
Chapter 1021: The Grand Curtain: Legend of the Seven Realms (Part 3)

The light flashed again, and finally, all the illusions disappeared.

"Huh..." He took a breath suddenly and found that he was still in the car.

Next to him, Jiang Lao looked at him with concern: "Are you okay?"

Xu Yangyi shook his head. He just understood a lot, but he had more doubts.

For example... who is the person who is speaking?

This person... can actually record the gods. I'm afraid he is not a god, but he is not far away.

It should be the child he saw at the beginning, but he is not entangled in "who is it." but "the true identity of the child."

For example, do the five kings and two queens, or even the two legends know about these things?

What are the seven legends? What about the way of heaven?

What is the legend that he solved? The star beast was originally created by this person, but why was it imprisoned in the seven realms?

This universe is too big. People's instinctive desire for knowledge makes him want to live and live forever to see this real world and find out where the earth is in the drama of the universe.

It has nothing to do with strength, but it makes him excited and reluctant to give up far more than strength.

However, the foundation is strength.

He rubbed his eyebrows: "It's okay."

At this moment, he was suddenly stunned.

He wiped his eyes in disbelief, covering up all the doubts in his heart, and he was completely stunned.

"Swish, swish, swish!!" Three rays of light appeared in front of his eyes, and in front of his eyes, it seemed that another vision opened up.

Seven Realms Map!

The seven realms were clearly marked above, but there were three people in these seven realms that he saw clearly!

"Venerable Hanxue, Yin Zun Great Perfection, holds the positive side of the Fearless Talisman, the source of fearlessness, fearlessness. Distance... 3.2 million kilometers."

"Mr. Wumian, Yin Zun Great Perfection, holds the positive side of the Killing Talisman, the source of killing, one general's success is the result of thousands of bones, distance... 5.47 million kilometers."

"Master Diku, middle stage of Yangsheng, holds the positive side of the Unbreakable Talisman, the source of indestructibility, nothing can break, the reincarnation of Vajra. Distance... 4.6 million kilometers."

His heart suddenly beat wildly.

Three talismans...

That is to say, three legends have been cracked!

He is not the only one who knows...I am afraid that the scene just now will be seen by everyone who has obtained the seven origin talismans! They also saw the true face of Chaos! They also know the origin of the seven star beasts! They also know...the use of talismans!

"Challenger...I understand." He looked at the person above with a cold look. The first step of the challenge is to survive before the fall of the Void Venerable in hundreds of years.

Don't let those crazy predators find you!

He looked at the talisman representing himself.

It's strange that his talisman is gray, with only one line of words written on it, "True Lord Wolf Poison, late Nascent Soul, holds the positive side of the Devouring Talisman, the Devouring of Origin. Distance...?"

The distance is actually a question mark, and there is no name!

What's more, the carriage has been moving for a long time, but he didn't move!

"That is to say, they can't see my distance?"

"Is it because I came from Earth, or because it was Quetzalcoatl that gave me the Chaos Seed? Or is it because of the protection measures of this killing game?" He rubbed his chin thoughtfully: "But... this is the best."

"Time, I need time! When the three thousand years come back hundreds of years later, only the seven of us will be the real opponents! Although only three have appeared now!"

He glanced at the names of the three people, and stayed on the name of Venerable Hanxue for a few seconds.


"You are here too."

"The true disciple of Snake Mother... Venerable Hanxue. I am really looking forward to... the appearance of the seven of us meeting again hundreds of years later..."

Old Jiang was still chattering. He thought Xu Yangyi had a problem, but Xu Yangyi suddenly raised his hand, not wanting to be interrupted in his meditation at this moment.

He continued to watch.

Outside the Seven Realms, there was a stream of light, flying around the Seven Realms, not very fast.

"This should be the fifth talisman besides the four of us."

"There are still a few hundred years to go. We must prepare for the worst. Someone may remove the talisman. And... the talismans in their hands are incomplete."

"Other talismans cannot be seen. Make a bold guess and verify carefully. This should be the one that is really touched before it can be obtained. In the end, we all have to face the seven star beasts."

He breathed a sigh of relief. He had no idea how to use this talisman. The talisman seemed to have merged into his body and could be seen as long as he looked inside.

It seemed...his body had become an endless void. In a huge black hole, the swallowed talisman stayed there quietly.

A key to the immortal gate.

Just as he was about to leave this "second visual picture", suddenly, three extremely powerful spiritual consciousnesses rushed over!

A huge iceberg, which was carved into the shape of a giant snake. Countless cultivators stood on flying swords and patrolled back and forth. There were several mortal kingdoms below. There are countless flying boats in the sky and countless caravans on the ground.

This... is actually an ice castle!

It is beautiful and flawless, but no one dares to attack it. Because... the one living here is the Snake Mother, one of the Five Kings and Two Queens.

Ten Thousand Snakes Palace!

At this moment, a stream of light rushed out madly, rushing straight to the nearest super teleportation array.

"Who is it!" The stream of light crashed down a flying boat. The two young monks on the flying boat were about to curse, but one of them looked at it and suddenly grabbed the other's hand.

