
Main text Chapter 105: Signing a contract with Yulin Guard (Part 3)

In front of the TV, in a branch of Duobao Pavilion, this sentence made a young man roll his eyes and almost faint.

"Master Vulture!" "Master! What's wrong with you?"

Vulture waved his hand and stood up with gritted teeth.

From the moment he saw Xu Yangyi, he knew that Yulinwei was going to bleed heavily.

But he never thought that Xu Yangyi had developed neurons!

On the plane, he argued with Dingxiang and Furong, saying that if neurons were developed, several times the signing fee would be given.

However, facing the big hand of Yulinwei, he didn't think of this. He only thought of the other party's Zhu Hongxue case, killing the seeds of Mingshen, and the price would definitely be higher.

Who knew... neurons were developed!

You should at least ask us!

You can stay in such a poor Yulinwei? ! Do you think your brother has no money? Believe it or not, I will lift 40 tons of spirit stones to kill you!

The upper limit of the spiritual stones that he, the hall master, can use is 30 tons. He doesn't believe that he can't apply for these 10 tons for a leader who can survive Zhu Hongxue, kill the seeds of Mingshen, and hold the golden elixir technique in his hand!

"Dinglingling..." The phone suddenly rang. Vulture was very reluctant to answer the phone. After taking a look at the number, he still picked it up.

"Old Baldy, he is still alive." Dingxiang's voice floated over: "For poor people like Yulinwei, this time it is considered a big loss."

How good are you? How many project professors are sponsored by us?

Vulture curled his lips and said with a belly full of ghost fire: "It's okay... I don't believe it... Most of the contracts of Yulinwei are renewed for 30 years. I don't believe... I can't sign the next 30 years!"

He didn't know that Xu Yangyi didn't consider the other two families at all.

He had a crazy plan in his mind. And he didn't want to cheat other people with this plan.

Only cheat Fuyun! Only cheat Mingshui Province Yulinwei who has a close relationship with Fuyun!

As they were like this, everyone in front of the computer was also shocked by the news.

There are only one monk who can develop neurons, and they can develop to S level... All of China can count them!

Almost all of them are in Duobao Pavilion and CSIB, either Danye masters or certain professors. As for Yulinwei?

Hehe... Others' Danye masters' projects, such as converting a certain ancient recipe into elixir, require a budget of tens of thousands of spirit stones for the calculation part alone. However...

Others use medium-grade spirit stones.

Yulinwei, a large-scale illegal mercenary armed force that draws on the profits, wants to support the projects of more than a dozen professors or masters. It is not impossible, but it will definitely drain their working capital. Moreover...

Who said that the Danfang revival project can succeed once?

It takes several times, dozens of times of hundreds of thousands of spirit stones, to have a success, and then the birth of a registered brand. Only the top rich people like Duobao Pavilion and the government-backed forces like CSIB can afford it.

Now, Yulinwei is buying horse bones with a lot of money. Thinking of this, too many people's feelings are relieved.

"So that's how it is... It turns out to be like this, then I'm convinced." A cultivator in front of a computer sighed, there was nothing he could do, he was not as talented as others, there was no way.

"I think you won't have any more questions, right?" Qianren said with a smile.

Everyone shook their heads.

"In addition, because the Yulin Guards do not have the equipment to develop elixir. So Xu Xiaoyou will choose to apply for the CSIB newcomer support project in the next three years..."

On the vulture side, Ding Xiang immediately hung up the phone.

Vulture felt that he had been hit by a double attack!

Why? Or don't ask yourself!

I'm so eager to see it, although Duobao Pavilion does not have this plan, but we can re-draft it! We can talk about it!

After speaking for more than ten minutes, Xu Yangyi took a thick stack of information, which was different from the paper information of mortals. This was a stack of jade slips.

He dripped a drop of blood and pressed a brand on the blood with his spiritual consciousness.

It's done.

From then on, he was no longer the wandering Xu Yangyi, but the commander of the Yulin Guard in Mingshui Province! A-level commander!

"Please ask Commander Xu to name your own legion and set the recruitment date on the spot." The middle-aged man finally calmed down, solemnly put away the bamboo slips, and smiled.

Xu Yangyi thought for a while, smiled at the camera: "My legion is called: Xingtian."

"So handsome! So domineering!" "I love this name! Come on, tell me the conditions!" "One billion are waiting for me! Fellow Daoist Xu! Go ahead! I will always work hard towards your goal!"

The cultivation network is already in chaos.

The crazy female cultivators and the jealous male cultivators have opened countless posts. They respect the foundation-building seniors, and they envy the Jindan Zhenren even more, but... how can they compare to the down-to-earth Qi training cultivators?

You know, 70% of the cultivation world is Qi training cultivators.

Xu Yangyi pondered for a moment: "No conditions."

"You only need to pass my test to enter the Xingtian Legion."

"The time of the test is currently uncertain, but at the shortest, it will be a few years later. I hope you will pay attention."

Of course I will pay attention!

There are so many treasures waiting for us to share, how can we not pay attention?

I don't know how many people have silently made a resolution that starting from tomorrow, they will pay attention to every piece of information about the Xingtian Legion on the cultivation website and never let it go!

