
Main text Chapter 103: Signing a contract with Yulin Guards (Part 1)

In a high-end villa in Tianhe District, Zhujiang Province. The air conditioner completely isolates all the temperature outside. It makes this place like a summer resort.

The exterior is a European-style building. But inside, it is not a European-style building at all! Instead, it has a strong Chinese style. Tai Chi, Bagua, Zhuge fan... On the red Tang-style carpet, a group of girls about fifteen or sixteen years old are clicking on the computer excitedly.

"It's him! It's him!" A girl's fingers flew, desperately clicking on her computer, her eyes full of crazy: "Oh my god... so handsome! So handsome!"

"Yes, yes! You think Yang Yu is handsome too! This morning, the official account of the Yu Linwei headquarters of Huaxia Cultivation Network just released a big news! It's so handsome!"

"Lick the screen! You must lick the screen!" Another girl's head seemed to be drilling into her computer: "He is simply my new generation of male god!"

"When does the live broadcast start?!" "There is still an hour! The three major media outlets, Cultivation News, Cultivation Eye, and Cool Cultivation Video, are all there!" "I heard that someone from the Yu Linwei headquarters went there! And Xiao Chu went there too!" "Damn! What is he going to do! Is he going to let his fans fight with our Yang Yu Army!"

Noisy and excited, every computer in front of them is a page of Huaxia Cultivation Network. However, on the page of the Cultivation Network today, there is a line of large words that is extremely conspicuous.

"The real leader of the 16th class, he appeared in the four Lianchi after three years of disappearance and killed the Mingshen Seed in Laohei Mountain!"

Next to it, there was a picture of Xu Yangyi holding up the Mingshen Seed's head in Laohei Mountain that day. There were also scattered corpses in the lake.

"It's this photo! It's so damn handsome!" A young girl's face was wrinkled with excitement, she clenched her fists on her chest, and screamed with her lips pursed: "It's a pity that we can't get in at all! Otherwise I must go and see it!"

In a student apartment next to a university in Nanhe Province, three boys carefully inserted a micro disk into the computer, and three minutes later, they entered the page of the Huaxia Cultivation Network.

However, as soon as the page was refreshed, they were completely stunned!

"Mingshen Seed!?" The foundation-building cultivators were all amazed, and their eyeballs almost fell out. A boy who was lighting a cigarette slipped and the cigarette fell on his clothes. He immediately picked it up in a panic and said in astonishment: "No, no way?! It's the Ming family of that demon cultivator?!"

"It should be..." A boy next to him swallowed hard and pointed to a photo: "This thing... I seem to have heard from the family that it is a puppet ranked high in the Ming family..."

"But that's not right. No matter how powerful he is, he is also a Qi cultivator... How can he be on the front page?"

However, the posts below the cultivation website today are incredible!

"Yangtuo (Yang Yi) army is reporting!" "On the importance of appearance in the cultivation world." And other posts are all posted by those crazy female cultivators!

"From today on, I officially join the Yangtuo army! God of destiny!"——Doraemon.

"You from the stars! Descendants of the sun! From the first time I saw your photo! I was impressed by you! Please allow me to bow down under your jeans!"——Kyoto Mahua.

"I can't believe that there are people whose appearance can be compared with my Da Chu..."——A roadside flower

"Upstairs! This is Yangtuolou! Your Dachu will not see you off!" - The Queen of Women.

Xu Yangyi's finger gently slid across the mouse, watching everything on the computer calmly.

"Captain." Just then, a female secretary, about twenty-four or twenty-five years old, walked over gracefully with the sound of "clicks" on the ground, and said in a charming but rigorous manner: "It's almost time. Your designated assistant, the Minister of Finance, has accepted your invitation and arrived in Mingshui Province five minutes ago. The three reporter teams of Xiuxing News, Xiuxing Eye, and Kuxiu Video are also ready."

Xu Yangyi put down the mouse and turned around calmly.

This is a room with luxurious facilities.

There is no lamp above the head, but a soft light shines from the ceiling. It is neither dazzling nor dim.

The furniture in the room is made of a kind of wood that cannot be named, and the pattern is elegant and luxurious. A wisp of fragrance emanates from the wood, which is refreshing.

Under the antique furniture, there is a red carpet embroidered with golden patterns of the twelve zodiac signs. On the walls around, there are ink paintings hanging down, all of which are famous artists of the time. Whether it is a fake or an authentic one, the whole room looks very stylish, elegant, and has a long-lasting charm, without a trace of incoordination.

The room of one hundred square meters is like this, without a trace of slackness.

His eyes swept over the people in front of him, and the leading woman bowed deeper immediately. I don’t know if it was a posture problem. From here, he could just see a large white chest in the woman’s open-collared women’s suit, as well as a deep career line.

“C-Peony.” Xu Yangyi was wearing a snow-white, straight shirt that even exuded a faint cologne scent. A pair of black military pants and a slim shirt completely set off his figure. He grabbed the black coat on the chair and gently threw it on. He asked while tidying up the collar buttons: “Where are the others?”

Please let me help you tidy up!

Mudan didn't say this. As a professional nympho, she already knew how to tell which meat was good and which was not. On the first day she saw her boss, she knew... this piece of fresh meat was very appetizing...

But... this idea was just a thought...

