
Chapter 1025: The Secret of Devouring and Domain Construction

The chariot was not fast. In order to deceive others, after all, he was performing a special mission this time, other disciples of Tianjian Villa had already arrived around Anlin City. In order to prevent their opponents, especially the lurking Song family, from noticing that their real purpose was to practice refining. Holy Spirit Flame, they need to slow down.

A week later, the talisman at Xu Yangyi's door finally lit up, which meant that he had left seclusion.

The retreat time was not long. In the room, he frowned and looked at the swallowing talisman like a black hole in front of him, with an indescribably weird expression on his face.

"No secrets?" He pondered, and the swallowing talisman had become one with him. The black hole was growing and shrinking in front of him, but after a week of non-stop testing, he discovered...

The swallowing talisman has no other functions!

There is only one, Devour.

This kind of devouring is truly devouring everything, from supernatural powers and objects to as small as a space.

He thought, the whirlpool can be big or small. Due to the whirlpool, a hole appeared in the space, and it could not be recovered for a long time.

This is not a collapse of space, but a real erasure.

"Others are of no use?" He didn't quite believe that if that was really the case, the three of them wouldn't desperately pursue him.

Even if it is just to inquire about the Immortal Sect, there is still plenty of time, so there is no need to chase after him at all costs or even offend the future Alchemist just after he appears.

"Then, there are two possibilities."

"First, the talisman is a growth type. As the realm goes higher, the talisman becomes stronger. This is possible. My swallowing talisman can only swallow part of the magical power at present."

"Second..." He smiled: "It is the so-called talisman. Its usage is ever-changing and varies from person to person. If it falls into the hands of a useless person, it may be just a weapon to defeat the enemy. If it falls into the hands of a quick-thinking master, it may be an unparalleled artifact. "

"When they were chasing me, none of the three people used their talismans, and I couldn't tell any clues. In that case... let me explore slowly in future battles."

He stood up and opened the curtains. A piece of warm sunlight poured into the car, causing his eyes to narrow slightly.

"As expected, you can't do things behind closed doors."

At this moment, a paper crane suddenly flew over.

"You're finally out of seclusion." Mr. Jiang snorted with dissatisfaction: "Come to me."

"How long have you been without my guidance? Just watch you meditate. Starting today, you are not allowed to meditate! Sitting alone is working behind closed doors! For the next week, you must all listen to my lectures!"

Xu Yangyi nodded and said with a smile: "Master, where are you now?"

"We will arrive in Anlin City in one month. Do you still remember the sect's mission!?" Mr. Jiang was furious: "This is the real thing!! Come here right now!!"

Roaring angrily, Xu Yangyi felt very amiable. He paused before going out and sent two spiritual consciousnesses to Mao Baer and Wangchen. Unexpectedly, neither of them came out of seclusion.

"It's a good thing to have a sense of urgency." He nodded deeply, suppressed his smile, and walked towards Mr. Jiang's room.

As soon as I entered the room, I saw an Eight Immortals table in front of me. There was nothing on the table but a cup of tea.

Mr. Jiang had a solemn look on his face, sitting on the soft couch at the back and looking at him without saying a word.

He picked up the teacup with both hands, walked forward sincerely, knelt down on one knee and said, "Master, please have some tea."

Tea to the teacher.

Drinking this cup means that all the barriers between them have been eliminated, and they are truly master and disciple.

Mr. Jiang did not answer, but looked at him deeply: "If you can enter my sect and cultivate my method, you must not spread it to others. Otherwise, I will personally clean up the sect of the master. Do you understand?"

"Disciple understands."

"We don't have many rules. Your situation is a bit special. You must pay equal attention to alchemy and cultivation. Starting today, I will guide you in your cultivation in the morning, practice alchemy in the afternoon, and deal with the Nine Heavens in the evening. Since your alchemy is cultivation, this is the best way. OK. z”

"Yes." When Mr. Jiang took the tea, Xu Yangyi was stunned: "Is it over?"

"Of course." Mr. Jiang was dissatisfied: "How many rules do you think there are? Oh, by the way, take out all the spiritual jade from you."

Xu Yangyi only killed Song Ziyu's 10,000 spirit jade in total. Jiang Lao took it away without even looking at it: "From today on, leave it to me for safekeeping. In addition, this thing will be your homework in a month."

An elixir flew into Xu Yangyi's hand. He took a look and saw that it was a golden elixir stage elixir.

The technique is very complicated, the requirements for fire control are also extremely high, and the processing of each medicine is very complicated. It can be said that there are many Nascent Soul elixirs that are inferior to it.

Mr. Jiang gently put down the tea cup: "Ziyundan, the top healing elixir in the Golden Elixir. It can restore all spiritual power in the Golden Elixir stage and heal injuries quickly. It is the best healing elixir in the Golden Elixir stage, no one. This That’s your homework. I’ll check it out in a month.”

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly. He had practiced so many elixirs. Although he had never practiced any difficult ones, he had to analyze and try out his past experiences. One month was a bit short.

"What's that expression on your face!" Mr. Jiang suddenly blew his beard: "I, Jiang's lifelong disciple, still has a spiritual consciousness that is 38% higher than that of ordinary people, but he can't master this elixir in a month?! Let me tell you! That's not what I want. One! It’s 80% for one batch! If you make 100 for one batch, you have to give me 80% of them!”

