
Chapter 1019: The Grand Curtain: Legend of the Seven Realms (I)

Floating slowly from his body, spinning like the jade slip Tai Chi, faster and faster, and with a burst of white light, as if the stars in the universe were shattered, an emerald green talisman appeared silently.

"What exactly is this?"

At the same time, the giant star dragon in the sky flashed, and a ray of starlight fell into the universe. The next second, seven stars burst into brilliance, pulling out seven sky-reaching figures in the universe!

The brilliance was too intense and terrifying, and the circles of light were as if they were real, like a sun exploding. Xu Yangyi couldn't help but close his eyes. But just before that, he saw... something behind the dragon.

"What is that?" The moment he closed his eyes, he frowned: "Behind the seven seems to be blocking something, can't see clearly at all."

It was just a glimpse, but the thing behind the stars deeply projected a magnificent projection into his heart.

Towering and majestic, a simple glance seems to see the universe.

After a few seconds, the light went out, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he couldn't help but gasp.

In front of me, seven huge figures appeared. It was impossible to describe how big they were, or... one of them was as big as the earth, or even bigger!

Like a newborn baby, curled up together, only the outline can be seen. Countless black auras rose from his body. Although they look like newborn babies, they seem to dominate the universe, proclaiming that they are the masters of this star field, the supreme and perfect life forms.

Just one look, and all that is left in my mind is pure terror and ultimate awe.

Controlling his wildly fluctuating mind, he slowly looked over the seven figures. When he saw the figure in the center, his pupils shrank suddenly and he took a deep breath in disbelief.

"The six-winged giant snake..." He opened his mouth slightly and looked at the majestic shadow in astonishment: "This is... Quetzalcoatl!"

Among the seven figures, only it stretched its figure. But just as he entered into his spiritual consciousness, a thunder suddenly sounded in his mind, and two large golden characters suddenly appeared.


"Chaos?" Xu Yangyi was stunned for a moment, then his eyes flashed, and he frantically input spiritual sense into every figure.

As he entered, his expression became worse and worse. By the time he finished typing the last one, he had already murmured and stepped back several steps: " could this happen?"

Chaotic Immortals, Solitary Gods, Hidden Dragons, do not use them, they are evil.

Plus Quetzalcoatl in the, Chaos...

These astral beasts!

The seven stars of the Galaxy Dragon turned into seven astral beasts. But he didn't understand why the seven astral beasts were here! Drag yourself into this fantasy!

At this moment, when all their names were revealed, in the center of each statue, it was like the mist dispersed, and a hazy talisman slowly condensed.

It was calm at first, but... within a few seconds, the talisman was getting faster and faster! Getting crazier and crazier! That... is simply like a collapsing black hole! Try your best to absorb everything around you!

Buzz... With a slight shock, black light rose into the sky, and the talismans in all the giant beasts finally condensed. It is extremely mysterious and mysterious, but except for the one in the center of chaos, everything else is hazy.

It was a talisman that looked like a black hole, but the difference was that this black hole... was composed of thousands of talismans, rotating every minute and every second, and arranged in all unheard of combinations.

Mysterious and unpredictable, the avenue is extremely complicated.

"The hub of the Origin Talisman Group, the Devouring Origin."

At this moment, a voice like Huang Zhongdalu sounded in the universe: "Practitioners walking on the great road, when you hear my voice, you may be thousands of years later, or tens of thousands of years later."

"I don't know what chance you had to obtain the complete Swallowing Talisman, but this already means that you have obtained the recognition of Chaos, whether you defeated it or it was given to you. You get it, you accept it, and you bear it. So... …You are qualified to come here and see the real Seven Realms.”

"In the process of completing each talisman, I will see that I am very important and a memory worth remembering for a lifetime. In view of your bravery, I can reveal some 'truths' to you."

"Now, take your talisman, challenger."

Xu Yangyi did not move.

He had a hunch that once he touched this talisman, everything in the Seven Realms would change.

Him, his friends, and...the entire Seven Realms.

There was no urging.

The time here seems endless.

Xu Yangyi meditated and sat in front of the chaotic shadows. They could only see their shapes, like a person sitting cross-legged on a planet and in front of a plane.

Smallness versus grandeur.

"It's him..." I don't know how long it took before he opened his eyes: "The pill spirit... is blocked here. This is the first time for me. The pill spirit that has a photographic memory has no reminder. I just heard this voice. , I feel very familiar, I have definitely heard of it, but I can’t remember it.”

The pill spirit and him have long been merged into one, and this is the first time that the pill spirit has been blocked.

"But...I'm sure of a few things."

"First, Tianjian Villa Daozi Cave Mansion, Dongxuan Mansion. It is one of the 'visible and invisible places' mentioned by Quetzalcoatl. As for the Song family, Song Ziyu discovered this place, and he and I had the final negotiation , Just the cave, everything else is optional." He pondered for a moment and affirmed: "This is what he is looking for in the cave!"