"Others are already here, only you, the leader, are missing." Mudan answered respectfully, hiding the regret in her eyes.

"Yes." After hearing the sound of the shiny leather shoes walking past her, she stood up and breathed a sigh of relief.

There was a trace of cold sweat on her forehead. This new leader... even without mentioning his status as the leader... his aura was enough to make her dare not look directly at him.

He was not a novice who had just graduated from Tiandao. He was a cultivator with blood on his hands. He was not a logistics cultivator who could only sit in an office.

He originally belonged to the battlefield.

What had he experienced in the past three years?

With this thought in mind, she tried to lighten her steps and followed behind.

Xu Yangyi was not a talkative person, and walked out of the room quietly. Outside the house was a passage that was also covered with red carpet. It was twenty meters long, and every three meters, there was a person wearing a black military uniform with a silver badge with a sword and feathers on his chest.

There was also one on the chest of Xu Yangyi's military uniform.

At the moment he walked out, every time he passed by someone, the other party immediately saluted. He just nodded and quietly walked out of the passage.

The room outside was a huge space of 500 square meters. Dozens of men in the middle and early stages of Qi training stood here with their hands behind their backs in the same black military uniforms. In the middle was an oval conference table that was seven or eight meters wide.

An old man sat opposite with a calm expression. The black military uniform made him look extremely solemn, and there was a faint smile on his face.

Around, several cameras and cameras were already aimed at the round table.

"It's started!" In front of the computer, many monks looked at everything in front of them excitedly. This is their goal, the hope of the cultivation world!

There will be no lack of expectations in any industry. The development of cultivation civilization has been entangled with human society for so long, and it has long been clear about this. They understand very well what the star effect is.

Do you think everyone is qualified to participate in such a solemn signing ceremony?

Do you think the leader of the branch of the legion will be present in person?

Wishful thinking!

If you are not the leader of a province, a true elite who only appears once every five years, how can you expect to have such an opportunity to let the whole cultivation world know you?

Dream on!

There are many cultivators, and even more independent cultivators! Among the millions of cultivators, a few major forces account for at most 30% or 40%, and families account for 20% or 30%. Without these role models and the promotion of resources in the cultivation world, how can you expect other cultivators to join a certain organization?

Others might even say: I am not as happy as I am free!

"Xu Xiaoyou." The old man stood up and nodded with a smile: "I am Qianren. The leader of the Yulin Guards of Mingshui Province."

Is that you... the one who received the Fuyun Black Killing Order?

Xu Yangyi's eyes swept over Qianren calmly, and he had clearly memorized the other party's appearance in his heart.

"Meet the leader." He smiled and arched his hands: "Sorry to bother Senior Qianren."

In front of the computer, I don't know how many people are watching this scene, most of them are cultivators in the early and middle stages of Qi training, and no one doesn't hope that they are standing on it now.

"The 16th Tiandao Nantong Province champion." On the live video of the cultivation network, a middle-aged man in black military uniform stood up slowly and said loudly: "It has been confirmed that the Yuyang City Branch, numbered TD-01, is the 16th champion."

At the scene, everything was silent, only this voice was heard, and it was transmitted to every corner of the Chinese cultivation world through cameras.

"It has been verified that the conditions for Yulinwei to recruit Fellow Daoist Xu at the beginning were..." The middle-aged man paused, and countless people in front of the computer straightened up and looked at the screen with bright eyes.

This damn pause!

Who invented it! Stand up!

"Fellow Daoist Xu is qualified to serve as the head of the army after entering Tiandao. Team distribution, one financial consultant, one market development consultant, and one task evaluation consultant. Twenty team members. Start-up capital..." The middle-aged man suddenly got stuck, looked at the contract in astonishment, and then immediately looked at Qianren with a look of doubt.

"Damn it! Can you have some moral integrity?!" "Can't you just say it all in one breath?! Why are you keeping us on suspense!" "Don't think I won't scold you... I'm even afraid of myself when I go crazy!"

No one knows his mood, but there is a lot of cursing in front of the computer!

Qianren had a smile on his face, but his heart was bleeding. He tried to show the kindest expression and nodded with a smile.

The middle-aged man's beating heart finally recovered a little.

Why did it change?

Changed temporarily?

He remembered that it was not this number before! Why is it raised so high now? !

He didn't experience the Fengyi City qualifying competition, but he could guess from this number how much the Yulin Guard paid to dig him!

"Spirit Stone..." He spoke again, and the people in front of the computer held their breath again.

"Guess how much?" Another damn pause, in front of a computer, a young man looked at his companion with a burning gaze: "I say, no less than three thousand!"

"Three thousand?" The companions around him rolled their eyes at him and took a sip of water: "How dare you take it out?"

"This is the leader! And he survived the Zhu Hongxue case in 2016! He also killed the Mingshen Seed!"

"Three thousand? Believe it or not, someone will rush in and offer twice the price to poach him immediately!"

The middle-aged man took a deep breath: "Ten tons."

"Fuck!" "Did I hear that right?!" "Are you kidding me?!" "Chu Zhaonan only had 10,000 spirit stones at that time! Ten tons... 17,000 spirit stones?!" "This is the second highest in history, right?! Apart from the 24,000 spirit stones of Mie Ri, this is the highest starting capital, right?!"

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