respond to him, and then, he was no longer conscious.

"Cough cough... cough cough cough!" He lay on the ground like a dead dog, struggling to take out a pill from his arms, raised his right hand, but was stunned.

After a long time, he let out a heart-piercing scream, like a wounded beast, echoing in the huge ravine.

"Xu Feng...Xu Feng!!" His scream was shrill and long, with a vibrato: "I want you to must die!!"

"Why...why!" His tears flowed down, mixed with the blood on his face, and looked particularly terrifying: "Why the right hand!"

What he was wailing about was not his fate, but his right hand.

"The fragment...the fragment is in the storage ring! He knows...he holds half of it himself. He has obtained the inheritance of Daozi Cave Mansion. Now...he must know everything now!"

He pulled his hair wildly. The defeated general was now a defeated dog. He cried hoarsely for a long time before he panted and fell down next to the stone wall.

He was crying and laughing, and he was covered in blood, but he didn't want to wipe it off at all, as if he wanted to die.

"How am I inferior to you..."

For ten seconds, his voice became weaker and weaker, but there was still endless curses echoing here: "Why can you always surpass me..."

"I have been at Tianjian Villa for hundreds of years...without any merit but hard work...why did you take everything away from me as soon as you came..."

"You owe owe me! You have to pay with your life!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Do you want revenge?"

"Who!" Song Ziyu's sensitive nerves were suddenly touched, and a thin layer of spiritual light appeared outside his body, like a trapped animal, and he roared hoarsely: "Who... the shameful dirty thing... get out of here!"

"If you answer me, I will tell you naturally. In addition, I gave you one minute of life. After one minute, if you don't agree to me, I will leave. And you will die." There was a hint of voice in his voice. Sneered: "Do you want revenge?"

The second answer seemed to awaken Song Ziyu's mind. He suddenly knelt down, kowtowed several times, and shouted crazily: "I want it!"

"I think! I want to kill him! Hang him on death row! Let the Gu worms eat him into pieces! I want revenge!!"

"Very good." There was a hint of confusion in the voice, which sounded directly in his spiritual consciousness this time: "Open your spiritual consciousness, and I will give you strength."

Song Ziyu was stunned.

Spiritual knowledge and magical power!

In the Forbidden Spirit Mountain, the opponent can actually use spiritual consciousness and magical powers!

"Ah... you seem unwilling." The voice said calmly: "But it doesn't matter anymore."

"You called me and I answered you, and that's enough."

"Moreover, you have a smell that I am very familiar with and disgusted with, as if I have experienced it in some lower world..."

The next second, infinite black mist suddenly appeared in all directions, wrapping Song Ziyu, even his screams were the same. All were submerged in the black tide.

With an exclamation, a feminine voice sounded. He glanced at the black mist in shock, and quickly turned into a stream of light and flew away.

I don't know how long it took, but Song Ziyu stood up again in the ravine.

Surprisingly, he has no injuries all over his body, and... his spiritual power has approached the realm of Yangsheng!

"My health is really bad... It will take at least two years to return to Yangsheng." Song Ziyu frowned: "But, let's make do with it."

"In your memory, I saw a figure that disgusted me. I didn't expect that he would also come here..."

Jie Jie... Amidst the strange laughter, Song Ziyu flew into the air and roared suddenly across the entire Forbidden Spirit Mountain.

The sound waves broke through the air and lingered for hundreds of miles.

"Chi You, your Majesty, Chen Xingjun... Xu Kunlun... we haven't seen each other for a long time." He greedily breathed the air around him: "You summoned me from the Fallen Demon Abyss. Your resentment is so deep..."


On an official road, an ordinary spirit beast car moved forward slowly. It's Tianjian Villa's car.

A day had passed, and there was no news from Zhoucheng. They passed through several small towns. They even went down to ask, but there was no news about the Fourth Young Master.

Everyone is practicing. After this calamity, even Mao Baer felt the urgency of the situation. In the upper realm, like all the lower realms, he is actually the most powerful. However, when the upper realm is eating people, The silk scarf around the mouth is more delicate. So delicate that one cannot see their bloody teeth.

"Huh..." In the carriage, Xu Yangyi breathed out slowly. After a day of adjustments, his body had returned to its peak condition again, which showed how effective the elixir was.

Just when he woke up, a paper crane flew over, and Mr. Jiang's voice came out: "Are you awake? Come here, I want to test your homework."

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly and walked out quickly.

