
Chapter 1029: Anlin City, a Land of Wild Beasts (Part 2)

Xu Yangyi pondered for several minutes, peeling off the cocoon, and found a clue. Not wanting Mr. Jiang to wait too long, he continued speaking carefully.

"If I remember correctly, this mission is just me and fellow Daoist Ou. As a special mission for the sect, there are obviously not enough manpower."

Mr. Jiang nodded slightly and glanced at Hongchen. It means, once Zhuzi becomes stupid, don't give me face.

Hongchen rolled his eyes at him, "How is that possible? How much is your face worth?"

Xu Yangyi immediately became cautious and said more carefully: "Then, we need to recruit manpower. I think we will definitely not reveal the true face of Tianjian Villa by then. If we want to do it, it will be easy to do it. Therefore, the mercenary group became The best choice.”

Jiang Lao smiled even brighter because Xu Yangyi was already close to the truth.

But Xu Yangyi felt something was wrong. The closer he got to the so-called truth, he felt like he was cheating. He moved his lips and said after a long time: "So... the mercenary needs money, cough, teacher, can you give me back my spiritual jade?" I?"

He understood that Mr. Jiang took away his spiritual jade in advance in order to ask him to pay the employment fee before Tianjian Villa was fully launched!

Although I still don’t know how much, I don’t know why... I always feel a little frightened...

"You want money?" Mr. Jiang smiled.

Xu Yangyi hesitated and nodded.

"Red dust."

"Ouch!!" Hongchen let out a strange cry and became excited in an instant.

"Master, I think not using money can better highlight the value of experience."

Jiang Laohuai was very relieved: "Rotten wood can be carved..."

shit! Under this kind of power politics, if you can no longer be carved, you will truly be rotten, okay?

"Of course, and it requires a top-notch mercenary group. Don't say I didn't tell you...their prices are very, very expensive." Mr. Jiang was like a fox seeing chickens, and smiled blindly: "But it matches the price. Yes, it's their quality. Top mercenaries must have confidentiality, strength, and stability, not to mention that Anlin City is a wild place. There are three teams of mercenary monks here, which are no less than the top teams of Tianjian Villa. "

"What about the price?" Xu Yangyi asked.

Jiang Lao smiled and raised two fingers.

"Twenty thousand spiritual jade? Middle grade?"

Hongchen snorted and said disdainfully: "It's two hundred thousand, the lowest mission!"

"This is a special mission for you. You won't be able to do it without two million."

Xu Yangyi's heart trembled, he was really cheating!

"I dare to ask the master, how much spiritual jade can one high-grade Ziyun Pill sell for?"

"There are fluctuations. It depends on the strength of the auction house and the quality of the elixir. However, 10,000 is the base price."

Only ten thousand?

As if reading his thoughts, Mr. Jiang hummed: "This is a golden elixir-level elixir. How many can a golden elixir cultivator get out of 10,000 or 20,000? Count on your fingers! Although it is a life-saving elixir, 100% People in their sixties can’t afford it!”

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows. Does this mean he wants to sell hundreds of pills?

During this period, although he became familiar with Ziyundan, it would take at least two weeks to start refining the pill. Even if one batch is a hundred pills, how long would it take? Not to mention how to raise funds in the first place... maybe Shan Da Wang is a good choice.

"Don't think of unreliable things." As if he saw what he was thinking, Mr. Jiang smiled so shamelessly that he deserved to be beaten: "This is the north, and it belongs to the Jiu Zhen Jiu Nanmen, do you understand?"

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows, Nine Truths and Nine Difficulties Gate... Jiehai King!

"However, it is really troublesome for you to refine hundreds of pills. Let me tell you a secret." He said with a smile: "Increase the formula of Ziyun Dan tenfold, and you will have a Nascent Soul-level Ziyun Dan."

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed: "I dare to ask the master, how to estimate the price of Yuanying level Ziyun Dan?"