At the scene, Qianren walked up to Xu Yangyi with a smile and shook hands with him: "The signing was very successful. Xu Xiaoyou, in the future you will be a member of the Yulin Guards in Mingshui Province. The commander of the A-level Xingtian Corps. I hope you can be in a The legion registration will be officially completed within the month and the legion badge will be submitted to the Habayashi Wei Statistics Department for appointment and appointment.”

"The next year will be the year for you to get to know the Habayashi Guards. I hope you, little friend... will cherish it."

"Thank you, senior." Xu Yangyi cupped his hands and left the scene.

Qianren smiled and walked to the other side as well.

"Boom..." The door closed casually, and the temperature in Qianren's passage became colder with every step he took. At the end, everything under his feet was cold ice.

"You are really brave..." He took a deep breath and touched the door with his hand: "In two or three years... I will allow you to be a little more arrogant..."

"Dare to underestimate the Yulin Guard... junior..." A murderous intent flashed in his eyes: "In my hands, life or death is not up to you..."

"In the world of spiritual practice...there are many people who have disappeared out of thin air, and you are not the only so-called genius..."

On the other side, Xu Yangyi's smile disappeared as soon as he entered the passage.

He is just slapping Qianren in the face!

Don't you want to kill me?

come? I'm standing in front of you, you can try it!

Seeing the person you want to kill taking advantage of the Yulin Guards, how do you, Senior Foundation Architect, feel in your heart?

"It's still unclear who will win." He sneered and glanced back. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Who said you have to stay anonymous to avoid being hunted? Different times, different methods, he stood in front of the person who wanted to kill him, and took away all the rewards from three years ago. He also specifically reported that he had developed neurons, which made the reward even heavier. that is because……

In his hand, he still has the trump card of the King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra!

The black killing order of the Jindan monk is like a knife hanging above his head. As long as he stays here, motionless, no one can touch him. But once he leaves the city and begins his mission, he enters the secret realm of the wild swamp and desert...

There are no less than ten thousand ways to kill him.

The whole team was wiped out, and there was no evidence of death. Master Jindan quietly smoothed away the traces, and the entire practice world was still so harmonious.

"You won't have such a chance..." He gently stroked the wall with his fingers, playing it lightly from time to time, as if he was tapping the piano keys: "Give me three years... Once the King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra is completed, we will Let’s see again...who is the hunter and who is the prey..."

The trend is in his hands.

Master Fuyun, he will never know that if he didn't take action in Sidalianchi, his chances of taking action in the future will definitely be extremely few.

"As long as, as long as I can take out a pill, which way will I go... How can I allow others to comment?"

"I only need one."

He doesn't want to be a monk under the protection/umbrella of others.

He needs to be his own protection/umbrella!

From now on, under the command of me, Xu Yangyi, no matter whether I am in the demon clan, human clan, or no clan, I will definitely be able to hold up a big banner and be proud of the world!

From then on, I, Xu Yangyi, give the order, even if I am not of any race, I can still lay down millions of corpses and bleed in the oars.

That is the realm I want.

That is my truth, my way.

"It's not that it can't be done..." He sneered and narrowed his eyes: "The King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra is the strongest helper."

"Captain, what are you talking about?" Unknowingly, he had reached the door, and a flattering voice sounded.

"It's nothing." Xu Yangyi smiled, but immediately reacted and kicked him to the side!

"Woof! what caused you heartless! (What caused you to be so cruel!)" With a rapid barking, a black and white figure flew upside down to the wall, clinging to the wall like a gecko, with its chest heaving.

"Mao Baer..." Xu Yangyi touched his fist, feeling unexpectedly itchy...

"Three years, let me see the results of your cultivation..."

"No need... all my intelligence skill points are focused on physical strength and energy. I haven't dropped any equipment experience yet. Why does the leader need to spend blue, red, and cards for a humanoid self-propelled pet like me?"

Familiar dialogue, really... nice.

Xu Yangyi turned around and hooked his fingers, but his expression paused.

Mao Baer slid down from the wall, pushed up the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, adjusted his close-fitting suit, stood up on his hind legs, put his front paws together, and said with a smile: "Are you shocked by my handsomeness?"

"You..." Xu Yangyi didn't know what to say, so he nodded after a long time: "That's a great idea."

"You agree?! Heaven!" Mao Baer fell to his knees in an instant, covering his face and crying bitterly: "More than ten years...more than ten years!"

Its paw pointed at Xu Yangyi and trembled: "This is the first time you recognize me!"

After crying and calling it a day, it stood up neatly and stuck out its tongue: "I knew it was your signing ceremony, so I thought it should be more formal. My idea was indeed right!"

Xu Yangyi smiled, then stopped his smile and said solemnly: "Mao Baer, ​​let me give you a warning in advance."

"Now, we have truly entered the path of spiritual practice. If you still do things in that unreliable way, I will change my agent."

"You want to abandon me?" Mao Baer covered his chest with tears in his eyes: "We slept actually..."

The eyes of several guards in black military uniforms around him glanced over "accidentally".

"We slept on the same bed, talked with each other... Cat Baer..." Xu Yangyi sighed: "Wherever I am from now on, the transparent tape will be there, and I will follow it carefully."

Mao Baer stared at him blankly for three seconds before sighing: "I finally taught you a sense of humor..."


Ten updates!

This ends today's outbreak. I finished the manuscript in one breath.

A little surprise is: My WeChat public account guaikedashu is writing a small side story about my first novel: The Emperor Superstar Development System. The progress is 400 words per day. The progress is slow.

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