
Chapter 1018: Capture a pile of shit

/p\u003e The day of lectures passed quickly. A few hours later, Mr. Jiang rubbed his temples tiredly. Xu Yangyi stood up consciously: "Master, let me go and experience it."

One day passed, and it was time for him to have a good understanding of his field.

I have some ideas, but they are not complete and need to be tried. Practice brings true knowledge, this is the unchanging truth.

"Who asked you to leave?" Unexpectedly, Mr. Jiang's fatigue only lasted for a moment. He slapped the table and shouted: "Take out the things. You just came to the upper world. Some things can be used and some things cannot be used. As you Master, I have an obligation to check for you."

Aren't you afraid that you will be tired?

Xu Yangyi smiled bitterly, waved his hand, and three jade boxes and a storage ring appeared in mid-air.

Mr. Jiang glanced at the storage ring with disgust, and without saying anything, he first opened a few jade boxes.

Inside the first jade box, strangely enough, there was a coupon.

A very ordinary iron coupon with a spiritual consciousness on it. There is a carving of a tiger on the iron coupon. The carving is also very poor. If you saw it on the road, you might kick it away.

"Good thing." Unexpectedly, Mr. Jiang smiled and clapped his hands: "Look and recognize it clearly, this is something from the Way of Controlling Beasts."

Xu Yangyi observed carefully, like a sponge absorbing bit by bit. He actually heard many things from stargazers, but when compared with the real thing, they were still far from it.

"This thing is called a feast of all beasts on sea, land and air."

Xu Yangyi's thick eyebrows suddenly wrinkled.

Without it, this name... is too earthly.

"What's that expression on your face!" Mr. Jiang suddenly became unhappy: "This is what they gave you for free because they gave me face! Let me tell you, this iron coupon for the whole banquet is divided into four parts: iron, silver, gold, jade, etc. The lowest grade is all made of the best grade monsters, and is served by famous chefs!

"Mix spiritual power into these exquisite treasures of heaven and earth, and when it is served, there will be a hundred and eight dishes! The taste is so delicious that it is indescribable!"

He seemed to be reminiscing, and Xu Yangyi clearly saw that his master's throat was shaking rapidly: "Let's not talk about the taste for now, going to the Full Banquet of All Beasts is a gluttonous feast for physical cultivation. After eating one meal, your spiritual power will be enough to increase one level. ! And it can also make the muscles, bones, skin, and internal organs stronger! This is something that even pills can’t achieve!”

"Don't underestimate it, you can't get this iron coupon at all unless you go to the Baiyan Pavilion in the Beast Taming Road! One iron coupon can be auctioned for 100,000 spiritual jade! Silver coupons start at least 500,000! Gold coupons Above one million, all of them are in limited supply. As for the jade coupons..." He paused and said with regret, "Even I haven't eaten them... maybe you need Danzun to eat them..."

Xu Yangyi picked up the iron coupon with great interest. Yes, it was a good thing.

Any physical training begins with the exercise itself. Muscles, bones and skin are the basics. However, if you can improve even a little bit, it will be worth the price.

Not to mention that all the spirit stones in the lower realm are now unusable, and the spirit jade is so poor that he probably won't be able to get a seat at the Baiyan Tower.

Even if you are a law practitioner, eating this food is great. At least the impact resistance is significantly enhanced.

"Don't worry." Mr. Jiang swallowed his saliva, looked at Xu Yangyi, and put the iron coupon into his storage ring naturally: "The headquarters of the Beast Taming Road is far away, and the relationship with the Daxia Dynasty has never been very good. , but as Anlin City is an important border city and a place for hunting, there is a large Baiyan Tower. When the time comes, I will take you to try it..."

Xu Yangyi's eyes twitched. This seems to have been given to me by someone else, right?

Putting down the jade box, they looked at the second one.

In this jade box, there was a piece of green bamboo. Xu Yangyi's eyes lit up when he saw it: "Sheng Ling Bamboo?" The raw material for making the Void Spirit Immortal Body, the "spirit" of planting spirits. This is what Xiaoqing gave him at the beginning. .

"This thing..." Before he could finish his sentence, Mr. Jiang snorted coldly: "Trash."

My "very good" sentence got stuck in my throat, unable to come up or go down.

"Why is it rubbish?" he asked confused.

"You have planted the spirit for the first time, and you want to plant it for the second time? As for the spirit-raising bamboo, the little thunder sound is everywhere. It takes a hundred years to produce millions of roots. As the saying goes, the immortal body It’s easy to find, but the carrier is hard to find. Do you think you have a lot of evil spirits? What a joke! Other sects immediately hide them when they see your qualifications!

"Even though Tianjian Villa has a lot of physical cultivation, because the Saint level is a big hurdle, many people don't have the confidence to rush over it. So what should you do if you want to dominate in the Nascent Soul realm?"

Xu Yangyi nodded thoughtfully: "So planting an immortal body is indeed too oppressive for the same realm of physical cultivation."

Jiang Lao smiled and said: "However, they want to be good, and few people can persist in physical cultivation. Let's see... The beginning of Yuan Ying's Dzogchen is a big hurdle, three disasters and five tribulations, the five declines of gods and humans... these rolling If you can't resist it, your body will die and your Tao will disappear. Even God thinks that your physical cultivation is too unnatural, so there are only thirty people."

"Don't ask me what these are, you will know when the time comes."

He picked up the tea cup and flicked the lid on the ground: "However, if you can find Xiao Leiyin's only mother bamboo, it will be different. The immortal body will live and die together with the seven realms. Any immortal body has a source. How could Xiao Leiyin's Void Spirit Bamboo Sea be transformed by the mother bamboo to protect herself? It is said that one of its bamboo leaves can open an additional acupoint, tsk tsk... that's incredible. "

Extra holes?