"Starting at 50,000 yuan." Mr. Jiang said with a smile: "Don't say that I cheated you, master. If you sell a few dozen pills and deduct the tax, you will be able to pay. How about it? Is Alchemy particularly profitable? I'll give you this day of enjoyment. Are you excited about the opportunity to win a gold medal?"


Xu Yangyi pursed his lips and asked carefully: "What if... the disciple doesn't make any money?"

Mr. Jiang smiled kindly and said: "The world of mortals."

boom! The red dust suddenly grew to a size of thirty meters and weighed over one hundred thousand kilograms!

It’s been a long time since I’ve hit someone... I’m used to it, but after a few days without hitting someone, I feel like something is missing...

Xu Yangyi's mouth twitched: "I understand."

"This is for you." A jade token flew over and Xu Yangyi caught it. Jiang Lao said, "This is a certificate from the Dan Alliance. With this, you can get three Nascent Soul-level Ziyun Dan medicinal materials from the Dan Alliance."

Xu Yangyi nodded and prepared to pack his things and get off the car early.

This was his first experience in alchemy, so naturally he would not take advantage of Mr. Jiang.

Seeing him leave, Hongchen shrank back in an anthropomorphic manner and shrugged: "You are so treacherous."

"Oh?" Mr. Jiang said with a smile: "Where is the treachery?"

"Why don't you tell him that there is another kind of person here."

"There are alchemists all over the sky. Any place where mercenaries gather must be the best market for alchemists. It's not like there are no craftsmen, and there are several of them."

"The craftsmen here have been working here for who knows how long, and they are deeply rooted. If he goes alone, let alone open the furnace, it will be a problem for someone to give him a place, and he has to face the pressure of those old craftsmen. Tsk tsk tsk tsk …”

Mr. Jiang took a leisurely sip of tea and said, "If you are my disciple, Jiang Shengsheng, and you can't get ahead here, you can attack me no matter what, I will never stop you."

Xu Yangyi returned to his room and fired two spiritual senses. Not long after, Wangchen and Mao Baer appeared.

The pressure from the three sages made them practice hard. Finally, he has some appearance of a monk.

It's not too late to make amends.

"Today, follow me to Anlin City."

"Master, are we here now?" Wangchen was surprised: "Why so fast?"

Mao Baer yawned: "Quick? It's so slow. I thought that one day in the middle of the mountain means that thousands of years have passed in this world. Hey, potato, why do I feel that I have not made any progress! How many years do I have until I live forever?"

"Haha, it's almost time." Xu Yangyi said haha: "Let's go."

He walked out first. Wangchen hesitated for a moment and reluctantly said to Mao Baer: "Why do I feel that Master is different from before?"

"Yes, it used to be attacking, but now it's receiving." Mao Baer yawned again and again.

Wangchen resisted the urge to kick the dog out: "I mean... he seems to have become a lot stronger?"

"What? Are you jealous?" Mao Baer swung his round butt and followed. Its words floated vaguely: "I want to be jealous, I want to try with the tigress in the Tower of Babel... Tsk, tsk, this is the cinnabar mole in other people's hearts..."

When Xu Yangyi saw the two of them, Wangchen had murderous intent on his face, but it was obviously aimed at Mao Baer, ​​who didn't take it seriously at all.

Do you have the heart but not the courage...want to hit me? I am also a golden elixir. See if I don’t scratch your face.

Along the way, Xu Yangyi fully experienced how prosperous Anlin City was, and it was no exaggeration to compare with Zhou City.

Although the buildings are not as tall as those in Zhoucheng, you can see in the distance a quaint city wall, a series of not-so-tall ancient-style buildings, antique, full of meaning, and endless. However, there are more people than Zhoucheng!

The most important thing is... Anlin City has no defensive facilities.

The direct subordinates of the Five Kings and Two Queens, what other defenses do they need?

