
Chapter 1020: Grand Curtain: Legend of the Seven Realms (Part 2)


It was unknown how long it had been spinning rapidly, and endless creatures were swallowed up into this gene chain, but it was not over yet... After the creatures, there were actually star beasts!

One after another, the huge miniature versions of the star beasts were drawn into this vortex, forming a chain of genes that devoured everything. He had a hunch in his heart that this was not over... After the star beasts, there were others!

"Boom boom boom!" The Devouring Talisman spun faster and faster. After a full ten minutes, Xu Yangyi sighed and looked at the small talisman in shock.

The creatures were swallowed up, and the star beasts were swallowed up. Next, it swallowed...

The beginning!

Endless Taichu, schematic diagrams of various forms, rushed into the talisman like a tide.

In a biological chain, there appeared... Taichu.

"So that's it..." He felt like he was electrified all over, and goose bumps appeared. He looked at the seven giant beasts, and his heart was cold, and then he rushed into the endless flames!

He... had a terrible guess.

"The Devouring Talisman is not this kind of devouring, but... I can devour Taichu!"

He closed his eyes: "Because... I am Wolf Poison..."

"Chaos was split into two, his body saved the earth, and his consciousness traveled across the universe... and his anger towards the enemy turned into the original Taichu... that is, Emperor Senluo. From here... the world entered a period of war."

"The other half split again, one part turned into Quetzalcoatl to protect the earth, and the other part... became Wolf Poison."

"Tenggerbal chased me because he probably felt a threat from me. Taichu devours everything, and I devour Taichu. This is..." He opened his eyes and sighed: "Food chain."

"The fateful food chain..."

"Just as it is expressed now. Wolf Poison is the real devourer. The top of the food chain!"

After saying this, suddenly, the center of the Devouring Talisman moved, and then... a golden eye slowly opened.

The most representative... Taichu Eye!

The next second, a golden light from this eyeball rushed into Xu Yangyi's eyes, dyeing his pupils golden.

At the same time, deep in the universe, in a white hole of a galaxy, a pair of eyes suddenly opened.

It was too big...

It was hard to tell how big it was, maybe as big as the sun, or even bigger. It was sleeping in the universe like a corpse, but at this moment, it was completely awake.

"Where is Tenggerbal?" The voice was filled with unconcealed anger: "Didn't I ask it to explore the origin?"

"Why is there no news yet!"

In the void of the universe, a voice came out: "My Lord, Tenggerbal was intercepted by the four great voids of the seven realms, and it could not enter the origin."

He blinked and sighed: "He woke up..."

"May I ask who it is, my Lord?" The voice spoke with great respect.

"My brother..." The huge eyes swept around, although it was just a glance, it seemed to see through the Milky Way.

"I... my brother from the same father and mother..."

"It lives in the human body and assimilates with the human... We need to go through countless awakenings in our lives, but his awakening this time is different..."

The eyes closed quietly: "This is the awakening of fate."    "He understands what he is and what he wants to do. One day... it will stand in front of me and fight a life-and-death battle..."

"That person can't be your opponent." The voice became more respectful.

"Heh..." The eyes were completely silent. After a long time, a voice was heard: "The universe is so big... Even I can't find a person in the galaxy..."

In the illusion, Xu Yangyi couldn't let go of the hand that touched the chaos, and the other hand pressed his left eye tightly.

So hot.

A hot stream of heat seemed to rise from his soul, and finally rushed into his left eye, condensing into a brilliant gold.

But there was no pain, just like... something dormant in the body awakened, transforming his body.

After a long time, he put down his arm.

"Nothing different?" He felt his body, nothing unusual, but his mind was strange.

It was as if... there was a voice, a mission, engraved into his soul.

He didn't know what it was, but he was sure that at some point, this mission would tell him and guide him forward.

The absorption of the talisman in front of him was almost coming to an end, and his spiritual consciousness was released, but just as he released it, he took a breath of cold air.

So many...

Densely packed, like the stars in the sky!

He saw, at the edge of the Seven Realms, a blood-red light spot, some big and some small, the small was only the size of a finger, the big was as big as a head, and there were many in between, half the size of a head, the size of a fist, and there were simply countless!

"Is this... Taichu?" He took a look at the blood-red universe and immediately understood what it was.

"I can feel the existence of Taichu... even each one?"

"The biggest one should be Tenggerbal. There are so many, and the Seven Realms can still defend it!"

