
Main text Chapter 104: Signing a contract with Yulin Guard (Part 2)

Yes, any industry needs the stimulation of idols.

When at work, the person who gets promoted fastest is the idol. In sports, gold medalists are idols. In the game, Gao Wan is an idol.

However, when this idol's income was completely beyond expectations, everyone in front of the computer became Spartan!

"Ten tons... ten tons..." In Mingshui Province, a group of middle-aged men gathered in front of the computer and were instantly stunned by this word!

I've never heard of blocks being used as units! Why do we use tons as the unit for this?

Is this a fucking foul, okay? !

"One ton... about 1,700 spiritual stones, ten tons... more than 17,000 yuan?! How is he worth such a high price?!" In a villa, a young man jumped as if he had been stabbed by needles. He stood up, pointed at the computer and screamed: "Inside story?! What the hell if there is no inside story! Is this the illegitimate son of Master Jin Dan?!"

"Ten tons... Oh my God..." "This... since the end of the sun, tons have never been used as a unit! What the fuck! This is true!"

In Panshan City, in a suburban villa, four middle-aged men looked at each other in a room with a tiger head on the door.

"Ten, ten tons..." They looked at the big screen in front of them, with a sour taste coming out from between their teeth, and feeling all sorts of unpleasant in their hearts!

"Let's... work hard for one year and only get 5,000 spiritual stones..." A man on the left suddenly smiled bitterly: "Although our Tiger King Legion is a C-level army and its expenses are not large, the rewards for the missions it accepts are It’s not high either…this…”

As soon as this person joins, he becomes the slave of dozens of people in their army for more than three years!

This was given by Habayashi Wei! It’s a net profit!

In terms of net profit, if they can save two thousand a year, it’s pretty good! We have to hope that Tiandao's technology will not update too quickly! Otherwise, their legion will be in danger of bankruptcy at any time! We can only list it and wait for acquisition!

With luck, someone is willing to take over their legions and get out of debt. Bad luck...hehehe...just try your best to pay off your debts for the rest of your life.

Escape from debt? Sorry, you can't even leave under the supervision of the practice court. Still evading debt?

Now, the signing fee for others is...ten tons! Tons tons tons tons tons tons tons tons…

What a ton of critical hits! It even bleeds!

"Regiment, leader!" A small mountain house is located in a flower garden. An elegant long-haired man was basking in the sun on a lounge chair and leisurely reading a newspaper. Suddenly, the carpet was lifted up, and an tunnel entrance appeared. A sweaty man hurriedly ran up: "Big news! Big news!"

"What's the matter?" the long-haired man asked calmly: "How many times have I told you, how can you be so frivolous in the early stages of foundation building? I will copy the rules of our Flower Burial Corps ten times later."

"Captain, this is really big news!" The man was stunned for a moment, but then he said with a red face: "Yes, a new A-level legion has been established! This is awesome!"

"New A-level?" The leader paused while holding the tea cup and frowned slightly: "Three years ago, Chu Zhaonan's Hidden Dragon Legion was established. He is the leader of Tiandao Province and the grandson of Vice Minister Chu. This is Of course, you haven’t graduated from Tiandao yet, right?”

"It's the leader! He was also the leader three years ago!" the man shouted excitedly.

"Didn't all the leaders of three years ago be robbed? The contract expired?" The leader pondered for a moment: "Or did something else happen?"

"It's not important! Leader!" The man said with bright eyes: "Guess how much their start-up capital is?! Ten tons! Ten tons! More than 17,000 spiritual stones! I'm going to fuck him!"

"More than seventeen thousand yuan?!" The leader suddenly opened his eyes wide this time and stood up immediately: "Are you sure?"

"Of course! It's being broadcast right now!"

The leader took several deep breaths: "Take me down!"

Seventeen thousand yuan... is equivalent to half a year's salary from the Flower Burial Corps!

The key is... they are a provincial A-level corps! It is impacting the national rating qualification!

More importantly... what does Mingshui Province want to do when it starts to provide such great support? This legion is so worthy of their cultivation!

There was already an uproar in front of the computer! This is a big deal, a real big deal!

However, their excitement did not end there.


"What!? There's more!" "Are Habayashi Wei crazy! Aren't the talismans, elixirs, and side gates all counted together! They are actually counted separately?!" "What are they thinking..."

If last time I was so excited that I lost my temper, this time I was screaming like crazy!

There is actually one!

"This is unscientific! The Yulinwei's start-up funds are always distributed together! I have never heard of issuing spiritual stones first and then talismans!" In a bar, the door was closed, and more than a dozen casual cultivators gathered here. , at this moment, their screams came one after another. Full of anger and excitement, but more importantly, envy!

I am envious of the people above. Why is it that the person who makes Qi Practitioners all over the country envious and hate me and makes Senior Foundation Architects pay attention to me at this moment is not me? !

Don’t think that Senior Foundation Establishment doesn’t care about Qi Practitioners. In the Dharma-Ending Age, he is still playing tricks to raise gu. Is he waiting for all Taoist traditions to become extinct?

Times are changing, and people must change too. No one ever changes the environment, only the environment changes people.

"There's an inside story! There must be an inside story!!!" The boy in the villa, his eyes were red, clutching his iPad: "But... I really want to be the person with the inside story!"

Envy is envy, jealousy is jealous, hate is hate... But the feeling of "let him down immediately! Let me go up!" At this moment, it deeply stimulated everyone's hearts and provoked their eyeballs!

The world is dominated by our generation, and this is how it should be for monks of our generation!

If we don’t seek great freedom and transcendence, why practice?

If it wasn't for the admiration of thousands of people, why bother showing off? ... No, why bother practicing!

