
Chapter 1030: Vision

After pondering for a moment, he walked up to Mao Baer, ​​raised his hands towards a group of law enforcement monks and said, "Fellow Taoist, please, this is my evil dog, I have offended you."

"Who do you think is a vicious dog!" Mao Baer immediately stopped: "Believe it or not, these people have never heard of my breed!"

The leader of the law enforcement team was a young monk. He took a look at Xu Yangyi. He had fair skin and a medium build. He was wearing a navy blue gown with dark patterns of dragons and phoenixes. There was a white jade belt around his waist, and the jade pendant on it was also valuable. A hair tie on the top of the head makes her look even more chic.

It should be someone with a background. The law enforcement team's eyes were so sharp that they immediately saw that the materials on the other party's clothes were definitely not from ordinary sects. They smiled and said, "Fellow Taoist, you should be careful. In this city, the most common thing to miss is the spiritual beast."

They were about to leave, but Xu Yangyi smiled and said: "Just a word, Xu came to Anlin City for the first time. I wonder why the atmosphere in the city is so tense?"

It was an extremely ordinary sentence, but he immediately felt that the atmosphere of the law enforcement team in front of him had changed.

Dignified, chilling, even with a hint of hostility. The leading monk looked at Xu Yangyi with a half-smile: "How can fellow Taoist see the tension?"

"Tight on the outside and loose on the inside, the threat should come from outside." Xu Yangyi turned his head towards the tower and raised his chin. A bold idea suddenly flashed through his mind, and he whispered: "Could it be that the beast tide is about to break out?"

"Qiang Qiang!" As soon as he finished speaking, several flying swords suddenly surrounded him. The people around him exclaimed, and they all looked at this place in astonishment.

The leading monk's eyes flashed slightly, and he raised his hand: "Fellow Taoist, you can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense. It is a grave sin to create chaos in Anlin City, do you understand?"

Xu Yangyi smiled and nodded, turned around and left with the dog.

The monks' faces were as dark as water. It was already time to change defenses. They walked directly into the tower of the city wall.

"What on earth does the city lord want to do?" As soon as he sat down, a monk in the team gritted his teeth and said: "The situation is so weird, he didn't even let out any news! What happened in Shuiyunjian? He, he is really not afraid of an explosion. Beast tide!”

His voice was a little loud, but no one in the entire hall paid attention, because no one's face was as relaxed as when they were patrolling in the city, and they were all serious.

And around the room, each magic weapon has completely unlocked its seal. Once something happens, you can immediately fend off the enemy.

This is definitely not the atmosphere that a peaceful giant should have.

No one answered his words, and the entire tower was as silent as death.


Xu Yangyi and his group were sitting on a spirit beast car. This kind of car is like a transportation car on Earth. It goes every half an hour and costs nothing. Otherwise... a major town in the north where spiritual beasts gather has a floating population of 20 million. It would be impossible to find where they are going even after walking for a week.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, Xu Yangyi sighed softly after a moment: "I finally understand why the master said that I saw too many high-level monks some time ago."

Without waiting for them to speak, he asked and answered himself, and said with a smile: "Look at it now, they are all Jindan level monks, the highest Xuying realm. In such a huge city, even Nascent Soul can't even see a single one. It's prosperous enough." Prosperous, but far from Zhoucheng in terms of strength.”

At this moment, the car stopped. This fifty-meter-long free spirit beast car is the only thing that can fly under the air restriction, and is the saint and the city lord.

Press the cloud and you can overlook the entire Anlin City from here. It is extremely huge, like a brilliant piece of emerald on this continent, with no edges visible at all. It is no joke to accommodate tens of millions or even hundreds of millions or more.

The most splendid building I have ever seen in Anlin City appeared in sight. A neat row of gilded tile roofs, magical powers rising around it into countless gorgeous spiritual plants, and auspicious clouds lingering, like a fairy palace.

A large elixir character is outlined on the door with spiritual patterns, and a golden elixir with seven elixir patterns soars into the clouds and mist, lingering in the vast sky. It is completely composed of spiritual power. It looks like one of those big-budget fairy tale movies on earth.

I originally thought that this place would be overcrowded, but there was no one there.

Walking into the magnificent hall, someone immediately greeted me. A beautiful female foundation-building cultivator gave a slight blessing: "Hello, senior, the alchemy hall is temporarily closed today. Please forgive me."

So it was temporarily closed... Several people looked at the jade boxes in all directions with interest. They were all half-opened. The three-pattern elixirs inside were like works of art, eye-catching.

"Three elixir patterns, master craftsman." Xu Yangyi smiled slightly. He had been with Mr. Jiang for a few months and had seen the sky high and the sea vast. He no longer marveled at a river.

"Why not?" he asked with a smile.

"have no idea."

As soon as he finished speaking, a token flew in front of the female cultivator. She only glanced at it and then looked at Xu Yangyi in shock.

Being able to work here, of course I understand that this is a Dan Alliance order, but... why does the senior in front of me not have a Dan Alliance certification badge?

But this was not something she should be concerned about. Her etiquette was impeccable: "Please follow me, junior."

A group of people went up to the second floor. The second floor was completely different from the first floor. There was a row of Taishi chairs, several plum blossoms placed in the corner, and famous landscape paintings hanging around. A faint medicinal fragrance filled the air, and it actually gave off a sense of tranquility and far-reaching. .

Not long after he sat down, a green figure flashed in the center of the room, and an old man with white hair had appeared in it.