At this moment, the surroundings trembled together, and he suddenly saw that the surrounding universe became transparent.

The Devouring Talisman finally stopped absorbing. At this moment, it was like a shrinking black hole, azure and spinning. He didn't know when it was already in his hand.

The voice sounded again.

"As the price of your bravery, I will tell you...part of the truth of the Seven Realms. As you collect more and more talismans, you will know more. Power is not important. Only true knowledge is omniscient and almighty."

"And you have obtained the 'admission ticket' and the first 'qualification.'"

The moment he said this, the surrounding void burst into a thousand-foot white light, completely engulfing Xu Yangyi's figure.

The white light was not dazzling. He saw the truth that ordinary people could never see in the white light!

The map of the seven realms.

It is an extremely detailed map, but above the map of the seven realms, seven magnificent wills shroud each realm! As if it is their sky, their true master!

"The so-called impermanence of heaven, this is the heavenly way." The voice slowly spoke: "Or you can put it another way, this is the plane will of the seven realms."

"Any world has its own plane will. However, the plane will of the seven realms is very special. The plane will itself should be a whole. They can be entities or spirits. If it is broken, it means the plane will collapses. I have been to thousands of planes, and only here, in this seven realms, its plane will still exists after being damaged."

"I paid attention to it. The plane will was already very weak at that time. They needed a carrier, whether it was a spirit or a entity. So, I broke the road to immortality and turned it into seven talismans to support the entire seven realms. The price is that it is almost impossible for the seven realms to have flying immortals. Only the true sons of heaven, the favored ones, can be saved. Son, a true hero, can knock on this door. "

"See the successor here, you can also save the plane like me, save the plane, save the plane, it's all in your mind, you are the real master of this world."

"You passed through countless planes, you observed, you created, you conquered. Maybe someone noticed your existence, maybe no one could notice. Countless planes, the upper world, in your hands, all trees are in spring, they gave you a title. "


"Come... embark on this thorny road, this road is only open to those who have talismans, because only they can inherit the will of the seven realms, from the saint, to the void, to the unique, and finally... after ascending in broad daylight and immortality, you will see the footsteps of the gods. "

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

It has to be said that these few words completely ignited his heart!

This is the practice he wants!

I used to think one-sidedly that it was revenge, protection, and strength.

All, but none of them.

Cultivation is the pursuit of truth, knowledge, creation and destruction, omniscience and omnipotence.

I am here, and I am not here. I am everywhere, but I am in your thoughts.

I have to say that these few words finally made his hazy concept completely clear, and his heart was clear.

I want what I want, I will get it myself, I swear to reach your realm, and let the heavens and the worlds prosper in my thoughts.

Let them... call me God.

As if hearing his voice, the white light burst out, forming a road to the sky in front of him that had no end at all and was completely composed of white light.

Looking up, there seemed to be a door at the end of the sky.

He stepped on it without hesitation, and just took the first step. He knew what this was in his mind,

The world of great contention!

The road to immortality, the first step to open the road to immortality, the world of great contention.

"This is the rule of the gods." The voice sounded again: "Gods, there are no mediocre people."

"Mediocre people cannot be shepherds, grazing one plane after another, protecting them, or destroying them. In the far west, some people call gods... Titans."

"Gods Titans, running around the heavens and all worlds, finally, they made their own rules. Just like you now, you have got my talisman, and you are qualified to take the first step in this road to immortality, that is, to be the first in the three thousand years of fate and reincarnation. Once the life and death are gone, the talisman will be controlled by the killer."

"This is the 'qualification,' the qualification set by the gods. To see the world of gods, you have to enter this qualifying round."

"You promised, you accepted, you got one of the tickets, but this is just the beginning."

"Come on, challenger, ascend the throne of the five kings and two queens, welcome the truth of the way of heaven, break through the reincarnation once every three thousand years, and see the complete universe."

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, and his eyes burst into infinite fighting spirit.

He understood what this was.

Venerable Emptiness

Three thousand years of reincarnation... is it finally here?

You... are the sacrifice of three thousand years, this activation talisman?

The first step to ask the immortal gate, to find the true beginning, can only be achieved by ascending the throne of the five kings and two queens.

"Then..." He gently touched the front, but he couldn't touch it at all. The triple throne was like the moon in the well and the flower in the mirror.

"I'm here."

(End of this chapter)

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