Even among the same level, there are also grades. The elixir patterns are gray, white, silver, and gold. Silver is the best quality, and gold is the super quality. Gray elixir is commonly known as poison elixir. Only those casual cultivators who really have no money will choose it. White elixir patterns are the most common, containing six layers of medicinal effects. Silver has eight layers of medicinal effects, and gold has 100% medicinal effects. It can be said that a elixir with golden elixir patterns is equivalent to two elixir with white elixir patterns.

Although two white elixir patterns are 20% more than gold, don't forget that medicine is three-tenths poisonous. If you take too many elixir patterns with white elixir patterns, you have to swallow detoxification elixir or practice unique magical powers. Gold is the most unobstructed. In the black market, one golden elixir can be equivalent to three elixir patterns with white elixir patterns.

After all, for cultivators, time is the first priority.

After he finished speaking, he looked at the clock in the room: "It's morning time now, just right, let's talk about your practice."

"I won't tell you how to practice. What I want to talk to you about today is the construction of your domain." At this point, his expression became solemn: "I believe you have understood the importance of the domain. The reason why I am talking about it now is really... Your understanding and quick wit are somewhat amazing. In the process of fighting with the big monk, you have inadvertently stepped into the realm of constructing a domain."

"This realm is very mysterious. There are stupid people who have endured time to reach the great perfection of the Nascent Soul but are still confused about their own domain, only There are people who copy and paste similar fields. Even if such people step into the Venerable Saint, they are the weakest batch. You may be able to defeat such a Venerable Saint now. Of course, it is only in theory. "

Xu Yangyi listened with relish: "Can the field structure be copied?"

"Of course, although there are many fields, not everyone is completely different. The eight major principles and the two major divine rules are divided into ten categories. As long as you find something similar, you can apply it to your own field. There is no big mistake."

As he said, he shook his hand, and a green stick appeared in his hand. It looked like gold but not gold, like jade but not jade. It gently hit the ground, and suddenly, the virtual space was shaking.

This stick weighs at least several thousand pounds.

Old Jiang smiled and danced the stick in a circle: "Do you know what this is?"

Xu Yangyi shook his head cautiously.

"Dog-beating stick." Old Jiang smiled so hard that his eyebrows were invisible: "If you also plan to copy the field structure, I will break your dog's legs... I just want to ask you if you are afraid of a stick as big as a casserole?"

Your dog-beating stick looks like this! Your dog is too strong! What is a stick as big as a casserole?

Xu Yangyi looked up at the sky speechlessly, coughed lightly and said, "Of course not. In fact, I have also had some ideas about the domain during this period."

"Tell me about it?" Jiang Lao put down the stick majestically and said without comment.

This is what a true master and apprentice should do. They will not hide anything from each other. The domain is a thing that hides many killer moves. It is extremely private. If you let people who don't trust know it, once you turn against each other, you will definitely be at a disadvantage.

It is also because Xu Yangyi and Jiang Lao have observed each other for so long that they can speak freely.

"I feel... my domain is mainly based on assassination." He looked at Jiang Lao... the stick beside him with some trepidation. He always felt that Jiang Lao's eyes were looking at him-should be looking for a better place to start.

"Oh?" Jiang Lao still didn't say right or wrong, which made him very relieved. A bad teacher would probably spray over when he heard that a physical cultivator was mainly based on assassination.

After a brief pause, he forgot the threat of the dog-beating stick and said seriously: "Teacher, do you remember that I made Song Ziyu fall into an illusion? Even the big monk paused?"

"In fact, I have a spiritual beast, which is particularly powerful in creating illusions. Now it can make the saints fall into it for a few seconds."

Before he finished speaking, a hazy illusion unfolded in front of Jiang Lao.

It was a grassland with golden swords and iron horses, shouts and killings resounded in the ears, blood splashed in the eyes, the ground was shaking, and the sky turned blood red, which was extremely real.

Jiang Lao was stunned. Even he was trapped in it in an instant. He was also a great master of the alchemy way whose spiritual consciousness was much stronger than that of ordinary people.

The strength of spiritual consciousness is the key to whether the illusion can be broken.

"Very real." He nodded: "But, it's not enough."

Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice: "Second, the domain of the junior is special. You should have discovered that it is the only physical domain I have seen so far."

Old Jiang pondered: "The physical domain is extremely rare, and most of them appear in physical cultivators. There are good and bad ones. I still say that there are no weak domains, only weak cultivators. It's just that most domains cannot climb to the sky due to limited talent."

"Don't underestimate the saints. There are 100 billion people in the seven realms, and there are only 5,000 saints, but they all have their word... Forget it, you will know how rare the saints and Yuanying are in a while. You have seen too many high-level cultivators recently, which is not conducive to your development."

Xu Yangyi nodded silently. Indeed, he recently gave him a feeling that the seven realms were full of saints, but he didn't know what Old Jiang meant by saying that he would know in a while.

He went on to say, "And... my domain is of absolute wood attribute and is extremely poisonous. The more wounds you suffer, the more toxic it becomes, and it can even affect the Saint. Once combined with the illusion, this is an absolute domain, in which only I can move freely!"

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