There was a lot of traffic on the road, and countless chariots and chariots he had seen and never seen were pulled by living or machine puppet beasts, entering here with dreams.

He saw countless decorations, including B-level, C-level, D-level, and even occasionally one or two A-level decorations.

"There are so many people." Wangchen couldn't help but sigh.

The group of people walked to the gate of the city. There were no guards guarding the gate. Just like Zhou City, there was a light curtain. After verifying that it was not Taichu, they could enter.

Xu Yangyi was thoughtful, walked out of the curtain of light, and said in a deep voice: "Don't cause trouble here."

"What's wrong? Are you still afraid? Apart from Zun Sheng, you should be invincible to Nascent Soul, right?" Mao Baer was confused: "Tsk tsk... You really can't bear it. When are you going to find a husband?"

Xu Yangyi didn't bother to pay attention to it, and said solemnly: "First of all, there are many forces here. After all, it is the natural treasure house of the three spiritual beasts in Xukunlun. However, when entering, there was no verification of the exact identity. I just identified whether it was Taichu. What do you think? ,What does it mean?"

Wangchen only thought about it and said: "There is no distinction between education and distinction."

"Yes, this is a city full of gold. All they want is money. As long as you have money and are not recognized by others, even if the governing forces here know who you are, they probably won't come to arrest you." He He said solemnly: "In other words, I'm afraid there are some extremely vicious people hiding here. We are responsible for the special mission of the sect. If we can avoid causing trouble, then we should not cause trouble."

As soon as he finished speaking, he noticed that both of them had strange looks in their eyes.

That clear look means: You are the one who causes the most trouble! Is it good to bring your own trouble-making physique? The three sages killed before with no idea why, okay!

Xu Yangyi turned his head in embarrassment and waved: "Let's go."

Entering Anlin City, you have a panoramic view of the entire city. Unlike Zhoucheng, almost every large ancient building here has a row of stalls at the entrance, and the commercial atmosphere is extremely strong.

Large characters drawn with aura, dragons and phoenixes dancing in the air hover in front of the antique building. Ten Thousand Beasts Pavilion, Tengyun Tower, Dajiang Courtyard... and so on.

And at the door of many buildings, there are still huge corpses of monsters that are not recognized at all. The bloody aura has been processed, and a monster pill is suspended next to it. At the same time, there must be a person who looks like a waiter, shouting: "Dear guests, this is a monster at the peak of Nascent Soul. The monster elixir has extremely rare thunder spirit root attributes. It only costs 100,000 spirit jade, and you can also choose a monster material of your own choice."

The rolling crowds made this big city lively.

Xu Yangyi was looking at this unique ancient city with great interest. For a moment, he thought he had traveled thousands of years ago. But at this moment, an angry dog ​​barked: "Woof! Are you looking for death? Do you know how precious my fur is? Step on my tail? Do you believe I will arrest you and make you a shit shoveler?"

His interest suddenly disappeared. He turned around and saw that Cat Baer had his tail accidentally stepped on and was "arguing" with a group of men.

However, he took a closer look and suddenly felt something wrong.

The ones who stepped on Mao Baer were a group of monks.

He was obviously a fighting monk. He was dressed very uniformly and had a badge on his chest with the word An Lin written on it.

Whether it is armor or the long sword in the waist, they are all magic weapons, and they are the pinnacle magic weapons of Jindan.

"Law enforcement team?" He frowned. This is not right. According to the situation in Anlin City, there will be a law enforcement team, but they do not need to be fully clothed. With the style of teaching here, the law enforcement team is just an urban management team at most. .

He looked at the tower behind him calmly. His eyes immediately narrowed.

On the tower, countless soldiers in the same armor were already lying in the cave, with their bows and crossbows fully drawn. He clearly felt a sense of being faced with a great enemy and a storm was about to come.

In a trading town where everyone is taught, what could make the city lord's mansion so nervous?

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