
Chapter 1028: Anlin City, a Land of Wild Beasts (I)

The next morning, Xu Yangyi opened his eyes and felt as energetic as the first time he practiced.

"What is this?" He was a little surprised after looking inside.

In the thick meridians that had been widened by the Eternal Pill Sutra King, half of the spiritual energy was dyed into a misty green color. It was only one-fifth before, but now it exceeded one-quarter!

"Perfect visualization... no, maybe... it can be called super-perfect visualization." Yu Chang's voice was shocking: "Most people can only remember the visualization diagram in their minds. Over time, there will be slight errors due to confusion or deviation in memory. For example, the direction of the force under the muscles, the method of moving spiritual energy, etc. Although some errors will accidentally appear some other characteristics. But... no characteristics can compare to the virtual immortal body itself."

"Visualizing exactly is perfect visualization. The immortal body is the essence. Those who can visualize the virtual immortal body from beginning to end are called the original virtual spirit. They can also exert the combat power of the immortal body 100%. Such people..."

He He shook his head: "Only one out of ten survives."

"Your photographic memory, accumulated knowledge, and the first time you took the elixir for the immortal body, you have a perfect visualization. It is said that the original immortal body has some special abilities, such as carrying the strange phenomena of heaven and earth, etc. Even Senior Zhuan Zhu has not visualized it perfectly a few times. But you did it..."

Xu Yangyi nodded. The so-called visualization is to understand the original immortal body, understand why its muscles are here, and even look through the muscles to see the meridians below, and completely dissect the immortal body, first from the outside to the inside, and then from the inside to the outside. The two are combined into one, and you can thoroughly understand why the immortal body appears in a state of emptiness and spirit. Knowing the reason and the reason is called great perfection.

After the great success, you can reach from the outside to the inside, after all, he has the help of photographic memory. After the great success, it is from the inside to the outside. He can already see through some things a little, such as muscles, but when it comes to bones, it is covered by a layer of misty green and cannot go deeper.

Super perfect visualization?

Xu Yangyi was a little uncertain. He clenched his fists. There was always a voice in his heart telling him that it was not just that.

Because... he seemed to feel a part of the virtual immortal body, a very small part... maybe only the size of a fingernail or a hair, which had been rooted in his body.

It was this point that caused a storm in his body. His flesh, bones, internal organs and skin were all expressing rejection.

Rejection of the genes of powerful creatures entering his body.

However, he was completely powerless. And... he could feel that his body was getting stronger bit by bit.

Although it was extremely slow, it did exist!

"What's going on?" He frowned, but then relaxed.

"Being able to become stronger... is a good thing."

His eyes looked at the warm sun outside: "There are still three talisman holders who are eyeing them. At this time, whether it is a black cat or a white cat, the one who catches the mouse is the good cat."

"There is no time to lose, why am I still entangled in these things?"

Time passed slowly in these seemingly chaotic days.

As a disciple of the great master, elixirs are naturally indispensable. Every day, he ate and slept happily. After hitting Xu Feng, Jiang Lao would definitely give him a bottle of high-quality elixir. Xu Yangyi's strength was growing quietly and silently without him having any direct comparison.

The most obvious thing was his virtual immortal body.

For some reason, he felt that his virtual immortal body had made rapid progress in this month. The feeling of transformation in the flesh and blood had become real and could not be hidden, and the resistance of his own muscles and blood was suppressed by the unclear foreign gene. It was in his body, slowly improving his physique at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye.

What he could see was that the misty green air in the meridians, which represented the virtual immortal body, had exceeded a quarter. Although it was only a little more, it was a world of difference compared to his previous practice speed.

It was only one month...

"Anyone who was hit by tens of thousands of pounds of things for a month would improve..." He smiled bitterly and retracted his gaze, and came to Jiang Lao's room.

As soon as he opened the door, he was stunned and almost turned around and left.

The world of mortals has grown a circle...

It used to be half the size of a person, but now it is the size of a person...

"I punishment was a little too light before, and now you are still making some common sense mistakes...Come back, don't leave, let's talk."

Old Jiang pinched his goat beard and looked at his disciple. He was more and more satisfied and smiled: "How do you feel about your progress this month?"

Xu Yangyi was stunned for a moment, thought about it, and bowed sincerely: "Very big."

In the past, he had no famous teacher to guide him in the two most important aspects of his alchemy, domain, and immortal body. Now he finally has a famous teacher, and his previous accumulation is like the Yangtze River bursting out, and it is out of control.

If it is said that these three things of his were still wandering outside the door, now it can be said that he has entered the room.

At least, he has a lot clearer about the principles of alchemy and the combination of pharmacology, and he knows the truth and the reason.

He can already prescribe 80% of the pills, and mainly the top-grade pills.

This is all thanks to the Dan Ling who has a photographic memory. The most important step in alchemy is to remember all the natural treasures, which is not a problem for him. So much so that when Jiang Lao was assessing the natural treasures of the Nascent Soul Stage ten days ago, he could recite them by heart and almost made Jiang Lao pull out his beard.