This naked display of wealth makes everyone watching gnash their teeth in confusion, and continue to watch while gnashing their teeth.

Sit and watch him build a tall building, sit and watch... the pitiful spiritual stone in your pocket. I almost want to eat soft rice!

"There are fifteen kinds of daily talismans such as talismans, magic talismans, cleaning talismans, and tracking talismans, with 300 pieces each."

"There are five types of offensive talismans such as fireball, wind blade, etc., one hundred each."

"There are five kinds of five-element defense talismans including the Earth Shield Technique, fifty of each type."

When I finished reading these words, the practice website was already abuzz with people!

"One hundred low-grade spiritual stones, please ask for Yangyao's address! I want to give him a monkey!" "One hundred and ten low-grade spiritual stones, please ask for Yangtao's contact information! Rich man! Please support me!" "Innocent woman, do you think he only likes women? This young master...who the hell locked my post!" "He's a rich man...he's the only one in the army now, with at most one adjutant...this is the real rich man!"

However, a new red post suddenly appeared, leaving everyone stunned.

The fairy in the clouds.

The chief moderator of the Huaxia Cultivation Network, with the title "The person who has lost his moral integrity."

The five levels of the Cultivation Network, including "Lord of Integrity", "Crack in Integrity", "Shattered Integrity", "Falled to the Ground" and "Those Who Lost Integrity", were created by this monk who is said to be a senior foundation builder.

…Of course, many people don’t believe it. After all, after all the foundations have been built, is it possible to be so free?

"Everyone, have you ever calculated how much the Habayashi Guards have paid so far?"

"Seventeen thousand low-grade spiritual stones. Each low-grade spiritual stone is between 20,000 and 25,000, even if we use the lowest exchange rate. Have you calculated how many?"

A word wakes up the dreamer!

"Three, three hundred and forty million?!" Someone just calculated the simple calculation and was so frightened that his teeth almost fell out!

The signing fee, converted into spiritual stones, is a low-grade 17,000 yuan. However, if converted into Huaxia coins, that would be 340 million Huaxia coins! !

Just a fucking signature!

"This does not include the talismans that will be taken out next. According to my rough calculation, these talismans are probably worth tens of millions of Chinese coins." Yunzhong Xianke's post was extremely lively, and a long queue formed in an instant: "And, I suspect, This is not over yet.”

Not finished yet?

This sentence almost made the people below go crazy with jealousy!

Three hundred and forty million has been's not over yet? !

Is a true genius worth this price?

Habayashi Wei's answer is obviously - worth it!

On that day, Zhu Hongxue made a blood sacrifice to the Tiandao branch. The video at the back was taken away by Fuyun, but the video at the front was reported to the Yulin Guards for viewing!

They knew very well how many people at the scene offered what prices!

Is this price high?

Definitely not high! The ore veins produced by top tycoons like Duobao Pavilion are close to this amount! They have estimated that the price of the four associated metals alone is as high as nearly 100 million Chinese coins!

Not to mention the value of a tiny spiritual vein!

The middle-aged man was already numb and read mechanically: "In order to express the support of the Yulin Guards for the new A-level legion, all the elixirs of Xu Daoyou's legion from Qi training to the middle stage of foundation building will be directly transferred from the Yulin Guards headquarters. Appropriation..."

The scene was completely silent.

Even Yunzhong Xianke stopped posting. This condition made him understand one thing.

The purpose of paralyzing your last talisman condition is just to let us take a breath, right? Yes or no!

This fucking big head is still behind!

For a monk, from Qi training to foundation building, the elixir is extremely expensive! How dare you get it without tens of thousands of spirit stones? This is the fucking output of a small spiritual vein in one year!

One foundation-building and barrier-breaking elixir costs fifty or sixty thousand spiritual stones!

No one is willing to convert it into Chinese currency anymore... It hurts their self-esteem to think about it.

"I'm so fucked..." A monk sighed and suddenly slapped the table: "Practice, practice! Damn it... comparing people to each other is so annoying!"

"With this condition... even the foundation-building monks will be tempted!" "A signature fee of at least 20,000 spirit stones! One billion Chinese coins! My heart... my heart is about to break!"

Screams resounded all over the country. He worked hard and only got a thousand spiritual stones a year. Compared with others who paid a signature fee of one million spiritual stones and one billion Chinese coins, this gap... makes people even envious. envy? The gap is too big, the starting points are completely different! Others are born at the end!

After reciting for more than ten minutes, the man finished reciting, and only a mechanical smile remained on his face.

I really want to... I really want to rob him...

But what should I do if I can’t seem to win...

I don’t know if the other party needs a face-to-face... In this day and age, there are people who marry dogs, so I’ll give it to you... It seems to make sense...

"Everyone may be doubting." Qianren finally stood up and said with a smile, "Why is Xu Xiaoyou's signing fee so high?"

yes! Why!

Everyone looked at the screen like they were on fire again. I don’t know why, I can’t sleep!

"I assure you that there is no trick in this." Qian Ren glanced at Xu Yangyi calmly and forced a smile: "This is because Xu Xiaoyou added some key points about the Zhu Hongxue case. In addition, it is an affirmation of a genius cultivator who has officially entered the world of cultivation."

The seeds of the bright gods can be killed. The demon cultivators and the human race have never been at peace, but if you say it openly, you must be more tactful.

"That's not that much!" Some reporters couldn't help but murmured.

Tens of thousands of spirit stones... 1 billion Chinese yuan... This is too exaggerated!

Qian Ren nodded, and the next sentence was silent.

"Because, according to Xu Xiaoyou's test a few days ago, he developed neurons."

"The strength is as high as S level."

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