Wearing a purple robe, he is luxurious and proud, with a gold crown on his head and a purple gold belt around his waist. Every small decoration reveals his wealth. Even the face that should be full of wrinkles only has some crow's feet at the corners of the eyes. If it weren't for the white hair and white beard, some people would believe him if he was said to be middle-aged.

As soon as Xu Yangyi entered the realm of Xu Ying, he immediately felt a wave of spiritual consciousness that was far beyond that of ordinary monks.

It should be said that he is a master craftsman in Xu Ying realm.

When his figure flashed, he did not look at the room immediately, but casually and elegantly brushed his purple robe. Then he lightly scanned the room and asked, "Who is coming with the Dan Alliance Order?"

Xu Yangyi stood up and cupped his hands: "It's me."

The old man remained calm and nodded, and the Alchemy Order flew over with one move. After looking at it for a few seconds, he suddenly smiled: "Fellow Taoist, who gave you this Alchemy Order?"

"It's the tutor."

The old man twirled his beard thoughtfully and said calmly: "I wonder what the master's Taoist name is in the Dan Alliance? Which craftsman? Or...which grandmaster?"

When he mentioned the word "grandmaster", there was obviously a hint of vague fanaticism in his voice.

"The Alchemy Order can be obtained by anyone above the master craftsman. If you tell me your inheritance, as the person in charge of the local alchemy hall, I will definitely choose the best products for you."

Xu Yangyi smiled and said: "I'm sorry, my master is just a master craftsman. I haven't been walking in the Dan Alliance for a long time, so my Taoist friends are not familiar with the name."

"Oh?" The old man continued to smile: "Then, may I ask, which side is under B, or even the staff of B Zhong?"

"No, my master Xianyun Yehe does not have a fixed residence. It was only by chance that I became my master."

"That's right..." The old man gently stroked the jade ring on his hand and said slowly: "So, how long have you been making alchemy, my friend?"

Xu Yangyi thought for a while: "It must have been more than a hundred years ago."

"Oh..." The old man smiled and lowered his head. When he raised his head, his face was already cold: "You can go."


Wangchen thought he heard wrongly.

How could the face change so quickly?

A chill flashed in Xu Yangyi's eyes, and he said calmly: "Are you joking, fellow Taoist?"

"Do you think that my great master craftsman will have this time to joke with you, a monk who is not an alchemy disciple?" The old man raised his white hand leisurely, never looked at them again, and gently combed his pale but neat hair: "An alchemy disciple who has not been certified by the alchemy alliance actually dares to come to the alchemy hall to pick up medicine with the alchemy alliance order. Do you think my alchemy hall is a charity hall?"

"If your master is a master, I can't help but give you a favor. Craftsmen of the same level as me don't even have names. When did the tokens of the Dan Alliance become so cheap?"

"There are seventy-eight craftsmen in Anlin City. The top forces in the city are begging us to open the furnace. Today, the Dan Alliance Order appeared, and I thought that one of my colleagues would pass by here. Who would have thought..." He said calmly He glanced at Xu Yangyi and said, "We are not part of the same family, and we are not part of the same family. Do you want to pick up the medicine? Yes, you can first go to the Dan League to verify your identity as a Dan disciple. But..."

"I haven't been a disciple of alchemy for more than a hundred years. You were right not to go."

"Once again, get out of the alchemy hall within fifty. If it weren't for the distinguished guests coming to the door today, you would be in the prison of Anlin City right now. Humph."

The gorgeous purple robe fluttered away and rolled up the Alchemy Order on the table. Just when he was about to leave, a hand gently held his clothes.

"You!!" The old man was furious. As soon as he turned around, Xu Yangyi said with a half-smile: "You can leave, but the Dan Alliance Order will be returned to me."

The old man smiled.

He got close to Xu Yangyi, looked directly into his eyes, and said word by word: "Are you seeking death?"

"Here, in Anlin City." His eyes were filled with coldness. He pointed to the ground and said condescendingly, "Do you believe that with just one word from me, you can't get in or get out?"

"Who can't get out?" At this moment, a voice suddenly came up from the stairs: "Mr. Qian, what made you so angry?"

Mr. Qian's expression was stunned, and then he turned around with a smile on his face: "It turns out to be Hall Master Wang, and it's you who came in person. I'm really rude."

His face changes so quickly, it's like a magic trick.

Xu Yangyi did not laugh.

Nine men wearing bamboo hats and hanging black veils quietly walked up to the second floor. Except for the leading monk, everyone was dressed in black.

The leading man wore a black and white gown with a Tai Chi symbol on his chest. And the people behind them...each of them has a head symbol on their chest.

Half happy, half sad.

In the Northland, no, in the whole of Kunlun, no one does not recognize this sign.

Nine truths and nine difficulties! Inner disciple!

"Who are these?" Hall Master Wang looked like he was only twenty-seven or eighty years old. He smiled at Xu Yangyi and the others and asked.

"It's insignificant, it's insignificant." Mr. Qian chuckled and turned around with a cold look in his eyes: "This is Hall Master Wang of the Taiyi Sect Secret Hall. Get out of here if you understand!"

Xu Yangyi's heartbeat silently accelerated.

Taiyi Sect...the state religion of the Great Xia Dynasty, Pope Shen Shenyang

This was the second Taixu force he saw when he came to Kunlun.

He was also one of the four Taixu who attacked him on Earth back then!

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