
Main text Chapter 106: Version

"How have you been these years?" Xu Yangyi, accompanied by Mao Baer, ​​walked towards his room. This was the office he applied for in the branch. Everyone was very surprised. Most of the legions had their own caves, but there were still some who chose to be in the branch?

Xu Yangyi naturally had his own ideas. He chose to be here, and Qian Ren didn't even dare to make a small move.

What does it feel like to look at the person you want to kill every day, while others are in seclusion under your nose?

Qian Ren probably doesn't want to know, but he... wants to know.

"It's bitter..." Mao Baer wiped away the non-existent tears: "You can't see the person alive or dead. I am an agent who already has a boss. Who would choose me? In the past few years, I have tightened my belt... Have you noticed that I have lost weight?"

His dog paws silently scratched Xu Yangyi's snow-white shirt, and his eyes were intoxicated-of course, for this outfit worth tens of thousands.

The next second, a freshly baked black mark appeared on Xu Yangyi's shirt.

Xu Yangyi glanced at it, and the dog's body was obviously fatter.

Mao Baer immediately stood at attention: "Don't worry! Yangyu, your business is my business. I haven't been idle in the past three years! I went to CSIB to study "Monk Coordination Planning" and "Practice Economics" for two years. I am confident that I can take care of everything for you!"

"I hope so." Xu Yangyi and it walked into the house and closed the door casually. Mudan was not surprised to see a man and a dog coming in.

With more than ten years of work experience, she has seen too many agents of all kinds.

"Captain." Mudan bowed respectfully, pushed up her glasses, took out a jade slip from her pocket, and paused on it: "Fourteen cultivation families in Mingshui Province have sent congratulatory letters. Do you want to read them?"

"No." Xu Yangyi sat in front of the computer. The soft chair made his body sink a few inches. He checked something with the mouse: "If there is nothing too important in the future, don't notify me."

Mudan nodded, and a touch of white spiritual power came out of her fingertips. She quickly wrote on the jade slip and said: "They sent a total of 2,320 spiritual stones as gifts, mostly elixirs, magic tools, talismans, etc. How do you plan to deal with them?"

"Leave it there." Xu Yangyi said calmly: "Xingtian Corps is not planning to recruit people in the past few years."

"Excuse me, Captain, if you want to recruit now, you can only recruit ugly ones." Mudan smiled slightly: "Those truly good seedlings need our Corps to show results."

"Our Corps," made Xu Yangyi smile slightly: "Then why do they give gifts?"

"It doesn't matter now... but if they don't express their opinions now, they won't even be qualified to express their opinions in the future." Mudan raised the corner of her mouth and smiled: "You may not know that, in fact, the A-level Corps is not the highest level."

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows, A-level is not the highest?

"After completing an A-level task, or completing an assigned task, and then the rating exceeds A-level, you can apply for national rating." Mudan said carefully: "Currently, China has ten super A-level Corps..."

"Name?" Xu Yangyi pondered.

"That's the weird part... No one knows the size or personnel of these ten super-A-level armies, and no one has even heard of their numbers, let alone people who have seen them. Captain, this is impossible. It is impossible for the super-A-level armies that are the focus of everyone's attention to take action without rumors, and it is impossible for them not to negotiate with the monk world. However, they are like a myth, empty and vague. In particular, even many decades-old armies, such as the Sun-holding Army of Kyoto Prefecture, which has been established for more than a hundred years, have not been reviewed and approved."

His interest was aroused.

Although his purpose of coming to the Yulin Guard was not simple - he did not want to stay under a sword of Damocles forever.


No. His character would completely send this sword into the furnace!

But this piece of news suddenly made him interested.


"No, it's not, Captain." Mudan said respectfully: "Because... one of them is Senior Mie Ri's Mie Ri Corps. And he himself has confirmed this. But coincidentally..."

She blinked: "Senior Mie Ri, after the Corps was rated as a super-A Corps... he disappeared from people's sight."

"Like the other nine Tianjiao Corps, only their Corps Leader occasionally appears in the major media of the cultivation world, and the entire Corps seems to have disappeared from the earth."

Xu Yangyi nodded knowingly: "Are these people betting? If my Xingtian Corps develops well in the future..."

"It will be more convenient for them to join." Mudan He smiled and said, "Captain, a long-established A-level army has more than just its own people under its command. There are too many families willing to pay a high price to send precious seedlings in for training. After all, there are very few super families, and not every family can raise an expedition team at any time... Now, they just want to make themselves familiar with us, and see how well our Xingtian Army develops in the future. Today, they have built a bridge."

"Especially, your neurons have developed to the S level! God, this shocked me! They are not only sent in for training, but there are also too many alchemists, talisman masters, and mechanical masters who want to "progress together" with you! I dare to bet now! When you start recruiting people, you will definitely be overwhelmed!"

Mao Baer pretended to be holding the coffee: "These small families are so smart...even better than this baby. No, taking over their tasks in the future will cost you one-nine! It must be one-nine! Eight-two is such a loss!"

Mudan smiled and nodded: "Captain, if you want to join the Yulin Guards, there are not only 200,000 monks but also 100,000 monks. Maybe our treatment is not as good as CSIB and Duobao Pavilion, but we are the freest. Monks No one likes to be tied down. Therefore, our Habayashi Guards may be the second to last among the major forces, but we have the largest number of applicants. So, you don’t have to worry, as long as we can get results, those who are hesitant will do the same. The elite will definitely choose us, even if they can’t get it, they will rush to beg us!”

