
Chapter 1026: Blueprint of the Domain

Jiang Lao's eyes finally flashed.

I have to say, the idea is very clever

He didn't take the ordinary path. He was obviously practicing physical training and integrated himself to create an assassination that was mainly based on illusions. And he has not forgotten that Xu Yangyi’s immortal body is called a virtual spirit

So clever that I really want to give him a stick.

"Practice well." He looked at Xu Yangyi with some mystery, and there was something in his words: "If your field is feasible, after your Void Spirit Immortal Body is completed, it will be a qualitative transformation."

"The most difficult immortal body is by no means unworthy of its reputation."

Xu Yangyi licked his lips and said with a smile: "Teacher, then you agree with my idea."

"This is not enough." Mr. Jiang shook his head: "The idea is indeed good. However, any field can be summarized from countless battles. Some Nascent Souls have been thinking hard for many years and have not built their own field. Why?"

"Unlike the idiots before, this kind of person is too smart. Too hesitant. Too indecisive."

"They have gone through too many battles. They found something inappropriate here, found something inappropriate there, and modified it bit by bit. In the end, it ran counter to their original intention. I said that the domain is the reflection of the monk's heart, and you can't even think of your own heart. If it is violated, how can we talk about construction?”

He sighed and looked out the window at the Hexi sunshine: "The difficulty of honoring a saint is unimaginable if we don't reach that level."

Xu Yangyi was thoughtful.

Zunsheng is indeed the dividing line between the lower four realms and the middle three realms.

When the spiritual power is accumulated to full, the first step is to encounter the physical barrier of Yang Saint, which is tens or hundreds of times more than that of Nascent Soul, and there is only one chance. This is simply a life and death decision.

The second is the construction of the field.

From Jiang Lao's sincere words and guidance, he understood a truth.

The construction of the field will not stop, and it is a long marathon, a game of intelligence and mental strength.

Persevere while hesitating, and adjust while persisting.

This requires countless battles, or a sudden epiphany in a life-and-death battle. It is like building a house. The first drawing is a plan, but many houses eventually collapse and are crooked. This is because there are problems in the middle.

Only when perseverance, intelligence, confidence, and perseverance have all reached their peak, and coupled with this strong strength to break through physical barriers, can one advance to the level of Saint.

It is difficult, it is really difficult to reach the sky. No wonder there are only five thousand out of a hundred billion people, and no wonder that none of the sages are mediocre.

Seeing his thoughtful look, Mr. Jiang nodded slightly: "Remember, the eight-character motto for building a domain."

"If something is wrong, change it; if it's not, try to encourage it."

"No one can judge the boundary between existence and non-existence except the person who builds the field. Once you have decided, you must not waver, move forward, and stick to your heart. However, you still have many shortcomings. The first thing you must learn is Use your own spiritual power to match the field.”

"Any illusion, the appearance of every tree, and the existence of every thing has a reason why it must be here. Take these books and read them first."

He waved his hand, and the three jade slips flew into Xu Yangyi's hands. At the same time, he said: "Don't thank me, this is the experience of Wan Zhong Old Ghost. He is the authentic Yang Sage, and his experience is of great use to you. These things You can’t even see it outside.”

He took the jade slip and looked at it carefully. "A diary of building the Wanjianshan Domain. The experience of how to mobilize aura in the domain to manipulate aura-condensed objects. A record of how to discover whether the domain is really suitable for you, and whether to stick to your true intentions or change your mind."

Xu Yangyi felt a little warm in his heart. This kind of guidance really meant he knew everything. The construction of the field is the top priority for the lower four realms and the middle three realms. He thinks he is lucky to have such a teacher who dares to teach. These questions are really helpful.

Before I could finish thinking, three more jade slips flew over.

"Exploring the suitability and comprehensiveness of the field. Regarding the construction of the field, are there too many things that are crammed in to make them all unified, or are various fields from the great to the simple to cope with other principles, and even some experiences and speculations in the field of divine rules."

If we say that the first three books are the foundation of field construction, the last few books are from a high point, overlooking the bottom from the top, and using theory to guide practice.

The level of the last three books is obviously higher than the first three, but he needs the first three books more now.

"This is"

"This is the work of your master's lineage, a senior Taixu." Mr. Jiang smiled mysteriously: "I said that any alchemy master has his own power behind him. There are various branches of the Alchemy Alliance, such as my lineage, They are good at improving cultivation and consolidating the foundation, and they are also the most popular lineage. There are also the Eagle sect that specializes in the study of elixirs, the Shengling sect that specializes in purifying elixirs, and so on.

"When will you pass the Grandmaster examination? I can barely take you to the Danmeng League to see the world. I forgot, the Grandmaster examination will take place at the Danmeng League."

His tone became unkind: "You will not be able to break through the Grandmaster within fifty years."


The two of them looked at the stick at the same time.

Xu Yangyi coughed lightly and changed the subject: "Master, it's already noon, should we take a break and lecture on alchemy in the afternoon?"

With permission, he returned to his room and began his afternoon lecture about four hours later.

He started to hold the jade slip and began to chew on it.

