
Chapter 1027: Devouring the Immortal Body

At night, the moonlight was as bright as water. In front of Xu Yangyi, the three heavens were in full bloom. He was recording the treatment methods of the three heavens one by one under the guidance of Mr. Jiang.

Record and try, practice makes perfect.

His hands moved quickly, but there was still some obscurity between his hands and fingers. Mr. Jiang's voice beside him was several degrees lower than in the afternoon. He must not be distracted when handling natural materials and treasures. He only reminded him at the key points.

"Don't worry, this technique of 'wave butterfly chasing flowers' requires a unity of mind and spirit. Wherever the eyes are, the hands are there. It can't be practiced in a day or two."

"Look here, the color of this petal is similar to the other petals, but there is a black mark below, which is a manifestation of uneven nutrient absorption. If you follow the treatment method of other petals, this petal will be useless. This is okay for the three heavens, if it is the ninth heaven, this petal will be worth thousands of spiritual jade."

The sweat dripped from Xu Yangyi's forehead drop by drop. Mr. Jiang's requirements were many times higher than when he had figured out and handled the natural materials and treasures by himself. Even the slightest mistake would cause the other party to frown.

Then the alchemy furnace came over.

It was called suppression.

His hand was as steady as a rock, holding a pair of jade scissors in his hand, and with the spiritual power, he gently cut the petals, and a crescent shape appeared, and the milky white spiritual power inside immediately emerged.

Jiang Lao did not speak, he carefully looked at the disciple who was infused with his whole body, and with his breathing, the whole space was trembling slightly.

"Extremely profound skills." Hong Chen exclaimed softly in Jiang Lao's spiritual consciousness: "He has not yet refined the elixir, but he has only processed the natural materials and treasures related to alchemy, and his breathing speed is not much different from that of the Nascent Soul at the same level. Once he really starts to refine the elixir, I am afraid that the spiritual energy within a hundred meters will be attracted by him."

Jiang Lao did not answer, but put the jade box in his sleeve back.

Xiantian Ziqigong, this is a technique that he has kept in his heart. The practice is divided into two parts: supernatural power and technique. The technique is the foundation of everything. Without a good technique, the breathing speed is slow, and the supplement of high-level supernatural power cannot keep up.

But now it seems that it is not needed.

Late at night, Xu Yangyi stopped his hand and wiped the sweat on his head. The vibration of the spiritual energy around him stopped abruptly. The golden apple in the dantian and the meridians of the cauldron returned to calm again.

In one night, he only processed two petals, which was a world of difference compared to the speed of Mr. Jiang.

"Not bad." Unexpectedly, Mr. Jiang nodded with satisfaction: "Take this and meditate immediately. It's good for you."

Xu Yangyi took it and looked at it. It was another jade bottle of elixir.

"Don't worry, super-quality elixir, no elixir poison. How can my disciple Jiang Shengping eat top-quality?"

Hongchen rolled his eyes. That is, the disciple of the grandmaster, and only the disciple of the mantle can have such treatment. How much is a super-quality one outside? Seeing this boy's stupidity, he probably doesn't know how much this bottle of pill can be worth on the market, right?

It has the label of Wuxiang Venerable, golden super-quality... Young man, do you know that your teacher spends hundreds of thousands of spirit stones at a time?

Xu Yangyi bowed his hands tiredly, and after returning to the room, he immediately swallowed and meditated.

The brain is too sleepy and needs a rest. I don't want to practice alchemy for the time being. Otherwise, I'm afraid I can't handle the mixture of several kinds of knowledge.

"This is..." I didn't expect that just after turning the Eternal Pill Sutra King, the golden apple had no time to respond, and the sound of spring breeze and rain in the body sounded leisurely.

"This pill is extraordinary." Yuchang immediately felt the changes in his body. During the day, he didn't come out in front of Jiang Shengping. This is one of Xu Yangyi's killer moves. No matter how close the master and apprentice are, they need their own space.

Human nature cannot be tested too much. Trust people and don't doubt them, and don't trust people who are suspicious.

Xu Yangyi nodded. At this moment, his meridians, which had been hit dozens of times by the mortal world during the day, were already wailing under the heavy burden. As soon as this pill entered his stomach, it immediately turned into a piece of extremely refined wood spirit, which permeated his entire body.

He then realized that Jiang Lao had hit him very skillfully. It seemed that he was merciless, but in fact he stayed at the limit of his meridians. Now that the drought had been long and sweet, the effect of being nourished by this was immediately much better than usual practice.

"This is the benefit of a famous teacher." He emptied his mind and carefully repaired himself.

In a moment, he found that these spiritual powers were different from usual!

The spirit of the virtual immortal body, the spirit of the seed spirit came from the Little Leiyin Virtual Bamboo Sea. This pill turned into a continuous drizzle, and his body was like a bamboo forest, happily receiving this piece of extremely pure wood spirit.

"Sha..." He seemed to see the bamboo sea swaying, drizzling, and every pore stretched out. The golden apple in the dantian had begun to vibrate at some point, forming a perfect cycle with the Eternal Dan Sutra King.

Absorption... vibration... breathing... Zhoutian...

At this moment, sitting and forgetting the self, no self and no appearance.

He was completely immersed in practice.

Just after running a small Zhoutian, his eyes quietly blurred, as if he had really entered this continuous bamboo sea.