Soon we arrived at Mr. Jiang's room. There were several landscape paintings of masters in the mortal world hanging in Mr. Jiang's room. On a soft couch, Mr. Jiang was lying on it boredly, flipping through an ancient book on alchemy. A puppet maid beside him was peeling grapes for him.

Xu Yangyi took a few more glances. Apart from her different appearance, this lady's movements were as flexible as a human being's without any sluggishness at all. It was really rare.

"Jealous?" Mr. Jiang opened his mouth, and the lady immediately stuffed a grape into it. He chewed it with satisfaction and hummed: "When you become a grand master, exchange it with other grand masters. What's wrong? Just with real people. All the same!”

A girlfriend who can be washed and dried?

Xu Yangyi's thoughts suddenly darkened a little, and he coughed: "Master, I didn't practice alchemy yesterday."

"It doesn't have to be Alchemy." Mr. Jiang seemed to be feeling a little emotional, as if he remembered something, and looked at the ceiling in a daze: "Alchemy, below Taixu, all are magical skills, and above Taixu, too, but... no If you enter the void, you will eventually become an ant, do you understand?"

Xu Yangyi nodded.

Mr. Jiang sat up cross-legged and said solemnly: "I asked you to come, firstly, to see what they gave you yesterday, and secondly... you seemed to have touched the threshold of the construction field yesterday, let me tell you about this first. "

He looked directly into Xu Yangyi's eyes: "I hope you believe me, no matter what happened to you in the past. At least, we have a common secret now."

Xu Yangyi felt a little warm in his heart. The common secret was to kill the Fourth Young Master. And trusting the other party means that the other party should guide him in the construction of his domain, which involves his secrets, such as his magical powers, when he can explode, and when he is in a period of weakness. Only by trusting the other party can he tell the other party.

"Okay." Old Jiang waved his hand and a stool flew over. As soon as Xu Yangyi sat down, he heard him say: "The emergence of the realm is the watershed between Yuanying and Jindan. The so-called realm is a kind of materialization. It’s hard to explain what it is. It may be what you think in your heart, or it may be your own pursuit. It appears in the form of spiritual power and is of the same size as spiritual consciousness.”

"Build a domain, according to your own attributes, magical powers, and perfectly coordinate with the domain. When you reach the domain, you will be your own absolute kingdom. Such a domain can basically be called complete."

He paused, took a sip of tea, and continued: "This is one. Second, once the field accumulation reaches a certain level and a qualitative change occurs, the world will respond."

He stared into Xu Yangyi's eyes and said in a deep voice: "This is not a joke. No one understands what Heavenly Dao is yet. We can only explain it with Heavenly Dao's attention. Once the first qualitative change occurs in the field, it will be the day you attack Yang Sheng. Then When the time comes, Heaven will drop a trace of the laws of heaven and earth for those who are promoted to absorb. Once they can absorb more than 50%, they will be at the level of saint. Of course, the more talented the monks, the more they will absorb."

"And these absorbed laws will complete the field in the future. Don't ask me what the laws of heaven and earth are. You will never understand if you haven't experienced them. You will know when the time comes."

Xu Yangyi pondered thoughtfully.

In other words, the first qualitative change in the field will produce an effect similar to spiritual energy empowerment? However, is this the initiation of the laws of heaven and earth?

Elder Jiang's words were very straightforward, and he had no doubts. Elder Jiang continued: "In addition, you must remember that throughout the ages, there are only ten realms that can step into Yangsheng, and only ten realms that can step into Taixu. Moreover, , the field cannot be changed, what appears is what it appears.”

"Manifest destiny."

"Destiny?" Xu Yangyi frowned, feeling uneasy in his heart.

His wolfsbane? Or the wolfsbane poison?

If it is not among these ten, then there is no hope?

"This can be measured, but you have to be a saint to be qualified." Mr. Jiang cleared his throat and said solemnly: "Yang, emptiness, water, earth, force, fire, wood, and yin, these are the eight principles. "

"Space and time are the two divine principles."

"Only these ten fields can step into Taixu. Other fields are derived from these ten, but I mean that only the purest ten fields can have the opportunity to break into Taixu. That's it. The original ten types, nothing else!”

Xu Yangyi's eyes moved slightly, and he captured another message in this sentence, which was also the idea in his mind after Quetzalcoatl's brief words that day.

Kingdom of God...

These ten elements are the ten elements that make up the world! With them, they are complete, and we can call it the world!

He once speculated whether the final form of the realm would be the Kingdom of God. Now, it seems that he has found the first level of verification here.


Third update on Sunday, happy Sunday everyone~~

Well, it’s much easier to write now, but why haven’t my subscriptions increased~

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