"Oh?" Xu Yangyi didn't care about elites or not, but smiled: "Who is the last one?"

"The way of heaven."

"..." He was choked and paused: "Not necessarily? I saw that the school was equipped with all kinds of new facilities. The gravity in the training room can be adjusted to three times."

Mudan smiled slightly and said: "Yes, all verified high-precision instruments will be sent to Tiandao as soon as possible. So... almost everything in Tiandao is sponsored by the other three parties."

"Otherwise, leader, think about it, Tiandao develops so many topics every year, all students receive free education, and each of you is given a subsidy. Where does he come from so much money? After a certain force sponsors a certain topic, once it comes out If the results are achieved, a ratio of six to four will be formed. In the past few decades, Duobao Pavilion has distributed at least nearly 100 million tons of spiritual stones in Tiandao, and most of them are jointly researched with Tiandao."

Xu Yangyi sighed with understanding, the world of cultivation is indeed wonderful and fascinating.

"Is there anything else?" He picked up the tea cup and took a sip. His intention was very clear, just get out of the way if nothing happens.

Peony bowed respectfully: "Captain, you have just taken office, and I am responsible for explaining your doubts. We can take our time with other things, but there is one thing I must tell you in advance."

She straightened up, suppressed her smile, and stared into Xu Yangyi's eyes: "It's up to you to accept the mission. However, there are eight places where you must not accept it."

"Please allow me to explain..." Peony walked elegantly to a flower and bird painting about four meters long and two meters high. With a wave of her hand, all the paintings on it disappeared and turned into a white board. Then, The detailed outline of the Huaxia Kingdom clearly emerged above.

However, unlike the map, there are only four colors on it, gray, yellow, orange, and red. Moreover, these colors are not limited to one province, but are irregularly distributed throughout China.

"Salad?" Mao Baer's tongue secreted saliva decisively.

"This is one of the top secrets of the Yulin Guards. However, it is not considered a secret, because this picture, csib, is often borrowed from Duobao Pavilion." Mudan smiled proudly: "The Yulin Guards are the most numerous people in China. The organization with the most coverage is also the organization with the widest coverage. We are all combatants, different from pure logistics units like Duobao Pavilion. This picture shows all the Yulin Guard legions from A to C level after decades. Only we, the Habayashi Guards, can draw this kind of power distribution map by gathering all the information, and it is more accurate than any satellite!"

Peony pointed to the gray area: "On this map, the balance between human and demon cultivator forces is used. Gray color means there is no danger, and cultivators in the early stage of Qi training can come and go."

"For example, Sanshui City, where the head of the delegation took the graduation exam. Although it is a municipal establishment, its geographical location is too poor. There are no famous mountains and rivers around it, and it is not as prosperous as the Magic City. It has two hundred poor counties under its jurisdiction, so it is rated as D Class-level areas. However, most of the D-level areas are counties. For special cases like Sanshui City, there are probably less than 20 cases among the more than 600 cities and more than 1,600 counties in China. "

Xu Yangyi looked at the picture intently and nodded secretly. The areas with the most gray are not cities that seem underdeveloped in the eyes of ordinary people. On the contrary, it is often the kind of city that has developed reasonably but is not surrounded by famous mountains and rivers and is heavily industrialized.

For example...the bottom cities in major provinces. Almost completely gray.

This is also related to the Age of Ending Dharma. Spiritual energy is getting thinner and thinner. In the city, the newly proposed "spiritual circle theory" has been completely destroyed by industrialization. Although it exists, it is definitely not strong. Underground, in the suburbs far away from the city, these are the places monks love.

However, in the early stage of Qi training, it is not possible to live without grains. Therefore, if you want to go to such a place with relatively strong spiritual Qi to practice, at least casual practitioners cannot do it. This led to the fact that those who went there were all humans or demon cultivators with backgrounds. In places far away from cities, such as prairie, desert, etc., no place was gray.

"Yellow means that within the Qi training period, there may be a Qi training period of great perfection, but it is not sure. Because the demon clan also migrates very frequently. As for orange, it represents the place where the foundation-building seniors are. The human race has foundation-building monks, and the demon clan has The clan must also have a great foundation-building demon. These cities are much better than gray ones. They are often relatively developed cities and have many large-scale attractions that are close to nature."

Xu Yangyi squinted his eyes and looked over. He found that most of these places were concentrated in the west, followed by the north, and there were not many in the southeast.

"Red represents the Golden Elixir monk?" he asked.

"No, the leader, the golden elixir monk, has his fixed dojo, but he himself may not be there..." She smiled: "The golden elixir is the pinnacle of the world, who knows that a golden elixir master travels all over the world? To where."

"What are these red things?" Mao Baer also asked in confusion: "Strawberries? Cherry tomatoes?"

Mudan restrained her smile, took a deep breath, paused for two seconds, and then said solemnly: "Captain, please allow me to remind you again, I hope you remember that under any circumstances, never accept a mission in the red area."

Xu Yangyi looked at him dimly, pondered for a moment, and asked tentatively: "Extremely dangerous area?"

"It is a death zone." Mudan bowed respectfully and said in a deep voice: "All red areas have swallowed up a Jindan Zhenren... 200 foundation-building great perfections... 2,000 foundation-building cultivators since the founding of the New China."

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