"Second, this swallowing talisman was originally incomplete, and one of the complete parts was the Chaos Seed in my body! The second was the wordless jade slip. Song Ziyu found the jade slip, and the jade slip might have some hints, so he went to Tianjian Villa to find the other half of the talisman."

He smiled: "But the other half is with me."

"Quetzalcoatl...Chaos, I can't tell who is who, but I can be sure that this...I'm afraid it's what Quetzalcoatl really wants me to see."

"The two combined to form this swallowing talisman and brought me here." He took a deep breath and looked at the talisman: "And in the's the owner of this voice..."

" the supreme existence in the dream of Butterfly Mother Breaking the World!"

"The voice said: For every complete talisman, you will see a part of his memory. And what I saw was Wangxian City and Dragon King Temple!"

"He is the crying child back then!"

For a moment, his heart was a little turbulent.

The Butterfly Mother of Dongxuan Mansion broke through the boundary, which was just the beginning... a trivial beginning. The seven great talismans are probably its true face!

There are still many issues that deserve his attention.


Who to challenge?

Star beast?

There was no way to think about it carefully. There were too few clues. He pondered for a few seconds and finally reached out to the Devouring Talisman.

Even a blind man could see that this was a treasure.

The spiritual power that crushed the starry sky... the impact force that made the sky shake was even more terrifying than the innate spiritual treasure!

The moment his hand touched the chaos, the voice in the void sounded again.

"Some people say that cultivation is for strength. For eternal life."

"I don't think so."

As his voice fell, the entire Devouring Talisman began to speed up its rotation, faster and faster, more and more violent, and more and more magnificent. The silk threads that made up the talisman devoured everything around it and spread to the entire void!

Xu Yangyi remained calm. He could feel that the talisman was reaching out, and at the moment of agreement, it was completely connected to him. At this moment, the other party was breaking free from the shackles of chaos.

"Practice is true knowledge and courage. Strength is endless, but there will be a day when it is too cold to be high. Only true knowledge and the pursuit of knowledge can make you omniscient and omnipotent."

"What you practice is immortality, in order to crack all the secrets in the universe. See the truth that others cannot see. This feeling... makes people obsessed and intoxicated."

He nodded deeply. This is how he feels now. He didn't expect that it coincides with that supreme existence.

From simple revenge at the beginning to desperately pursuing strength later, because he has something he wants to protect.

Now, he hopes to know, hopes to clear the fog in front of him, and hopes to see the truth of everything.

Insight, omniscience and omnipotence.

"So, only by getting endless life, true immortality, can we have time to observe this magnificent universe. And to do this, only one kind of creature can."


"Only immortals have endless life."

"But the road to immortality is so slim. One out of a hundred billion people is already the limit. And the Seventh Realm... for some reasons, I cut off its road to immortality with my own hands."

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered slightly. These are the real secrets of the Seventh Realm.

Maybe Taixu, or even Dubu, don't know, and now he has the opportunity to peek into a little secret.

This is the secret of the world, the secret of the source, enough to make all humans with adventure factors and curiosity crazy.

"I turned the key to the road to immortality into seven talismans, each of which is divided into yin and yang sides, and exiled to the Seventh Realm. Tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years have seven legends. And seven star beasts."

Xu Yangyi sighed with emotion.

The origin of the seven star beasts turned out to be here!

No one could have imagined that the seven most powerful star beasts that the seven realms had suppressed with all their might were actually transformed by one person!

As for the seven great legends, he had never heard of them. It seemed that someone had mentioned them, but he had just come to the upper realm and he didn't know any of them.

"In the seven great legends, there are yang-faced talismans. In the seven star beasts, there are yin-faced talismans. Only when yin and yang are united can the talisman's body be obtained. And... only when the seven talismans are complete can the immortal road that I cut off be opened, and the immortal reincarnation that occurs once every three thousand years, the road to immortality, be opened."

The talisman began to spin wildly, and everything was swallowed up. I don't know when it started. All kinds of cosmic creatures appeared in all directions, some of them were people, most of whom he didn't recognize. He also saw the Western dragon and the mammoth...

These things, just like when Tenggerbal descended in Liu Mingyang's barrier, formed countless rotating gene biological chains, and kept rushing towards the swallowing talisman in the center.

It seemed... that was the giant mouth of life, swallowing all creatures.

"If I didn't know, I would have thought it was Tenggerbal." He smiled bitterly and shook his head. But the next second, he was suddenly stunned.


He suddenly raised his head and looked at the food chain desperately, not letting any one go.

From the creatures at the beginning... to the end, something was wrong... everything was wrong!

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