It's only been more than 20 days...

Is he still a human being!

When he told him that he had a photographic elixir, Mr. Jiang looked at him so hard that he almost ate him alive.

"Alchemy spirit... tsk tsk tsk... I have only used it three times in total, but it is of no use. Photographic memory... as long as it is used, it is a great artifact, especially for alchemy." Elder Jiang sighed, and used the alchemy furnace conveniently. Hit it hard.

Nothing else, jealousy.

Hong Chen worked extremely hard, and he couldn't even refine a few truly top-quality elixirs. This kid had photographic memory even before he was a master craftsman. Seems useless, right? It bets that with only fire control and alchemy, as long as he has enough time, it won't be a matter of time for the Grand Master.

Are the disciples of the Grand Master still short of medicinal materials for refining medicine?

In the end, that's what matters.

He can enter a state of super perfect visualization every time!

This is his secret, and only Yuchang knows it, but Yuchang is shocked. In theory, this is impossible to exist! Even the pill spirit with a photographic memory cannot do it!

You must know that in order to visualize super perfection, you must have a sufficient understanding of the ethereal body. What is in it? How is the inside of the body composed? Only then will the special state of virtual spirit be formed. It can feel that Xu Yangyi can only rush into the muscles at most, not the bones, and the extremely complicated meridians are even more difficult to analyze.

But what the heck is, the other person can achieve super perfect visualization!

The whining sounds of carriages and horses could be heard outside the car. They had discovered three days ago that there were already more flying boats and carriages passing by. As of yesterday and today, there was already a constant flow of traffic on the entire road. Overcrowded.

"We will arrive at Anlin City tonight." Mr. Jiang gently stroked the teacup: "Your assessment has officially begun."

Xu Yangyi glanced at Hongchen carefully: "Isn't the sect's mission first?"

"Shit!!" Mr. Jiang shouted: "I'm the biggest man in the world! The sect's mission is...well, this time, you must go all out. The Holy Flame of Spirit Refining is indeed very important to the sect. "

The transition was so natural that Xu Yangyi pursed his lips and said nothing.

"However, only you and Ou Fangyu can enter the sect's mission. You should know that the Spirit Refining Holy Flame rejects all saints. Moreover, in order to protect you from being noticed by the sect's opponents, even if we do not use the teleportation circle, the sect It is also at this time that the disciples begin their mission. It will take at least half a year for them to get here and start taking action so that our opponents will no longer pay attention to us. This half year will be the time for your assessment. "

He twirled his beard and looked solemn: "My assessment is your first assessment on the alchemy path. Moreover, this assessment is closely related to the sect's mission and even the Holy Flame of Spirit Refining."

Speaking so solemnly, Xu Yangyi cupped his hands and said, "Please give me your instructions, master."

"Okay, first of all, you must know the situation in Anlin City." Mr. Jiang picked up the tea cup and said slowly: "Anlin City, the border of the Daxia Dynasty, is adjacent to Shuiyun Stream, and Shuiyun Stream is the edge of Tengleize . It is the most important source of monsters and spiritual beasts in the entire Daxia Dynasty.”

"There are many kinds of monsters and spiritual beasts in Tengleize, their numbers are like stars, and their reproductive power is extremely strong. They can't be killed at all. If it weren't for these monster hunters, I'm afraid it would have turned into a beast tide. Therefore, there are several types of people here that have the most "

"One, a mercenary group like ours at Tianjian Villa."

"Second, there are all the forces. There are only three places in Kunlun that are similar to Tengleize. This is one of them. Almost all the forces in the northeast collect monsters and beasts here. Even if there are people in the sect, The breeding base also needs these reserves. Various forces are intertwined, so you must be careful not to mess with them. "

"Third, there is the Dan Alliance. For the Dan Alliance, this is also a strategic location. Most of the elixirs in the later period are not just spiritual plants. Of course, the people here are the people in charge of the Material Hall of the Dan Alliance, and they are definitely not high-level. . However, they are all officially certified by the Dan Alliance. Their status is much higher than that of the uncertified Barefoot Immortal. Unless you dare to say that you are my disciple..."

He coughed lightly, and suddenly the red dust expanded to ten meters in size. He looked at Xu Yangyi with eager eyes.

A silent threat.

Xu Yangyi almost had a psychological shadow on this thing, and immediately handed it over and said: "No... I know this is training."

"That's good." Jiang Laoxu, who was very satisfied with his threat, said: "Fourth, there are various auction houses, big and small. Occasionally, high-grade monsters come here in Shuiyun Stream. Those who cannot be saved The things will naturally be sent to the auction house immediately. Any auction house, even the smallest one, has a force behind it and cannot be tampered with. "

"That's about it. I'm here to test you. Why do you think your test is closely related to the sect's mission?"

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