Xu Yangyi's eyes were intense for a moment. He was now at thirty-six times the amplitude of the full six acupuncture points. If there was another one...

Sixty-four times the power of seven acupuncture points!

This... is too exaggerated.

"In addition, this thing has another advantage." Mr. Jiang said seductively: "Use it to make bamboo tube rice. It tastes very good and is a must-have. It is a must-try item in Xiaoleiyin Temple's vegetarian restaurant."

Come on.

Xu Yangyi has seen through Mr. Jiang, and he actually hides his foodie nature!

Mr. Jiang took the box over unhappily: "I want to see who is so disrespectful. Why don't you tell me if you don't have any gifts? You can just make up for it later. You are using this thing to fool people... Hey! This guy doesn't have any gifts yet." Leave your name! Don’t let me know who it is!”

Jiang Lao felt very unhappy that he had been cheated, so he looked at the contents of the third box and without waiting for Xu Yangyi to speak, he immediately sentenced him: "Shit."

So Xu Yangyi's hand that wanted to touch it stopped.

A little embarrassing...

"Ahem..." He retracted calmly: "Isn't this a pill?"

There is indeed an elixir inside, golden in color and the size of a longan. I have to say... it matches the name Mr. Jiang just mentioned... in color...

"Elixir!?" Mr. Jiang stood up with a slap on the table: "Following me, how dare you say that this thing is an elixir?!"

Xu Yangyi silently looked at the elixir. There were five elixir patterns on it. They were classified as elixir disciples, alchemist masters, craftsmen, masters, and grand masters...

This is a great master's elixir...

"Teacher, this... seems to be a great master's elixir, right?" He reminded quietly.

"Nonsense!" Mr. Jiang became even more angry: "This is Master Yuanling's elixir! You don't need to look at it to know! Only he can refine these extremely wretched things! I can smell the elixir coming from it when I look at it. Smells like shit!”

……very good……

Should I take this elixir in the future or not?

This is a problem.

Xu Yangyi watched silently as Mr. Jiang spat, but the other party suddenly became quiet. He held up the tea cup and glanced at Xu Yangyi implicitly: "But... this lump... no, this pill is really good for you."

Xu Yangyi's face turned dark. What did you say just now? Maybe I haven’t finished speaking yet. I actually wanted to say that word!

The question remains, should I eat it in the future, or should I not eat it...

"What does it do?" he asked, skipping the thought.

"Haha..." Mr. Jiang smiled mysteriously: "I will change you from a three times a night man to a seven times a night man, and it will be permanent. As a great master, you can refine this kind of obscene medicine, do you think it is shit?"

"The sales volume is amazing! I just..."

New grudges add to old grudges, I understand.

Xu Yangyi closed the three lids. He was very confident in his physical strength, even though he seemed to have not eaten meat for a hundred years.

Maybe... next time I can try this... no, this pill?

After closing the three lids, Mr. Jiang glanced at the ring with disgust and flicked it directly to Xu Yangyi: "I don't want to see it. Take a look and ask me if you find anything strange. Remember not to touch it casually with your spiritual sense. There may be different traps hidden in people’s storage rings.”

Xu Yangyi took it over. Because Song Ziyu was dead, the restrictions on it were naturally released. After scanning deeply with his spiritual consciousness, there was nothing wrong with it.

The piles of spiritual jade were actually not much. He calculated that they were about ten thousand, all of which were mid-grade, and could be considered a small asset.'s about one-tenth of the lowest level of sea, land and air.

Ten yuan of low-grade goods is exchanged for ten yuan of medium-grade goods, and so on.

Scanning over bit by bit, in addition to the spiritual jade, there were some magic weapons. He looked carefully and found that they were not very precious. He had always wanted to match his Asura with four magic weapons. One of them must be fish intestines, but the other three were Not settled yet.

"Huh?" When his spiritual consciousness scanned to the end, he frowned slightly and finally saw something different.

A jade slip was suspended there without a single word on it.

"This is it?" He didn't dare to touch it, but his spiritual consciousness scanned the outside. But suddenly, his expression suddenly changed!

That jade slip seemed to have a strong attraction, and it actually sucked his spiritual consciousness into it crazily!

"When..." Just when his spiritual consciousness touched the jade slip, a sound from his soul rang through his ears. With this sound, he suddenly realized that his spiritual consciousness was out of body!

This was a very mysterious feeling. His spiritual consciousness was like his soul, flying out, out of the car, into the air, and even higher and higher!

Break through the blue sky and white clouds, reach the crystal wall system, and then break through the crystal wall system! Head into space!

He seemed to hear Mr. Jiang's exclamation, but was unable to respond at all.

Getting higher and higher, the higher he felt, the more ethereal he felt, and his whole person became lazy. At this moment, he saw...

A dragon!

Star Dragon!

The consciousness is ups and downs, mysterious and unclear. This feeling is like being half asleep, half awake, or at the border between life and death. In his pupils, there was only that one dragon, the dragon dominating the sky.'s the entire galaxy, it's this star dragon.

There was no body, just like a constellation in a book. The blue light band outlined the shape. It was obviously just a shape, but its majesty made him feel a sense of worship in his soul.

The blue light belt outlines its majestic appearance. Seven stars among them form the dragon's body, and his chest suddenly bursts out with infinite green light!

"When..." There was another bell ringing, and strangely, the seed of Chaos in his chest, which had never responded automatically, moved.

(End of chapter)

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