These things form the basis of the upper world, and these are what he lacks the most.

Line by line, word by word, those who didn't understand took the trouble to ask Mr. Jiang. From the beginning, Mr. Jiang was pleasant to the point where he immediately hit the table with a table. It seemed that he would soon follow in the footsteps of the clan leader.

"Don't stop me from taking a nap."

"If you take alchemy as seriously as you practice, you are still afraid that you won't be able to refine Ziyun Dan in a month."

"You're here again. Wait, my alchemy furnace is smashing the table. It's not satisfying enough."

"Boy, you see clearly, the person is here and the furnace is there. Now my alchemy furnace is placed conveniently, and the furnace goes with people. If you dare to come in when I am taking a nap again, I will smash it easily."

Xu Yangyi didn't dare to go.

He has thoroughly seen Mr. Jiang's violent tendencies. Who is the body cultivator of the tens of thousands of kilograms of alchemy furnace? He can smash it at will.

Four hours later in the afternoon, he saw Mr. Jiang with a dark face.

He also saw a red pill furnace following the opponent.

This is a spiritual treasure. It weighs at least 30,000 kilograms and is about half the size of a human being. A boy with pigtails appeared as a spirit and sat on the cauldron, staring at him equally unkindly.

The master was so angry today that he couldn't even sleep well. Has this guy with a face of acceptance practiced or practiced?

Xu Yangyi did not change back to Xu Feng's appearance.

"Ahem, good afternoon, Mr. Jiang." He bowed.

"Haha," Mr. Jiang said with a quizzical smile, "I'm very good."

"I'm afraid you're going to be in trouble soon."

He pointed angrily at the alchemy furnace: "Go over there, be sure to follow me at all times. If you see me glaring, be ready to hit it. You don't need my reminder."

A look with murderous intent stared at him. Mr. Jiang sat down cross-legged, took a sip of tea, slapped the table and said, "Evil disciple, evil disciple."

"Everyone else, Sun Wukong, knows that he only went to find Patriarch Bodhi in the middle of the night to let him have a good rest."

"How many more years can I live without even having a peaceful night's sleep?"

So, throughout the afternoon, Xu Yangyi fully experienced Mr. Jiang's rudeness.

"How many times have you read this medicinal ingredient and you still make mistakes?"

"Are you a pig? Pigs are smarter than you. Three spiritual plants here are refining the essence at the same time. How about you?"

"Well, the control of the fire tends to be perfect, so it's good to smash it."

Xu Yangyi vomited blood angrily: "Why do you have to smash this?"

"I don't know, I just thought, suddenly there are some itchy hands, how dare you ask the master to smash them?"

At night, when Xu Yangyi returned home swollen and fat, Mr. Jiang looked thoughtfully at the wreckage on the ground.

As a grand master of alchemy, he has naturally made friends with other grand masters. His room has been specially modified. Under the top-quality space talisman, it can be large or small, ranging from hundreds of meters to just one room.

"Hongchen, what do you think of his qualifications?" When no one was around, he made sure that Xu Yangyi couldn't hear him, and then asked Lingbao softly.

"Very evil." The boy who was called Hongchen suppressed his smile and answered seriously: "He should have practiced a lot of elixirs before, but unfortunately he didn't have the guidance of a famous teacher. Now he has accumulated a lot of experience, and his understanding is amazing, and he can draw inferences from one instance to another. What's even more terrifying is his photographic memory. Actually, I think he is one step away from the middle stage of the craftsman master, and definitely not the early stage of the craftsman master. Why should you lie to him?"

"Haha." Old Jiang raised his goatee and said proudly: "If you don't show him what I am capable of, I really don't know about Lord Ma's three eyes. You don't know how many people I have offended by accepting this disciple. I will give it to you." counting"

"Okay." Hong Chen interrupted him impatiently and changed the topic: "But what I care about most is his fire control technique."

Mr. Jiang also became solemn, nodded and said: "Yes, although I didn't mention his fire control skills, he is already on par with me."

"This is almost impossible. I don't dare to brag about my technique. It is well-known in the entire Seven Realms. It's incredible that he, a master craftsman, can achieve this step."

"Alchemy and fire are indistinguishable. As the fire control techniques improve, the speed at which he can master the alchemy method is incredible. He has a good foundation that I didn't expect."

Hongchen hesitated for a moment: "Why do I feel that his fire seems to be spiritual and he did not do it by himself? Although he is hiding it, in our eyes, it is undoubtedly a deception. Does he also have acquired spiritual fire in his body? Otherwise it is impossible." "

Mr. Jiang slyly picked up the tea cup: "Xiao Hongchen, let me tell you, everyone has their own secrets, even masters and disciples cannot interfere too much. I have received such a good disciple, what else can I be dissatisfied about?"

"His spiritual fire, even if it exists, is his own opportunity. Why should I go and ask?"

"Who are you calling Xiao Hongchen? I'm thousands of years old, you little brat with a hairless mouth."

"Hey, you're still angry. I told you to place the alchemy furnace anywhere. Today I won't smash you to death, you old fool."

"Your alchemy furnace seems to be me."

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