And in the bamboo sea, there were thousands of rays of light, and infinite green light broke through the sky, as if... something was about to appear.

Shasha... Spring breeze turned into rain, the second round of the small Zhoutian had not yet run halfway, and his spiritual consciousness seemed to rise leisurely in the air, rising higher and higher, and finally, stepped on the top of the bamboo sea plane.

In front of him, nine stars were connected, and the virtual spirit body that he had seen once became huge and became the sun. The nine planes slowly rotated in the air.

The visualization picture reappeared!

Xu Yangyi felt that his spiritual consciousness was like soaking in a hot spring, extremely comfortable. He had visualized it many times, but never once was it as comfortable and natural as this time.

He closed his eyes and felt the connection between himself and the immortal body. A soft green light quietly rose from the immortal body. As he breathed in and out again and again, through the nine-star continuum, it circulated between the human and the immortal body.

This is the exchange of consciousness, which deepens Xu Yangyi's understanding of the immortal body bit by bit. He was completely immersed in it, but he didn't notice that a dark vortex quietly opened in his dantian.

Devour the talisman!

With every breath he took, the swallowing talisman grew bigger and bigger, from the size of his eyes, to the size of his fist, and finally... it suddenly became the size of a human head!

The extremely complicated talisman, like an eye, just swayed quietly, and the cyan light strips flowing to Xu Yangyi's body actually changed their seals, rushing towards his Dantian like a sea wave!

Buzzing... the swallowing talisman kept spinning, and an even weirder scene appeared. Originally, visualization was communication and understanding. You came and went, Xu Yangyi's cognition, and the original immortal body's recognition, the two flowed in an endless stream, but... …The light belt has not returned at all at this moment! Instead, it seemed to stay in Xu Yangyi's body!

Don’t go out, just go in!

Extremely domineering!

There is no need for the approval of the Void Spirit Immortal Body, only the recognition of Xu Yangyi. And, all these cognitions stay in the body!

In an instant, the cyan in the meridians in his body boiled like a river, becoming thicker and thicker each time. Although it was only a trace, it could be clearly felt.

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly.

He clearly felt that something was wrong, but it was definitely not bad. However, in this extremely mysterious state, he couldn't open his eyes at all.

He also didn't see that with the crazy devouring of the Devouring Talisman, one of the nine iron chains locking the Void Spirit Immortal Body... actually made a gentle "click" sound.

These chains have locked the immortal body for thousands of years, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years. Now, there is a crack!

And he didn't even notice that the entire immortal body trembled slightly, and the eyes of the giant statue seemed to be opening!

"Who..." A hoarse voice, like a grand bell in the universe, trembled in disbelief: "Who... is devouring me..."

The Void Spirit Immortal alive!

I don’t know how many people, countless people have visualized the ethereal fairy body, but no one discovered that it... is actually still alive!

And Xu Yangyi... is now unconsciously plundering the origins of all monks who practice the Void Spirit Immortal Body. The source of their visualizations!

At this moment, in another room, Mr. Jiang felt the thunderous fluctuations of breathing and breathing around him, and his face was stunned.

This was the first time he actually saw Xu Yangyi practicing.

Such a huge momentum, I never expected it!

"Is this... twice as fast as the same level? No, three times the breathing speed!" He opened the curtains in astonishment, and saw that the space in all directions was blurring, forming a huge cyclone around the carriage, and it was galloping.

"As expected of an ascended monk..." Hongchen also took a deep breath.

Mr. Jiang made a spell, and immediately, three talismans surrounded the car, covering everything up.

"You found a careless disciple." Hongchen glanced at him pityingly: "But why do I feel that you are smiling?"

Mr. Jiang's face was full of sorrow, but he couldn't hide the smile at the corner of his mouth: "Yes...Zhe Yangshou..."

Hongchen was silent for three seconds and angrily shouted: "Hypocrisy!!"

At this moment, the whole car slowly shook.

Jiang Lao was stunned, what happened?

"Shua la la!" Before he could observe, all the windows opened simultaneously, and his eyes suddenly flashed with surprise. Just outside the car, endless cyan aura formed a cyclone, surrounding the car, and quietly poured in like threads. .

Although quietly, but... too many! Like mountains and seas, with a radius of several hundred meters! This car is actually held in a green lotus, as if it is flying in the clouds and mist. Even the surrounding cars stretched out their heads in shock and looked at the car in disbelief.

"Can't you suppress the three life talismans?" Mr. Jiang gasped: " this the perfect visualization of the virtual spirit immortal body?'s even more advanced than the perfect visualization! This, this is simply like I am like a fairy!"

No matter how perfect the ethereal immortal body is, it is impossible to do this. The colossus in the visualization picture is the only one. It is also eternity. No matter how strong Yang Sheng is, it can only be said to be infinitely close, but it is by no means equal!

However, now he felt like the ethereal immortal body was sitting in his car.

This feeling is inexplicable, but so real.

However, he "figured it out" instantly.

Accumulation and accumulation...

This is still a long way to go!

This is not only true for Alchemy, but also for Xu Feng himself.

On the earth, I accidentally hit the Void Spirit Immortal Body, but there was no pill to assist me, and there was no tempering technique. At this moment, it was the first time I encountered such a high-quality pill and the personal tempering of a Yin Lord. It was simply... Like a flood, it rushed out of his body.

"This son... is absolutely extraordinary..."

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