"What are you doing! Are you being unreasonable? This is the territory of Her Highness Snake Mother! On her land, who dares to break the rules?" The cultivator in front said angrily.

"It is precisely because it is on Her Highness Snake Mother's territory..." The cultivator behind trembled: "This... is Venerable Hanxue, the only true disciple of Her Highness Snake Mother..."

Venerable Hanxue could not hear the voice behind.

He was the same as when he first met Xu Yangyi, cold, ruthless, and fearless.

The flowing light was like a sword, breaking through the sky.

And the man in the flowing light, his whole body of spiritual power was almost bursting out of his body, climbing to the extreme, his beard and hair flying, cold as snow, lonely and arrogant like a sword, his slightly red eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Swallowing Talisman..."

"Swallowing Talisman appears!"

"The first of the seven origin talismans... This venerable also accidentally obtained the fearless talisman. This person... This person is just a true lord! Just a Yuanying, but he has such good fortune! He got the first of the origin talisman group!!"

"And it's a complete talisman! Isn't it to kill the star beast or get the other party's recognition?! How can a mere Yuanying do it!"

"You... go to death in peace... Dare to stay where you are? Don't worry, I will send you to hell before the other two come!"

"Seven talismans, ask the immortal gate, this matter must not be known to the eighth person!"

At the same time, the Three Ways River Realm, one of the seven realms, here... is an endless water area, all the isolated islands are from the city sects, forces, and countries. So, this place also has another name.

Star Sea

At this moment, on the largest island in the center of the sea, a green light rose from the ground and rushed towards the super long-distance teleportation array at the other end.

Among them, a young man had a stern face, but was extremely excited.

"The fourth talisman! The first of the origin! The swallowing talisman appeared! And it is a complete talisman! This is incredible!"

"Go with peace of mind, even if I search all seven realms, I can find you!!"

"This is not something that a Yuanying should have! Even if I offer it, I can only give you a quick death."

"The man is innocent, but he is guilty of holding a treasure!"

In the moonlit Xiaoxiang Realm, the moon fell all over the ground, and the sun never rose here.

The ground was full of ancient Chinese buildings, and in one of the buildings, a stream of light rushed up crazily.

A burly middle-aged man, wearing brocade clothes and jade belt, with eyes full of heat and murderous intent, also rushed towards the super teleportation array.

"Whoever stops me will die..." In his eyes, the second vision map was also opened, and he saw clearly that at the same moment, Venerable Hanxue and Young Master Wumian all rushed towards the teleportation array like crazy.

"We all know each other, but we have never fought each other."

"It seems that we will fight for the first time today..."

"How can you, as a Yuanying, understand the wonders of the Yuansheng Talisman! Go with peace of mind, this Saint will give you a good dream."

In the carriage, cold sweat immediately flowed down Xu Yangyi's forehead.

Such a quick action!

Such a strong murderous intention!

He immediately withdrew from the field of vision, ignoring the concern of Mr. Jiang, and immediately stood up to open the curtain to take a look.

There were not too many cars outside... The other party must have done everything possible. Hundreds of years later, only the seven of them will be the real contenders, and the other party will never tolerate him living until that time!

If he is discovered, he will die. It is related to the Immortal Gate, and there is no reason to talk!

This is a life-and-death struggle, and only one person can laugh to the end!

"Too few cars..." He growled, his heart filled with unspeakable urgency.

Few cars, Nascent Soul... but 100,000 people.

How many 100,000 people?

A lot, but compared to the Seven Realms?

As long as the other party locks on here, locks on this road, he... will be caught up soon!

What to do!

"Calm down... Calm down..." He took a few deep breaths, made a prompt decision, and knelt down for the first time in front of Jiang Lao.

"Master, can I believe you?"

Jiang Lao also felt that something was wrong, and said in a deep voice: "What's wrong?"

"If... someone asks you, please... say I am in the middle stage of Nascent Soul." He stared into Jiang Lao's eyes. If the other party did not agree, then he was ready to retreat immediately.

Challengers, first of all, must survive before the game begins.

"Yes." Unexpectedly, Jiang Lao answered without asking. He was old and wise. He was not stupid after practicing to Yin Zun, but he had a bad temper. After thinking for a while, he said: "The man is innocent, but he is guilty of possessing a treasure."

Xu Yangyi has been practicing in the upper realm. Except for Song Ziyu, he has no enemies.

The only possibility is that he has something that someone has taken a fancy to.

"In addition... please drive the carriage at full speed. My enemies may still have half an hour. They will do everything they can to track me down. May I ask the seven realms... How many magical powers or magic weapons can restore the picture?"

"Yes, but it is absolutely precious." Jiang Lao said in a deep voice: "I told you before that time and space are the two major divine rules. Only those who truly master and build a complete field are qualified to create or use such magic weapons. Even ordinary Taixu may not have it."

Xu Yangyi was not relieved, but became more and more anxious.

Venerable Hanxue...

Disciple of the Snake Mother!

Ordinary Taixu doesn't have it, so don't the Five Kings and Two Queens have it? !

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